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Fx M or F Questing 2: Play with me?


Not your traditional bitch
Sep 1, 2018
The moon
So this is my second request thread, here is my first. You're going to wanna take a peek at it to get more detail about what I'm looking for or to learn more about me. I was going to put these plot ideas in the other request thread, but I'm planning to actually try out RPing more cute, meek, fluffy, naive females lead. I'm used to doing more bold, loud, and proud females who need nobody. If you're looking for an adorable sub for a plot, I might be willing to give it a try. I figured since I'm trying for a different type of lead I'd make a separate request thread for them.

Whether I actually succeed with this is the question.

Now some of these plot ideas, I'll merely just be tone the female down, but most of these will be a change for me. The same rules for my first request thread will apply here, (too lazy to copy and paste). I'll be taking requests, I'm not in the mood for Rping main Canons, so if we could avoid those that be awesome. Do not ask me about harems either, major no in my book. Without further ado here are my plots(if you're requesting a plot use the number) and F-list.

Muse A
Left by their parents as a baby in the jungle during a tiger attack by Shere Khan, Muse A is found by a panther and instead of harming the man-cub, the panther decides to take the baby and brought it to the residing Seeonee wolf pack. Under the leadership of Akela, Alpha of the Seeonee Pack of wolves, a meeting was called with the wolf council to discuss the man-cub. Raksha, a former beta, den mother, and sister to Akela, vouched for the child and decided to take the baby in and raise it as her own.

The panther, Bagheera, brought tribute for the child, buy their life with a freshly killed bull, and helped to raise the child as one of the pack. Because their life has been bought by a bull, Muse A is forbidden to eat cattle. Muse A manged to live and was raised as a wolf for ten years in peace until the tiger, Shere Khan comes to claim the child's life himself. When the pack defends Muse A, Shere Khan is beaten back by Muse A and the animals of the jungle and is forced to retreat. Peace returns to the jungle for eight years until Akela is found dead, the killing bite around the neck that points to their neighbors, the lions.

Muse A, having proven themselves during the battle against Shere Khan, full-grown and now an official member of the pack has risen to the rank of Beta. It was during the battle with the tiger that Muse A discovered that they were neither wolf nor man although something in between. They learned how to swing through the trees like the monkeys, hunt, and stalk prey like the panther, above all they learned the value of teamwork through the pack. When word spreads that Akela has been killed by the lions, Muse A convinces Raksha from accusing the lions of something they have no proof of. As calm and decisive as the moon they were named after, Muse believes that there is more to this murder than what they see...

Muse B
Abandoned by a family unable to feed them, at the age of four, Muse B was found starving with heatstroke by a group of hunting lionesses. The lead huntress and queen of Pride Lands, Sarabi, is unable to leave the man-cub on its own and against the others, lionesses thoughts, takes the man-cub back to Priderock. Mufasa, the Lion King of Priderock, uncertain on how the village of man on the outskirts of their territory would react if the man-cub was returned, chooses to keep Muse B, and raise them alongside his son, Simba.

Simba, Muse B, and Nala become three inseparable friends, always causing mischief and trouble. It was all fun and games until Simba got caught up in a stamped which caused the death of Mufasa. Muse B along with the rest of the Royal Pride, was told by the Scar, the mastermind behind his kin's death, that Mufasa and Simba had died. Unknown to the pride, Simba was alive and well just ran away from home. Scar proclaimed that as Mufasa's brother he had a claim to the throne as King of the Prideland. It was Sarabi who challenged his rule, Muse B, had been brought into the pride as a cub of Mufasa, Muse B had more claim on the rule than Scar. This split the pride in two, those who supported Scar and those who supported Muse B.

Years later, war ravages the prideland, food is scarce, and once lush land is decaying away. Muse A, now ten, has been taught to fight, hunt, lead, and fend for themselves by the lionesses. Having embraced that they are man yet display more animistic qualities than any normal man, they wish to fight. To take back what belongs to them. So together, they fight and rise up against Scar. During the fight, Simba returns, alive and well. Together they beat back Scar's forces and reveal the truth of what happened to Mufasa. Scar and his allies are banished from the Pridelands and peace returns to the land with Simba taking his rightful place as king.

With Nala's recent death during the fight, Simba never takes another mate and Muse B remains as heir to the Prideland. Peace remains for several years under Simba's reign until the nearby village allows a hunter into their home. Livestock from the village had been going missing, the lions find some dead prey from the village that looks like wolves had killed it. When taken to Simba, Muse B, as hot blood and fierce as the sun they were named after, is more than ready to mount an attack against them. It's under the wise counsel of Rafiki that no trouble comes from it when the Kings of the Past tells him that everything is not as it seems...

Muse A and Muse B, two human children abandon and lost from civilization, are taken into the animal kingdom. Muse A was taken into the pack that rules the jungle and Muse B the Pride that rules the savanna. A large mountain separates the two kingdoms, a neutral peace has been settled between them for hundreds of years. This peace is broken not long after the two man-cubs are brought into their homes. Trouble is stirred between both kingdoms and so a meeting is called on the highest peak of the mountain. The lions and wolves came together and for the first time ever, Muse A and Muse B meet, both are naturally curious about each other but the tension between their families keeps them apart.

When the tension between the two parties becomes too strong and no solution can be found between them, the leaders call a meeting to an end and they return home. The curiosity between Muse A and Muse B grows to a point where Muse B, the riskiest of the two, decides to go through the mountain pass and sneak upon the wolves' territory. However, Muse B gets lost in the vast sea of trees and greenery, they just managed to avoid getting caught by a hunting patrol and is saved by Muse A when found, after sending off the hunting patrol the two get into a small verbal fight that is interrupted by the sight from Muse B's past. A lion, Scar, roaming around the territory with hyenas.

Instead of reporting it to their leaders, fearing that the blame would be pinned on the lions, and not wanting unwanted blood to be spilled. Muse A and B decide to keep it to themselves. It's only when Muse B reports seeing a tiger in their territory to Muse A (on another unwanted visit) who finds the description eerily close to an old enemy the jungle once defeat, the two decide that there is more going on then what they know. After a lot of convincing on Muse B's part, they managed to get Muse A to sneak into their territory where they meet Rafiki and tells them that the evil from both sides has come together to drown out the light. Only together do they stand a chance to defeat it. But how to get both sides to see this? Why what better than to unite Raksha's precious cub with Simba's precious sibling..... crazy monkey say what! As insane as it sounds, Muse A sees the logic in it(even if they don't like it) and although Muse B is not the biggest fan of the idea, it's either play pretend or risk the destruction of both their families.

You are at the peak of your immortal life. Since you were young you've lived in a world of crime, your parents a major part of the crime syndicate called the Pack. After their death and with nowhere else to go, you stayed in the pack and in time rose in rank to the Top Dog, the Alpha. Your Pack consists of all types of different supernatural beings, even some humans. You deal in several different types of shady and illegal things and business has never been better. Nothing is everlasting, though. While wrapping up some business in the black market on your territory, a fight breaks out which isn't uncommon it's who's in the fight that catches everyone's attention. A group of orcs surrounding not one but two demonic beasts who are protecting a freaking high elf, not just any high elf but a female one. Meeting a High Elf is a once in a lifetime chance meeting a female one is all but thought to be impossible. The High Elves do not let their females out in the world ever, even more, territorial than werewolves with them. Unable to just let this pass by you decide to claim her as your own. Your high enough in the food chain that no one there has any right to challenge you.

Between you and the orcs, the elf decides you're her best bet and comes along quietly. Long story short, the elf's been looking for you. Having heard you'll offer protection to anyone who's willing to pay. She's run away from home for reasons she'd rather not tell you. Not having much on her, she says she'll do whatever you wan, join your pack, playing the part of your slave in public(or whatever so long as it explains how you obtained her), even help you expand your business to higher-end supernaturals who normally wouldn't do business with your Pack. In return, all she wants is protection for herself and her beasts from her family who has no doubt hired people and is hunting her down themselves. Once she's obtained what she wants she expected to allow to leave the Pack no questions asked. It seemed simple enough, cut, and dry no bullshit. You should know by now nothing in your life is ever that simple, the more time you spend together the harder it is to think about life without the other, problems arise as the two of you get pulled into bigger conspires and more trouble along the way.

-Muse B's father was the older brother of the Volkov family who ran away, married a human, and had Muse B who has telepathy although has no clue that she can or how to turn into a wolf(high possibility depending on the story that she'll be able to turn int a wolf later on)

-The wolves in this story have one of the oldest purest bloodline, Direwolves, and are able to take the form of horse-sized wolves, with the alphas being the largest.

-Muse A does not need to start out as the leader of Wild Pack you can have a different alpha as the leader, but must become an alpha at some point.

-Muse B can only hear the thoughts of wolves thought telepathic links, but only if they're projecting. She can not shift nor has any heightened senses or abilities(yet). Besides being able to talk to wolves, hear thoughts of people, and her slower aging.

- At 18(or when they hit the peak of physical fitness) in human years for a wolf, aging slows down with every 5 years accounting for roughly 1 year in human aging. Example: for every 30 years in time passing a Wolves only ages 6 in physically making their lives longer than the average human being.
In a time that supernatural creatures must remain hidden from humans, a large pack of werewolves reside in Lycan City and keep it protected from unwanted creatures of the night. The werewolves have coexisted with humans in secret for many years, only a select few know they exist. In time one pack split into two, the Tame who lived amongst humans in the city wanting to live a normal life with their secret. The Wild who live in the forest and hunt for their food, steal and kill to protect their own and their land. The two packs allow their young to mingle within schools until the age of eighteen in hopes of keeping the peace between the two packs without the humans' knowledge. As years have past and leaders ever changing, in this modern day and age the packs to humans are seen as two rival mafias. The Tame Pack is called Volkov mafia, ran and led by the city mayor, Amshel Volkov. The mafia is seen as protectors and defenders so the humans in the city have no qualm with them.

The Wild Pack is called (A's Last Name) mafia. Muse A is the leader of this really dangerous and famous mafia and everyone in and out of the city knows who A is, the horrible things they have done, how skilled they are at whatever weapon they like the most, how they have no mercy and will either kill you in matters of seconds or torture you until you’re begging for death. They’re cold, they’re calculating, rumor has it they lack a heart and soul. Muse A keeps a tight leash on their packmates, unlike the Volkov mafia, Muse A's mafia does not side with humans or those they see as weaker and inferior to werewolves. Muse A was raised to be the strongest never one to show weakness to anyone. So when the murders start up and humans start dying, trouble begins.

It's quickly discovered that the resident wolf population of this city is in danger from a new culling bill that has been passed, in light of a recent set of (suspected wolf) murders. Many people around the city want the pack dead, and some will stop at nothing to see it happen. Muse A, despite wanting nothing more than kill every human in the city, refuses to lose any more members of their family than they already have. A meeting with the Volkov Alpha reveals that it's not just the Wild Wolves that are being hunting, even with wolves in the Tame Pack are being killed off. A ceasefire had been agreed upon for both sides until the murderer has been found. Muse A takes it upon themselves to figure out who is framing the wolves and has been given permission to enter and leave the city as they please so long as no trouble is caused. While running through the forest one day on a solo patrol, Muse A stumbles upon Muse B; ; pure, innocent, shy and awkward is cute as hell, a marshmallow that needs to be protected, and well, Muse A really wants to protect them in the moment their eyes land on Muse b, even if they don’t know them at all. Muse A finds themselves unnatural drawn to Muse B

Muse B, since she was young has found that she has the ability to hear the thoughts of others, it can be considered a gift and a curse but no matter what her family accepted her for who she was. Muse B after coming home one day and finding her parents murder, is forced to move in with relatives. Upon moving in with their Aunt, life is hard. Muse B is treated like a slave of sorts and is constantly put to work in order to earn meals and boarding. Muse B is constantly verbally abused and disliked by everyone in the house. A social worker is called when teachers in school notice how unusual the child acts and finds that Muse B suffers from severe social anxiety and mental abuse, Muse B is taken from the Aunt's care and is moved to Lycan City to live with the Mayor, her estranged uncle. Muse B is taken from being a Slave to being treated like Royalty in their uncle's home. Upon being forced to go to High School, Muse B, overwhelmed by the voices in her head, has a breakdown by the first period and escapes the school only to get lost in the massive forest that surrounds the city and found by a wolf, Muse A.

Muse B, having never experienced this before, finds that she can hear the thoughts of the wolf. Holding a strong affection for animals, Muse B quickly befriends the wolf and Muse A is satisfied with just that for now, however, for once in their they'd prefer their human form to their wolf. Upon learning that she, like most humans have no clue about any of the supernatural events or history of the city and suffers from social anxiety while still in high school, decided the easiest way to know more about her is to tutor her and befriend her in school. Trouble is she's related to Volkov, on top of that Muse A's Beta's start questioning their loyalty and orders in the pack and decides that A isn't worthy of leading the Pack and is willing to do whatever it takes to cut them out of the picture permanently. With betrayal, increased friction between the packs, and a jumpy clueless love interest who cannot learn about their reputation can Muse A's life get any more chaotic?
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