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Horror Discussion!


The Taken
Oct 9, 2020
I feel like socializing a little bit and since it's the season of October, why don't we have a little horror film discussion?

Name one or some of your favorite horror movies and tell me what you liked about them. Let's geek out over some horror together!

For me, one of the all time great horror films was the original Halloween by John Carpenter. For such a simple film, it really pioneered the slasher genre as we know it today. The final girl, the unstoppable killer, all common tropes that were popularized by Halloween. For a film made on relatively cheap, it's become one of the most recognizable horror films ever made, with an unrecognizable soundtrack that was composed in just a few days. Really goes to show how amazing that film was.

But did you know that Halloween's infamous POV shot in the opening didn't originate from this film? It, in fact, originated from the film Black Christmas, which Carpenter paid homage to with Halloween.

Also, another fun fact: Black Christmas and A Christmas Story were made by the same person. Let that tidbit sink in.
Socializing is good!

I think one of my favourites is still Get Out, It's a recent one, but I like human horror more than unstoppable monster kind, I think people can be a lot scarier than most monsters. Psychological horror always gets me, though I do have a weakness...small creepy children, especially emotionless ones. I was scared of the girl in the Ring when I was younger, and in an episode of the TV show Angel there was a family that had a demon possessing a young boy.
They exorcized the demon and Angel tracked it down, as he does, and it was terrified. Not of Angel, it welcomed death, it was terrified of that boy. When the words "Help Me" had been spelled out in marbles during the exorcism, it hadn't been the boy asking for help, it was the demon.
I always thought that scene was very well written and sent chills up my spine when it was revealed. That's the kind of horror that gets to me.

As for Halloween, I do play a video game called Dead by Daylight and Michael Myers is a playable character, and one of my favourites. He isn't as strong as he used to be because of power creep but I do love that music playing and stabbing the survivors with the iconic kitchen knife.
Socializing is good!

I think one of my favourites is still Get Out, It's a recent one, but I like human horror more than unstoppable monster kind, I think people can be a lot scarier than most monsters. Psychological horror always gets me, though I do have a weakness...small creepy children, especially emotionless ones. I was scared of the girl in the Ring when I was younger, and in an episode of the TV show Angel there was a family that had a demon possessing a young boy.
They exorcized the demon and Angel tracked it down, as he does, and it was terrified. Not of Angel, it welcomed death, it was terrified of that boy. When the words "Help Me" had been spelled out in marbles during the exorcism, it hadn't been the boy asking for help, it was the demon.
I always thought that scene was very well written and sent chills up my spine when it was revealed. That's the kind of horror that gets to me.

As for Halloween, I do play a video game called Dead by Daylight and Michael Myers is a playable character, and one of my favourites. He isn't as strong as he used to be because of power creep but I do love that music playing and stabbing the survivors with the iconic kitchen knife.
Get Out was a good movie! Equal parts hilarious and unsettlingly creepy. Balancing humor and horror is incredibly difficult to do, because they contrast so much, but I think this film pulled it off spectacularly.
I think I have a love for the older horror movies. The Birds for example... I don't know why but it freaks me out and is likely one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Though I don't tend to watch those on an annual basis.

When I look for something that has re-watchability, I'd say I go for things perhaps less well made or with a worse story, like Cabin in the Woods. I also have a large soft spot for most demonic/possession movies, like The Conjuring series. Also that freaking dance from IT freaks me out lol. Normally there tends to be a part of a movie that freaks me out rather than a whole movie scaring me.

I am trying to decide if I want to torture myself and Staine and watch a horror movie I know he will hate period. I know he hates little kids in horror movies and I have been wanting to watch Goodnight Mommy, it's older meow but I remember thinking it looked good.
I think my favorite horror movie would be The Black Forest. Not exactly a traditional horror movie but I love the cheesy and almost silly depiction of common fairy tales in a more horrific light. Real fairy tales are actually quite horrible and it was just a fun movie all around.
So many masterpieces so little time. My all time fav is "Silence of the Lambs", and my second is "Thirteen Ghosts". "Silence of the Lambs" was firstly, a great book. Secondly, Anthony Hopkins for me will always be the ultimate Hannibal. Pretty much my starter in my love of serial killers film wise. "Thirteen Ghosts" was the only rated R movie I ever snuck into when I was under 18, so nostalgia. Also I love the lore behind the ghosts.

The VVitch: A New-England Folktale / The Witch from 2015 is up there only because I found it hilarious. Watch it with subtitles for the hearing impaired, and it adds a whole new level of hilarity. (I'm half deaf so often end up watching movies with subtitles.) My brother had to pause the movie more than once because I was dying with laughter.
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