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Fx Any Truss me! I know what I'm doing

Trussed Maiden

trunk bait!
Oct 5, 2020
pretty full for now... you can still say hi though :eek:


So you want to know my darkest secrets... no, just curious? That'll do!

The Skim Box

First things first: a summary of my quirks and behaviors, frontloaded with the most likely dealbreakers.
  • Post rate: A good period is once, twice a week. A rare period might be a few times a day but this is where I have to manage carefully: I spend too much time in one day dwelling and that's a lot of where my burnout comes from. Basically: consider me your backup playmate for a busy schedule, I'm no good for people looking to have burst exchanges on any consistent basis. I can very well go down for a week or two and will endeavor to contact if it drags, but unfortunately that's my big weakness. I have had total burnouts leading to my departure from the site for a lengthy period multiple times and have just gotten back from another in the hopes I can manage avoiding it again, but please be aware.

    Also, sometimes I plain miss a post so a reminder after a while doesn't hurt. I may also read and mull over it one evening and have to get back to it another evening. My apologies if this happens. You can collect a spank raincheck on me.
  • Post substance: My past measurements put me between 150-400 words for a single character, a few hundred more when indulging multiple, 600-1k or so for detailed openings/scene-setting, and a paragraph structure consistent to this spoiler. I need to offer actual writing samples but I'm skittish pulling in 'out of context' posts so I'll try to get back on that soon.
  • Roleplay length & scale: At this time I prefer short-term/one-shot smutty roleplays (which per above can still take a while). This is to get a feel between us and create something delicious to nibble on if we settle on a more paced plot in the future and little will be lost if we don't work out.
  • Multiple characters & writing position: I'm a sexually submissive lass who likes to explore kidnapping fantasies so that's generally my best role be it as a single character or playing a little group (no trouble). Also fine playing adjacent characters and even dipping in on the action, however I'm a much harder sell on top - ie as the captor, or as a 100% balanced switch (though I'm down for switchplay, inc starting in a dominant position and getting turned on). Often my substance comes down to delivering "my" experience and trying to push on a bit, and collaborating however I can OOC - I'm quite happy to guide the direction and take initiative, some times I may do it better than others.
  • OOC and communication: I like a clear line of OOC so we can work out anything that's unclear, may be an issue, plan devious activities etc. Totally happy to just chat, discuss random things, say hello... sometimes it's needed if I'm in a dry spell and all I will want to do is chat. Flirt and 'references' welcome!


    I had a great experience in earlier years when someone just up and gave me an interesting intro. We had virtually no OOC and honestly the grammar wasn't perfect to put it nicely. But damn it was hot while it lasted. Want to skip the foreplay and set up a scene that leads to appeasing the kinks you'll see in this thread? Go for it. Worst I can do is apologize and say no. You can even slide over some refs if you want me to pick one to go with as an inspiration for the character.
  • Tone & "con": I lean a bit on the lighter, non extreme side (but see the dark room if you do). Consensual scenarios, dub-con (ie: coax out the kinky) come to me easiest - true noncon, ie no wish however submerged or induced will elicit joy is for the dark room and harder for me to write. Compatible anywhere from darker themes/settings (I like my grits) to something more bright, where defeat is an 'ugh not again' at worst. Any preference in this vein do tell.
  • Perspective/tense: First or third, past or present, default third/past. Lemme know or set the tone.
  • Roleplay medium: PM, threads, discord in order (we should chat before looking at Discord). Not hot on google drive or email but! knowing the above if you want to try Google (live edits where we can build a more seamless story in the doc) I am willing to try it once.
  • Sharing references: I'm a bit of an enthusiast so if you want to share pics for my collection feel free, I'm afraid I'm not great at reciprocating but I can try. If you have character references for me to play, give me a selection and I'll give it a look! Art, anime to realistic is always a sell. Compatible with realistic/modern. I can appreciate good picks of AI and am willing to use it but for faceclaims I tend to go with something existing. I'm also down for just a character description. Lemme know if there's a preference.
  • Kinky and a little tied up: by far how you'll get me most likely. Spoiler for the kinks section. If this is not your thing I might not be your girl.
  • Lilac: this is not a password, I'm not gonna bin you for missing this. But if you want to start off a flirtatious OOC feel free to drop me one. Keep in mind - comfortable in real life, not looking for a life companion (I have a long-time, slow burn roleplay partner on discord who's closest as anyone is going to get) and I can be rather private so at best I'm cagy on personal details. But a little fun in the chat doesn't hurt...
  • Character sheets & character depth: Yeah, I self insert a bit, I won't lie. I do try to give my characters diversity and credit, a bit of personality of their own, be they single stars or part of a collection including elements to discover, coax out, what have you. If you're into character sheets I'm totally game. I usually keep personal notes for them if we don't do sheets.
  • Gender dynamic: I'll generally play female (or feminine if not quite human), might try a futa if desired, can play side males. Opposite? Male, female, nonbinary, non human, very non human (not into bestiality though)...

Just wanna have fun? A kink list...

Why not an f-list? I don't really care for the site, not really granular enough for me without using some awfully archaic subkink systems, and I like to give details... so here you go.
The more the merrier but I'm not picky to what degree they happen if at all - whatever suits the plot hook!
  • Bondage & restraints! my guilty pleasure by far, the one most likely to ah... loop me in for a scene regardless of the rest. Light to extreme, rope to leather, latex, tape, vines, silk, heck, zipties in the right circumstances - nothing else *quite* gets me going the same way! Pairs brilliantly with gags of all sorts (from rags to something more naughty to rubber, etc) and sensory deprivation (earmuffs, blindfolds, hoods...). Anything from improv (restraints from everyday items, or outfit :p) to professional (decked out dungeon, full body suit, custom furnature...)!
  • Toys and teasing! Vibrators (wands, eggs, you know), clamps, crotchropes, plugs, feathers (yes I can do tickles) wax, ice, electric...
  • Corruption! A promise, request, blackmail spiraling out of control? Breaking down a cutie with taboos? Pride before the fall?...
  • Captivity! Pairs pretty neatly with the bondage: being plucked from comfort and subject to an intense experience, be it with a chase or angst or seemingly quite out of nowhere. See also, straight up kidnapping - probably my favorite scenario type, but it doesn't have to be what we do.
Things that might err towards exotic, but which I'm more than happy to include and you're welcome to spring on me (for the reverse I'd like to know if it's your thing though).
  • Clothed sex: or bondage. Or sex, bondage... semen. Something about being defiled in an outfit of questionable condition speaks to me.
  • Milking: Induced, natural, what have you.
  • Foot play: green light if you're game.
  • Semen: Whether it's milking the seed or being the deposit I have a strange fascination with this one. Natural, excessive, enchanted, snowballing... lots I could go for here.
  • Tentacles and vines: gotta admit, making a text hentai has its appeal.
  • Impregnation: see a few sections down for pregnancy, but I'm totally up for some breeding, monster ovulation, straight up eggs laid inside and out.
  • Spidery stuff: Mix with above and you get one of my stranger fantasies... a good webbing and terrifying monster(girls?) with too many legs alone works too.
  • Aliens, monsters, demons, vampires: etc, right now I can't think of a no in this category...
  • Ageplay: Dirty old x vs innocent young y, I'm down. If we're going particularly young? See below.
  • Saliva, biting, breathing, stroking... just mentioning to say yes. Oh and breathplay has my consent.
  • Humiliation & degredation: green light. With a crowd, risk of discovery, degrading in 'respectable' company be it as themselves or with a (literally?) masked identity (risk of discovery is hot...), mmh.
Basically, there's quirks to these that we should discuss.
  • Superhero stuff: I seem to have a on-off relationship with this that leans off. I'd lean for a one-shot with OCs, but I don't work well with canon superheros and I don't usually get immersed beyond the basics and I've had poor luck with it. Hero defeats or a kinky hero dealing with thugs are charming ideas though.
  • Incest: I like corruption and forced variations, vanilla incest doesn't do anything for me though. So if it's these two it's a go but if your bread and butter is incest you might find me dull.
  • Future sci-fi: Near future is a probable yes, ie, recognizable world with technical benefits, but year 3200 and I'm mixed. Pitch first if interested I suppose. I do like mechs and Star Wars.
  • Torture: With a kinky focus? Go for it. Cold blooded? See the last spoiler in the section.
  • Young characters: I have a weakness for naivety, uniforms, corruption etc... I don't like the u18 or even dubiously 18 business one bit. Either it's college age or work something out. Site rules have changed over the years so this all might not even be as possible as I thought, but I'm uncomfortable setting something in a true high school theme and the like. I do have a thing for babysitters getting snatched or standing up to bullies who are evil beyond their youth but, please have care on this.
  • Transformation: Something like vampirism, brief modifications for sensitivity and slight expansions... sure. Full on bimboification, not really my thing. Slap on a dick for shenanigans or genderbend, I don't mind. I guess I'm just a bit mixed about this one.
  • Emphesis on sound, smells, taste: onomatopoeia is not really my deal and I'm not super into musk however I'm very down to play with sounds, smells, and tastes. Panties in mouth with use, be it personal or with the captor's "gift"? Mmmph. And I'm not squeamish if it's a bit gross, you can tell I have a thing on that (won't dive in unless solicited though). So what's the problem? I guess mainly that I don't care to deal with BO or severe musk beyond passing mention and my taste for gross has limits so if you're particularly into this please let me know how far it is.
  • Chastity: not super into this but I don't mind, I think I'd rather discuss instead of just doing, y'know?
  • Voluptuousness: Does not do a lot for me honestly, the bigger it gets the more I think about how painful it would be. We can be non specific or agree to something reasonable, I basically want to avoid anime boobs large enough to act like a body pillow because then I just giggle about how silly it is. Remind me to put some references sometime.
  • Pregnancy: Risk of it, a certainty, being bred expressly to impregnate and be stuffed with eggs, sure. The process itself? Not really my thing.
  • Vanilla sex: Unlikely to do a lot for me without a kinky flavor I'm afraid. Besides, spitroasting a rope bunny without the rope is a wasted opportunity.
  • Extreme voluptuousness: Frankly I'm not really into the whole giant jiggly boob thing, it's just painful to imagine and while I'm down for some buxom, I'd prefer it be realistic. Same for dicks past the point of reasonable fit, they don't do anything for me. Exotic dick though...
  • Infantilism: I'll call you daddy, but fuck no with the diapers.
  • Scat: never
Warning... by dark I mean dark. Tears, pain, torture and death if not worse - if you'd like something lighter stand clear.
Also, I am compatible with these but it's harder for me to get into them consistently. I may be slower with a plot based on these interests than any other and a little more wishy washy on starting. We're also past the point where I'd want to do this in a public thread at all.
Alrighty then! In rough order of extremes.

This is the sort of thing I will probably be open to only once, like many of these. One good scene with a particular really dark focus and it will likely disappear from the list.
  • Realistic kidnapping: complete with trauma, descriptive bumps and scrapes and consequences, stark terror(izing) and probably light mention of bleeding and soiling if mistreated or handled roughly.
  • Interrogation: either Jack Bauer's gotten more creative or the hiring process brought in a sadist.
  • Watersports: Notice this was missing? I think it's natural for extreme plots to mention and I'm willing to do this justice (just no scat), if it's explicitly desired.
  • Rape is rape: In most scenarios there's going to be an aspect of dirty slut lurking below the surface however much protesting, shame, humiliation, struggling. On this track? There's only a monster and a victim and given what you've seen so far it's probably not going to be left at that. Basically the full nitty gritty of this.
  • Real bad ends: Slavery really is a fate worse than death, not that we could pity the horrible deaths awaiting the defeated, the usurped, the plain rotten unlucky.
  • Vore & lethal impregnation: I know, it's weird I don't care for full term pregnancy but would be open to a proposition to be stuffed with eggs and suffer horribly as they hatch within, but kinks aren't always logical... and full vore is indeed on the table.
  • Burning: So this is probably my darkest and erm, brightest burning dark kink. I don't mean branding and cigarettes, I mean someone's feet are gonna get crispy, the pyre is going to be lit and/or the spitroast above coals is not going to be out of its misery beforehand. Heal and repeat, smokeless fire etc for extra sadism. But yes, branding is on the table too.
For some of these multiple characters are probably a must, perhaps in the vein of horribly unlucky victims witnessed by cruel captors, other/future victims, and perhaps members of a sadistic, mixed or sympathetic audience that's nonetheless either helpless to save them or is able to - after the damage has been done, to whatever extent.

There's a special charm in starting something with the full potential to end up like this, but choices within the scene/setup either avert the worst or cause it or even lead to rescue either just in time or too late, and we discover this only when we're right there...

Plot bunnies~

For quick starts and adventures, all more or less compatible with hooks to go longer or build upon if we click. Not necessarily complete plots but food for thought if you're looking for ideas. I have a habit of chaining ideas together (giggle) or mixing suggestions, I'm not always good at 'just picking one' so if something stands out to you please do give it a pitch.
  • Van on the corner picks up a cutie for ransom or worse, serial rapist plucking off plucky ladies... burglary (but who gets it, the lonely housewife or the cute burglar? hmmm). Basically: good ole kidnapping.
  • Blackmail, letter with demands, internet relationship going deeper and deeper... maybe a straight up consensual agreement to meet and get it down, conditionally or otherwise?
  • The babysitter did not sign up for this. Devil child? Unmentioned house guest? Mafia picked a bad time? Bullies get the evil eye?
  • Speaking of bullies, turns out confronting them on behalf of a younger sibling might not always be the best idea. Maybe it's the younger years or maybe it's a wife or brave older sister confronting older and much more deviant bullies...
  • Either the dean has a thing for college girls or something fishy is happening on campus. The investigation goes as well as you can expect for the snoop... and the reporter, and/or the cop.
  • Mistaken identity? Collateral? False accusation? The mistake won't be clear until it's too late of course.
  • A kinky dungeon adventure with predictable results for buxom young adventuresses. Link not required, I just really like that game and figured it would give an idea what I'm thinking.
  • Fallen kingdom, oppression, inquisition: crimes against humanity* have never been this much fun. Elves in distress, humans invaded by demons, prosecuting fluffy eared foxgirls, bullying a goddess with her own gifts to mortals, the excesses of drow society... burglary but medieval high fantasy.
  • Bullying a monster, obvious or in disguise is not a wise idea.
  • Likewise, summoning a demon unprepared, with emotional/sexual baggage, or out of your class has predictable results. Maybe someone sabotaged the summoning circle to spite me?
  • Sacrifice, left for the monsters, singled out as a chosen oneâ„¢ or just unpopular... the possibilities are endless.
  • Stalker played straight, complete with a bit of terrorizing, a chance encounter, early capture with promise of so much fun, perhaps an escape attempt or near miss rescue, moved to a second location... and then the fun really starts.
I don't do fandom often and it's usually for the setting instead of the characters, but here's some cravings.
  • Witcher - I'm no expert, basically I played the Witcher 3, had some fantasies and am down for something in-setting, a scene exploring gritty parts of the world or monsters with a kink bone towards helpless ladies, and if you've seen the dark box you already know what I'm thinking. My Triss moniker is not from the witcher but she is cute I agree...
  • Elder Scrolls - this fantasy kitchen sink is compatible with so many combinations and I know enough to make my way around, so it's open.
  • Diablo - the curveball, I'm down for something in this universe. I think it has a lot of kinky potential, and for that matter dark potential (remember how the rogues turned out?...). My lore knowledge has slipped with 3/4 though (I barely play anymore). Most of my ideas are splats from across the franchise. We can talk if you're down.
  • Starcraft - a rare sci-fi setting I'm pretty good with. Basically amounts to the kinds of nasty things the zerg can do to a terran...
  • Star Wars - Basically fantasy with a sci-fi veneer but really: innocent Jedi in the wrong place? Twi'lek in disgress? Proud sith lady broken down? Innocent jedi broken down by a sadistic sith lady?...

Thanks for the read! Message or not (if you just want to say hi and shoot the crap, feel free), I hope you find the adventure you seek...

And remember, if you decide I'd in fact be best in a trunk, that I have slippery fingers and I can be noisy: plan accordingly
Last edited:
Another year another update, if you've messaged me before and I didn't straight up nope you on basis (I don't think I straight ghosted anyone...) my apologies and feel free to say hello with a credit spank for my absence.
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