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Fx F or NB Reluctant Love


Oct 5, 2020
Hello! The name's Lutece. I'm an experienced roleplayer (been doing it for about a decade now), and this is my request thread.

...You already knew that.

So! What am I craving right now? Well, currently I'm most compelled by the idea of two characters that begin with a clear idea of what the other is to them, slowly but surely falling in love and having to reconcile that.

What do I mean by that? Well, maybe it'd be best to show by way of example with a sample plot.

Your Personal Guardian (Angel x Human): When the heavens deem it so, certain individuals are assigned a guardian angel to invisibly assist them. They act as silent agents of fortune, unbeknownst to whomever they have been assigned to, doing their best to improve their lives in small ways. Move the object their looking for to a convenient location, forge a path through a crowd if they're in a hurry, that sort of thing. It's not incredibly common, but it's hardly unheard of. What is unheard of is that, for some reason, this particularly human can see the angel. And speak to the angel. And touch the angel. Naturally, having a literal heavenly beauty at their beck and call is going to wear down even the stubbornest of minds, but even for the angel's part, they did not expect the person they are literally devoted to to be able to talk to them. How long will they be able to keep themselves at bay?

For that prompt, I'd be willing to play either role, though I would very slightly prefer that of the angel. I'd like to play a female, across a female or futa partner (and that's true of all of these prompts, really). As you can see, the setting is customizable, specifics about both characters can be changed significantly while keeping the initial concept intact, and there is, I hope, a lot of potential for both drama and lewdness.

Without further ado, here are some more prompts I'd be interested in, as well as just general pairings I'm a fan of. Unless otherwise specified, I am willing to play either side of these prompts.

Conflicts Of Interest (Superhero x Supervillain): It's hard to balance work and life normally, but especially so when you're a superhero. Having to cut off dates with the love of your life early because somebody decided tonight of all nights was when they wanted to reveal their latest design for a robot built specifically to rob banks. And she's understanding, of course she is, but still, you feel bad every time it happens. Multiple times you've considered hanging up the cape for good for her sake, but you've never been able to bring yourself to. It's the only secret you've kept from her, and it feels awful.
It's hard to balance work and life normally, but especially so when you're a supervillain. Having to tell your colleagues you can't make it to their latest M.A.L.I.C.E. meeting (or whatever the acronym was, it changes every week) because you have a cute girlfriend back home is a bit difficult, but you don't want to go to the meetings, because then you can't see her! Sometimes you've found yourself seriously pondering kidnapping her while in costume, just so you can spend more time with her. Plus, she'd probably look cute if she genuinely scared... No. No, you couldn't bring yourself to do that to her. You just have to hope she won't get caught up in some danger anyways, and considering her proximity to you, you can't be certain of that...

"Treachery" (Evil Queen x Vizier): The kingdom of Maltorax (name subject to change) probably had a time when it wasn't decorated in black spikes and bent on conquest, but nobody remembers that far back. It is now a textbook evil empire through and through, from its peasants up to the very crown itself. Its monarch is a queen as cruel as she is beautiful, and by her right hand is her treacherous vizier. Maltorax's viziers have a long history of being treacherous, and it is at this point expected of the role, but that does not mean she is intent to just follow tradition. No, her treachery will be the stuff of legends! Once her coup is complete, the throne will be hers, and the queen will be kneeling at her feet, bound in chains and happy to finally submit to the one love of her- Ah. Ahem. Right. These flights of fancy have plagued the vizier as of late, and the queen has not helped them at all with how teasingly affectionate she has acted towards her. Perhaps if the vizier knew there was no genuine emotion behind these teases, she would be more intent on conquering the queen so, but the more time passes the more sure she is that there is a possibility, however slim, that the queen does, in fact, love her. Perhaps a ring would net her the throne better than a chain would? These thoughts distract her as she schemes.

Affairs Of State (Princess x Servant): The life of a princess is not an easy one. And, sure, the peasants who break their back growing food for the kingdom without the slightest compensation might roll their eyes at that statement, but it is true nonetheless. Agonizing over decisions of policy, navigating a hazardous social environment practically obsessed with loveless marriages, even simple relaxation can be exceedingly tiresome when there is a strict protocol to be followed. Naturally, the princess puts on a brave face and toughs it all out, but one person gets to see her true face. Her loyal maidservant, dedicated to support her in all aspects of her life, gets to know the true her. And yet, even in that unique position, she finds herself consumed by a sense of powerlessness. In many ways, she cannot truly help the princess. Perhaps, the best thing for her would be to whisk her to a life far away from the luxuries and bindings of a noble lifestyle, and just to be alone, the two of them... Or is that just wishful thinking? Even if it is, can she truly resist the prospect?

Conquer The Light (Magical Girl x Demon): Every time. Every blasted time. You plot and you plan and you scheme, accounting for every possibility, and right when you're about to strike, something comes along and messes it all up. In this case, said something is a girl who can't even be twenty yet, running around blasting your minions with magic that she should not at all be capable of wielding. Where did she get it from? Who knows? Why is she so intent on stopping your rampages? Well, most people would be, so maybe that's fair. Why is she so cute? ...Okay, that one's rather off topic. Even so. You've got a job to do, and dammit, you're not gonna let any floozy in a fluttery dress stop you. It's time to go out in person, fight her, and show her where she really belongs. Beaten, broken, at your feet. Maybe in one of those cute demon-girl outfits your friends have tried to convince you to wear? She'd look nice in one of those... Actually, maybe you should wear that, make a strong first impression. But they are rather revealing, would she think you're being too forward?

Miscellaneous Pairings:
Angel x Demon
Witch x Demon
Human x Alien
Detective x Master Thief
Pirate x Stowaway
Hunter x Monster

And, beyond that, if you have any other concepts you think I'd be interested in playing out, I'm happy to hear them! This post will be updated with new ideas as I have them, too. I look forward to playing with you!
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