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Mx Any Kakihara's Irezumi ( NSFW ) [M/F, M/M & One on One system RPs]


Oct 2, 2020

The noble man stood. And the people looked to him. For he was a beacon - hope given form, yet still only a man. And within that truth there was a great promise. If one man could stand against the night, then so too could anyone - everyone.

In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright.

When the man journeyed on, the people remembered. In his wake hope spread. But the man had a secret fear. His thoughts were dark. A sadness crept from the depths of his being. He had been a hero for so long, but pride had led him down sorrow's road.

Slowly, the shadows' whisper became a voice, a dark call, offering glories enough to make even the brightest Light wander. He knew he was fading, yet he still yearned.

On his last day, he sat and watched the sun fall. His final thoughts, pure of mind, if not body, held to a fleeting hope - though they would suffer for the man he would become, the people would remember him as he had been.

And so the noble man hid himself beneath a darkness no flesh should touch, and gave up his mortal self to claim a new birthright. Whether this was choice, or destiny, is a truth known only to fate.

In that cool evening air, as dusk was devoured by night, the noble man ceased to exist. In his place another stood.

Same meat. Same bone. But so very different.

- Destiny Volume One: Dark Mirror (Thorn, The Rose)


Hello. Thank you for visiting my one on one role playing idea’s page.

Who am I?

I consider myself a fairly literate writer though I know I'm not perfect. I mess up tenses sometimes and miss things in my spellcheck. I do try but it's a continuing process. I'm pretty laid back about things and just enjoy the processes of creating a story with another person. I love the give and take of brainstorming and writing, new things coming up and being thrown out. And, of course, all the planning in the world can go out the window a little when the characters start thriving on the page where I find they can change and take on a mind of their own.

Since I want the RP to be a collaborative process I never had any preconceived notion of my partner's character or look preference. I prefer when my writing partners write and play the character they want to, use what face claims they want. I will write with anybody, from Lords, Ladies, Lieges and Legates. To me, it doesn't matter what your gender and sexuality are, as long as our writing harmonize well and that you are very willing to write wonderful stories with me as a writing partner.

Storywise, I write traditional third person fiction and can get fairly lengthy in my post depending on the scene and what I might be working with from my partner. I can get pretty long in the words for my opening post, so be warned, I know some don't like that much. I also understand this is my prerogative, I don't expect as much length from my partner. I do expect to average at least three to four paragraphs though and usually move to match my partner's post length.

Long term Role Plays
I usually aim for long term RPs which can be quite a commitment and a few years ago I had some personal issues that killed my muse and I couldn't write for a while. I know we all suffer some muse issues but I want to reiterate that I will try to keep any partner up to day either personally or via my Absence thread if my posting should be delayed. Communication is essential for good games to continue on I believe. (Note: I will always check a partner's A/A for any updates but if there is no updates done there to indicate a possible absence, if a month passes without any word I'm going to assume you are not committed to the story and consider it dropped. I do not need the personal details but a simple 'I'm unable to write currently but I do wish to continue the RP when I can' is sufficient.)

Face Claims
I'm open on this one though I do lean towards using Face claims. I have written more descriptions in the past but I've gotten more used to using face claims. If we do use face claims though I am open to both using real life face claims as well as artistic ones, though I normally default and lean towards RL ones.

(or What I'm looking for in a writing partner.)
For me, RPing is a collaboration between two writers looking to create a great story. So, I'm more than glad to hear your ideas on one of the ideas I've posted, even if it's a rift off of what I created. Since I understand life happens, I can deal with one or two post a week or once a day, heck I'm ok with it being weeks in between for good RPs. I have no specific need on length, but I do get a little perturbed if I write a long, detailed post and I get a one line answer. I understand that some post will be short, especially if the action is getting built up or for sex scenes.

I will say a very important thing to me is that both writers contribute to the idea of a story, brainstorming both in the beginning plotting and new scenes as things progress, as I've found many collaborations can become one sided. I am always briming with ideas and will often toss ideas out but I love when my partner throws out ideas and I can add to it, both of us contributing to a great scene or arc. While I don't think the whole story needs to be plotted out, we should have the end goal set up and good start at least planned out before jumping in. Another important part of collaboration, and contributing equally, is that both writers push the story, as I've run into many instances where one writer just wants to be along for the ride. Even if a story includes D/s elements, both parties should be pushing the actual story along. As part of this, replies that push the story forward is necessary and not just responding to what was given is paramount. Of course, how far you can push things will vary scene to scene but not having anything has been a problem in the past.

While I do have Discord, I prefer to do my planning in PMs on BMR just because it's easier to organize and I'm on it more than Discord, as well as it lets me think on replies as I always feel pressured to reply quickly to Discord message if on, and I prefer to give plotting some thought.

  • I don’t enter any story with a smut ratio but most of my ideas are more slow burn, not that I’m against a getting to the smut sooner.
  • I love OCC talk. Just because we have finished the brainstorming we can keep in communication about future of the story or just to chat.
  • If you reach out with more than a ‘I want to do this’ I will always respond to you even if it’s to say I’m not interested or that I’m full up on RPs right now. I hate reaching out and getting no response so I won’t do that to anyone that puts in effort.
  • I don’t have any specific metric as far as how much you write though I find it difficult to go below three paragraphs with a partner
  • I’m fine with new writers or those who’s English is not their first language. I am patient and not a grammar stickler, English is my first language and I still mess up.
  • If you are getting bored or just not feeling something feel free to let me know you are having issues. We can see if there is anything we can do or maybe need to drop this specific RP.
  • I need a co-writer that will move the story forward and share the use of NPCs. While how far things move forward fluctuates in a story it should be a joint effort to move the story onward, not just respond to what has happened.

The airport was condensed chaos stuffed into drab walls and ugly carpet, and, sadly, Cade Rhodes was getting used to the whole process. He was ruffled from being on back to back flights from South Africa into Atlanta and then having to rush from the International terminal to domestic. Picking up and checking his luggage had delayed him exponentially longer but he’d learned it was better than relying on the ground crew to correctly transfer all of his stuff with only internal checks. Normally, he was used to flying with a lot of expensive equipment and insurance couldn’t replace the wear and feel of all of his worn in pieces.

Luckily, he’d sent on most of his equipment via freight to his studio in New York City but he was still protective of the two trunks he’d pulled along to check in. He didn’t envy having to close shop in Las Vegas but at least they were replaceable, his most precious and expensive things had been shoved into the padded custom leather carry on. It was made the same craftsman who made some of his special items and it had proved durable as hell.

He wore the standard gear of the photographer on the go with black cargo pants and crimson t-shirt with a military style grey shirt thrown over top. Sharp lines defined a handsome face, high cheek bones giving his brown eyes an intense look, and a natural tan touched his skin to give it just a hint of color to his face and arms. He wasn’t one to go out of his way to tan but outside work had it’s benefits and it’s debits. A pair of comfortable hiking boots covered his feet having learned it was better to be durable than fashionable, leaving the expensive suits and shoes for client meetings. A shock of black hair was kept short enough to stay out of his eyes but long enough to flop down over his forehead from the right part. The hint of a beard had started to creep along his chin and cheeks having been run too ragged to get a chance to shave.

Leather carry on patting against his side, he left security and everything else behind him, trying to turn his mind back to Russell and Ava, smiling at the thought. They’d been through a lot and deserved this extravagant wedding to celebrate their love. He could still remember the first time Russ had some to him about Ava, seeing the deep love for her despite the issues they were having. He knew what it was to have trust issues so when his buddy first started asking about Cade’s lifestyle, he was hesitant to encourage him. It was not for everyone and could make things worse depending on the people involved. But, he took the chance based on that look, talked him through things and even had Ava come over to chat. He gave them all the info he could and tempered everything with caution before giving them some things to start with, happy it moved them past their trust issues and they bloomed.

“Hello, ma’am,” he said, nodding to the attendant outside the walkway to the plane. “Is this where you ask business or pleasure,” he asked with a smirk, handing her his boarding pass. The world could be a shitty place and he refused to contribute any more to it than he had too.

“I think that’s only in movies,” the young blonde giggled. She scanned him in and handed it back so he could stuff it inside his overshirt pocket.

The enclosed gangway to the plan always felt flimsy under his muscular frame though he didn’t let himself get bulky with his training. He realized the flight would probably be the toughest part of the trip as he’d stuffed his camera and other items in the carry on which hadn’t left room for his tablet. That meant he’d have a few hours with his head and trying not to think about Lilly and how she’d ripped his heart out. It had been months but it still stung as getting betrayed by someone you trusted and trusted you hurt so much more.

Checking his ticket, he counted down the seat numbers until he arrived at his, letting out a low exhale that sounded vaguely like, “Damn.” He’d always had a weakness for red heads and here was a gorgeous one sitting next to him. His eyes gave her the once over trying hard not to be too rude despite the quiet want to drink her in more. Smiling down at her, he reached up and popped open the overhead storage, sliding his bag into it before motioning to the seat next to her.

“Well, it looks like you are stuck with me for the next few hours,” he said, sliding into his seat. His dark eyes looked over at her carefully, moving across the lines of her face and into her eyes as if trying to find something there. “Seeing as we are forced companions for the next few hours it seems rude to sit here in silence. The name’s Cade.” He reached a hand over to her and held it in front of her, a bright smile on his face.

He remembered his first few flights and how nerve wracking it was, sure man was not meant to fly and that mother nature would prove that true. But he’d gotten used to it that it was old hat but his stomach still dipped on take offs. “First rule, though,” he said, his smile belaying the authoritative voice. “Always close the blind on takeoff. Airports are ugly places; it offends my artistic sensibilities. And second… I forget… I’m sorry, I had this all worked out that I was going to be suave to the gorgeous woman next to me when I saw you. But, I’m just not very good at suave or being ‘rico suave’ either. But I am immensely entertaining and on a plane without a movie that is very important.”

A cool breeze blew though the small mountaintop temple, furins filling the night with a subtle chiming buzz. The day had been a hard one for Kyosuke and his bones ached as he laid down on his simple futon, pulling the covers tight to his chin. His long face was sharp and delicate as if carefully chiseled from white marble, the edges of his jaw and cheeks rivaling a tanto. A sadness hung to his emerald eyes set deep under a smooth brow and hair the color of the night sky. Despite the elegance of his features, his body was tight cords of lithe muscles wrapped around a tall frame, a testament to years of hard training.

His sleep was restless despite his exhaustion but he’d fallen out finally into a fitful sleep. But the sorrowful cry of a fox in the night brough his eyes fluttering open, long lashes brushing at sleep. It all happened so fast then as men emerged from the shadows to grab at him, a shout rising from his lips as his sense sharpened, realizing this was no dream. His hands began to move and ripples of power started to form in the air, the young man drawing upon the pools of magic that was his heritage. And then, suddenly, it all dissipated as silver arm cuffs were clasped over his forearm, the metal closing so it was like they had been forged around his flesh.

Kyosuke shrieked at them as the dragged him from the bed and threw him to the floor, tossing clothing at his feet. Rage boiled inside of him but the points of katana’s in his face settled taking the lid off that pot, shaking with the held back anger. Carefully, he put on the grey kosode offered to him, wrapping it tightly around him and securing it in place before pulling on the black haori. Hands grabbed at him then and pushed him out of the room and down the hall until he was out in the court yard. A number of men were gathered there along with the bodies of the priest and men who maintained the temple. A twinge of sadness pulled at his heart as they were the only family he’d really ever known, though it was tempered by the methods they had used to mold him.

“What is the meaning of this,” he bellowed, cold eyes looking over those around him. “I demand to know why you have done this.”

“Be quite, descendant of Abe no Seimei,” spoke a woman wearing a Noh mask. It was a black and red with small horns.

“Don’t you dare…,” he started to spit. The fist hit him hard in the side of the face and he felt his head swim with the effort to just stay standing, blinking hard at the ground. For a brief moment he was not sure his legs would hold him but hands grabbed at him with a tight grip as the woman nodded to the men surrounding him. A quiet spell, a simple one he’d learned as a child, moved on his lips for a short moment and he felt the spark die. Looking down at the long bracelets that encircled his forearms he saw they were like a smooth expanse of silver but in the torchlight around them he could see filaments of gold that seemed to form kanji in them, but it was so brief his mind could not grasp them.

“I will see you killed for that,” he muttered. He did not see the blow from the grip of the katana on the back of his head. Simply, his eyes rolled up and darkness engulfed him, swallowing him fully up.

He woke laying in some moss with the sound of laughter around him, poking his head up too quickly so the world spun. Biting back bile, his face scrunched up as he lay his forehead against the ground, sucking in breath. His legs and arms were bound with simple twine he found with a little struggle, trying to stay quiet. A taiko pounded a steady rhythm in his head and he made a mental note remember to roll with a punch the next time, it had been way too solid. It appears his subtle movements were not so subtle as he heard the men moving.

“The princess is awake,” one of the men snickered.

Hands grabbed him and drew him up to set his back against a tree. Five men sat around a fire burning with some game that had been caught, rabbit he thought. It made him realize how hungry he was and his stomach growled. Glancing up at the treetop, he saw the sun poking though, knowing it had to be out a while as it was well past morning.

“Pretty boy sounds hungry,” laughed the man who’d placed him back against the tree.

“You can have some,” a large man said whose girth seemed to be threatening to split his clothes. “Just ask nicely.”

Kyosuke spat on the ground and glowered at the man, at all of them, his lips trembling. They were pink and full though now they were pulled into thin lines, anger swimming in his pools of jade. The look only seemed to increase their laughter but the young man didn’t care, his eyes were moving over the small camp. He took stock of everything, noting the walking staff the big man had set against the near by cart and the field mouse moving through the grass waiting for scraps.

Eventually, their attention moved to other things and he saw a chance, leaning over to whisper to the kami. His words were soft so they barely carried but they didn’t need to be for his purposes. Soon, the mouse came to begin gnawing on the twine, breaking the fibers enough he knew he could do the rest. Then the wind came, it blew their hats and rustled the cart so it started to roll, all of the men moving in one direction or the next to grab gear.

With a grunt, he pulled at the ropes and they snapped as he’d hoped, rising to his feet with a huff of air. He ran towards the cart as the big man grabbed the cart, putting a bare foot to his rotund ass to send him sprawling down, the cart dragging him along as he held on for a brief moment. It was enough for him to grab the wooden staff, wrapping his fingers tightly around the wooden shaft, before taking off into the forest. Bare feet padded on the soft grass and leaf cover but the occasional twig or berry would bite into the sensitive skin or smear across the flesh so his traction slipped. Branches and bushes swatted at his jacket and robes, frantically trying to get ahead of the men.

He could hear the heavy breath of one pursuer close behind him as he could smell the scent of food in the distance, clear sign a town or village was nearby. Suddenly, he stopped and turned with his whole body into a fighting stance, the heavy wood of the staff hitting with a soft thwack into the side of one of the men’s head. The subtle crack of bone was loud in the air as his blow sent the man head first into a tree trunk, blood oozing down the side of his head. He dropped like a bag of bricks to the ground, flopping like a puppet with their strings cut.

The others were slow close behind that he had no chance of running, bring the staff up into a defensive posture. It was a kata that had been drilled into him. He struck out at one man but the drew their blade and one end of the length of wood was lopped off. Another feigns and they cut the piece of wood in half, rendering it useless. Another came at him with an overhead slash, Kyosuke knowing his death was fast approaching. With little to lose, he brought his arm up to catch the blade on the metal bracelet, the steel coming to a stop with a loud clang.

A few more blades were caught on the silver devices but he knew he didn’t have long to live; he was growing weary from the effort. And then, suddenly there was another and he knew for certain he was dead with no magic to call on. But then a strange thing happened as one of the men moved towards this stranger, his eyes widening as her blade flashed and the man fell. Seeing a greater threat, the other men began to move towards this new figure with blades ready. He sighed wishing the figure had been anything more than a distraction as the numbers said she was dead, but it would give him a chance to escape.

Kyosuke was slowly backing up when she began to cut though the men like they were bamboo, his mouth falling agape. He had heard tales of swordsman before and how precise and deadly they could be but it was like watching a natural storm of steel flow though his attackers. The blood though brought the taste of bile to the back of his throat, turning away, his chest heaving at the coppery smell in the air. Swallowing hard, he waited for his death to come knowing there was no escape if she could cut though these men like that, but he grew curios as he pressed against a tree and nothing came.

Blinking, he turned back around to watch the figure bend down to touch the dead men, plucking coins from their waist. Pressing his hand to his mouth, he bit back the queasiness, his eyes going wide as his eyes traveled over the person who’d rescued him. A woman. “Oh, great,” Kyosuke spat, shaking his head. “A thief. A brigand. My luck couldn’t get any better could it.” As he spoke, he reached out to remove the remnants of the cords around his wrist, glaring at the woman. Looking down, he saw some blood had splattered on the hem of his kosode, reaching down to grab some leaves, wiping at the spots.

“Great,” he muttered. “Wonderful technique.” The leaves had smeared the blood off but the stain remained much to his annoyance. “Still, while I had things under control, I do appreciate your assistance thief. I’m afraid I have no coin on me but they had a camp up the hill a little so you may find some odds and ends. Perhaps a more fitting kimono or such.” He sighed looking around the forest for a moment trying to get his bearings, still breathing heavy with a sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Is there a stream near by to get this blood out. Or a village? I thought I smelled food.”

Posting Rate/Posting Location
I try to reply often but things get hectic and the muse sometimes doesn't cooperate so I would say a few times a week but more like once a or twice a week right now. I would favor either posting in the forums or via PM though I may be convinced to post via email. I don't use Discord or any chat programs.

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Story Elements

Romance: Ultimately, I do love a good romance underlying most of my stories, weather it be a light or dark romance and while it may take a while to develop, I usually aim to have romance blossom between the two main characters of a story.

Details and Description: Load in the detail. I'm a very detailed orientated writer and hope that a partner would be as well. No, that does not mean lots of fluff about what they character is thinking and feeling, though it is good to know both, but not to the point of melodrama. But I love when I can see, feel and hear a scene and all the senses are included in a post.

Slow Burn: I usually prefer for the characters to really get to know each other deeper, went through plenty of experiences before they would feel any romantic feelings for each other. It's the journey and their shared experiences that bring them together in the end. As a famous saying goes, it's all about the journey rather than the destination.

World-Building and Brainstorming: I am a writer who tends to get excited about our stories to where I love talking about ideas, scenes and anything else to add to them. Some light world-building, having a brief roadmap and more is something I really enjoy and I love bouncing ideas back and forth. And I love to continue the brainstorming as we go along, throwing out new scenes and ideas that pop up as we write.

Story Progression: I usually if not always be willing to move our stories forward, like for example, moving the characters to certain locations or pushing them to a certain direction and so forth. I would always prefer if my co-writers would move the story with me and not only just respond to my post without adding anything or much in return. That is inclusive of writing NPCs as that is part of world-building, to make sure the world the characters in are really breathing and alive too. I've had a lack of writers wanting to write NPCs in the recent past which makes it feel like I'm playing GM than writing a story with someone.

Research: I think of the reasons I love to write in a culture or period I'm not totally familiar with is it gives me a chance to research and add those little details that add a little veracity to a story. I appreciate a partner who will do the same though it's not fully necessary but it does make historical RPs feel less like a bad TV drama.

Action Scenes and/or Violence: I admit, I'm a bit of an action whore when it comes to my more robust RPs. Melee, hand to hand or gun combat all are a thrill to write for me and play with, adding as much realism as possible while keeping a bit of the action movie feel. I'm fairly knowledgeable about weapons but still do some research to make sure everything is exact. While I don't expect partners to be as into action scenes, if you can hold your own you will rate highly in my eyes as it can be one of the hardest things to find in a writing partner.

Angst and More Angst: I admit, I'm a huge sadist when it comes to torturing my characters and challenging them. I love writing scenes that will mentally and even emotionally test my character, which makes me appreciate and love my characters even more. Along with this I have a tendency to write flawed characters with tortured past.

All The Flaws: I tend to write those characters who can be very flawed in their personality and mental outlook. Those who are broken, brooding and aloof. I enjoy writing them and even enjoy writing opposite them. Flaws make characters more interesting and offer more depth to the story and the characters connecting with one another.

Intelligent/Interesting/Complex Characters: I tend to enjoy characters who can be a tad snarky with my own characters, and also who can just back-talk my characters very easily. I just love chemistry in dialogues like that, especially when my own characters tend to be rather sarcastic sometimes. I want a character that can hold their own with their my character and give back as good as they get not shrink back inside themselves and shut down.

Confident/Self-Assured/Dominating Characters: I usually love writing this kind of characters, mostly because they are very fun for me to write in general. Most of my characters will be confident in themselves with not many issues of self-esteem, but of course, they are very flawed to some degree. Some broken characters may vary and I do like to play characters who may ultimately be more submissive in the end but are never weak or without confidence.

Sensuality and Seduction: I love to play with sensuality and seduction in various ways depending on the story, especially sensuality. Anyone who can bring the same is greatly appreciated.

Fantasy: I love everything to do with fantasy; high fantasy, low fantasy, steampunk, clockpunk, dieselpunk, urban fantasy and more.

Cyberpunk or Futuristic: I don't get to play these as often but I do love a little sci fi exertions.

Sexual Elements

Pleasure: I love delving into giving and receiving pleasure, and the multitude ways it can be accomplished. The sensuality of two people and all the ways they can enjoy being with each other.

Foreplay: I love the teasing and build up, it often goes hand in hand with the previous idea. Often times the build up can be more fun and spend more time on it.

Oral: Giving and receiving, it is often where foreplay and teasing lead to, though not always.

Age Gaps: I enjoy playing older men against younger women though the age range can vary as can experience.

Consensual: Pretty much speak for itself.

Vaginal/Anal: Done to my female characters, or my male characters doing so.

Teasing & Orgasm Denial: My characters love to tease their partners, to have them begging or trying very hard not to beg. And to have them under their control so their release is at their command.

Powerplay: Characters being able to let go and allow themselves to be submissive or dominant during lovemaking. That dynamic is definitely of both parties wanting to be in charge so the other has to give in, it lends a different air to things.

Bondage: The practice and art of consensually tying, binding, or restraining a partner for erotic, aesthetic, or somatosensory stimulation. Rope, cuffs, bondage tape, self-adhering bandage, or other physical restraints may be used for this purpose.

Sadomasochism: The giving or receiving pleasure from acts involving the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation, thought I have a tendency to go lighter on the humiliation depending on the story.

Dominance/Submission: I often write a more dominant character and it can be fun to delve into the D/S relationship though it really requires a writer who will write a strong submissive. The give and take can be quite interesting and enjoyable. I have rarely wrote a submissive character but the few times I've tried have been intriguing so I'm up for being on the other side.

Dirty Talk & Light Humiliation: Depending on a character, they often like to engage in some dirty talk and it can be quite fun on both sides. Light humiliation is one of those things that really depends on the story but can be quite fun in the right story and enjoyable.

Socks/Stockings/Lingerie & Clothed Sex: If it fits in with the story, having some sexy clothing on for a scene or being so ready where removing all the clothes is too much, it can be fun to explore both or either. It often will depend on a scene.
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Story Elements

Slice of Life: I am not opposed to slice of life but it's not my go to and it needs to have conflict and opposition. There is nothing more boring than a story where things just go along smoothly and the characters really have no resistance to things nor does the world, that gets boring very, very quickly.

School Setting: Another setting that quickly bores me when I tackled it previously. Also, I normally prefer to write older characters so don't have much care to write so young.

Smut-Focused: I do love my smut, it's why I'm on an adult RP site. But I find it can get very boring just going from one smut scene to the next with little reason or care about the overall story. But for the right story I am up for being more smut centered but there needs to be interspaced with a story moving towards a conclusion.

Non-human Characters(Main characters): While I typically write humans or humanoids, sometimes with supernatural abilities, I don't mine occasionally playing or playing opposite non-human characters. Certain fantasy creatures and things that fall into what might generally be called monstergirls, kemonomimi and lamia and the like.

Sexual Elements

Foot Play: It is neither something I normally crave nor something I'm against either so if a partner likes it I'm fine including it in a story if it fits in with the more sensual aspects of things.

Crossdressing/Sissification: It can be fun in certain stories if integrated nicely with things though a story just centered around it I solely gets boring quickly. But it is highly situational so I put it under the more Maybes.

Dubious Consent: They resist at first, but the slow corruption and they are unable to deny the very want to indulge would break them. Then the end, they succumb.

Non-Consensual: If it's something like dubious consensual, I'm usually good with it without a worry. But Non-con is a tougher sell and outside of a backstory really requires some consideration on how it would fit into a story.

Extreme Bondage: I don't mind including light bondage, it's fairly common in my ideas, but like getting into masks and mummification and other stuff, it's not something I normally lean into but I'm not closed off to it if it makes sense.

Incest: I don't mind incest that much, but the run of the mill idea just gets boring after a while

Multiple Partners: I've only done a few rare solos with multiple writing partners, 3 or 4, but it can be hard to line up so I don't normally seek it out but for the right story I'm more than willing.

Pain/Torture: I am very willing to write torture and pain non-sexual scenes for any stories, I do like to make my characters suffer.

Mind Control: As a sexual kink, it's usually used as a reason for lazy writing. But that said, sometimes it can make sense as part of a story so I'm not opposed to it if the story is including certain magical or psychic ideas.

Pegging / Prostate Play: Although it's something I have rarely done, mainly because I've rarely written a submissive character, it can be an interesting dynamic to show you have submitted to another.

Sounding / Urethra Play: It's not something I've delved into before but I'm intrigued by the idea but I know it's something not normally delved into so I don't normally bother.
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Story Elements

Godmodding: This is one of my hugest pet peeves. You don't know the character and it's rare to have a partner who would know how I might write a character. If you need to know something my character would do, feel free to PM me and we can discuss so I can let you know what they would do or how they would respond to help you push the story along in your post.

Short Posts (One line to one Paragraph): I tend to write rather long, or at the very least, decently-sized posts. I find it impossible to work with only a few lines reply anymore, I need something more to tell a story.

Passiveness: I need a writer who will do more than respond, that will push the story forward and own the direction of the tale. I find myself quickly unmotivated if a co-writer simply response and adds nothing more to move the story forward. This goes doubly for the smutty part as it feels like a partner is just being lazy if all their character does is respond.

Sad Sacks and Doormat characters: I never like to write opposite characters which I find extremely boring or sad

Horney Virgins: I really don't mind and actually do like writing virgins or write opposite them, either male or female or whichever gender. But it often makes no sense and is an excuse for lazy writing all too often.

Instant Attraction or Interest: Although mentioned under sexual aspects, it needs to be repeated under story as well, my characters will not find themselves suddenly attracted or intrigued by your characters, especially if they are in a conflicting relationship like 'enemy to lovers' or 'rivals to lovers', though the latter may have some respect of reputation. It is NOT an accepted aspect of the genre other than in YA novels, and I prefer a more realistic approach there characters grow to friendship and then into lovers.

Sexual Elements

Instant Hook-ups: I usually prefer to draw out the interactions between the characters and let the fire develop nicely, I find all too often strange conventions need to be thrown in like a special species/race to speed things up and to me the build up is half the fun if not more.

Toilet play or Scat: Speaks for itself.

Heavy Humiliation/Abuse/Degradation: If it's for plot-wise for the story, I don't mind writing it otherwise with NPCs but as part of the main story I find it gets boring fast.

A/B/O: I never really like the concept of 'alpha male' idea as it's all too often taking a animal concept which doesn't translate very well.

Oversized Genitalia Or Breasts: I prefer realism in my RPs and not hentai level ideals

Beastility: I'm alright with anthros. Other than that, it's a no-no for me.

Mutilation: Pretty self-explanatory.

Vore: Eating of flesh? No, please.

Male Pregnancy: Can't really understand the appeal and it's not my thing, seriously.

Racialplay: It's not my cup of tea.

Bimbofication: No explanation needed.

Genital Mutilation: Again, No explanation needed.

Fisting: Just not my thing.
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Against All Odds

Content: Fantasy, Magic, System Game, Parent/Child relationship, Quasi-incest, action and adventure, romance.

Setting: A fantasy world where demons and demihumans exist alongside humans, all in their own struggle.

A young warrior just setting out to make a name for himself, having risen a little through the adventurers guild stumbles on a young girl abandoned in the forest. If he hadn’t found it, the man knows she would have been food for the demons and monsters that roam out from the deep forest. He knew he couldn’t let the child there but assumed he would find someone in the nearby village who would take care of the girl. But draught and age had made it hard for anyone in the village to be able to take in such a child, though the mayor offered up a house on the edge for the adventure to stay in as needed.

Believing he has gotten as powerful as he can be, the adventure settles down for the season to take care of the girl, planning on leaving after the winter pass for a town with an orphanage and to pick up adventuring again. But he finds himself settling into a comfortable life as a quasi-father taking care of his daughter and helping around the village, becoming a farmer and rancher, hunting to support their stores. As his daughter grew, he trained with her wanting her to be capable of defending herself while she just wanted to be like her dad. They pushed each other as he never let her beat him, always correcting her, until it was time for her to go off and prove herself.

Having made a name for herself in the capital, believed to potentially be a hero class adventure, she constantly misses her home and wants to go back. And when strange creatures and happenings start in her hometown’s region, she is given a reason to go back home. As she investigates, she draws her father into the quest, setting up a base of operation, and drawing others in even as the father and daughter’s relationship grows, relying on each other more and more.
(Inspired by My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer and If It’s For My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord)

What I'm Looking For: Someone to play the daughter. She may be human or perhaps part demon but no one has realized, I’m open to either possibility. And someone who is willing to play via a system as I feel like it might open things up a little more when it comes to the adventure part, though I always err on the side of narrative and fun. I would handle the GM part and do both the father and most of the NPCs though there would be opening for companion characters that you could add. I’m leaning towards using Forbidden Lands rules, as they have solo/one on one rules recently released though could use D&D 5th Edition.

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Cruel Fates

Content: Dark Fantasy, System, Non-con, Adventuring, One on One GMing.

Setting:A dark fantasy world inspired by Goblin Slayer where the gods roll the dice in a game of amusement where the population is it’s entertainment.

Story:Perhaps you started adventuring with grand ideals to grow in power and eventually become a hero that could even face the demon lord, thinking low level enemies nothing but a joke and a hurdle to get over to make one’s name. It is common among adventures to see goblin kin and orc as nothing but low level fodder for ranking up, not a real threat, making fun of those who only hunt such animals. Except for the one joked about in the guild, known by many names, jokingly called the Obsidian Ranger, since he has worked himself up to the Obsidian Rank but only takes quest to annihilate low level monsters who often work in groups.

You are starting as a new adventure trying to figure out the way around things and polish your gifts, both dealing with new adventurers like yourself as well as older adventures mentoring you. The world is cruel though and perhaps you have something from your past driving you to master your gifts and destroy the monsters plaguing the world.

What I'm Looking For: Someone to play the female adventure who is starting out in their career and would be a little green in the world. I am looking to use Rangers of Shadow Deep rules for the one on one GMing system, knowledge of the system would be helpful.

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Ghost in the Machine

Content:Marvel Universe, System, Action, Adventure, Multiverse, Non-con, possible BDSM and other elements.

Setting: Modern New York City in an alternative Marvel Universe.

Story:Gwen Stacy, Ghost Spider, has been drawn into the multiverse before but this time it has spit her out into a darker world, one in which Spiderman was deeply affected by the death of her in this world. It has lead him down a hard road and one that has been reflected in the city of his home, leaving deep cracks and even darker shadows. But as she navigates this new world, she will find new allies and new enemies, as she tries to figure out her part in this new play, for it’s clear she was drawn here for a reason.

What I'm Looking For:Someone to play Gwen Stacy and is willing to use the Marvel Multiverse TTRPG system for play. I am not super fluent on Gwen Stacy’s Ghost Spider arcs, though I certainly know Spider-man well so I’m not looking for a one to one capture of the character. And knowledge of the rule system isn’t necessary, there are published stats for her to work off of, and this will be my first time using the system so I’ll probably mess up here and there. Mainly just looking for a willingness to use and learn the system for the game.

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Lost at the Farthest End

Content: Murder, Suicide, Guilt, Tragedy, Love through Understanding, Possibly Twisted Love

Setting: Modern Times, probably America though open to other options

Story: The past set up: He was an older brother so proud of his little sister and her drive to excel, always there to back her up like a good big brother. They were close and always discussed things so he was surprised when she seemed hesitant to talk about school one day after he’d picked her up, already having gotten his drivers permit. She laughed it off saying she had just started to feel creepy about her one teacher but thought it was because he was just overly enthusiastic about his job. It had bothered him at the time but slipped from him mind eventually so he’d not thought anything about it when he’d been unable to pick her up after her club activities from school, getting stuck getting ready for applying to colleges.

So, he had just gotten home when she came barging in, crying, asking him why today he didn’t come to pick him up before shutting up, running to her room and not answering him. Later that day, he found her hanging in her room having killed herself, finding the suicide note she’d left, grief and rage mixing together at what it mentioned happened that day at school, what the teacher had done to her. It wasn’t hard to find the teachers home address in this day and age, and he’d found himself driving over there with the knife he’d pulled from his hunting bag as if moving on auto pilot. He’d answered the door and he couldn’t even remember what he said but before the man could shut the door, he burst in and knocked him down before stabbing him so many times. It was only after he felt numb that he’d stopped to look up and see the girl staring at him, crying hysterically before running away.

Current time: He’d done his time and been thankful that extenuating circumstances were taken into account, reducing his time and keeping him out of the worst prisons. His mother had never stopped communicating with him even after their father had passed, his heart unable to bear such tragedy. She’d seemed lost for a bit until she’d started working for an orphanage and her letters started to brighten up. He was surprised when she’d mentioned deciding to adopt one of the children who had no one and couldn’t seem to get adopted, feeling a twinge when she mentioned him having a new sister.

After six or seven years, he was released only to be met by his mother as his sister was still finishing up her last year at university and would meet them at their old home in the country. He thought he’d been prepared to meet his new sister, everything was easy knowing he was not going to be there long, a burden to his family no more, a pariah no longer. He was going to be with his real sister, but when she walked in it wasn’t hard to recognize the younger girl he’d seen looking up from the bloody scene so many years ago. He wanted to die, to ease the guilt of knowing he was the reason his sister was gone, but he couldn’t leave his mother with the uncertainty of what this woman’s plan was.

What I'm Looking For: Ok, this one is a weird one and based on a strange manga, but basically looking for someone to play the woman who could have been the teachers daughter or nephew who’d been visiting when he was killed. I would like her to have tracked the whole trial and everything, have a scrap book that can be found, which will make the guy question if she’s here for revenge or what. Her ultimate goal, what she seeks, is something we can discuss, along with where the tail leads for the two characters.

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Content: Slow Burn, Social Differences, Optimist/Pessimist, Historical, Emotional Struggle, Romance, possible crossdressing

Setting: The Taisho era of Japan, around 1921, in the Japanese countryside.

Story: A young man is attending Keio University, the second son of a prominent businessman, expected to serve in the family business and further the family reputation. But one day, his mother asks him to go on a drive to shop and relax, having missed her son, when a tragic accident takes her life and leaves him severely injured, unable to use his dominant right arm and with a limp. He is seen as useless and a disgrace to his family since he cannot use his right hand, and perhaps because they blame him for the mother's death even. Seen as an embarrassment to the family, he is sent to the mountains to live away from the rest of the family so he can no longer embarrass them. Before he leaves, his father mentions hiring someone to be his maid or wife before he is packed off to be hidden away.

Starting to get accustomed to being alone, he is surprised when on a snowy night a woman comes to the house indicating they were bought for their family debt to be his maid, and eventually his wife. The person seems very feminine and he is quite unknowing in the ways of such matters so he is fooled by the person. As his father had meant to purchase the daughter of the family but her brother refused and dressed up to go in her place. He plans to eventually run out in the night but as he serves the man, he sees the pain and anguish suffered and tries to offer comfort, wanting to be the best for him. When his father writes to him to indicate they will not consider him dead so that his brother and sister's marriage can go through unhindered and without the shadow of their embarrassing sibling, he is devastated and broken, wishing he would simply die more than ever. Hearing him talk about how he should kill himself, the maid reaches out to comfort him and sooth him, knowing the thought of his death would free him but it was too horrible to consider.

Despite their strange differences, they begin to have feelings for each other and confront the barriers and issues between them along the way. (Note, the idea is inspired by Taisho Otome Fairy Tale though knowledge of it isn't really requires as going off book.)

What I'm Looking For: Someone to play the sweet and caring otome, maiden, of the story who has his/her own strength. While I've written it to be played as a man pretending to be a woman, and growing comfortable doing such, I am open for it to be played as a straight female as well. While she may be a bit demure, she has to have a strength to pull the man out of his moroseness especially when he is told he is now dead to the family.

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No Mercy

Content: Action, Dark or Light Romance, High Fantasy, Magic, Supernatural, Medieval, Adventure, Violence

Setting: A fantasy world overrun by monsters of all kinds.

Story: In a world full of deadly creatures, the Slayer's Guild was created to give an avenue for those with problems with monster hordes to higher those with skills to take on such matters. Most in the guild want to make a name for themselves by being strong enough to defeat dragons and demons, seeing the common rabble creatures below them. But every one has to cut their teeth, so a small group of inexperienced adventures set off to kill a small nest of Goblins. The goblin family includes hobgoblins, orks and ogres in this world. A lot of adventures encounter stragglers growing up and they are easy to beat but a group has tactics and smarts, something a lot don't realize until too late.

With most of her party dead or being breed, she is alone and sure she will be meeting a similar fate when a man in armor decimates the goblins around her. Together, they wipe out the next and rescue the survivors and hostages that are able to be while he kills those poisoned and too far gone. After recovering, she seeks out the man who saved her finding out most look down on this man who only kills what some see as lesser beings meant for the weaker adventurers. Perhaps because she sees herself owing his life to him, only feels safe going back out with him or realizes he needs someone to help him, she joins up with him in his gobbling killing ways. She learns he is one of the few trained as a Revenant from the east, men who live a life of violence to protect others and almost never remove their armor for one must always be ready for battle

After a few missions to train her in the ways of tracking and killing, they receive a call from the arch bishop of the Great Temple of Eliohem and start on the journey there. Despite his brusque ways, the priestess asks him to clear a nest of goblins from underneath he city which has started to attack the population. They delve with a few others to wipe out the creatures but in doing so they find a puzzle that will lead to something even bigger. The goblins-kin are forming alliances between clans by some new leader who is organizing them, leading them to something that will rock the world. They are gathering ancient magic that would devastate the other races and only those who truly see the threat of the goblins can stop them.

(Obviously the idea is inspired by the Goblin Slayer it will not follow the story beyond the base idea but I do want to capture the violent and raw feel of things.)

What I'm Looking For: I'm looking for someone who can write a strong woman who still knows her limits and can shows her emotions, perhaps a warrior or ranger or it could be a healer or mage. The most important thing is she's patient and caring but not weak or demure. The male character will be extremely stoic where he doesn't reach out physically or emotionally for a long while as he's focused on his mission to destroy goblins. So it will be a slow burn and it will require a writer who doesn't see a characters actions as an attack on them. The character is going to be difficult but eventually the wall will break as they travel and live together on the road.

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Crazy Hot

Content: Role-reversal, power play, bondage, pegging, pleasure/orgasm control/denial, femdom, blackmail, adultry/cuckolding, corruption

Setting: A modern University in America.

Story: All I really have an idea of is that not your typical teacherxstudent fantasy wherein the female student sleeps with a male teacher for a love or for grades; bitch is batshit crazy. But she's the kind of crazy that becomes a drug only after he realizes he's in too deep. I would want to spend at least a few pages building tension and temptation between them. Possibly pregnancy?

I was thinking that perhaps he's a professor who's gotten tenure recently so feels a little secure and his life has gotten rather boring. His wife is very much all about the social life and not the poetic sole he'd thought she'd be, worried more about status and the gifts it give. Perhaps she's from money and is a board member of the college, among many other things, it puts the risk of her finding out even greater.

maybe it's a little of both that things start happening, for great and feelings? I was thinking he's bored and spending lots of time on campus so maybe she's not doing well and starts asking for extra work to bring her grade up or for extra attention to understand a subject so they meet often in his office. I was thinking either an English lit professor though I could see possible philosophy or psychology. So it could be she decided to let things go farther because she things she'll get a good grade or maybe because she has feelings. He doesn't really understand what is going on as well as he's just allowing himself to be taken away by his passions, doesn't think logically, she is what he's been needing. Perhaps it's over Spring semester (I mean for some reason I was assuming from your idea that it was college though I'm open to a high school one if that's what you were thinking) and he things it's over with at Christmas vacation and that's when the crazy comes in, now that she's got the grade and he thinks he's just going to walk away?

What I'm Looking For: Someone to write the female who becomes obsessed and stalkerish with her professor. At first it would just be a little romance and sweetness perhaps, nothing big, both of them playing with the taboo but unwilling to go over the line. But when they do go over the line, she becomes very possessive and even mean for having to share him, so she starts to dominate and control him, possibly using blackmail.

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Added Against All Odds, Cruel Fates, Ghost in the Machine, Lost at the Farthest End.

Working on a Shadowrun and WoD one on one ideas as well as some more D&D ones.
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