[Discord] The App [Transformation/Breeding]


Jul 1, 2019
Notice: this is a DISCORD RP.
Entity 368: The App

Class: Reproductive/Transmutative Software

Originally discovered during the year 2017 on the phone of a young woman located in the ————— Prefecture of Japan, the App has begun anomalously cropping up across the planet on the mobile devices of random young individuals.

The App is unremarkable visually, sporting a bland black, gray, and white interface. By all accounts, it appears to be an unfinished application, leading to most deleting it outright when discovering it on their phone. When deleted, the individual will never recieve it again. The App itself is unnamed, following the “incomplete” trend, with only a simplistic, sleek black and white icon depicting a pregnant belly.

The nature of the App’s anomalous nature comes to light when any option is chosen on the interface, as each button has a great many options labeled as descriptors. Skinny, fat, breasts, buttocks, testes, penis, vagina, etc. The list is huge, and there are numerous repeated options and some that will not work when chosen, usually options with bugged text.

Should one, for instance, choose the option “penis”, they will be given a new screen featuring a “+”and “-“ button. When one or the other is tapped, the individual’s penis grows approximately one centimeter. The more times it it hit, the more it grows, with seemingly no limit.

Naturally, this much control over ones body can lead to abuse, and this is often the case. Especially with the App, and its secondary effect. The more the application is used, the stronger ones desire to procreate becomes. This is inevitable, and the individual will begin choosing options that will aid in this endeavour.


RP ideas:
With this RP, there are many options available to you. Be your character female, male, or otherwise, all will seek to impregnate, be impregnated, or both.

Please do not send one sentence PMs, and know that I can’t respond to all PMs.
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