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Fx M or F My Ramblings~ Looking For M Partners.


Oct 2, 2020
Hello! Unsuspecting Victims...

A little about me to begin with! Then I shall list my story ideas and mad ramblings going on inside my head.

My primary genre that I would prefer to write in is Fantasy/Supernatural - Contemporary. However I do like to mix with Historical, Post Apocalyptic & World Creation instead of Contemporary. I will always strive to write a good detailed 3-5 paragraphs per post and ask that my counterparts do the same. I am able to write several posts a day but will always tell my partners if I’m going to be away for more than a few days.

The worlds I tend to create are based off of Autumn Dawn - The Charmer (Darkland series) books. You do not need to have read these to want to be a part of it. I can give a brief description of the world it is set in etc. -
This only applies when we’re making our very own heavily fantasy based role play. This does not go for all of my plots I list below and is not a necessity to have.
  1. Plot 1 - Supernatural/Fantasy pairing, vampires who have been together for centuries. Hiding to save being found for who they are. However when they awake the world they wake up in is, highly unlike anything they’ve experienced before. Not even that time they were rudely awoken early from bombings in WW2.
  2. Plot 2 - Fantasy setting duo. Two shapeshifters are mated together by the wills of clan elders. One a male alpha, the other a rule breaking rogue who despises her father for agreeing. I’d love to play the concept of trying to find the love between two people thrust together. Perhaps some plots with jealous ex lovers or the dangerous plays of humans hoping to dig out the secrets of these people who live in the forest.
  3. Plot 3 - Similar to Plot 1, however set in a previous time period. However the story line could be guiding one or the other on the journey to becoming a vampire.
  4. Plot 4 - Post apocalyptic, we start from the first outbreak and try and survive the new world around us. The characters would know of each other to help ease into the world though I’m open to suggestions on this one.
  5. Plot 5 - Such a cliche but I’d love to do a fifty shades of grey type story. Slice of life all the way.
  6. Plot 6 - I’d like a pairing where MC is a hunter of the supernatural, she is assigned to hunt YC albeit (werewolf or vampire) where they then go on an adventure and fall in love. MC would become submissive to YC and a storyline I had for this could be she helps YC in a rise of supernatural murders going on or wars between different species.

STAR OF THE WEEK: Underworld (Kate Beckinsale)- plain and simple. It’s a must that you have seen the movies & know the basics of the lore/films. Please don’t ask to do this specific story unless you’ve seen the movies.

These are plots I’m craving although I’m happy to hear some of yours if you feel we'd suit one of your ideas better or perhaps merge ideas together.

IMPORTANT: I do like smut in my stories, though if you’re interested in any of my cravings I will be happy to oblige my likes/dislikes and how smut would be incorporated into them. For each plot I have a different ratio of smut/story. Also... please please please make your pm thread to me a little more than just a “hello I like this idea” it’s a big no for me if you don’t and I won’t reply.

Here is my F-List. Please have a read through it. Also note that I will not reply to any pms that have included themes from my “no” column, thank you!

Sorry for the rambling, please let me know in PM if any of this takes your fancy, I shall reply in due time. Hopefully we can start to develop something amazing.

Thank you!

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To add onto, I’m looking for detailed skilled writers to help me cook up one hell of a story.

Several plots have been added, I am now taking FxF pairings & a makeover in general for the post.
*BUMPITY 8* TAH DAH. I’m back! & I brought a new craving with me! View the star of the week to see what’s on my noggin!
*BUMP 18* Updated the layout of the request thread. Also changed out Plot 5 for something new.
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