Mx Female Looking for Lady Writers who enjoy creating interesting worlds and writing deliciously naughty stories

Oct 1, 2020
Hello and have a very welcome to today's class. Unfortunately you just missed the lecture, but there are plenty of assignments for you to take home and do! Of course, if you need any assistance feel free to contact me at any time you feel necessary!

A little bit about myself: My name's quite a mouthful, so just call me Sen. I'm a male, in my twenties and currently a fulltime student. I'm an old hand at roleplaying and erotic roleplaying, in the sense that I have been in RP forums for close to a decade! I'm also very involved in tabletop RPGs such as D&D. I consider myself an advanced, but by no means expert roleplayer. I tend to write long introductionary posts, but scale back during actual RP to about 1-3 paragraphs. More if the situation requires it but longer posts take me awhile to write as I squeeze my brain dry for creative juices! So long as you have decent grammar, sentence structure and write things that are interesting to read, we'll get along just fine ^^

Communication is a big, big boon with my potential partners! It's not a deal breaker, but I love chatting OOC. Not just about the roleplay, but getting to know my partners, talking about, the characters, plot, interests, hobbies or even just how your day goes.

I write mainly in 3rd person, and roleplay over PMs.

I'm open to a very large variety of kinks, though my cravings change depending on the concept. This does mean that I'm very flexible to what kind of kinks can be incorporated into the roleplay, aside from the list below.

No Thank You:
- Scat
- Watersports
- Rape/Non-Con
- Transgender/Futa
- Sexual Violence
- Blood
- Brutal/Harsh BDSM
- Cruel FemDom

This is of course, not an exhaustive list and something might come up in which I feel uncomfortable incorporating. I hope you'll respect my boundaries as I will respect yours!
P.S I would also prefer if my partner's IRL gender is the same as their character's. (Which is preferably female) I know it shouldn't affect anything, and I have zero issue with folks crossplaying genders - it's just a personal mental tic if you would - thanks for being understanding.

Listed below this will be the kinds of themes I enjoy and am actively seeking, but if what you want is not listed here, I'm always willing to listen! Creativity is the spice of life, after all.

Current Cravings:
- Incest
(uncles, brothers, moms, aunts, dads, bring it all on the table)
- Friends to lovers romance (coming of age, or finding one another after years apart, something warm, fluffy and intimate)
- Ageplay/Age difference (the forbidden fruit or the depraved wisdom of the elders, either side of the coin is really doing it for me)
- Reluctant Seduction (they're not supposed to like it. They know they shouldn't be falling for the teasing, the finger brushes and the saucy texts but....)
- Slice of Life (Just a day to day romance, complete with all the cute, fuzzy things people in love do. Roomates. Neighbours, Coworkers, Regulars at the gym - the slow burn, burns the best)
- Cheating (They really, really shouldn't be together. But they are. And they love it. And nobody else can know - but that's the fun part)

I have a few boons I request of my partners, some were already mentioned but will be listed here for clarity's sake:

- Be pleasant. No matter if it's a difference of opinon, or whether it's declining/petitioning something. Please be mature and pleasant about it always.

- Communicate. Even if it's just to say: Sorry I can't do this roleplay anymore. It would be very much appreciated. I also enjoy chatting about life and getting to know you so please, feel free to just chat me up! :)

- Adequate Grammar. I will never claim to be a particularly talented author, and truly my descriptive abilities are sub-par in my own opinion. But I do use proper sentence structure and grammar rules. I just ask that my partners do the same. We're all here to write and have fun, after all!

- Paragraph length minimum. Please no one liners. It's rather difficult to work with them and I would like replies to have basic description of actions so I have something to work on. 3-5 sentences per paragraph if you need a reference.

And now, for your assignments! Don't worry, I promise these will be fun and - no deadlines!

Plot Prompts:

Assignment #1: Best friends - with benefits? I don't really have an idea or plot for this but am currently craving a bestfriends roleplay for awhile now. I would like something fluffy and lighthearted, with some flirting, cock teasing and some seriously This is not how we usually cuddle to watch movies and is that a log in your pants or are you just glad to see me sexy moments." We can include lots of netflix cuddling, gaming induced wrestling, making fun of or making tiktoks because we're bored and it's lockdown. Basically it's a friends to lovers and beyond sorta thing I'm looking for. How, when and why can all be discussed. I would like some story aspect to it, nothing to heavy but like I said, build up makes the sexy times all the more sweeter! :) Teenage or young adult is my preferred age range for this pairing. I’ve gotten several requests for this pairing now, so if you apply for this prompt please bring an interesting spin of this scenario in the PM! Thank you.

Assignment #2: Ghost X Woman: Very basic idea, but pairing a Ghost and a woman in some sort of scenario or plot is something I'm really liking right now. (Can be gender swapped, no issues) Perhaps one of us are experimenting with witchcraft, or moved into an old house or bought/touch something they shouldn’t have.

Assignment #3: Celtic/Tribal woman warrior x captive: This is due to my great love of the Ancient era of history, where the roman empire struggled for control over it's borders with the various tribes and groups. The idea is that somehow my character has been captured by one of these tribes and been given as a gift to one of their warrior/leader women. MC can be a soldier, a trader, a gladiator or anything in between, but from the roman empire. So there would have to be a whole cultural as well as interpersonal clash. It preferably leans towards romance, but I'm expecting some power play, physically intensive and honestly brutal sex and lots of clash over cultural norms and ideas. Perhaps MC will swing over to YC's ideals in the end, becoming part of the tribe and having to prove himself a worthy mate of a strong woman. etc etc lots of fun ideas there. PM me if interested ^^

Assignment #4: The Queen's guard: Looking to play a pairing between a queen (or some other noble lady/lady in power) in a historical/fantasy setting, and her bodyguard/close advisor. The circumstances as to why the relationship forms can be varied and discussed: Perhaps the queen is in need of the military's support after the king dies, and is seducing the general to her side. Perhaps she is on the run, or touring the countryside and away from her stuffy life in the capital, a young soldier takes her fancy. It can be as simple as the queen is taking some form of revenge against the king for his dallying with the maids, or some intricate political situation that drives both our characters together. I'd like my partner to brainstorm the details of this pairing more with me, including building the setting and situation of the world this queen governs. Ideally this queen would be older than MC, but I'd be happy to discuss such details with any prospective partners. Feel free to bring your own plots and ideas to my PMs!

Very much like essays in school/college these pairings are just a basic idea and we can work together to fill it in with more detail. Please feel free to bring your own desires, cravings and suggestions to PMs, I'd love to discuss it over with you. The worst I could say is a very gentle no.

Other Potential Pairings:
Older man/Younger woman.
Younger man/Older woman.
Married Adult/Adulterer
Married Adult/Divorcee
Married Adult/In-law
Single Parent/Friend
Teen/Parent's friend
Teen/ Friend's Parent.
Boyfriend/ Girlfriend's mom

If you think any of these pairings pique your interesting, send me a PM and some ideas/themes/kinks and we'll work it out! If you have any tips, feedback or requests, don't be shy - you won't hurt my feelings. Just don't ghost me, eh? I'm always willing to improve, learn and change things up so long as it benefits us both.

tl : dr: I'm open to considering everything not on the no thank you list. I might or might not accept but I will think it over. I'm not the best writer nor do I expect you to be, we're here to have fun and if I can understand you enough to do so that is more than satisfactory <3

Thanks for reading thus far and have fun with your assignments!​
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