Advanced Search - Transformation Themes...


Sep 9, 2020
Hello Everyone!

I am once again on the search for another advanced writing partner who is interested in exploring a variety of themes. I should also add here and now that none of these are intended to be of a "Fetish" nature and that physical intimacy would be limited if not restricted to cuddles, kisses, and hand-holding as characters involved could be of an under-aged physique. The objective of the below stories is to explore the "What If" scenarios around each of the transformations and how the affected character(s) would respond to their new situation, and how the world now treats them.

For myself I would consider myself an advanced and/or novella level writer. I can write between six to nine paragraphs on average, and some of post length is significantly longer than these. I do write a couple of times per week and more as inspired by my partner. I am vocal on OOC and I love to brainstorm and discuss silly details and form friendships with my partners. I am also collaborative and open to changing direction if one of us is losing interest and for that reason most of my stories tend to last between six to eighteen months (average) or longer. I am partner picky!

A couple of themes (not limited to only these):

Transformation of Man into Woman: (PG-13 or 18+)

- Elder Brother into Younger Sister
- Bully is transformed into Shy Girl
- Lord into Lady; Lord into Slave Girl
- Boyfriend and Girlfriend Swap Bodies

Transformation of Adults into a Child (Must Be PG-13)

- Husband is turned into Wife's Child
- Teacher is turned into Pre-Schooler
- Ruling Lord turned into Child to Rule
- Boarding School, Pre-School, Slice of Life

Transformation of Human into Animal (PG-13 or 18+)

- Human into Pokemon based Storyline
- Human into Anthromorph (e.g. Fox Girl)
- Human into Normal Animal (e.g. Kitsune)
- Human into non-Humanoid (Other Option)

The ideas above are simply examples that I decided on a whim. I am open to lots and lots of different storylines provided that my character is able to be transformed from one form into another form to explore those uniqe social transitions. I am most interested in gender-based transformation as well as age-based transformations, such as the older brother into younger sister; the husband into daughter; or couples have bodies swapped.

If you are interested please send me a private message!
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