To the Sound of Clashing Swords (RP Supplement - Story x Traveler)


Feb 5, 2014
Link to the story here.
Table of Contents:
  1. Traveler's Main Characters
  2. Story's Main Characters
  3. Shared Characters
  4. Shared Characters
  5. World Notes

Traveler's Main Characters
Ser Edwain Slayte 2.jpg Prince Syrus right.jpg
Age: 26
Sir Edwain, often called "The Golden Knight", has been part of the knight corps for the last eight years. He is generally thought of as brighter half of the two youngest knights in the regiment. In public he is considerate, soft-spoken towards the people, and the one who is more likely to look out for the little guy. In private he can be short-tempered and impatient, often failing to consider the consequences of his actions. Recently he has been challenged by his grandfather to examine his motives and strive to be a better leader.​
As Prince Syrus, he has rarely been seen in court or at public functions, especially after his father's head injury ten years ago. Some rumors say he has inherited his father's madness (obviously those who equate injured dysfunction with inherited), and other rumors say he is often abroad. Still other rumors say the prince is ill and often not strong enough to attend to kingdom matters. The prince sees relationships as negotiations and aside from his friendship with Ser Ricard (as his fellow knight, Edwain), has not made any close connections. He loathes his mother's affection for her father-in-law and sees her motives as traitorous towards his injured father.​
Secret Fear: Everything he has is through birth and he would never have been good enough left to his own devices.​
cb93b8a906a7d864cefe84c44ce1b149.jpg Ser Ricard debanse 2.jpg
Age: 26
Ser Ricard is a lady's man; flirtatious, callous, and commandeering. He knows what he wants and usually goes after it despite what repercussions may come. He is used to being told 'yes', and when it comes to the casualties of war, he believes that the weak die so the strong can thrive. He is passionate, confident, and arrogant. He admires strength and cunning in his people, and believes that loyalty must never be easily won.​
His father was a hard man to grow up with, always demanding the best. As one of four sons Ricard has always had to fight and claw for recognition, and he gets it now by being the best in the battlefield and in the bed chambers.​
Secret Fear: Rejection. So much so, that he rarely lets himself entertain more than a physical attraction to any woman and only has one male confidant; Ser Edwain.​
Jacoby Reinstahl.jpg
Age: 20
Jacoby is the son of Captain Dread Reinstahl, a pseudonym adopted by the runaway blacksmith when he and his innkeeper's daughter love interest ran away twenty-one years ago. Their son was born at sea, and aside from stopping at dock for supplies, Jacoby has lived his entire life surrounded by the crew of the Osprey. Although he has seen the realities of pirating and the blood that is sometimes shed, the sheltering presence of his extended ship family has kept him shielded from much of the world's cruel nature. He is currently trying to gain knighthood to one day earn enough merit in the eyes of the king to grant his family a pardon for their crimes.​
Secret Fear: He'll fail, and find no other recourse than to return to the sea.​

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