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Fx Male (F for M) Romantic Ideas (syndicates and sorrowed affair/deep story telling)


Equal Opportunity Killer
Nov 27, 2013
7th circle of hell.

I’m Back. Sorry.​

I’ve been away for a little while due to my job being very demanding of my time in virtual work, which I have changed up slightly and the fact I have taken to going back to college. Things have been a little crazy. But I am seeking to get back in here and take on some partners. If I fell off to the map to some partners, I apologize, please reach back out to me if you like to chat!

So, lets get this request thread started.

About Me: I am in my early 30’s and I have been writing in roleplay format since the days of AOL Chat rooms. That is where my love of building stories with others really started. I have since wrote a few stories on my own, from my own ideas to fanfiction. I am a literate role-player and I thrive on detail. My heroes are authors are people like Stephan King, as he is where I truly learned to love and enjoy painting a picture with words. I do work 40+ hours a week and I do go to school, but other than those commitments, I don’t have any children or anything, so I do have a bit of free time.
I am a whore for a good aesthetic, mostly rain and snow and the things that come with that. Warm cozy beds, warm drinks, and soups, snuggles, etc. So I will normally like to write in those types of environments.




What you can except of me as a partner:
• Literate writing, at minimum-Five paragraphs, and up to way more than that.
• At least a post a day, maybe more than that on weekends
• Passionate writing and story telling
• Friendly and polite OOC
• Detailed writing
• Collaborative writing – I wont just lay there, I will move the story along
• Engaging and sprite female roles
• Imperfect Characters – I don’t write perfect stepford wives
• 3rd person writing only
• Ability to multi-character (outside of main characters)

A few kinks (The list of things I am ok with is WAY longer, but I don’t have time to make an F-book, just ask me if I’m into something, I will just tell you yes or no)
• Pregnancy
• Impregnation
• Drama
• Taboo/incest (some. No father daughter)
• Oral
• Vaginal
• Anal
• Good story telling
*Men with thick black hair and light eyes.

List of No’s.
• Bathroom play (poop, vomit, piss)
• Characters under the age of site rules (16 and under)
• Animals and furries.

What I would like from my partner:
• Imperfect characters-Give me a guy to fix! Give me scars, physically, mentally, emotionally. Prince charming isn’t for me, but I do want him to love hard.
• Literate and detailed writing
• Friendly OOC (but not to friendly, I am not here to “cyber” with you, I am here to write. This does not mean my writing isn’t sexually detailed, just the characters, not us. (3rd person writing only)
• Ability to multi-character (outside of main characters)

NOTE: “Ghosting”
Listen, I know there is a lot us people on here that get mad when a partner suddenly vanishes. Yes, It sucks! I hate it just as much as the next person, but I don’t get upset by it anymore. So, if you are no longer interested and want to Go Ghost, then Ghost. I will message once to see if you are still interested. If I do not hear anything after that, then I will assume to story is dead and I will seek a new partner for it. This is my announcement, so if you come back and I have moved on to a new partner, its nothing personal. I still may even play with you. And if you come back and want to play something else, I will still most likely talk to you. No hard feelings man.

Now, Let’s talk about what everyone is here for. Stories!

Disclaimer: I do not have a lot of stories, so please bear with me as my mind is a little scattered, I will add more.

*~*A few more stories are in the works, I will post them soon*~*

Syndicates and Sorrowed Affair
: There is a man who hasn’t been a good man. He tires to be good! He really does. But having grown up living a life of crime, its all he knows and its always a slippery slope. But, he has a pregnant wife to think about. She is the love of his life and the reason he keeps trying to do better. his parole officer is a young woman who he is attracted too, but if he hadn’t found the love of his life, he would hit on her. But trying to be upstanding and good, he is just friends with her. She is his parole officer, so its just kindness and friendship on the down low. He is doing really good; till the syndicate he works for hears he wouldn’t be working for them anymore. In retaliation of this, they murder his wife while she is home alone with their new born baby. The hitman, once a friend of the main male character, can not bring himself to kill the child. The father comes home from his night job to find his wife murdered. Calling his parole officer first then the police. The story hinges on the relationship between the parole officer and the ex-criminal attempting to get through the trauma of losing his love and raising a baby alone. Please!

You Ruined Everything: A character is up for a big promotion within their company. They’ve put everything on hold for it – including their love life. But when an outsider is hired instead, they lose it, focusing all their energy on bringing this newcomer down. They just didn’t think about the fact that they might end up liking them.

The Tree House: a treehouse in the deep woods is MC’s favorite place to relax. But when they get interrupted by another weird kid from school. Sharing a treehouse with each other might just be the best thing they’ve ever done.
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