Fx Male This quarantine is getting to my head (1 x 1 search)


Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me
Mar 5, 2017
Please send me a PM if you are interested in getting something started.


I am Cara. I’m returning after a long hiatus. I am female and 20+. I try to write a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs, I spellcheck my posts and do not let my partner do all the work. My female characters range in personalities and I’m willing to try out new characters. I am open to either romance or platonic. Please suggest any ideas to me, I will take a look at it. I only roleplay on this site.

Teacher x student . nurse/doctor x patient . detective's son/daughter x criminal . Kidnapper x kidnapped . therapist x patient . murderer x partner . celebrity x partner . Housemaid x married head of household . neighbours . family friend x daughter . Gang leader x cop’s daughter please request anything!

• Adultery . abuse . accidental hand hold . act of true love . age gaps . unrequited love . opposites attract . puppy love . can't live with them, can't live without them . caught in the rain/snowed in/under an umbrella together . theme park dates . comfort/hurt . conflicting loyalty . commitment issues . declaration of love/protection . obsession . loneliness . destructive romance . forbidden love . first love . longing looks . held gaze . almost kisses . indirect kisses . can't believe a person like you would notice me . jerks with a heart of gold . mental prolems .

Some of my ocs:
Name: Nari Choi

Age: 16-20

Personality: Arrogant, bitchy, conceited, short-tempered, fickle, bossy

Bio: Raised as the daughter of an influential CEO and a miserable pushover mother, Nari has a habit of getting her way. She’s the type of girl that people just can’t seem to say no to. Her confidence and big round puppy eyes may be part of the reason that her attempts are so affective. All she has to do is bat her eye lashes and speak words laced with honey, and she’ll have them wrapped around her little finger.

Nari is manipulative. Something she practiced during the years when she realized her tears would result in her parents giving in when she was a child. Now when she is told no, she will get destructive, not stopping until she gets her way. Where her mother is aware of the mistakes they made during her upbringing, her father enables her behavior.

She doesn’t need anyone apart from the people she manipulates and the majority don’t even know she’s doing and when they do they realize it’s already too late. Nari doesn’t manipulate for her own benefit, she manipulates for fun, for revenge, out of jealousy and to get what she wants.

Random facts:

- Her parents placed her into an international school, where she learned to speak English, and she also speaks fluent Chinese due to a tutor hired by her father as he did a lot of business with the Chinese.

- Her relationships only lasted a few weeks top.

- She knows how to play the violin.

- Her favorite thing to do is shopping
Name: Aerin Baek
Age: 16-19
Personality: Introverted, emotional, chaotic energy, insecure, worrier, unmotivated, naive.
Bio: Aerin is the youngest in a family of 4 consisting of her parents and older brother, Junseo. Her mother stayed at home taking care of the two children while her father worked at an office. When Aerin turned 14, her parents announced that they will be divorcing. Her parents have always raised them in a loving way, but unfortunately her father seems to only have interest for her older brother after the divorce. At school she gets bullied by a group of popular girls which she doesn’t talk about at home because she doesn’t want to bother anyone with her issues.
As a girlfriend: She’ll be very shy at first and unsure as she never dated before but she’ll gradually warm up. After that expect silly faces and jokes to cheer him up, clumsiness, hyper 3 am pillow fights, hugs when he feels down, and a girlfriend who remembers important dates like graduation, birthdays, doctor visits etc.
As a best friend: She’d ocassionaly ask if you won’t leave her for someone more fun/smarter/etc. She’d always text funny memes and check in. Because she isn’t used to having friends she’d be very careful to not do anything ‘stupid’ to make them leave her.
Random facts:
- She loves playing videogames, especially multiplayer.
- She isn’t the type to share her problems with others and tends to pent up things.
- She LOVES food, especially pastries, sweets and junkfood.
- She loves watching k-dramas and reading webtoons.
Name: Rohee Kang
Age: 19-25
Personality: Caring, empathetic, logical, patient, optimistic,
Bio: Rohee grew up in a loving family with her parents and siblings on a medium sized farm in Busan. Her childhood was pretty normal, her parents made long hours while she went to the local school. Since she was a little girl she loved making her baby dolls better so it wasn’t a surprise when she moved to Seoul to study at a medical university. When she is not studying she is at the hospital as an intern.
Random facts:
- She is a good cook and can whip up a whole dinner party with few ingredients.
- She’s very empathetic, doesn’t jump to conclusions and prefers to talk things out.
- Is great at staying calm in tense situations.
- When she’s comfortable with someone she likes joking with them and teasing them.
- Is the ‘mom’ friend.
As a girlfriend: She’d pack nutritious and tasty lunchboxes with a variety of foods, insisting her boyfriend to take it with him whenever he goes. She’ll send cute texts when he’s out telling him how she misses him. In the end she wants to make sure he’s happy and well.
As a friend: She’s the one friend who always lends a shoulder to a crying friend. She isn’t a very adventurous person so friend dates would be chill things such as watching movies at home with a sleepover chatting away and watching dramas.
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