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Fx Male Aine Ever Searching! (NSFW Links)


Sep 21, 2020
Hello there!

I'm Aine, and I'm looking for partners to create some new and interesting stories with!

I'll give a bit about myself. I'm been RPing for a few years, but I'm new here. I'm a fairly reasonable person to get along with. I love talking, and plotting things out. And I also adore Lewd scenarios. I'm fine with things being story driven, or smut driven. Or a happy mixture of both. I'll be honest, I can be a bit of an E-Slut at times if I get in a lewdy moody. So If I get to be a bit too much, don't be afraid to tell me so. I love sharing gifs( Warning there may be some lewd gifs or images sprinkled through here. ) and ideas. So don't be after to throw things my way!

I have a large mixture of styles. I can be hyper realistic or go full on weeb anime style. From real life reactions to hyper stylized over the top action. I'm just out for all parties to have fun. I don't mind things being dark/gritty, and I easily enjoy fun/lighthearted just as much. I'm really all about having fun. I love massive stories with an assortment of moving pieces. For reference pictures, it depends on the mood. I can do real life face claims or animated pictures. And just because one picture might be used for a character reference in an idea doesn't mean that avatar is locked to that character.

I'm pretty hetero, so my characters will fall into that category as well. Here is an F-list. These aren't always set in stone. With the right idea I might be open to certain things. But I'm not afraid to set my limits, but that doesn't mean I'm always firmly against some of them either. But don't be shy to tell me what you want. I'm always willing to hear someone out. Like I said, I can be a bit of an E-thot, throw it my way. I'll be honest with you if I'm comfortable with it or not.

For posts. I am strictly a third person writer, and will only write with people doing third. I just can't get into first. I'm sorry, but it just isn't my cup of tea. For posts lengths they vary. I typically stay around a para to multi para. But I can do semi/freestyle if preferred. I'm not able to Novella, but I can make some decent sized paragraphs if I'm fired up and excited enough. I'm quite capable of playing multiple characters, and usually quite willing to do so, as long as my partner does so as well.

Last but not least, I don't mind doing Fandoms. But I prefer to be OC's other than actual characters. I will play them as side characters, but I'm not typically a person that can get comfortable playing as an already established character. Also not big on my main OC being an "alien" females like Twi'leks or Asari. I love both Star Wars and Mass effect and will EASILY play in those universes, but I don't typically enjoy my primary being Alien looking, but I will certainly play them as side characters, back ups characters, and all that fun stuff. Now this doesn't mean I expect you to play as a canon character, or alien, you can be whatever you want to be! I'm not a pushy person.

Stars Denote Craving
Air Gear**
Alive - The final Evolution
Avatar- TLA/LOK
Battle Royale**
Bioshock***( Always a fave)
Code Geass
Code Vein
Commonwealth Saga{Just started reading but love it so much already }
Cthulu Mythos***
Cyberpunk{ 2077 and just cyberpunk stuff in general.}***
Darling in the Franxx
D.C Universe
Dead Space*
Devil May Cry
Deus Ex
Dogs Bullets and Carnage
Dragon Age
Dragon Ball {And up}
Elder Scrolls**
Fairy Tale
Final Fantasy**
Fire Force *
Fullmetal Alchemist
Harry Potter**
Jurassic Park/World
Last of Us{ I'm pretty hetero but Ellie has my heart. <3 I don't care if you hated the 2nd one. I loved it. Opinions not needed. Discussion welcome}
Marvel Universe
Mass Effect ***
Monster Hunter
My Hero Academia**
Nier( Any ) **
Resident Evil**
Shaman King**
Soul Eater*
Star Ocean
Star Wars ***
Trinity Blood***
True Blood*
Tsubasa Chronicles/ Holic ( Anything Clamp really. )
Vampire Knight { Look, I never grew out of the emo phase. I fucking love vampires. }
Witcher(Entire series)
Zone of the Enders**

And so many more. Just because it isn't on the list doesn't mean I won't enjoy it.

These are just random ideas I will almost always play.
Almost anything with mechs.(I love giant robots) Or Space related.
Dark Themes.

Alright! Done ranting! Any more questions, just ask! Now to ideas! Again, nothing is set in stone, I'm more than happy to change and discuss things. Or if nothing floats your boat lets create our own story together!

Of Dust and Rust- {Sci-fi/ Apocalypse/Adventure/ Mystery tale}

The Year 22??, there world had been nearly destroyed nearly three hundred years ago by an event only known as The Catastrophe. Clouds blanket the sky blocking the sun, as radiation and fires still burn across the earth. Landscapes have been changed. Acid rain occasionally falls from the sky, and that's not the only thing, Land Falls, as they are known can happen from time to time where pieces of space junk fall from earth's orbit and crash into the ground. The world is a dangerous place, and Humanity now survives across the broken land in domed mega cities that filter out the toxic gases, offer protection from mutants and the other threats from the wastelands.

There are a few people who are willing to travel outside the cities, Scavengers for example. People who brave the waste to bring back anything they can find. Trying to locate lost technologies, or some answer to the mystery of The Catastrophe. Most of them just collect junk to sell for cash.
There are also the Nomads, a sturdy group who travel the wastelands, going from city to city to trade goods, but never staying in one place to long. Brave and free spirited, they don't confine themselves to live in the domed cities. Daring to risk the wastes for freedom.

Another group is only known as The Exiles. They are extremely hostile, and nobody knows where they truly live or come from. It is said they are a group who were kicked out of one of the Mega cities sometime after the collapse of the world and have been surviving outside. Who they are and how they survive is a mystery. Because most people don't live to tell about it. It is highly suggest to flee if coming across anyone wearing the Crimson Cross of The Exiles.

First Idea:
Aoibhe (ey-va) , is a scavenger for Serenity City. She resides in a small ghetto of the city, she could afford to live else where, but this community is better than mosts, and it was were she was born. Using most of her funds to support the small "village". But one day she travels outside the city only to witness a Land Fall, wanting to check to see if anything was salvageable she goes to the wreckage, where she finds a mysterious box with clues that might give answers to everything.

{ Your character could be either another scavenger, or a nomad that she goes to for help to figure out the box. Or even an Exile! Wrapping them both up in what will soon be a crazy adventure! Or you can be some random character you want to add. I'm open to discussion! }

Idea Two!: A pair of Nomad get separated from their group during an fierce battle with The Exile. Tragedy striking both sides when a catastrophic event happens. The pair running into an Exile during their escape. There is no time to fight, they all might die. So the trio help each other to survive. When they find a safe place will their alliance remain? And maybe the nomads might learn the truth to The Exiles.

{ Other pairings work. Could just be a single Nomad. I'm up for playing either. Or making a gigantic story containing this idea and many more! }


A meteor crashed to earth bringing with it a terrifying virus. It infected living creatures turning them into alien beasts. Humans, animals, even some plants, the virus was nearly unpredictable. But as a scientists scrambled to find a way to stop the contagion. IMPACT{ I'll think of an acronym later. IMPACT Just sounded cool AF to me } , A new elite unit was sent out to combat the threats to humanity, With the best technology that could be provided, skilled warriors fight to keep the threats at bay, and humanity safe until a cure can be found.

{ This idea is a major W.i.P but still open to discuss and play it. Would love help to flesh out the idea. }

Psycho-Net!{Dark themes, Horror, Murder, Mystery}

The Year is 2099 , and the world has entered a new technological age. The gap between the real world and the internet has grown even closure with a world wide connection to the Augmented reality known as The Sphere which can be seen via implants, or special glasses. Though most people just have implants these days. People live their day to day lives jumping between reality and the sphere. Working from home, dressing in different fashion on the fly. Turning an abandon warehouse into a night club with just the blink of an eye. The digital world even being able to be displayed in reality with the right equipment. There were few things that didn't operate off the Sphere at this point.

But what can be a blessing to humanity can always be turned into a curse.
And the internet is always filled with rumors.

Rumors of an infection are spreading around the net. That can drive you insane or make someone your personal slave!
Talks of the dead appearing in both virtual and real life!
People disappearing without a trace with all their digital information erased as if they never existed at all.

The internet loves its rumors.

But not
Abigail Coil! It is her duty to hunt down these rumors and put them to rest! Her grandmother being one of the founding members of The Sphere, she takes it personal to keep her grandma's dream untarnished!
{This one is super open to ideas and twist and turns. Lot to unpack here. Your character can literally be anything you want, detective, friend, police, cyber hacker person, net junkie! So many possibilities. }

The Great Beyond{Space, Exploration, Horror, Adventure, Ect.}

Humanity had conquered the Solar System. And it was time for them to travel outside their particular patch of space. Earth was filled to the brim. Mars had been terraformed, space colonies littered the space between the stars. Humanity had continued to do what it always had. Expand.
And once more it was time for them to do so. Humanity gathered its resources and build the ten top of the line deep space explorers, a ship made to carrier and house a crew for years. Each ship and crew paired with another, then sent off in various directions to explore new parts of the galaxy.

{This idea is pretty flexible. And crew size doesn't have a set maximum or minimum so multiple stories could play out here. }

First Idea: {The obvious} One ship gets lost from another as something goes wrong on their first jump out of the galaxy. For one crew it is a rescue mission, the other their only mission is to survive.

Second Idea: The two ships arrive at their destination safety. In the new system they set to explore some of the local planets, finding new plants and animals. Even a place to set up a base. But this new world is hostile, from dinosaur like beasts, to tree's that can eat you. And from the perspective of some unknown locals, they might even appear to be demons from the sky.

Third Idea: The team made it relatively safely, though it was a bit of a bumpy ride. But when they come out the other side they did not expect what they found. An advanced civilization floating through space! But are they friend or foe?

Fourth Idea: The Team had a rather enjoyable ride. Scans weren't showing much of life so far, but they were picking up old structures. So they might as well check them out. But the mysterious they find might just unlock the secret to the universe, or a scary threat hidden in it.

Fifth Idea: What the fuck happened?! Would be the first words out of the Captain's mouth. They'd launched smoothly, but midflight things went wrong. So when they came out of hyperspace they were just on the edge of their home system. Lucky for them, and they were picking up the other ships signal, so they must of survived too. But as they drift back things aren't quite what they appear, the charts say they are home. But nothing looks familiar. All the planets are there Earth is there, but it all looks wrong. Earth looks decayed, the moon is shattered having crashed with what could only be described as an alien mothership. And the second teams signal is coming from the planet that should be earth.

Cyberpunk{2077, possible fandom, original stories.}

First idea:{From stuck up bitch to Badass?*cough*} Kallen had been living the high life, she worked for a major corporation. She was beginning to mingle with some of the richest people in the city. She had been getting so close to the top, all it took was A LOT of blood, sweat, sex , and tears. She had gotten so close! Sixth months later she is a stripper in the lower echelon of the city streets, doing what she could to survive until she finds her way back to the top.

So how did she go from potentially fucking a C.E.O at his desk and rise herself to a life of luxury only dreamed of by most people. Short story, like anyone flying high without caution, she flew too close to the sun. And in the Corporate world if you aren't watching your back, it is easy to get burned. Kallen got burned. Set up for a crime she didn't commit. Her accounts frozen, unable to afford her luxurious condo. Having to sell her car! Her "friends" deserting her. She'd once lived the high life. And now she was some no name stripper in some low life part of the city. But Kallen wouldn't give up. Just because she was down, didn't mean she would be out. She would rise up again and find out who set her up. { Pretty much just an open idea character for a Cyberpunk world of action, adventure, sex, and revenge. }

Idea Two: Tomika works for Division Zero, a special branch that over see's high priority cases. Cybercrimes, Warfare, Corporate Espionage, terrorism. If Division Zero is on the case, something big is going down. And they assume complete authority when they take over the investigation. Idea: 2.A: Tomika is a new recruit to Division zero, your recruit is a team leader, or another member. Who shows her the ropes.
Idea:2.B: Tomika gets stuck watching the newbie after being the newbie.
Idea:2.C: Tomika comes in contact with a suspect, but he isn't quite what she imagined a criminal to be like.

The Big Bad Wolf{Action,Adventure,Romance}

Katherine, though more prominently known as Kat, or Little Red is well beloved amongst their little village. She is always there to lend a helping hand when she isn't out delivering for her mother's bakery. Kind and compassionate to everyone she meets, even when others tell her to stay away. And the new stranger in town looks like trouble. Cast out from his village for unknown reasons, but the rumors always surounding him. It is even said he is a werewolf, or the son of one. Who knows with rumors. But Kat had a sixth sense, and even though he was rough around the edges and mysterious, she didn't fear him for a second.

Beast attacks had been on the rise, and because of the stranger in town of course everyone blamed the wolves. But it was true, attacks were up, and people weren't leaving or coming through. Someone needed to go get help. Hell! Someone needed to check on Red's granny who lived midway between them and the closest village. Why she chose to live out their was beyond them, but the old bat had always taken care of herself.

No one in the village would go. Even her own mother said to just leave her grandmother alone out there. But Red wouldn't have it! Cowards, the lot of them! But it would be scary going out there alone. But then she had an idea. The only one who didn't seem to be afraid of anything going on, the stranger! So Katherine found him and asked for his services. She'd pay him for his effort, one way or another. And the two would soon be unlikely companions, sneaking off to see if they could get help for the village. But something is certainly off about the stranger, and the villagers might have been more right then Katherine would care to admit.

{Open to ideas. Also open to a second romance option, someone who doesn't want her to be alone with the stranger. But is not needed. Just added spice if someone desires that. }

The Legacy{Action, Adventure, epic fantasy, Possibly Arabia Fantasy}

Everyone in the kingdom of Nydoella loved the King and Queen. They were the definition of a power couple, having lead the charge against the evil wizard, Ogorim, and stopping him from unleashing an ancient evil force that would have threaten to destroy the world! But her parents and their merry band charged into battle slaying the ancient foe and bringing peace to the realm. It was a fairy tale ending. For a great time there was peace all through out the lands. Until their wasn't.

In the night assassin's struck, killing the King and Queen. And it would appear the assassin's wouldn't make it fair. At least that is how it would seem. An unfortunate pair of thieves had gotten a hot tip, and they'd planned to pull off the biggest heist of their lifetime. When they were caught by an unsuspecting princess out for a late night stroll. So when the alarm is sound, the two are captured. But how could they have possibly killed her parents? They were coming in the opposite side of the castle. But no one would listen to her. The thieves had been set up, and it'd be up the princess to save them, and prove the real culprit, and find out just what other threats might linger the horizon.

{This would be one of those big ones. Plenty of characters, twists and turns. Thieves can be duo of male/female male/male two females change the male to a prince. Doesn't meant to me. But this one is meant to have a big cast! }

Sinful delights{Vampires, nuff said.}

There was no two ways about it, Aoife {ee-fa} had gone out looking for trouble. Twenty years old, her first vacation alone, no friends no family, all her! Just a plane ticket and a eight hours later she'd set foot in the Bahama's. So of course her first agenda after getting her room was to find a place to just let loose. Lay by the beach, hit up a party, go to a bar, hit the night clubs. It was a whirlwind of excited and Aoife was ready to go with the flow! And there was little doubt she'd be willing to bring a "gentleman" back to her hotel room. But this was the first night of HER vacation, this choice was an important one. Who would she choose to start her vacation off with a BANG? The right guy, and she'd found him.

When their eyes met her heart melted. With just a gaze she'd found her choice, a mysterious, and handsome looking man, who looked at her like she was just a piece of meat. Aoife thought she was the predator on the prowl, but unfortunately she was mistaken. Now She wouldn't lie, the sex was absolutely fantastic. Everything after that though, not so much. She'd picked the wrong club, the wrong guy, on the wrong night. The mysterious stranger, a man she didn't even know his name, was a fucking vampire.

First Question, Vampires are real? Second, Why are there fucking Vampires in the Bahamas?. Well Mr. Mysterious was a traitor, a heretic had fled his punishment. And thinking himself clever he hid himself away in a tropical paradise. Apparently sun screen had come along way for them in modern times. Who knows? Well this bastard thought he was safe. So he began to make his own vampire army. Poor Aoife had been chosen to be his first addition to his new family. But Mr. Mysterious wasn't quite as clever as he thought he , and just before morning light a swarm of vampires filled Aoife's hotel room. The two of them spirited away to God knows where.

The two were dragged before a creepy looking council for their fates to be decided. Well, at least hers, Mr. Mysterious was put to death not long into the proceedings. Leaving just one problem, what should they do with Aoife?

{This one is a rough idea. But the gist is there. The shake up. Her sire dead. Her life on the line, some other noble vampire stepping up to save her? Can be any kind of vampire really. We can discuss which lore we prefer and pound out the details. }

Can I come?{Action/adventure/lewd}

apprentice mage needs to make some money. And she heard adventuring was the way to do it! So signing up with the local guild she is all to ready to head out on a mission! When she just happens to overhear a group talking about wanting a magic user in their group, she quickly steps up for the role! But adventuring is a lot harder than you think, and the poor mage might find herself in harms way!
{ Just a simple idea. Have a few ideas brewing I will put them here when I have them more solidified}

Cursed Blood ( Urban Fantasy)
When it come's to Stormy's childhood there really isn't much to tell. At least not Stormy's version of it. For the longest time Stormy never knew why she and her father travelled all the time. From one small town to another, an odd job here and there. They'd stay in one town for six months, the next two years. But never more than two. It made growing up a bit rough for Stormy, and while her father was a great dad, he wasn't the greatest talker. And while he tried his hardest he didn't exactly know how to raise a daughter on his own. But her mom was gone, and they were all each other had. He taught her how to hunt, and how to survive in the wild if need be. Taught her how to fix things up on her own. He tried to make her as self sufficient as he could. He did a pretty good job. Except he never got to tell her the truth.

She'd gone out one day to do some stupid rebellious teenage bullshit, when she got home her father had already been gutted. But there was another corpse of the floor and it wasn't human. It was a monster. A werewolf, and it was dead. She took the gun, gathered up her things, and took her father's car and hit the road. Never even daring to look back. She didn't know what had happened. She felt like she was going crazy. But a lot of things were starting to add up. The moving around, the strange people they'd often stop and see. And when various creatures began showing up after her, she knew she had to keep moving. Searching for some clue how to be safe. It wasn't until she met an old shaman who told her some nonsense about her blood being special due to her mother's lineage, blah, blah. At least that was the shaman's best guess. So Stormy learned what she could about protecting herself, setting out to make some normal life for herself in the world.

For seven years she has followed the tradition her father had taught her. Never settle in one place for to long. Prepare the right charms. She has even found a few people who can provide her with bullets to her monster slaying pistol, though they are rather expensive and hard to get ahold of. Though she still never found out why her father never told her any of this, or taught her his own practices that had kept them safe. But she is finding her own way. And maybe someday she'll find a way to keep her blood from smelling so damn delicious.

The Businessman{Dark themes/Adultery/Mystery}

First Idea: Olivia had always dreamed about being a journalist. So that is exactly what she became. Then her older sister disappeared and the case simply grew cold. Well that wasn't enough for Olivia. Because she already had a suspect, and there was little doubt in Olivia's mind that her former boss, The CEO of a large international conglomerate. The perfect businessman. From almost every angle he was squeaky clean. But something in her gut told her to investigate the man. So she did what any reporter would do. She'd go undercover.

It was quite the interview process to become the Ceo's next assistant, filling the vacant spot left by her sister. But Olivia did it. And soon she'd be taking her place as the assistant to the older gentleman. He was suave, intelligent, dominant, and dangerous. If he set his eyes on something, there was little doubt he would get what he wanted. Can Olivia uncover the truth about the businessman, or will she be just another girl who disappears?

Second Idea:
Ellie Vanburenhad gotten her the ultimate job. Years of university, and slaving away finally paying off! She had a loving family and all the support she could ever want! But now she worked underneath the CEO of the company. His personal assistant. But just how personal? He was a man who took what he wanted. And no was a word he wasn't use to hearing. Will Ellie be able to repel his advances? Or will she end up experiencing a whole new side to herself.

University Blues{Slice of life}

First Idea: It was
Blake's first year of University, and everything was looking good. She seemed to be getting along with her flat mates. And she was just about to go to her first college party! It wasn't long before she was out trying to have the time of her life. When she meets a handsome upper classman, things are going long and it isn't long until they are back at his place getting wild. It was some of the best sex she'd ever had. They had parted ways the next day pretty amicability. They'd had fun.

But the weekend was barely over when she her roomie showed her the video, she hadn't even seen him record it. But now with the weekend over, and the video was
spreading quickly. Had Blake managed to ruin her reputation before the school year even began?

Second Idea:
Alma was a bit down on her luck. She'd gotten in the university but just barely. And bills were stacking up around her. The part time job she worked didn't exactly make it easy, even finding good roomies was a problem. But one of her friends told her about an app. A sugar daddy app, where younger girls would meet and "hang" out with older men for time and money. But what exactly was she getting herself into? And what kind of Daddy would she meet, and what weird situation might she find herself going along with?

The Offer( Lewd )
Melanie lives a pretty normal life for the most part. Working as a Bartender at a local pub. Its a good enough job. Pays all her bills for the most part. She isn't living the life of comfort by any means, but it is a good life. One slow night at the bar there isn't a whole lot going on. Its mostly empty except for an Older Patron who had been sipping on his drink all not and offering some lively conversation. But things really take a turn after last call, when the bar is clearing out. The Old man gives Melanie an offer to come join him at his hotel, and if she lasted the entire night. She just might walk away with more money than she ever expected.

The Long road home{ Zombies, Horror, Adventure, Survival}

Nora never really believed in her dad's crazy conspiracy theories. But he had pounded the survivalist mentality into her head, especially after her mom had passed away. And he'd absolutely hated the fact that she chose to go to school across the sea. So when the outbreak happened, Nora was far from home as a girl could get. The world had erupted into absolute chaos. And Nora had to figure out how to survive and make her way back home. But could she do it alone?

{ Pretty open to discussion with this one. Just a long trek across the world! Who knows what could happen?! }

Did I start the apocalypse?{ Horror, Dark themes}

When all is said and done,
Maeve might have just been the person who brought upon the end of the world. It all started with a book she'd received in the post. It was strange yet familiar. And she couldn't help but want to take a look! She was sure someone had gotten the addresses mixed up but it had certainly been mailed to her. Upon further inspection the book was old. She read what she could, and what she could read was horrifying. Whoever wrote the book had quite the wicked mind.

Her dreams began to change. She'd wake up in places not knowing how she got there and where she even was. But that final black out spelled disaster. When Maeve awoke she stood before a great fiery gate, with all manner of demonic creatures standing around her. And from the fiery gate came the so called Princess of Darkness, and he'd come to claim the Earth as his own. And Maeve should rejoice, for she would be his bride! But can Maeve find a way to bring a stop to the apocalypse? Or will she be forced to be the Bride to evil?

The Life that was{ Survival}

Nobody knew how long it had been since humanity had crumbled. Cities that dominated the landscape had either crumbled to the sands of time, or been reclaimed by nature. Many beasts of the land no longer looked how they had in ancient time. Growing large and vicious. Even ancient machines threatened to be murderous if one was to find themselves in the wrong place. Humanity had returned to its tribal roots to survive.

First Idea:
Noein had been one of the last survivors during the calamity. Ushered into a cryo machine by her parents. She awakens thousands of years later to find herself the last survivor of the modern age.

Second Idea: Noein can just be a hunter for a tribal group and meets a wounded man and decides to take him home to her village.

{ There is always room for discussion.}

Operation Z( Dark themes)
The year 1945, The Allied Forces were pushing hard against the Axis Powers. But the enemy had a fail safe. It was known that the Thule society had been attempting some dark ritual, trying to make a deal with some ancient beast in hopes to give them power to win the war. And they were granted the power of Undead soldiers. But when you mess with forces you don't understand, things might not turn out the way you expect them.

First Idea:
Monika is a low ranking member of the Thule Society, and an assistant to a German Scientists/ Occultist. She does as she is told, even though she doesn't quite understand the powers they are playing with. But when things get out of hand, and the Undead can't be controlled. Things fall apart quickly across the country. And Monika's unlikely savior is an allied soldier. The two must work together to survive.

( Any thoughts of views reflected in this play are not the writers. I simply thought a WW2 Zombie/ Supernatural idea sounded fun. Opposites attract and all that fun stuff. )

**Note** My mystery stories typically have large casts, and are made for those who like to write a lot. And while I always play in third person this is one of the few times, I might partake in some first person monologuing. "Deductive Reasoning" going on in their heads and what not. But the main play is still third person. This kinds of plays require discussion and constant communication so we can create and solve the ultimate mysteries!

The Island

Twelve "lucky" people find themselves awakening on tropical paradise. Not a single one of them claims to know how they got there. They all awoke with a PDA like device with various features, but no way to call. But the island is a paradise! There is a wonderful resort, lots of food, activities, and twelve personal Lodges for each of them to call home. There is no way to call out, no easy way off the island. They are trapped. And there is another problem the welcoming message on the PDA said welcomed twelve of them. But there is a seventh girl, bringing the total of people known on the Island to thirteen. But everyone has a PDA. Was there a mistake?

No. There was no mistake. And one of the mysterious
girls is quick to point out one of them is most likely an Imposter. How do they escape the island? Why were they there? And which one of them didn't belong there?

Shared Visions{Cthulu Mythos-ish}

Shirley was having horrible nightmares, and the only person who seemed to take her seriously was her Grandfather, whom she often shared letters with. So when she received an invitation from her grandfather to come visit him. And that upon her arrival he would explain the visions she was having. But upon her arrival things were already weird. Her grandfather's home had been tossed! And her grandfather was no where to be found, but there was enough blood around to assume foul play.

And Shirley wasn't the only one who had called upon her grandfather. A Detective from New York had always been having the same visions. Finding that her grandfather had invited him as well, so that he too might discover the meaning behind these nightmares. Were they going insane? Or was something more insidious lurking in the dark?

Liar's Game

It all started with a simple desire. To provide a carefree life to her family.
Noel's mother had fallen for a scam. A black Market game where the winner walks away, potentially with millions of dollars. While the loser walks away with nothing but debt. Noel's mom had good intentions. She was sure she could win and set her family up for life! But the opposite had happened. It wasn't long before the stress got to her father, and he passed away from a heart attack. This was the tragedy that brought Noel back home from university.

She learned of her mother's mistake, and the result it had on her father. The family was broke and in debt for millions. Noel made phone calls. Talked to lawyers. Even the Police said there was nothing they could do! What was her poor mother to do? So she does the only thing she can think of. She hits the internet! Posting on forums and asking for advice. It wasn't long before she received a private message from a woman who claimed to know a man who could help. A detective prodigy. And Noel has no choice but to give it a try. So she goes to meet the detective. And after a long conversation, and thought, the two decided to take part in the game and bring it down from the inside.

{ General idea was stolen from the Liar's Game Manga. Which is a good read! Details changed. Different games. But just seemed like a fun idea!

Well that is it for now! But there are so many more ideas to come! And I'm always open to hearing your ideas! So send me a message and lets discuss a play!
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Bump. Once again I apologize for disappearing. IRL got in the way in a brutal fashion. Also broke thread. Will fix it later.
After a long Hiatus I have once returned and trying to RP again! And apparently messed up my thread. More ideas to come soon and hopefully get fixed. Lol!
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