Fx Male Candice’s Request


Sep 23, 2020
This is actually going to be very hard for me to write because I am usually a very shy and private person in real life.


About Me

I don’t want to give anyone a false impression of me, so I feel the need to point out that due to my upbringing and being a shy person I am not experienced in sex. I turned 18 eleven days ago, but still feel like I have to sneak around to be here doing this. I’m also not experienced in erotic writing, but like everyone I do of course have fantasies and I love to write and I have roleplayed a lot in other genres, so hopefully that helps until I learn the ropes a bit better.

Normally, when I roleplay mostly any other genre, I have a broad range of characters I like to use. But when I think about erotic roleplaying I can’t imagine appeal in playing as anyone else but myself. I suppose, at least for now, the RP characters I will be playing will be me… or closely related versions/alterations of myself. And I guess when it comes to choosing a partner I will be looking for someone who would appeal to me in reality. At the moment I do have ‘notions’ of fantasies I would like to play out with said partner, and hopefully that person will help make these notion more defined. But as far as I can tell all those fantasies are based around more realistic views, circumstances and situations. I think that this is strange, at least to me, because it feels like these views suggest more of an online sex thing than actual erotic ‘role’ play.


Here is a short list of things about me/my preferred roleplaying

Personal appeal:
  • I’m heterosexual, and so far haven’t been turned on by thoughts of doing anything other than that.
  • Thanks to a guy who PM’d me yesterday, I am no longer embarrassed to say that I prefer older men, sometimes much older.
  • I like a strong and rugged man. Thoughts of boyish or shiny and very kempt men have never done anything for me.
  • I like confidence but not arrogance.
  • I feel like I may be turned on by a fatherly figure, not to be confused with an actual dad or incest.
  • I sometimes think about more than one man.

  • Well, I think mostly any Genre or Era (medieval, modern, futuristic, etc) would be fine with me as long as it is more of a Slice-of-Life/Realistic Representation of experiences.


Oh boy, I know it isn’t much to go on, but I can probably blame that on inexperience. After reading through this site for a while I feel like I might be boring haha.

Please feel free to PM me with suggestions that you might feel work for both of us. I am open to experimental situations if it sounds comfortable to me. If it helps, here are some things I don’t want to do: Incest, bestiality, torture. There are probably others but I’ll update later. Oh, I also don’t really like anime.


Social Media

I’ve already been approached by some guys here, and they have all been really sweet so far. But I just want to point out that I’m not at this time interested in Discording with you. One of the reasons I’m here is because I feel safe. For me this is a secret place I can sneak away to when no one is looking, away from my usual hangouts and people that know me. Giving out my Discord info or info of any of my usual social media hangouts kinda jeopardises that. Thank you for understanding.


Frequency and Types of Posting

As you can probably tell already, I do have school and other things going on. I will probably visit at least once a day, but there might be days when I can’t find a private moment to come here at all. So please be patient and don’t expect me to be here all the time.

One last thing. If you don’t really feel like roleplaying as such, but just want to chat about ‘stuff’, I’m good with that too


Thank you for reading
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