Fx M or F Medieval Fantasy & Moar - Discord Only


Sep 20, 2020
Hello everyone,

Will keep real short and simple! I am looking for discord only rps, UwuItsYou#8533 is my username so add me once you read the below. Please come to me with ideas!

- Please be decently capable of roleplaying, 1-3 paragraphs a post is good, with good grammar and spelling. You don't have to be perfect, but don't burn my eyes out in the attempt of reading it.
- Be willing to play other characters other than you main - be it random NPCs or some side characters. The world has to feel a bit alive even if it isn't major characters.
- Third person only!
- I don't like talking about irl stuff!
- Help with the roleplay don't just coast along.


What am I looking for?

Right now mostly Medieval Fantasy (be it just generic medieval fantasy, D&D 5e-type play, Game of Thrones, and plenty more)

Also Slice of Life (Typically something gritty and or taboo)

My no's tend to mostly be just no scat or male on male.

My yes' tend to be most things, taboo and rougher/grittier play are often things I like.


Tonight I will be on the slower side of replying, but usually pretty quick depending on the night, and on most days.

Hope to talk to some of you soon!
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