Lavender's Request (Any x Any)


Sep 13, 2020

Hello Lovelies!
As you may have noticed I’m looking for a co-conspirator. Someone to plot delicious stories with plenty of fantasy and romance! But first a little about me and what I’m looking for.

I consider myself Semi Literate to Literate. Depending on the scene and the cooperation of my muse I can write between two to six paragraphs. For my partner I’m fairly flexible. I just ask for at least one good paragraph. When it comes to grammar and punctuation I’m not terribly picky, as long as I can understand what is written and your input adds to the story I’m delighted.

I’m definitely looking for someone who can contribute to the plot. I’m happy to toss out ideas but I’d love to find someone with opinions and ideas to expand upon it. This is important in the set up but equally important later on as the story moves forward. I’d love having conversations about the story. “Hey what if we… Wouldn’t it be cool if… I was thinking at some point…” are my favorite things to read. It makes me feel like you're interested and invested in the story. Additionally if you're feeling some way in regards to our roleplay, positive or negative I’d love to know.

I don’t have a lot of free online time. I do work full time, care for my parents, and am in the middle of building my house. I can’t really make commitments as to when and how long I will be online. I will certainly try to be online a few days a week at least. Additionally I don’t often do much quick back and forth. Sometimes It takes me time to gather my thoughts and put them down.

Please don’t feel bad if I decline your offer to play or decide to stop playing at some point in time. Where I have limited free time I’d rather pour my effort into a couple of stories that capture me, than be spread thin or feel stuck trying to reply to something that I’m just not totally vibing with at the moment.

When it comes to genre, I adore stories with romance and will play any gender of any orientation happily. I do enjoy a good coming out or realization story if that’s up your alley. Fantasy is a favorite of mine. Be it a high fantasy with kingdoms and magic everywhere, or something more modern with a touch of wonder. A bit of drama is always welcome here and there. I can’t say I’m well versed in action or horror as these genres never really inspired me too much.

When It comes to the steamy scenes, I like it to be balanced and flow with the plot.
In most cases I prefer for the characters to develop some kind of bond prior to things getting hot and heavy.
When it comes to the content of these scenes I do have a few things that just don’t appeal to me.

Scat, Watersports, Vomit Etc.
Blood and Gore

Check out my

Here are some pairing that interest me, in these I'm willing to play either role.
I also love when we play multiple characters in the same story.
Werewolf x Mate
⬤ Elf x Half Orc
⬤ God x Sacrifice/Follower

Witch x Knight/Familiar/Demon
Royalty x Servant/Betrothed/Knight
Dragon x Sacrifice/Knight/Royalty
⬤ Human x Alien/Android/Ghost/Zombie

Dorm Roommates
Poly Soulmates

Regarding fandoms, I prefer to play original characters though I do enjoy pulling inspiration from a cannon world.
✦ Star Crossed (TV Series)
✦ Warm Bodies (Movie)
✦ I Am Dragon (Movie)
✦ Red Riding Hood (Movie)

✦ Beauty and the Beast (TV Series)

Plot Bites: Concepts, Themes and Ideas
These ideas are not at all developed and completely open to being discussed and modified.

*Learning to Fly*
Muse A and B are associates. They interact and are on good terms but don't really know each other. Things change when Muse A begins to sprout wings one day. Muse B is the one who discovers them, helps hide them and are for Muse A as their wings grow. The problem is, someday Muse A won't be able to hide them for much longer. Together they decide to investigate what's happening. I'm imagining Muse A discovering they are not completely human. Perhaps there is an entire civilization of bird people hidden away.

**Currently Craving**
So I'm currently craving this generic idea regarding werewolves and fated mates. I was thinking perhaps the Alpha's son or daughter meets their mate and it's someone who wouldn't be readily accepted by the pack. Perhaps a rouge wolf passing through the nearby town or the alpha of a rival pack or even a human. Or instead it's a matter of gender? Maybe for one reason or another one or both of them reject the bond? The reason being fear of disapproval, protecting the other, or maybe they don't believe in having a fated mate.

Renting Space
So a concept that interests me is having two very different businesses renting space in a building. Like a dance studio attached to either a book store, a quiet internet café, or something similar. Maybe it's two studios with very different styles. A traditional ballet studio vs something more modern and provocative. Perhaps the owners of the businesses have always disliked each other and are often passive aggressive. On the other hand they could be growing friends despite their differences.​
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