Fx M or F Some ideas

Mrs Sparkles

Sep 19, 2020
Hi all,
I'm sharing some crude ideas I'd be more than happy to play. These are just ideas and I'd be more than happy to expand, change, and work on them- together.
Side note: I'm not much of a thread RPer, and I feel far more comfortable playing through PMs. Having said that, if that's important to you- I'm willing to try threads.

M-F ideas:
1. In light of the current pandemic, I'm interested in playing several healthcare-based scenarios, such as:
a. Playing a tired, emotionally-shattered doctor and someone who's far under her league, like the hospital's coffee stand barista, or a porter.
b. Playing a pharmaceutical agent who's trying to collect data / market their new product

2. Covid-inspired (again):
a. With new restrictions in place, people now are forced to stay in quarantine, sometimes even with strangers. What happens when this woman ends up staying with this older stranger in quarantine for two weeks?
b. A woman struggles with handling work, home and all routines while her husband was forced to travel due to work circumstances. The community supports each other, and one neighbor (or stranger?) offers his help with buying groceries, helping around the house, etc. When was the last time she had someone like him in her life?

F-F ideas:
1. A rather corny pairing of caring boss and one of the employees. They always got a long together and had this mutual understanding. They could talk like friends, not just like a boss and her employee. Both are happily married. I imagine a big project with a strcit deadline approaching, and as they work through the night, they take a break and have coffee together (among other things)
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