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Mx F or NB Butts {NSFW}

Nov 20, 2017
New Yawk
I feel like my other request thread may be a bit daunting with how long it is, so I'm making this one to be more succinct and straight to the point. Feel free to check the other one out if you want more details about me, additional plots, kinks, etc. I'm really just going to keep plots with their descriptions in here that I am particularly eager to do right now. This thread doesn't mean I'm not heavily interested in the And feel free to shoot plot ideas my way that you think I might like.

Open to women, traps, futa (although I generally prefer one set of genitals, whichever that may be), transgender, etc. Whatever term you prefer to use, I'm okay using; I know for some people, some terms are offensive or preferred. I'm pretty accommodating all around.

Open to playing as female characters, but male preferred.

Open to playing multiple characters, but only one male.

Current General Cravings:
Traditional Fairy Tales with a twist
Orc ladies
Goblin girls
Troll ladies
Really exotic/monstrous monster girls
MC stuck as a male escort, YC his clients
Multiple partners
Anal Only
Cuckqueaning (this is the female equivalent of cuckolding)
Connie the Hormone Monstress
Incest Plots

Boss From Hell
New Intern x Boss Lady
MC is a new intern; young guy, poor background, stellar grades, hard worker, being given the chance of a lifetime. YC is his new boss -- and a total hardass / predator. She knows she has him by the balls and exploits it as much as possible. May even treat his job interview like a casting couch by leaning back and spreading herlegs/skirt.
Mostly the same setup. MC isn't having it though, and quickly turns the tables on her (we can discuss methods for doing so). She may be the boss on the cutting room floor, but behind closed doors, he owns her now -- and she loves it.

Killer Clown
Clown x Scientist
YC was a brilliant scientist. YC oversaw a laboratory that would pave the way for the next stage of human evolution. She called them Homo novii. They were genetically enhanced humans; stronger, faster, smarter, more attractive, faster learners, prototypes for senescent technology, and the absence of deleterious health effects. It was evil though, but YC rationalized that it was for the greater good. These lab grown children would pave the way for humanity's future, even if they had to be guinea pigs. YC had a personal favorite; a young man who was a cut even above the other Homo novii, but much more volatile. And so he was the subject of more tests than others, even though YC coddled him when he wasn't being strapped up to electrodes. YC may have also taken some... executive liberties with him that would have been highly illegal for many reasons.

The project was shut down. YC was stripped of her credentials, but given legal clemency in exchange for sharing her scientific discoveries. At the trial, MC flew up in a fit of rage when YC was acquitted and attempted to assault YC and the judge. It took a full room of trained men to hold him back long enough for the court to be evacuated. The test subjects were detained and sent to facilities to monitor and detain them. MC was the one YC was infatuated with and his folder was officially classified. In truth, they intensified the brutal testing and then tried to use him to develop the perfect soldier, but that didn't work. He was unhinged, murderous, and couldn't be controlled. They locked him up.

The problem? Homo novii are notoriously intelligent, and no prison could hold him for long. He's out and YC will be his first victim as he burns the world that hurt him. You wake up in a dog cage in God knows where.

This Is How You Can Win Him Over
Popular Guy x Helper Being x Nerdy Girl
YC is an absolute nerd; anywhere from As Told By Ginger to WataMote. YC may have a small circle of friends, but other than that, no one knows she exists. MC is the most popular guy in school and the object of everyone's affection. Especially YC's. YC doesn't stand a chance though... or does she?

Everything changes with a little bit of magic, right? Well, I'm thinking YC begins to get assistance from the cosmos. Whether a genie, imaginary friend, succubus/demon, a fairy like in Huniepop, ghost, etc. Either way, I'm thinking the being is invisible to everyone except YC. I was thinking I would play this character, but I'm open to you playing them too. I envision them as the outward parallel of YC's inner perversion, and will be either telling YC what to say or using magic to make it so she can win the guy of her dreams.

Very likely the male lead will be domineering and aggressive in bed, but this is negotiable.

Very open to you playing the whole group of friends being helped by the helper being.

Sharing A Bed
This is a collection of pairings with one theme, so there aren't tags and such above like some of the other plots. Essentially, what I'm looking for is a situation where MC and YC find themselves having to share a bed (and obviously a room, and presumably a bathroom). It's kind of slice of life, I suppose. There's a lot we can explore with this; it can either be slow burn or fairly lewd off the bat. So, rather than go into a ton of details, I'm going to list a bunch of potential pairings for this and we can talk shop when we know what pairing we wanna do:

Human x Monster Girl (sharing a dorm and a bed at a Monster Girl University, or hiding a monster in MC's room)
Knight x Prince/Princess (on the run and having to make use of small spaces; will play either role)
Best Friends
Male x Ghost ("This is my bed!")
Room Mates
Boyfriend x Girlfriend's Mom (boyfriend left homeless, girlfriend's mom takes him in, catches them having sex, demands he sleep in the room with her to make sure they don't again; might also just be best friends)
Son x Mom's Best Friend

Brother x Sister (one coming back from college, or on the run, or in poverty, or adventurers)
Son x Mother (mom laid off, having to move into a small apartment or trailer)
Nephew x Aunt
Grandson x Grandma
Son x Mom's New Girlfriend

I'm also open to any of these having a third person sharing the bed too.

Goblin Girls
Human x Goblin(s)
This is not strictly mandatory (I'm open to various world types), but I do envision a world where humans and goblins have begun to interact. Bigotry and such still exists, so it's very minor. I envision the goblin culture as much more sexually liberated than the humans. The result has been goblin females fetishizing human men to an extreme extent. I'm thinking the goblin females are the educated ones in society and males mostly due labor. The goblin males have begun to resent human males. Goblin females are the most active users of pornography. I'm thinking a lot of human males aren't as into it because of bigotry (possibly pushed by human females).
Goblin males don't tend to pursue higher education; it is viewed as feminine by male goblins. Goblin females are big on sororities and turning up hard. MC is a human male who can't study with the constant noise and goes to tell them to quiet down. Shenanigans ensue.
MC is a wealthy land owner. Yours is a goblin who has been hired as the new maid.
Another idea I had would revolve around my human character joining a goblin family. A few potential options for this would be him meeting the family of a goblin girl he is dating, being adopted, or spending the summer with his goblin adopted parent's family. The strange goblin culture of the ladies rears its head in this scenario, whereby MC in awkward sexual situations one after another. This can kind of be done in secret from one another (I'm remind a bit of some scenes from Wedding Crashers), or there can be a culture shock where sexual norms are very different than MC is used to (whether because incest is not quite so taboo, or maybe something like it is expected that a goblin girl dating a human has to let all of the other goblin girls try him out). MC may initially be a bit shocked by it all, but quickly begin to love it.
MC is an adventurer that comes upon a goblin village. Most of the goblins in the village live far from humans and thus have never seen one before. The women in particular find themselves getting flush when speaking to him because they are at eye level with a bulge in his pants that dwarves the size of their forearm. As such, he finds himself very popular with the goblin females and very reviled by the males. He may be a well-trained and well-known military general though, so the males have to bite their tongues.

Alternate to the one above. MC finds themselves washed up on an island of goblins with a matriarchal society. They are his only recourse for food and shelter, so he offers to work in order to rent a room. However, being so much larger than them, there's only one job they want him to do: village escort.

Perfect Strangers
100% smut
**One Off**
They've never met, but some subtle touching is going on on the subway. See videos below:

One, two, three, four.

Obviously we can expand this to be whatever we want if we like the characters or something. Could also potentially be multiple scenes where they have the same route to work/school everyday, so it happens daily.

He's Going With Me To Prom
New Guy x YCs
**Partner will need to play multiple characters**
You will play more than one character for this (I can also potentially play an existing girlfriend for an added layer of drama if you like). YCs may be sisters, a group of friends, the cheerleading team, whatever works for you. Whatever the case, there is a new guy at school and they all want him, and are arguing over who will get to have him. The agreement is eventually a competition; all of them can make their moves, but the winner is the one who he goes to prom with. They can all employ different strategies and can have different personalities. Different species if you like as well. The core here though is that it's a competition.

Bonus points if it's kind of Monster Prom like.

My Father's Keeper
Father x Daughter's Friends x (I can play the daughter, you can play her, or we can get a third person to play her)
**Slow Burn**
The idea here is that a highly attractive but single father is raising his teenage daughter. They have a good relationship. The problem is that all of her friends are practically obsessed with her father. She may not necessarily be aware at first, but they all always ask to meet at her house and to sleep over. The girls may start to make comments at first that make the daughter uncomfortable, but it slowly develops into non-stop gossiping about him. Even straight up trying to spy on him. The daughter should not initially be very pleased with this and find it both humiliating and gross. She knows her dad is conventionally attractive, but it's her dad!

The girls may start to casually flirt or offer to do his laundry; maybe try to portray themselves as good housewife material. Possibly even competing with each other. For the most part, he seems oblivious for awhile, but the whole thing is humiliating for his daughter. The flirting might get more egregious over time. Eventually, during sleepovers, they may sneak in his bed during the night -- or sneak away from the group to ask him advice about guys (or maybe lessons on how to kiss). Either way, eventually he is having sex with all of his daughter's friends even if initially he may try to steer them away from it. This can result in the girls making sex tapes, staying the night in his room, making sex noises loud enough for the daughter to hear, etc. The whole time, the daughter is being humiliated.

Now here is an optional part where it may get interesting. The shame begins to turn the daughter on. She finds herself getting wet listening to her father railing her friends. She finds herself frequently masturbating to the thoughts of it, and having lewd dreams about her dad at night. She should be trying to resist this, but it should be relatively uncontrollable. We can discuss if we want her to eventually get involved as well or to just be caught in the middle. I can play the daughter, but I'm also open to you or a third party playing her. If you message me about this one, be sure to let me know what role you're most interested in. If you'd like a third party involved and we don't have one lined up, I can made a group RP request.

Beauty & The Beast
Man × genderbent Beast
:heart: :heart: :heart:
**Non-human character**
**Optional non-con or dub-con**

You know what grinds my gears? The story of Beauty & The Beast is never told in the reverse. Women are told that it's what's on the inside that matters, but what lesson do boys and men come away with from that movie? I think we should balance that out. Let's genderbend the main characters of the story!

I'm open to various ideas for my character. My prevailing idea is that my character would be a prince, noble, or some kind of dignitary who is beautiful and sophisticated. He could also be a scholar like Belle or an explorer who chances upon the castle. Either way, I haven't fleshed out how they get to the castle.

When they arrive, MC is practically mauled by a large beast of a woman. There's a lot of directions we can go with this and we can even include the enchantress as a villain. Being a worldly, sophisticated man, he can teach her how to be a proper lady. Smut-wise, we can give YC bestial "urges" -- so much so that she walks around the castle dripping everywhere. This would become a part of her training. I'm thinking she may pounce on him the first couple of meetings and try to assert dominance and to satisfy her wanton urges. However, he will leverage the rose and/or indulging her sexual appetites if and only if she submits herself properly to him training her as a proper lady.

Feel free to choose other anthro characters for this RP. You aren't pigeonholed into the genderbent Disney version of Beast.

Bonus points if you're willing to also play female Gaston to get those cheeks clapped too..

Make America Great Again
Democrat x Republican
My character is a well-educated center-left Democrat. Yours is a hardcore Trump supporter. This would kind of be an inverse plot to this one that I ran into. The plot can unfold a few different ways, but the theme is essentially that YC is a Tomi Lahren type (could also be a country girl or other variants), who constantly badmouths BLM, feminism, gender identity, climate change, etc. In YC's mind, liberal men are mindless, God-hating, hateful sissies. The better you can play this type of person, the better. The problem is when YC meets MC, because he absolutely dominates her when they argue to the point where she's regularly left speechless or embarrassing herself. Eventually, she winds up submitting to him in full and she finds herself being utterly dominated and ravished. MC makes no bones about letting her know that he's going to treat her exactly how she's taught she should be treated. Might be an interesting twist if she starts to catch feelings, but he is uninterested in her beyond being his bitch.

This could begin in a few different ways. She could potentially be new to college and he's a distinguished undergraduate researcher. Maybe they both have Youtube channels like in the idea linked to above. Could be a Tinder match. There's a lot of possibilities.

Meet Your Nephew
Nephew x Aunt
**Will likely require partner to play multiple characters**
A big wedding is being held and YC just got out of a loveless, sexless, milquetoast relationship. You haven't had sex in years and it's driving you crazy. At the bar downstairs from the wedding celebration, you spot a studly young man. Maybe 18 years old. Way younger than you in any event. But that only turns you on more; you bet there is a lot of youthful vigor in his loins. You begin shamelessly flirting and he seems into it. Soon enough, your hand is between his legs under the bar and your mouth is agape at how hung he is. As you're wantonly playing with his cock under the bar like a kid in the candy store, he is putting his number in your phone. Just then though, your niece walks over and sits next to you. Fortunately, she doesn't notice your hand on his cock still. She's happy to see... both of you?

As it turns out, your hand is currently on the cock of her younger brother -- your nephew -- who you haven't seen since he was a baby. The revelation shocks both YC and MC and things quickly become very awkward. If you want some early action, maybe they already fucked or she sucked his cock in the bathroom or her car. Either way, things are awkward for the rest of the night. Maybe your niece even has the two awkwardly dance together and you feel his generous endowment knock against you a couple of times. Alternatively, maybe YC doesn't give a shit and keeps flirting to the surprise of my character; could run her foot up his leg under the dinner table, grinds her ass all over him on the dance floor, and continues playing with his cock under the bar even after learning who he is.

Later that night, YC is at her hotel room, super sexually frustrating and frantically masturbating to MC. After some hesitation, she either shoots MC a text or straight up sends him nude pictures without a word. If texting, YC can manage to get the talk sexual. If just a picture, she can be surprised to find that he sends a picture back -- of a very erect cock. She gives her room number and practically pounces on him when he comes in.

Sister's Friend Needs A Place To Stay
Brother x Sister's Friend
**Potential Incest**
MC was leading a nice life. Settled in, working a nice job, total freedom. And then his phone rang one day and it was his sister's friend. Turns out she needed a place to stay and had nowhere else to turn, so he let's her stay with him.

I'm thinking she didn't have any friends growing up besides the sister, but had a big crush on him growing up in part because he was the only person who had ever been nice to her when she was younger. That's why he's the person she goes to for help. The sister is still living with the parents and there's no way the parents are taking someone in. I'm thinking it might be interesting if she used to spy on him during sleepovers when they were younger.

It may be interesting if she generally has lesbian proclivities (which led to her being kicked out), but he has always been a weird exception for him (one she unfortunately was never able to say anything about because he was her brother's best friend). Could have it so he's kind of a neat freak, but she's kind of a slob who leaves her underwear laying around and doesn't clean up after herself, bring about some strife. They may have walked in on each other a few times and she walks around in scant clothing (maybe even just her underwear), laying around in provocative poses. Every time he starts to ask her how the job search is going, she flaunts herself and flirts with him. Every time he thinks he has the place to himself to have a date over, she barges in at the worst times (maybe intentionally).

One day though, he comes home to find her asleep, sprawled out in her bed with one hand down her panties and the other clutching her phone. He takes the phone to find either a video she took of him masturbating in his room or some pictures she took of his dick while he was sleeping. When he realizes this, he comes up with a plan. Next time he asks her about how the job search is going, he's going to be really strict about it and slap her on the ass. As he unzips his pants, he's going to tell her, "It's time for you to start paying rent. Get on your knees."

Alternative: Instead of getting caught with the phone, she has been missing rent left and right. When he's at wit's end, she offers another way to pay the rent.

Alternative: The friend is the sister herself if you wanna do an incest plot.

Mom Pimps Out Her Son
Son x Mother x various
**Partner will need to play multiple characters**
**Possible dub-con**
**Possible non-con**
*Potential non-human characters**
This was someone else's idea that I took a liking to and started to talk up ideas with. The idea behind it is that the father left the mother and they're in financial problems. The son is very attractive and one of the mom's friends frequently talks about finding him attractive and wanting to sleep with him. When things are really bad financially, the mother tells her friend that she'll get her son to sleep with her -- for a price.

The son initially thinks his mother has lost it and doesn't want to do it, but she convinces him one way or another. Needless to say, he goes through with it.

After this point, there's a few different ways we can go. The woman who paid initially can do so in a recurring fashion, getting her fix from him on a weekly or even daily basis. Alternatively, the mother may see dollar signs and realize that her son may be a means of getting them out of the financial turmoil they're in. So, she starts selling him out to new women every night. This can be total strangers, but we could also have it where classmates, teachers, local politicians, and a number of other people that you wouldn't expect pay up. There's a lot that can be done with this. I never got to do this RP, but the person I talked to about it even threw out renting him out to nursing homes and street gangs, which I'm cool with as well.

I'm thinking he'll probably be very dominant with the women because he feels like he's already put in an objectified position, so he'll take back some autonomy that way. The mother may or may not get involved; that's your call. It'd probably be interesting if she watched though.

It was also discussed that it might be interesting if he already has a girlfriend and that creates tension.

Weird Science
**Possible Harem**
So I was rewatching the movie Weird Science and it gave me an idea that I'd like to try out. In a nutshell, it would be a genderbent Weird Science (with ages tweaked as necessary).

If you haven't seen the movie: As odd as it is it's a good movie and I recommend it. In a nutshell these two nerdy kids are social outcasts and frequently bullied. They accidentally create "the perfect woman" while messing around with their computer. The woman makes things go totally wacky and changes their lives through a series of increasingly crazy scenarios.

Depending on interest level and personal preferences, this could potentially be a group or solo RP. Let me know if you have a preference if you're interest in this.

I'm thinking the girl or girls involved could either pull it off by science like in the movie or it can kind of be Weird Magic and the girls can have found a grimoire at the library and do so that way. Either way could be fun. We can incorporate domination elements as well.

I feel like there's a lot that can be done with this, so let me know if you're feeling this.
OC × Harley Quinn
This is another plot based on the same movie. In this case though, MC is the young boy who brings barbie to life as a real person. The problem? It wasn't barbie, it was Harley fucking Quinn. I'm thinking that he may have been messing with something unrelated while Batman was playing on the TV or some contraptions in his room interacted with a lightning storm outside while he was playing one of the Arkham games. I don't know, insert some pseudoscientific explanation here that we can streamline more later. Point is, MC brought Harley Quinn into the real world and now has to try to keep her under wraps. How? I have no idea. But it'll be fun to try! For this, I'd really like someone who can play Harley Quinn's character very well.

Major bonus points if you want to play all 3 Gotham City Sirens; Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy.
**Note: It's not necessary to have seen the movie, but it helps. Great movie worth watching though.

When The Saints Go Marching
Non-Mormon Male x Mormon Girl

Non-Muslim Male x Muslim Girl

Some More Short Plot Ideas:

Virtually any plot involving MC inheriting a large mansion with some mysteries afoot is gold for me.

Gimme a nice female bully story. Whether it is high school where she is doing the bullying, them meeting years later when MC is bigger/stronger and flips the script, cuckqueaning a bullied girl by fucking her boyfriend, an older brother bullying his younger sibling's bully, or where she agrees to leave MC's little sibling alone if MC agrees to come by at some set time interval and "make a woman out of her" (and maybe her friends, or with her friends watching).

Prince x his loyal body guard who must stay with him 24/7.

Hard on luck for money, MC becomes a male escort/stripper and makes damn good money doing it. He doesn't really want to, but he can't get a job making enough money to do anything else. You would play various women who employ him, including milfs, gilfs, and if you like, monster girls ranging from cute to horrifying.

Got this from someone else: "You have been a bit down on your luck in the money department, needing a better job then the crappy one you've been stuck at for years. Your friend told you about a big shot business lady is looking for an in home assistant, so having little to lose, you go for it. Worst they can do is say no right? Little do you know by "in home assistant" she really ment some one to satisfy not only her needs. But the needs of all the other super natural women in the house hold."

This one can work especially well for a futa/trap/shemale/whatever the most polite term is for a woman with a dick.

MC is a notorious crime boss and YC finds herself in hot water in the neighboring women's prison, so MC arranges for YC to be taken to him for security -- at the cost of being his prison bitch.

YC is a cougar who approaches mine at a club and asks, "how much?" Mine has no idea what you're talking about, but when you elaborate what you want, he's down for it.

YC's friends all have a crush on MC, YC's older brother. One night during a sleepover, they practically beg for him to hang out with them and play spin the bottle with them. The begging won't stop there.

Glory holes with some kind of twist.
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Can still fit one more, but a fair note that my replies will likely come over the weekend and may be super slow. I'm working full time and taking classes. I will try to be as informative and prompt as possible though.
Added some new ones. Open for a few over the Thanksgiving break season. Obviously these aren't the only plots I'm willing to play; just a few I'm putting on the table.
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