Fx Any Gentle Femdom


Sep 14, 2020
Greetings, fellow BMR writers! I am Dame, a mid-thirties lady with nearly two decades of roleplaying experience. Thanks for visiting my seeking thread!

Let's get right to it, shall we?

I want to be absolutely direct with my definition of gentle femdom. I play sexually aggressive characters that are not sadistic. I am not looking to dehumanize, humiliate, or cause physical/mental suffering to my partner's character. My characters do not take their pleasure at the expense of yours: their satisfaction is contingent on a mutual bliss built upon a healthy relationship. I am looking to write against a sexually submissive character that does not take their role to mean that they should expect to be abused: rather, their submission is an indication of trust that their partner will not exploit their position of power in the bedroom.

Also interested in switch partners/power struggle type dynamics!

Things that Appeal:
  • Excessive teasing
  • Light bondage
  • Edging
  • Over stimulation
  • Oral (giving/receiving)
  • Biting/scratching/hair pulling (in the throes of passion)
  • Sex toys
  • Anal (giving/receiving)*
*Not by any means required - I respect my partner's limits!

For more specific kinks or elaboration, happy to discuss via PM.

No Thanks:
  • Torture
  • Underage
  • Vore
  • Snuff
  • Bestality
  • Incest
  • Toilet stuffs

Availability: I am not the most timely partner. I try my best to respond within two to three days, but at times it may be a week before I can get around to writing a proper response. If you are unable or unwilling to be patient I am afraid we will make ill-suited partners.

Effort: While I don't intend to impose minimum word count requirements, suffice it to say that I'm a rather long-winded individual and I will burn myself out if it seems that my co-writer isn't matching my effort. Response lengths will wax and wane, of course, dependent on the circumstances of the story, but I'm looking to write with someone who can regularly return at least a page (Word doc) of content per post.

Face Claims: I do not consider face claims as necessary - I am perfectly content to go off of described details for our characters' appearances - though I am not adamantly opposed if my partner prefers such a resource.
  • If face claims are desired, I am willing to utilize drawn/digital art, anime/manga, or photos. In the case of a depiction of a real person I simply ask that the picture not be used in thread: it seems disrespectful to me to publicly broadcast another person's picture in a smut story, celebrity or otherwise. Instead, the face claim would be established behind the scenes and described in the thread.
Genre: I prefer fantasy (low over high), sci-fi, and superhero settings. Original worlds and characters are the best! I will entertain the idea of fan-fiction or modern for an interesting enough story. (I apologize for not offering any specific fan-fiction sources; throw a dart if you want, maybe you'll hit something.)

Location: I will write in thread, PMs, e-mail, or Discord.

Ratio: I like to involve a lot of story - smut means very little without it, doesn't it? - but this doesn't mean I'll make a partner wait 100 posts to get the to steamy goodness. We might open with a sex scene, depending on the line, but it is important to note that I'm not looking for non-stop smut. I have a hard time defining an actual ratio but I think it's realistic to say I want at least as much story as sexy fun times.


Potential Story Ideas

The ideas below will be kept fairly general: I like to allow the space for my co-writer to offer their own thoughts/take part in building the story. Be advised, however, that specific interest in some of these might just cause a text-wall response from me, as I have much more in mind than what I am presenting here.

I also welcome - and encourage - story plots unrelated to my own. Have a specific craving that you think I could help make a written reality? Hit me up with the details!

In this pairing, I would be looking to play the noble character. As the bastard son/daughter of some notable noble house, your character would have been raised in a situation slightly better than that of the average commoner, though he/she would have faced a great amount of disdain and prejudice from society in general (and from the nobility, in particular). My character falls for yours, and while the bastard shares her affections, they are unwilling to return them. Ever mindful of how much harm such a relationship would do to the noble woman's reputation, as well as having a concern so far as ruining her marriage prospects, the bastard is quick to stomp on the brakes whenever the woman shows an open interest. There is only so much refusing one can do, though, when the temptation and insistence of a love interest only escalates in response to such refusals.

Note: willing to take this one into the technical rape category. Not the brutal and terrible kind, of course; more or less the noble gets tired of hearing "no", well knowing the reasons and remorse behind the refusals, and so takes it upon herself to tie up her love interest and tease him/her until they beg to be sexually claimed.

Alternately - as originally envisioned - this could be a story of gradual consensual concessions.

As a ward of your character's family, my character's interest in yours would begin purely out of spite. Her sights would be placed upon her captor's eldest noble son/daughter with the intention of seducing them purely to ruin their usefulness in furthering their family's prospects at political alliances (through marriage, of course). While on the face of it, the relationship would be anything but healthy, my character would be unable but to fall in love eventually - and her intentions would never to be to hurt or abuse yours in the meantime, hopefully allowing them to genuinely love her in return.

I'm a sucker for MMO settings, I will admit it! This scenario would necessitate that the players have full feeling and immersion in their game: assuming a slightly technologically advanced modern-ish world in which MMOs are played via brainwave connections. The deeper details to be discussed if someone is interested, of course!

I'd be looking to play out a high fantasy adventure in which I GM the in-game world around our characters. How much out-of-game content we include is up for discussion, though at some point I'd like to at least show a glimpse of 'real life'. The possibilities with this one are truly endless, and so I'm not going to spew too much on the topic: trust that if you want more information on the general premise I will reward you with a text wall!

A few basic pairing ideas that appeal to me, but to which I am not presently offering any context:
  • Hero/Villain - Superhero
  • Warrior/Caster - High Fantasy
  • Vampire (or demon)/Paladin - High Fantasy
  • Drow/Surface Dweller - High Fantasy
  • Prince/Princess - Low Fantasy (Arranged Marriage Trope)
I will potentially expand on these ideas in the future.

Think we'd make a good match? Send me a PM!*

My effort requirement applies to messages just as well as story posts. I will not respond to one-liner indications of interest.
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