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The Corruption of Nun & The return of the Cult of Malphas (Madis x CaiusWickersham)


May 13, 2012
Eldorado, AR
For nearly four thousand d years the cult of Malphas held an iron grip on the lands of Aedorion that was until Kremera the goddess of hope had pushed back against the Demon. It was a long and bloody war, however Kremera and her forces had finally pushed back the bulk of Malphas’s forces and during her final battel with the Demon using the last of power that had allowed her to manifest on the mortal plane to trap the demon and his powers with in a black orb in the alter room of his grand temple located in the city of Rido.

With Malphas sealed the rest of his cult was easily rooted out and destroyed. However try as they might the forces of Kremaera could not destroy the grand temple and with the aid of the elves they sunk it deep into the earth and over they built the first Monastery to Kremera, with this new hope the lands on Adeorion flourished and for nearly five hundred years the city of Rido was the seat of power in Aedorion that was fifteen hundred years ago and over the course of time humans had forgotten about the evil cult and even among the elves only the oldest still remembered the tales that had been passed on. Of course over that time the seat of power had moved from Rido to a more centralized location and the once great city was now no more than a tiny village, and though the first monastery of hope was still well maintained the magic that had sealed the demon Malphas had started to fade.

Vera tossed and turned in her sleep, once again her dreams where filled with dark thoughts of lust and carnage, waking up the young nun was covered with sweat and like the past few nights she could feel the wetness between her legs. The images still fresh in her mind she looked out the small window of her room and could tell from the position of the moon she had only been asleep for a couple of hours.

Though she had grown up in the church having been abandoned by her parents as a baby, Vera was still new to the Sisterhood of Kremera, the young woman had also always been the curious sort and within the first few days she had explored the monastery. It was during one of her excursions she had found it, a sealed door, and of course being the curious girl she was Vera had touched the door to try and push it open. That had been three weeks ago and every night since then she had had the same lustful dreams always waking up sweating and wet between her legs.

Being a virgin the dreams had disturbed her and after the third night she approached the head nun of the monastery. The older nun had taught her some small rites she could perform before going to sleep that would help to stop the dreams. They had not stopped, in fact they had become more vivid and Vera had even found that after waking up she could return to them.

Letting out a sigh she slid out her bed and looked at herself in the simple mirror hanging above the wash bin before leaning down and splashing water across her face. Normally after waking up she would simply lie back down and fall asleep and sleep the rest of the night away. This night though she could feel some presence tugging at her telling her to return to the door, though she knew that it was not a good idea her curiosity got the better of her and lighting a fresh candle and left her room.
Malphas had been sealed in that black orb for millennia, but the magic slowly faded as the goddess had grown weaker and mortal lust and desire waxed over centuries. Finally, the seals on his essence had weakened to the point where he could reach out and touch the dreams of mortals. He needed to re-create his cult and take back the land that was his. To do that, he needed a new high priestess to lead it and bring in new members and sacrifices to him.

He reached out and touched the dreams of a young, virgin nun of the goddess who sealed him. She had touched the door that contained his old temple and he was able to reach into her deep unconsciousness and infiltrate her dreams. He sent her dreams of his cult, the members engaged in sexual acts with each other and paying obeisance to him with their bodies and souls. They feasted on demon flesh and the flesh of members as they weaved dark magic to his greater glory. Underneath it all was the temptation. She could be the high priestess of him. Endless pleasure and power beckoned to her as she took her choice of lovers among the cult and consumed the sweet flesh of demons and women. Even through her fear and distress, Malphas could sense her arousal at what she saw.

The nun kept coming back to the dreams, liking what she saw despite her disgust and his grip on her came that he could beckon her to the door. The seal was broken when she touched the door and it would open to her when she touched it. The temple would dimly glow with an unholy light as she entered. Inside, she saw the black orb over the dark altar stained with blood and sitting on that same altar was the testament of his cult. A book covered in the skin of a succubus, black as night and supple as the finest leather. The book would open at her touch and the language made clear to her.

The book contained the testimony of his cult, the creed of Malphas that exalted the pleasures of flesh and blood. It spoke of the duty of the cult to breed with Malphas and the joys of birthing his demon children. Love was of the flesh and was to be shared between the sisters of the cult and the daughters they bore to Malphas. Inside was the rites to enter the cult of Malphas, the rites for consuming the flesh of sacrifices and the benefits to the high priestess for performing such rites along with the dark magics that would be at Vera's command if she gave in and entered a union with Malphas. "Speak the sacred words and take your place as my high priestess, supplicant. I have seen your dreams and you desire the pleasure and power I can give you. But to give it to you, you must enter my service of your free will."
Vera shook her head, no there was no way she could desire such things her heart belonged to Kremera who’s teaching has given her hope a child, who’s light had shown her the path she must walk. There was no way she would ever give herself over to such heinousness. Once again though her mind was filled with the scenes from her dream, somehow they seemed even more vivid and she could fell herself getting wet as they played in her mind.

The young nun shook her head pushing the images and thoughts form her mind “No that is not what I want I could never be like that, Kremera’s light will protect me I will not…” Yet again the image’s and scenes played in her head. This time though she could feel the her desires growing, they still were not big there was a part of her that wanted to give into the desires to make love, and to consume the flesh of the sacrifices, however she pushed against the desires once more as doubled over and screamed “Why are you doing this please stop I do not want this”

Then for the third time the images played again, though this time they were different. It was as if she was there a part of the carnal rituals. She could feel herself making love, she could taste the flesh of the sacrifice, she could feel the corruption taking and twisting her soul, and then it was as if she was watching a play and she saw herself. At least it looked like her only her skin was paler, her hair whiter then it was, and her eyes close to a dark red and filled with lust as she was locked in a lustful embrace with who she thought could only be the demon the odd thing was as she watched the scene unfolding she yearend to be the woman she was watching.

Vera shook her head clearing the image from her mind, but the desire she had felt as she watched the image lingered. She slowly started to wonder what if she did give in, in fact why not give in, she had always done as she was told and followed the rules no family had ever wanted her though, she had ben one of the most well behaved students in her class and even as little girl she was overlooked other kids picked over her. The fact that she was a nun now was because she had thought that would be her best choice; she thought why any man would ever want her if no family had wanted her. Therefore why not give in to the desires that had been haunting her past she deserved it and she realized she wanted it.

Straightening herself up the Vera made her decision, she would give herself over to the demon, give in to her desire and take her place as the demons high priestess she then opened the book and finding what it was she must do the nun striped off her clothes. Then going around the points of the pentagram drawn on the floor in front of the altar in the room, she lit each candle saying the sacred words before laying her body at the center of it.
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As Vera lay down in the pentagram, placing her limbs in the arms of the star, shackles manifested and sealed themselves around her wrists and ankles, exposing her wet sex to whoever else would be watching. The light brightened in the room and Malphas appeared from the sphere. He looked down at his supplicant and smiled. She was succumbing to her inner lusts and would be his. His white skin covered a muscular torso before ascending to an almost skull-like face with black horns protruding from the white hair and then to bony growths jutting from the skin around his legs. His massive member emerged and swelled, crowned with a scarlet head that slid out from the foreskin for her viewing pleasure.

He looked around the room and found that the kit his cult reserved for initiation was still next to the altar along with the flask of unholy oil to coat her skin. He picked it up and proceeded with the rest of the initiation ritual for his new high priestess, preparing foam for the shaving and sharpening the thin needle that would pierce her flesh along with her slave rings.

Malphas brushed the hot foam on her pussy and arm pits along with wherever she let her hair grow wild, letting the foam soften her hair before using the razor made of black metal to shave her body smooth. Her pussy, legs, and arms were shorn of all hair as an ideal woman would be for her new husband. "There may be a bit of pain, supplicant, but the pleasure afterwards will last forever."

He then took the needle and toyed with her nipples until they were hard as pebbles, not difficult with her prior arousal. He thrust the needle through them before placing silver rings attached to a chain into them, freezing them at their hardness for all time. He toyed her clitoris to peak arousal before giving it a piercing and setting a ring into it, keeping her constantly stimulated and wet.

Finally, Malphas poured the oil onto her body, rubbing in the oil blessed in his name to bring the supplicant into a state of lust and willingness. His talons gently traced the terms of her servitude onto her skin. She would be his slave and would obey his every command. She would bear his children and bring more women into his service to be his slaves and sacrifices. In return, as his high priestess, she would be granted power through dark sorcery and would have the obedience of her fellow slaves and their pleasure.

"It is time to swear your oath to me, slave. Declare yourself my slave and pledge to love me body, heart, mind, and soul, and obey my creed as high priestess of my cult. Pledge to bear my children and raise them to be faithful members of my cult. Pledge to bring me more women to be my slaves and to keep faith with me through sacrifice and sex. Devout yourself to the pleasures of the flesh and take what you desire from your cultists. Deny all other oaths and faith but what you hold with your new master." Normally, that was all that was required, the words of the oath written in the book for the supplicant. However, Malphas wanted a bit more from his high priestess and to be former nun of the goddess who defeated him. "Finally, deny the goddess who defeated me and denied mortals the pleasure and power I can provide. Tell her how she failed you and why you turn to your new master with all of your love and obedience."
Once Vera laid herself in the center of the pentagram she felt shackles attach to both ankles and wrist. Though a part of her was scared she knew she was doing this of her own will and that fear was soon squashed by her desire to do this. IN the next moments the light brightened and she saw him, Malphas. He was not quite like what she had pictured a demon would be, in fact the way he smiled down at her made her feel safe and wanted. Her eyes wandered over his body and soon rested on his cock, her eyes went wide as she saw it, as it was the first one she had ever seen, but at the same time she could feel herself getting wet. Almost as if she could not wait to have him plunge into her. She then as watched as he looked around for something her mind racing, and her heart beating fast.

As Vera laid there the Demon returned and started preparing her body, the foam felt good on her body and as he shaved off the hair from all over body she felt tingles all over, she was not sure if it was from the blade that removing the hair and making her body smooth or from the anticipation for what was to come, but it felt good. As the demon finished with shaving her hair he warned her of the pain that was to come but also told her of the pleasure that would last. The young nun nodded and the closing her eyes she took a deep breath.

A few moments later she felt needle as he teased her nipples, it was not long before they were completely hard as she had already been slightly aroused before laying in the pentagram. Then she felt the needle piercing her nipples. Her eyes snapped open and she let out a scream. She then tilted he r head down slightly watching him placed the silver rings attached to the chain. She then laid her head back as he repeated the process with her clitoris first teasing it to peak arousal before once more using the needle to pierce. Once more she screamed out as the needle priced her clitoris before she felt him giving her a piercing and setting something else.Though she was not sure what it was that he had placed she could tell that it had the same effect as the rings in her nipples. Just as the rings seemed to keep her nipples hard, the same thing was true for her clitoris as she felt like she was constantly being stimulated.

After that was all done he poured oil on her body, at first it felt weird, and made her a bit uncomfortable. However as he rubbed it into her body she could feel a lustful desire to serve him start to grip her. As Malphas used his talons to scribe words into the oil that lust and desire only grew and when he said it was time to swearer oath to him she did so gladly.

"It is time to swear your oath to me, slave. Declare yourself my slave and pledge to love me body, heart, mind, and soul, and obey my creed as high priestess of my cult. Pledge to bear my children and raise them to be faithful members of my cult. Pledge to bring me more women to be my slaves and to keep faith with me through sacrifice and sex. Devout yourself to the pleasures of the flesh and take what you desire from your cultists. Deny all other oaths and faith but what you hold with your new master." Normally, that was all that was required, the words of the oath written in the book for the supplicant. However, Malphas wanted a bit more from his high priestess and to be former nun of the goddess who defeated him. "Finally, deny the goddess who defeated me and denied mortals the pleasure and power I can provide. Tell her how she failed you and why you turn to your new master with all of your love and obedience."

“I Vera, as a slave to Malphas pledge my body, heart, mind and soul to my new master and will obey the creed as high priestess of the cult of Malphas. I will bear my master’s children and raise them to be faithful to the cult. I shall provide my master with more women to become slaves who will keep faith with the masters through sacrifice and sex. I will devote myself to the pleasures of flesh and will take whatever I desire from the cultist that serve under me. I hereby cast away all other oaths I have followed and accept only the oath that I now proclaim to my new Master. I deny the light of Kremera and cast her from my life, she is nothing but a false god who does not keep to her promises and instead look to my Master Malphas who I give all my love and will gladly obey as it is he who allows me the ability to fulfil my desires as woman .
With her oath spoken, the candle at her head melted completely and formed a tight collar around her neck, marking her as Malphas's property. The words on her skin seemed to burn themselves into her soul. "And now, slave. Accept the blessings of your master."

Malphas mounted her shackled body and thrust himself deeply into her virgin pussy. He savored the tight feel of her walls and the tearing of her hymen against his long, thick cock as he plunged deeper into her pussy, pressing against her cervix. He battered her barrier harder and faster. "Let the world hear of your pleasure, slave. It is your duty to be bred by me." He gripped her breasts hard in his massive hands as he plowed her pussy like a beast.

It had been a long time since he had the pleasure of a slave, let alone a virgin slave, and he was soon feeling the urge to spill his seed inside of her. He wanted into her womb and to shape her pussy to his member, the better to assure she was impregnated and bound to him by their child. "Scream for me, slave. Tell the world the name of your master and who gave you the pleasure only a demon can give a mortal."
When she had finished speaking her oath Vera felt something form and tighten around her neck, she wanted to reach up and touch and feel what it was that had formed, but her wrist where still shackled as she laid there looking up at her new master. She did not have much time to dwell on what it was that was around her neck because soon after she could feel the oil on her skin start to burn. Her back arched and she screamed out. It was an interesting feeling and she could tell that what he had written was being burned on to her very soul. It was yet another binding and she instinctively knew that to break those terms would be price she would not want to pay.

When that was all done Vera looked to her master as he spoke. And then she screamed as the demon thrust himself deep inside of her. It was such a deep thrust that she felt his thick cock ripping her hymen and pushing against the opening of her womb. Though it did hurt and she could feel the blood of her torn hymen leaking along with her juices. She also felt the pleasure of his cock as it rubbed inside of her and as well as against her clitoris, it was a feeling she knew she had desired now for a while, and so she started to moan, and those moans only grew louder as he grabbed her breast and started to plow her with even more intensity “Yes Master your cock it feels, beyond what words describe, please master fill your slaves womb with your seed so that I might give you children”

As Malaphas continued his assault on her pussy, Vera could not help but to squirm under him. It was not because she wanted to get away, but because of the pleasure. The pleasure form her breast and clit was so intense, and felt so good the young nun’s body could not seem to handle what was going on.

Malaphas then gave her and order and she looked up at him as she complied and screamed “Malphas is my master and the one who gives me my pleasure” She continued to scream out after so she could appease the master that she deeply wanted to please.
Malphas toyed with her breasts, using her piercings and the chain to further stimulate as he shoved hard against her cervix with his throbbing member. After several more thrusts, the demon broke through into her womb and he growled in satisfaction as he filled her womb with his unholy seed. Vera felt her womb tingle with dark energy as his seed took root in her body and pulsed with the conception of a twisted and unholy life inside of her.

Malphas got up and out of her as some of his semen dripped from his cock along with her virgin blood, a sign that she was completely his. Her shackles released as her belly was branded with his seal, marking her his slave. He stood in front of her as she recovered from her first taking. She had other virgin holes to use and abuse and as much as Malphas wanted to violate them, and Vera likely wanted them violated by her master, he knew she had some work to do. It was best for the slaves to be put to work swiftly and not be indulged in pleasure too much. The rite was done, and he needed his cult built sooner rather than later.

"Now, slave, it is time for you to build my cult. Tell me of your plans to bring me more women to worship me. Above me is the monastery of the pathetic goddess you have betrayed and denied and I sense many women in its walls. How will you turn them to me?"
Vera let out louder moans and screams of pleasure as her master used her piercings to stimulate her further. The nuns eyes rolled to the back of her head as he continued to thrust inside her, this was the best she had ever felt in her life, she was glad she had found him and witch each thrust inside her the desire to serve her new master grew.

Then came more pain then she ever felt in her life as she felt him penetrating into her womb. The nun screamed so loud she was sure it would awaken the others in the monastery above. Even though it hurt Vera still smiled up at her master as she felt his seed filling her womb with his unholy seed. Even though she could feel that what had been conceived was twisted and unholy , she did not care, it was his child she was carrying now and hoped that I t would be the first of many children she would carry for her master.

Having filled her womb with his seed her master got up, as he did Vera could see his semen as well as some of her virgin blood dripping from his cock. She could even feel it leaking from her now broken in pussy. Laying there smiling up at him she felt the shackles open and felt a burning sensation on her belly. Looking down she saw that his mark had been branded in to her and she cuped her now pregnet belly in her hands and smiled.

She the slowly rose a part of her wishing and yearning for him to continue to use her, but she could sense that there was other work to be done and she stood there her head bowed as he asked her what her plans were to bring more women to worship him and how he would turn the other nuns to him. Looking up a devious smile on her face she thought fast as she answered his questions “My Master as you can no doubt tell that though the teachings of Kremera are still quote prevalent most people only pay her lip service, which I believe is why the magic that bound you had weekend to the state it was in. The city Rido is now no more than a tiny village whose residents have become disillusioned with life and many of them come almost daily to seek forgiveness for one sin or another at the monastery. I myself before being reborn into you cult, helped many women who had cheated on husbands or had been sleeping around and were seeking forgiveness for their lust, therefore enticing many of the village women to join your cult will not be difficult.” She paused for a moment before she continued.

‘And your senses are right there are many women in the monastery, It has been that way for nearly five centuries as the church of Kremera has left the care of the first monastery in the care of the sisterhood. And there may be quick way to sway some of the younger nuns and even corrupt the monastery itself. For starters, there are other in the branch of the Sisterhood here that also hold secret lustful desires, though it was me that touched the door and because of that you were able to send the dreams, I know for a fact that some of the others had felt those dreams, there was a handful of girls that approached begging me to describe the dreams to them, as they wanted to know exactly what was causing them to feel the underling lust they had been feeling. If I was to show them what I experienced I am sure those girls would willing become yours master. “Vera stopped and placed a hand to her master’s chest as he looked up and deep into his eyes.

“The next part though would require something of yours master, Your semen or blood, I can feel eve n now your power though stronger and even more so after taking me as your High Priestess, you are not at full power and even with the handful of girls that I know would willingly join, it still won’t be enough. None of it will as there is one more thing that keeps a partial seal over your powers. And that is the crystal created by the elves. I never understood the reason for having such a thing in a human monastery, and this is the only one that holds one. However I believe if we can break that crystal then with the help of some new sisters we can slowly convince other to join you and find other ways to deal with those who will not. We can then reestablish the high temple of your cult right here. Think about it master corrupting the grounds that belonged to your most hated enemy the bitch that trapped you and in the process turning her own against her”
Malphas grinned at his slave. "The new moon will be in one week. Bring those women you know you can entice here on that night and prepare them for their initiation as I prepared your body. As a high priestess, that task is your obligation. The box contains all you will need."

"On that same night, after the women have been initiated, you will bring the crystal in here and we shall perform the sorceries needed to destroy it. It will require more women than you to perform. Once these are done, your new sisters will get to watch as I give you pleasure beyond belief with your body. I know you'd like them to watch as I use your body as I wish and you yearn for more of my pleasure. All will see the depths of your lustful desires on that night."

The tome and box with the kit for piercing and shaving the new slaves were placed in front of her. There was more of the oil in the flask and extra on a shelf along with rings and chains, and candles. Malphas was eager to destroy the crystal, but wanted to see if his new high priestess would rise to the occasion and bring what women she could now. If she succeeded, she would have pleasure and power from the dark rites performed when the moon was invisible and the darkest blasphemies to the god could be performed. As long as there were no more questions from Vera, he kissed his high priestess deeply with his writhing serpentine tongue and commanded her to go and complete the task in front of her.
Vera gratefully accepted the kiss from her new master and obediently she bowed her head and turned and left. Making her way back through to her room she could not help but feel the new piercings keeping her constantly aroused and yearning for release. As soon as she made it to her room she threw off her clothes and started to work on satisfying herself thinking about her new master and the task that he had made of her. She had spoken the truth, there were some of the nuns her age and younger that had come to her asking is she could share the dreams. A plan started to form in to her mind as she thought about that and the letting out a groan she brought herself to a blissful semi release and the let herself fall into the most rest full sleep she had had in months.

The next morning Vera approached the head nun and bowing her head in greeting she started to put her plan in to action. “Abbess I would like your permission in forming a small group with some of the other girls. Each of the girls has approached me confessing to disturbing dreams. They all know that I was having the same problem and have come to me asking how I got over mine. I would like to teach them the same techniques that you taught me. I will do it in the evenings before bed so as not to disturb are other duties.” When she was done speaking the abbess reached out and touched her shoulder.

“Of course Vera that sounds like a wonderful idea, it would be a good way to help develop your leadership skills. And you will need them, I have been watching you, the strength it takes to admit to the desires you had and to overcome them is no small feat. I believe you will become a great leader in order one day if you continue to walk the path of light.” Vera smiled at the Abbess and bowed her head.

“Thank you Abbess I will do my best to live up to expectations. I must go now; I have my chores to get done. And thank you again for giving my idea you blessing.” With one more bow of her head Vera turned and could not help but smile smugly. It had work she would be able to get the breakable ones in one place and corrupt their minds and prepare them for the ritual.

And prepare them she did. Over the course of the next week not only did she share the dreams that hand been sent to her but also want she had gone through. But she also shared the teachings of Malphas and could see them slowly turning from the light. The night before the day of the new moon she went around and had each them place a hand on her belly. As she did she explained to them that being part of the cult was more than just giving in to their desires. It was about being completely devoted to the one true power the Malphas and worship him as he would be the one to deliver the world back to what t it truly should be.

Then the night of the new moon came. As the girls left there so called help group Vera told them all to meet her in her room thirty minutes after the lights out had been called. After they were all gone she quickly went to her own room and shut and locked her door before moving across the room to blow out the one candle that had been placed in her room before striping naked and dawning her night gown she laid back on her bed and smiled as she waited. It was happening. Tonight her master would have 7 new girls under his sway. And the crystal would be broken and he would be free. Feeling her pussy starting to leak she slid her gown up and rubbed on it. Of course like her the girls would be in a constant state of arousal. It had been hard the first couple of days and at least one time her new piercings where almost found by one of the older nuns. But Vera and learned to somewhat control the sensation enough to keep her face from being too flushed.

The time finally passed and she heard a soft knock on the door. Taking the candle she whispered an incantation and the wick lit back up. She smiled at the candle it was just a simple incantation but she knew for a fact that she could produce a bigger flame because another one of the other things she had been doing the past week was reading over not only the two old tomes but a tome of black sorcery she had found as well. With the Candle lit she walked to her door and unlocked before pushing it open slowly.

Looking out into the hallway she could see each of the seven girls had shown up each holding a candle. She then whispered softly for them to hold on a few seconds before returning to her room. Grabbing both The Cult of Malphas, and The Rites of Malphas tomes and shutting her door behind he r as she left she grabbed the candle she had handed to one of the girls and led.

Almost one hour later saw each of the seven girls laying naked and chained in the center of pentagrams just like Vera had been a week before. And like her they each had there piercings freezing their nipple’s and clitoris’s at full arousal. And like her they had each had the words inscribed on their skin but before she had them recite there pledge she kneeled in front of the orb that had been his prision and spoke. “My Master the girls are ready to recite there pledge. Please come forth so they may do so and so you may take them and make them your own”
Malphas appeared before the waiting girls and smiled. "Seven. Excellent work, my priestess. Shall we begin, then?" His long manhood emerged and the girls gasped in shock and anticipation. As he approached each girl, they recited their pledge to him as his slaves. They pledged their bodies and souls to him, to bring him more slaves to worship and serve him, to bear his children until their wombs went barren, to serve their high priestess as she saw fit, and to savor all pleasures of the flesh in life and death. With each one completing their oath, with the renunciation of their goddess for denying them the joys of womanhood, the candles around them melted and formed collars around their neck. They moaned as their souls were irrevocably bound to darkness and their new master began taking them in turn.

The room filled with the moans of the slaves being taken for the first time and the others watching and feeling stimulation from the anticipation for their turn. The smell of sex mixed with the scent of the incense into an intoxicating mix that would bring the most devout nun to her knees in desire. Each shouted the name of their new master and begged for his child inside of them, screaming as plain became pleasure with his deep hard thrusts. One managed to beg her master for one favor as she was being taken. She asked him to choke her with his hands. She came especially hard as she was brought to the brink of unconsciousness as his seed filled her womb.

They lay gasping as their bellies were branded and they felt the unholy power swelling in their wombs. All they knew was pleasure from their violent takings as the shackles released them as his new slaves. It was time to finally shatter the bonds that confined him to this room and orb. Malphas commanded them to bring the crystal that was holding him to the chamber. This room still had use for worship, but he wished to extend his hold to the whole monastery. The crystal was placed in front of him and his cock grew large again. The seven new slaves seemed to know what to do instinctively, licking and kissing his shaft and balls. All that was missing was his high priestess worshipping the black, smooth head of the demon cock.
Vera lifted her head and smiled as her master started to go to each girl. She followed him and as they came to each girl she watched as he had them pledge their lives to him and renounce the goddess before he took them. When he was finished taking a girl Vera would offer them the choice of drinking her leaking juices or drink from her full and aching tits.

As she followed her master around making her own offer she started to get closer to climax herself. It was when the one girl asked to be choked by the master as he fucked her that drove Vera over the edge and she buried 3 finger deep in her cunt and brought herself to an orgasm as she watched her master choking an d fucking the new acolyte.

When he was done branding and filling each of the new girls with their seed he commanded them bring the crystal. Vera led the girl to the chapel where the crystal was kept. She had them grab it and leading them back she had them place it in front of him before they all gathered around and started to lick and kiss the Masters shaft and balls. The head though they left for her the high priestess.

Vera smiled at her Master and kneeling before him she first kissed and licked the tip of Malphas’s cock before she started to suck on it. Her eyes looking up to her master filled with nothing but love for him she started to suck his delicious tip. And she knew that soon he would be free and with her at his side he would be able to re gain his foothold and regain the power that was rightfully his.
Many of new Vera's new acolytes took to her breasts, suckling her like infants. The one who asked to be choked cleaned her pussy of her juices with her tongue. "This is what I've always wanted. I will fulfill all of your darkest desires, mistress. Use me as you see fit and Lord Malphas commands." She would be zealous in her devotion to Malphas and his cause, fulfilling her duties to Malphas and every twisted desire of her high priestess and sisters.

Malphas's tip was indeed delicious to Vera, his own taste mingled with his seed and the blood and juices of her new sisters in faith to him. The slaves toyed with themselves as they licked his member and the two suckled his balls, letting them out with loud pops before licking and suckling his flavor again, shifting positions occasionally to fully experience their lord's stick of pleasure. It began to throb as they intensified their worship of his manhood until he was ready to release. With that, he moved Vera from her position and let his seed coat the crystal. The light of the crystal faded and soon turned black as jet before cracking. The seal was broken and they could feel the unholy power of their master swell. With their worship, his evil would soon fill the monastery and lure other sisters to his lust.

"It is almost complete. Now, we re-dedicate this temple to my glory. It is time for your feast of lust. Increase your dark power, my high priestess, and declare this hovel my desmesne." With those words, Malphas brought a succubus into the chamber. She eyed the slaves lustfully and nodded at some unspoken command before slowly sauntering to the altar with an animal purr. Her blue flesh shone with vitality as she sensually slid onto the altar and writhed slowly as an offering to them. Her aura was not one of sex, but of hunger. Flesh was to be savored in every manner possible in Malphas's cult and consumption was just much a pleasure of flesh as congress was.
Vera continued to suck on the tip of her master’s cock as the rest of the girls as she thought about the one acolyte who seemed to be even more zealous in her devotion to the master then the others. As she thought about it she could not but smile wickedly as she continued her job of sucking. It would be nice to have someone like that someone directly under that she might use as a right hand like herself being the High priestess to their Master Malphas. Yes she would take that one and give her some special tutelage.

She was soon brought out of her thoughts though as she flet her master move her as he was close to his release. And what a release it was his seed coated the crystal causing its light to fade and then went jet black before it cracked. In that moment she could feel the true unholy power of her Master and it caused the corrupt nun to orgasm from the sheer ecstasy she felt from his full power. He then said it was time for the feast of lust and a succubus appeared. The demon eyes Vera and the other slave with lust but nodded and moved to the alter and laying down onto I t and started to write about.

Grabbing the zealous acolyte’s hand she rose and turned. “Come sisters we will now eat the flesh of the demon to further our own power.” She paused for a moment and then gave a stern look. “But remember the heart is mine.” With that she turned and walked towards the alter. When she reached the alter she sunk her fingers in to the writhing demon and tore some of her flesh from her body and started to consume it. After swallowing it she nodded to the others and they fell on to the demon. It was not long before the demons heart was exposed. The zealous one ripped it out and kneeled in front of Vera and held the still beating heart up to her .

“The heart of the demon mistress take it and let your powers grow” Vera smiled and took the heart and tweaked the acolytes nipple. And then started to consume the heart, as she did she could feel the dark power of the succubus strengthen her own as well as she could tell that the demon she was carrying was growing more from her fertility being increased. When she was done eating the heart she pulled the acolyte up to her feet and kissed as she plunged three fingers deep into her cunt before whispering in her ear.

“You will make for a nice protégé now let us continue with the feast” With drawing her fingers she along with the acolyte joined the rest in continuing to devour the demon on the alter.
The succubus growled in ecstasy as the slaves tore into her flesh with their hands and teeth. Despite her human appearance and movement, underneath her skin was nothing but flesh and the meatier internal organs. The fat of her ample breasts oozed from the wounds they made and mingled with her black blood upon the altar as she writhed and moaned like an animal. When her heart was torn from her body, her body shuddered and her unholy ichor flowed from the wound, coating the bodies of the other acolytes but Vera and her kneeling protege.

The heart throbbed in her hands and squirmed in her mouth as she bit into it. The blood inside gushed out onto her skin and the flesh seemed to writhe inside of her as the succubus gave one last loud scream of pleasure before her form fell still on the altar, her unholy flesh still rife with lust and desire. She was content through the feast with the acolytes' mouths tearing her flesh away and consuming it. Her essence would collect again in Hell and she would be back to her eternity of endless pleasure in her master's service while the high priestess had a portion as her take of the feast. She would easily regain it with these mortals' prayers and offerings to Malphas and eventually, she would experience this again along with her other sisters as they called upon the monthly feast.

As the acolytes had their fill of demon flesh, they felt their lust swell and they grabbed the nearest sister to work out their needs. Fingers plunged into pussies and tongues writhed together before savoring the tastes of their violated sexes while others rubbed against each other. Moans and gasps erupted as they explored their desires for each other, realizing that all the pleasure they needed was in their master's cock and their sisters' bodies. Watching them, Vera remembered the verse from the Cult of Malphas, "Slave shall lie with slave as they lie with the Master." As she looked at her protege, her eyes were filled with want for Vera as her breasts heaved with her breathing and her scent wafted from her pussy.
As they continued to devour the flesh of the succubus Vera felt so alive. The extra power not only increasing her own but she could feel it driving her more and more in to the a depraved way of thinking. She soon noticed the other girls starting to grab each other, kissing fingering licking. It was turning into a full blown orgy. All except… Vera looked down and she could see her protégé looking up at her with lust and want. She smiled as on Verse from the Cult of Malphas came to her, “Slave shall lie with slave as they lie with the Master. “

Grinning wickedly she looked down at the zealous on and leaned down and kissed her roughly before whispering in her ear “Follow me whore “ She leaned back up and thought for a moment before adding “On your hands and knees” She then led the woman a little ways from the others She then had the acolyte lay down after she was down Vera knelt down on the woman mouth and started to rub her pussy all over her face “Now eat me out my little protégé, I want to see how well you can use that tongue of yours.” The woman did as she was told and Vera immediately started to moan her already dripping pussy dripping more.

Fuck Vera thought to herself, this one was really talented she would definitely be making use of this one a lot. She then lead back grasping the woman’s breast and squeezing hard as the woman continued going to town on her pussy. It felt so good that that Vera let out a loud moan as she starting to tug at the chain connecting the woman’s nipples. “Yes that is a good little slut keeps that tongue working!”
Her protege did as she asked, crawling behind her on her hands and knees across the floor. She lays down obediently as Vera commands her and when she is commanded to eat her mistress' pussy, she complies immediately. She laps at her smooth labia before pushing into her dripping folds and probing her pussy. She begins moaning while she licks deeper into Vera and sucks on her clit.

As Vera squeezes her ample breasts and tugging on her nipple chain, she moans louder, feeling her pussy begin to drip as well from the abuse of her body by her mistress along with the degradation by her words. She always knew she was a slut and whore in her heart and wanted to be like this with another person. Vera was the high priestess of her master and had fulfilled her basest desires. She would be eternally grateful to her priestess and would obey her unto death.

As Vera was getting eaten out by her zealous acolyte, Malphas came up behind her. "Is that all you think you will be doing, slave? I think the acolytes want to see their high priestess be violated by their master on top of the altar. Don't you agree?"
Vera moaned louder as her protégé continued eating her out the woman’s tongue pushing deeper inside of her causing Vera to pull on the chain harder. While she had always known she had the base desires of being with men she started to realize that deep down she had always wanted this, to have another woman eating her out and bring he r to a climax.

However as Vera knelt there grinding her pussy into the other slaves face Her master came up behind her and started to speak. His words sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. Especially when he called her slave because though she was High priestess to the acolytes and she could use them as she pleased. Malphas was still he r master and she his slave and she was meant to serve at his whim. Vera nodded he r head in response as she answered “Yes Master I agree I think they would very much like to see me violated like the whore that I am” She then gave her protégé’s chain one more sharp tug be fo re standing up slowly letting more of her juices drip onto the other womans face. She then placed her foot on her face pressing down slightly. “You did well my whore we will have to play some more another time”

With that said She moved her foot and with pussy still dripping her juices running down her thighs Vera walked to the alter. I t was s till covered in the blood of the succubus but that did not bother her in the least bit the high priestess laid herself down on the alter a placing her arms to her sides and spreading her legs wide she called out. “You slave is ready for you to use and violate her as you see fit master”
After she lay down, Malphas approached her with his hard member. "I have a better idea, slave. Let's use one of your other holes." He picked her up and brought her down on her hands and knees upon the altar. He took a firm hold of her soft ass and spread her wide and brought his cock to her anus. He poked it to test her tightness before shoving his member into the tight hole. She wanted to be taken like a whore, and so he would ram himself into her anus and show his slaves how their high priestess liked being taken by their master.

He pushed into Vera's ass hard and deep, his hips striking her ass with slaps as his massive hands held her in place and shoved her further up his cock. The other sisters were watching as they continued their fevered fucking of each other. As they came, they occasionally swapped positions and partners until all they go do was buck with multiple orgasms from their orgy and the sight of their master abusing their high priestess' ass. They wanted his member in their virgin anuses, without any lubrication as their tight holes were loosened by his massive meat.

"Tell them all how much you enjoy this, slave. Let them know their high priestess loves being a whore for their master."
Vera looked a bit shocked as her master suggested using one of her other holes. The fact that he flipped her on her knees and then grabbed her ass before spreading it gave her a good idea of what was about to happen. This caused the nun to whimper ever so slightly as she was not ready for this in the least bit. But she was his slave his toy to play with and she knew that pro testing in any way would not end well for her.

So biting her tongue she closed her eyes and tried her best to relax. And then she felt it, his massive cock being shoved inside her tight hole. The initial shove caused the High priestess to scream but soon she was moaning like the whore that she was each thrust impaling her further on her master’s cock.

As this was going on Vera could see that the others had become almost like a huge orgy with the sisters taking turns with each other. She could t ell bye watching them while being used by their master that they too wanted to experience what she was. As she watched them her own pussy was starting to drip heavily not just from the pleasurable breaking of her ass bye her master but from the ongoing orgy of her sisters.

She was brought out of her thoughts though as Malphas ordered her to tell the others how much she was enjoying being a whore for their master. Vera groaned as she started to speak. “It feels so amazing to be used by the master. To be his whore is pure bliss, and ab solute happiness. Though I may be your High Priestess I am still just as much a whore slave to the master and as such know that it is my place to serve his every whim and to be his to be used in whatever way he deems fit. And I love doing just that because Malphas showed me the true path to being happy and I am eternally grateful he chose me to be one of his whores”
With her declaration, Malphas pushed her far up on his member and filled her ass with his seed before letting her collapse on the bloody altar, letting her gush his semen from her overstuffed hole. Her sisters came a last time with his orgasm as they lay exhausted from their exertions and overstimulation. Satisfied with her efforts in corrupting the temple, he gave Vera and his other slaves a gift. From the remaining blood of the succubus on the altar and on their bodies, the acolytes found it congealed into their new outfits, tight leotards of black latex that clung to their bodies and pressed on their piercings.

"Now, my slaves. It is time to make this place mine. Corrupt this place and its remaining worshipers of that goddess mine, either they turn willingly or they serve me through their deaths. This place is to be a temple to the lust of flesh. I expect results in time for the full moon, when your next feast will be."
Vera let out a loud moan of pleasure as her master pushed even deep inside of her ass before filling it with his seed. When he was done she collapsed on the alter breathing heavily as his seed came gushing out of her ass. She could tell by then sounds from her sisters that they were all exhausted as well from the multiple orgasms. Laying there trying to catch her breath she soon felt something pressing aginst her skin and pressing down on her piercings causing them to make her even more horn y then they normally did. Looking down she saw the latex leotard and smiled.

She then listened to her Masters orders and standing up she bowed her head “Yes master it will be done. Bye the time the next feast comes everyone here will either be a prisoner or a sister.” She then looked down before continuing “Though I must also say we may have to kill a few. There will be some that will fight and I doubt keeping them alive would be wise”

When she was done discussing finer points with her master and he had left them to their task Vera took her protégé and the three other sisters that showed the most aptitude for sorcery and led them back in to the main temple. Showing them each the symbol they must draw and the incitation they would repeat she drew a special mark on the shoulder r of e ach of them “Now this mark is a temporary one it will allow us to communicate directly. Prove yourselves and I will make it permeate not all sisters will have aptitude for the dark arts but each of you does so prove you are worthy of that mark and you will keep it. Fail me in anyway and you will become nothing more than a whore for the others. Now each of you go to the corners of the temple”

Standing at the center of the temple Vera waited till they all had communicated that the symbol had been done. She then drew the symbol that she needed to do this spell and when she was ready told them all to begin the chant. Vera chanted the binding words when there one and then a special barrier covered the temple and the symbol on the floor disappeared. Vera had actually combined two spell to accomplish 3 task. The first was to amplify her masters power further with in the temple. This would cause any that were already harboring lustful or dark thoughts would be easily turned. The second was to better conceal the entrance to the old temple bye making I t seem like its magical lock were completely in place. And the final part was to slowly corrupt those that were pure. This would make those who were not as strong willed either easier to turn or make them lose their will to fight and willingly become prisoners. If they still could not be turned after that well they could always be sacrificed.

When the spell was done Vera and her sisters then raided the pantries after which her sisters returned to help the others clean some of the bunks in the old temple. Vera how ever had another Mission she wanted to complete. Coming upon the door of her target she entered their room. Pulling out a dagger she had found in ruined part of the temple she walked to the sleeping nun and covered her mouth which cause the woman to open her eyes. The woman tried to scream but found she could not. “There is no point in trying to make a sound Grace I have prepared for this for a week and have made sure you will not be discovered till morning. I am sorry that you will not be given a choice but I know what you are and you are one of he one ones that must die if Master is t o be able to truly be free. Because I t is not only the crystal but the blood of the 5 mortal families that had him bound so as it was your families blood that bound him it is your families blood that will free him. Good bye sister” with that Vera slit the woman’s throat and cut out her heart leaving it in the water bowl that every nun had in their room. She then silently slept back to her masters temple with a small vial of blood.
The next couple of days found the sisters repairing and cleaning the old temple. At night though they would go and find those who had started to be corrupted and would bring them to the alter room for their master to convert. Four nights in had seen their numbers grow to almost 20 as well as 5 girls that were current ley being held as prisoners. Vera had also added 2 more two her own special group she had dubbed the daughters of carnage who were marked with the image of dagger with stabbed into aa heart burned into their right shoulders. Vera had also killed two more nuns both who shared the blood of two of the other five families. However the last two were not nuns they were wives of two of the more prominent men in the village. The village was on heightened alert as well after the disappearance of the nuns and the murder of three of them. So Vera waited until her master was breading the lasted t of their numbers before approaching him. “Master I have hit a small sang the final two decedents are not on the temple grounds. It seems the last two chains that bind you to the temple grounds are with in the village itself please tell me how you wish me to proceed”
Her Daughters of Carnage craved her approval and showed the most zeal for the perverse pleasures of the cult along with skill in dark magic. As part of their currying favor in her, they created a large bed in a chamber to be reserved as her personal chambers. Not only was there the bed of dark wood and soft velvet large enough for multiple partners to join her, the implements of pain and pleasure Vera most enjoyed would be located inside for her use on her sisters. They certainly hoped it would make them her permanent companions in sex.

As Malphas put his children in his latest slaves and dressed them in their new outfits, he heard his high priestess speak of her current difficulties. He had foreseen this and its possible solutions. "You have two choices, slave. You can use those slaves that are proficient in the dark arts to kill them from afar with magic if they are not assassins in their own right. There are also two warriors of the goddess coming on pilgrimage. They have a great longing in their hearts and they will prove most corruptible if allowed to reveal their desires in the influence of corruption you have brought into this place. They could prove to be a useful martial tool to me. You make the decision.

"But tell me, slave, how does my child grow inside of you? Do you await the time of its birth from your womb?"
“Hmm well there is one among the new girls tonight who could make for a good assassin and there is one other already in my Sisterhood of carnage that also be able to do the same I could send them both tomorrow night to kill one of them she is the wife of a promote merchant who I know deals in magical goods so he will have his house warded from outside magic. “Vera passed for a moment considering the other bit her Master had mentioned. “Though the last one is the wife of the local Nobel… and even the two who would make good assassins would have a difficult time reaching her. I have personally seen how well they keep that place locked up. Though If we have the two warriors and have them help us we could possibly find a way to stage a coup….Kill the wife and husband Corrupt the Daughter and all the ….” Vera grins at her master. “We could possibly break the final chain and gain a noble all in one fell swoop. A minor Nobel but still with daughter and her house hold under are influence the women of village would be that much easier to corrupt”

“And to your question master your child is growing well. Her kicking gets more bothersome every day I believe it will be time before the full moon master. But I am always your slave and will make sure that your will is done” She then bowed before her master and let him have his way with her if he so choose.
The next morning Vera gathered her Daughters of Carnage and the new girl that had yet to be marked. Vera told her and the Daughter known as Slivean the mission they would completely that night the new girl know as Helena was to view this as her test if it was completed successful she would join the Daughters.

The rest of the day was spent like most days with the slaves indulging themselves in there lustful and hanius natures, as well as going about any work that needed to be done. Vera spent the day couped up in her room with her Protégé who she had given the name Zeal and one of the other daughters. During that time she concocted a plan to sway the two holy nights.

Two days later she put that plan into action. Leaving the temple thro ugh a secret entrance that had been discovered Vera disguised herself and met the two knights on the road outside of town and offered to give them so water after there long journey. Of course both of the knights accepted and she could tell that for a brief moment she could see them looking at each other as if they wanted to take each other right there. However Vera knew that the potion was not enough to get them to break their vows they would need more coxing for that but it would allow that seed of lust to come to the surface of their minds.

That coxing took two more days; the knight’s being warriors for the goddess of light were given lodging in the temple. Over the course of the next two nights Vera used her magic to corrupt their dreams much like Malpahs had done to her only she sent them dreams of each other of embracing each other and making love as much as they wanted to feed the lust in their hearts for each other. Finally on the third night Vera ventured forth wearing a black hooded robe to hide who she was from them. As she approached the room she grinned because she could hear them whispering through the door arguing as one of them was trying to get the other to make love. The second one was resisting but Vera could tell she wanted to give in. Vera opened the door and both women turned their heads. The one who was still trying to resist looked a bit alarmed and went for her sword. Vera snapped her fingers and the sword begin to eat causing the woman to drop it. She then snapped again her robe disappearing reveling herself.

“No need for that my dears I am not hear to fight I am here to offer you salvation and freedom form the bondage of the light.” Both of the women looked slightly taken aback unsure of what to do. Vera simply smiled and continued. “If you wish for the freedom I offer simply follow me and you will be able to sate your desires “

Turning Vera started to move through the hallways turning only once and smiled as both of the women had followed her. Vera continued on and led them to a special room that had been made up for the two women. As they made their way through the old temple the some of the other acolytes had been placed at key points whispering the tenants of the cult releasing a special airborne aphrodisiac that one of the Daughters had come up with. Bye the time they reached the room that had been prepared and after the two warriors had also witnessed some of the acts they had seen some of the acolytes doing to each other Vera could tell that they had reached the pinnacle of their lust for each other and even as they entered the room they were kissing and groping one another. Vera grinned and gave a small chuckle as she watched the two Warriors falling from the light in front of her eyes. “Yes enjoy and revel in your lust for each other sisters . Soon you will really feel the power of the true god of this world. Until then have your fun with each other and when you are done find me” With that Vera left the two women to enjoy each other and satisfy their lust for one another they had held down for long deep in their hearts.
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