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Fx Male Smutty Stockholm Syndrome Roleplay (Discord)


Jan 29, 2020
I would really like to explore a Stockholm syndrome dynamic. Perhaps Y/C kidnapped M/C or M/C was seeking shelter for the night. However we decide to start this one I would really like a dominant male who flips from being violent and abusive, taking what he wants to being almost sweet, in a fucked up sort of way. Of course, this roleplay would involve mostly forced scenarios and a lot of violent themes. It might be useful to read over my F-list if you feel so inclined.

I also have a few little requirements to keep in mind if you would like to roleplay.

• This will be on discord. I much prefer the layout and it’s a lot easier for me to use and get notifivations for.

• Please be moderately literate. I’m talking at least a couple fair sized paragraphs of text with 3rd person POV.

• I would like this to be long term and fairly active. Please try to reply at least once a day. I get people are busy, but if you plan to be away longer please let me know.

• Any ‘no’s on my F-list are hard no’s. I’m just not into certain things.

• While this will be focused primarily on smut i would also like a little bit of plot. Maybe a 70/30 or 80/20

• It isn’t necessary but I would prefer my partners to be GMT or there abouts.

If you’re interested feel free to add and message me on discord Sparrow#7344 and we can talk over some details and flesh out the plot a little bit more.
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