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Fx Male Amorous Melodies' Resonating Rummage About (Probably NSFW)

Amorous Melodies

Sep 6, 2020

Hello and Welcome!

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to improve myself and to entertain others.

Heya! Nice to meet you all. I hope my request will be understandable and appealing to future partners.
I didn't know how to write this up so I'm going with my gut here, I hope you enjoy!

I thought about having this as two individual requests but I changed my mind so now this'll have the vast majority of my ideas, plots, roleplays, premises and other akin things.​

I guess I should start with two questions: Who am I? and What am I looking for in a roleplay here?

  1. I am Amorous Melodies so feel free to call me Melody. I have been playing table top roleplaying games with friends and family for ten years now and I love making a character and a world for them to explore and grow in. For this level of roleplaying, I have around a year and a half experience and have some fond memories that I still think about today. I am here to have a lot of fun with different roleplays and partners, to explore new premises for said roleplays and create something wonderfully magnificent. In sheer spite that English isn't my first language I know I can be a proactive partner with my premises, love of creativity and flexibility.
  2. I'm, in essence, looking for roleplays, ideas, thoughts, and partners that love a balanced mixture of storytelling and smutty elements. The type of roles I'm looking for are more of the slice of life or modern times feel to them with a romantic feel to them with conventional roles. Fantasy and Space Fiction are two larger categorizes that I also like to dabble for a change in routine. For partners I'm looking for people who like to OOC, create marvelous narratives that are full with adventure, intrigue, romance, comedy, and wondrous erotica. I'm flexible will playing outside my comfort zones so I want to try new roleplays and characters as I'm here.

Personalized Roleplay Guidelines:
  • Characters: The Characters I'll be playing will be mainly women. I'm also want to express an curious about in playing Futanari characters. Characters will be typically Asian.
  • Number of Characters: Though I prefer an one character per partner experience, I am interested in playing more than character as well.
  • Ages: Minimum of 15 as described in the Site Rules. Age range of my characters will be 15 to 25. Ages are conditional to the roleplay.
  • Post Length: On a great day I typical write 3 to 7 paragraphs so normally it'll be between 2 and 4 paragraphs.
  • Literacy: Not looking for godly writing. I'm happy with semi-literate, understandable writings. Quality writing over speedy writing.
  • Frequency: Both for posts and being online. My goal is to write at least one post per roleplay per "day" and to be online no less than daily.
  • Balance: I know that ratios of erotic and non-erotic content is important to know to gauge a roleplay but I don't like fixed ratios for this. I believe the content ratios should be flexible and more importantly depending on the roleplay.
  • Romance: I'm a fangirl for romance in stories so I'd like there to form that deeper connection of romance between the characters.
  • Erotica: I'll not shy away from a stimulating smut scene!
  • Imaginary: I use faceclaims for my characters and I like to use photos to help each partner visualize clothes, building, locations, cars and positions. I accompany faceclaims with description for better visualization.
  • Dominance: I'm a submissive roleplayer and my characters will reflect that sex related behavioral preference, through I'm not to be waited on as I'm an energetic sub that likes to change the dynamic up a bit and take opportunities.
  • OOC: This is the best thing in roleplaying and I simply love talking to people, bantering about life, discussing plots, and making roleplays.

  • Roleplay Plots​
  • Pairings (WIP)​
  • Character Inspiration Plots (WIP)​
  • One Off Ideas (WIP)​
Roleplay Plots

Glowing up as next door neighbours, they were always close when both of them were younger. As they grow older the bond become more inseparable with each passing year. They studied, ate together, hung out in one another’s room, work on homework, chill at lunch with their friends, even went to all the school dances together. At one point the fact whether or not they were dating were a hot topic; for even their friends and family as both would deny that they were in a romantic relationship with one another. Both would say they weren’t but still the rumours continued to spread. It wasn’t until the summer before their 10th​ years of school did everything fell apart, for Sierra Boyle’s family was moving across the country due to her father being reassigned elsewhere. With everything happening so quickly, the feelings that were hidden just under the surface came pouring out the day she was about to get into the car and leave. Inside shell of her now empty room, the both of them stood looking at one another with masks hiding their true feelings. Yet it was Sierra that broken down, her mask that hid her true emotions shattering. She cried in the other’s arms for a long time, their parents giving them the time they needed to work things out. There wasn’t any rush. Both of them were sad, both cried, both had their masks broken at the heartache of seeing the other like this. There wasn’t any time to confess their hidden feelings for one another nor would they have the time now to act one them, but Sierra in her shattered feelings didn’t care. A tight embrace and the meeting of one’s lips to another in a moment that even seemed to make time slow down.
The both of them continued to talk over the phone; texting, calling, and face timings one another each and everyday after Sierra had left. For three long years they kept in contact and talked about one another’s day everyday. Though they were a country apart, they were close so close and the feelings that they expressed that one summer day still continued to resonate between the two. It wasn’t until the summer after their 12th​ year graduation that Sierra surprised her best friend. She said she was going camping and couldn’t talk on the phone for a few day as a guise for her master plan.
Four days later, there was a knock on the door at the other’s house. The door opened slowly to reveal the face of her best friend that opened the door up. A shocked reaction, a kind hello, a bright smile, and once again did their lips meet in an embrace.

Sierra Faceclaim(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Hyeon Sung fixed her gaze on the thin, polished, golden band ring on her left hand’s ring finger with endearing simper. Looking at the ring put her at ease as she reminisced about the evening that her beloved had asked her for her hand in marriage. For Sung, it was a dream come to life and she happily accepted their passionate request. She remembered cuddling up to them that fateful evening on the couch as they watched a movie together, hearing them whisper it into her ear in the most sweetest of tones and her almost bursting out crying in pure, romantic bliss. In her mind getting engaged, and eventually married, was the logical path for her and her high-school sweetheart. Sung’s fingertips blushed the thin band, her heart fluttering inside her breast as she remembered the day she confessed to them and them welcoming her feelings for them. Despite their quarrels and disagreements, the last four years of being together has been very relaxing for the both of them with each being grounded in their own jobs and liking most of the same things. Even her parents like her fiance(e) which was concerning for Sung as her parents were very strict about her dating someone, to the point that she kept their relationship secret from her parents for a few months out of fear they’d demand them break up. Worryingly for Sung they were supportive of her dating who she was and gladly accepted them into the family after a months of getting to know them. This wasn’t without reason as Sung would discover that her Father is employed by a company that frequently works in association with her beloved’s Mother. It was shocking to Sung as she was the only one not too know until the end. Still it was comforting to know her Father and Mother approved her relationship, they approved of her engagement which was much to Sung’s own delight. And what she heard, her fiance(e)’s family also endorsed their relationship and engagement. Sung’s life is pure bliss.
Her fingers moved away from the band as she looked to three the frying pans on the stove top. The scrambled eggs in one, bacon in the second one, and hash-browns in the last pan. The mixture of smells comforted Sung as breakfast was her favorite meal of the day as it was the time that her and her beloved could sit down and enjoy one another’s company everyday of the week. She buttered the slices of toast once that popped up out of the toaster, looking at the stream of coffee pour into the coffee pot. Out of the corner of her eye, Sung saw the door to her bedroom open up.

Sung Faceclaims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Willow had been taking care of a girl that she would come to know and care for, Alma. Alma was a wonderful girl and just at the age of five years old, she was very well behaved compared to any other child her age that Willow knew personally. At first Alma was very shy around Willow and Willow didn’t take it to heart as she knew why Alma was acting like this for Alma had lost her own mother three years prior. With careful steps and two years of time, her had completely opened up to Willow which certainly made Willow happy. It was hard to properly babysitter and be a paternal figure in one’s life if there wasn’t any trust or need to open up. Willow had provided an atmosphere of love, compassion and learning for Alma so the little girl could grow up with at least a motherly figure in her early years. Though Willow couldn’t be there all the time to support Alma and give her father the peace and quietly away from demands of Alma, Willow did her best to help out whenever she could. She know Alma’s father was appreciation about being able to work in without needing to worry to much about his own daughter’s safety. Alma’s father hiring Willow to watch over her was a win win for all parties. Willow got paid for her services and paternal experience, the father was able to work uninterrupted and Alma got the love and attention that any girl her age needed, even to the point Alma started to call Willow “Mother”. Willow liked it and the father didn’t mind so it stuck.
Willow had some fond memories with Alma and her father, but she sensed the balance between her desire to be a babysitter or be something more for Alma and her father was shifting into the side of the latter. Over the two years she worked for the father, she had developed a huge crush on him. This was something taboo, but Willow couldn’t shake off her feelings for him. Some times Willow wondered if it was her place to say something or that she should just continue as if her feelings were a girlish fantasy

Willow Faceclaims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The syndrome had been with the human race since before written language and DNA testing shows evidence that humanity has been subject to this even when they walked the primitive plains of world. It’s impossible to discover what the earliest humans thought about it happened, in later centuries whose suffering were seen as blessed by the Gods, tainted by Evil or perhaps simply abandoned. In the modern era of human technological and social advancement, more was starting to be known about the scientifically defined Human Afflicted Caterpillar Metamorphose Syndrome, or simply Metamorphose to the general public. It was discovered that the syndrome’s end game was the complete biological, physical and psychological reconstruction of the human body between the two sexes; Female and Male. And that those who were affected were completely altered and were completely unfazed about their changes, seeing their bodies as reportedly ‘normal’. The Syndrome was uninspiringly named after the event called ‘Cocooning’ where the afflicted is enclosed in a silky cocoon like structure. Other information is known about the syndrome, however the reason why it is happening is the bigger question for the scientific community that’s studying it. Some claim it’s completely genetic where others claim that genetics have nothing to do with the syndrome. Other claim it is caused to ensure a functioning balance between the sexes. Whatever the reason is, the syndrome is as much a mystery as it is scientifically known. And that mystery around it breeds misunderstanding about those afflicted.
In spite of understanding behind the syndrome, there are many countless people that fear, hate, dread, or purely had misapprehension about those altered by it. Many governments and organization have been fighting to change people’s minds about those dubbed as “The Altered” do to the increased social conscious about Human Rights. Yet those changed still find themselves among the unfortunate many looked down upon or ignored by parts of society. Humanity generally fears not being in control and sudden change which the syndrome is, in essences, that in it’s purest form. It can happen to anyone at any time.
A private organization that works closely with the government put into plan an initiative to help those who have changed by offering them guidance, emotional, mental and financial support and opportunities to have new lives as well as show the public that the changed people aren’t as different as they’d think. It has been 50 years since the organization’s conception and it has done a lot for the afflicted few, gaining them international acclaim for bettering the lives of those that changed.
It has been six months since Tan Yun-Hee emerged from her own Cocoon a woman and two years since she had first showed symptoms that she was afflicted. Those months after she stepped out of her Cocoon was spent in an organization operated care faculty learning about the world and how it had changed since the first day she’d succumb to the changes. Once she was all cleared to reenter society, the organization set her up with everything she’d need, including an apartment, so survive in this new world she was walking into.

Yun-Hee Faceclaims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Roughly Based off of Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.​
  • Character Ages 17 to 18.​
  • Set in Fictional Japan or in Fictional America.​
Connection Atrophy, the deterioration of interpersonal associations with other people and the lose of deeper attachments that make up the cornerstone of society. This socio-relational phenomenon has been an underlying problem for humans and has been connected to the advancement of technology and easy yet fruitless dating. The effects of such an unrestrained personal separation was already having a toll on the modern world, with some countries and its population being thus far influenced by it more than others. To some it was evidently clear that this negative trend was going to persist into the years if not, generations to come. Action had to be taken to impede this trend and to stabilize or to, in the best case scenario, generate an ascending shift away from complete deterioration. A government board was founded and comprised of government bureaucrats, school administration and health care employees, among others. This board was come to be known as the Board for the Study, Implementation and Reversal of Connection Atrophy and was tasked to gather data, find a solution and implement the solution formed. After the evidence was assembled, statistics cataloged, charts drawn up, and all was verified and reported. The process took four years to compile the needed information to the board’s purposed tentative plan. Before the Nation’s governing body, the board communicated a society wide integration of their purpose into the pre-established education system. One more grade was to be created as a preparation year for college where the student could focus more on getting ready for college with designed classes to suit the student’s future career; while also a year for the BSIRCA’s plan to implemented. There were backlash from members of the governing body and society yet it was understood by the majority of the general populace that the BSIRCA was working in the Nation’s best interest. The plan was later, anonymously, approved and adopt. The Student Cohabitation Initiative was created. The Initiative was based on a Pointed System in which students in cohabitation would gain or lose Pointed through their interaction, or simply lost due to a lack of interaction between the two partners; and these partners were assigned at random from the Cohabitation integrated classes. This couples were granted apartments they are will be living in for the next year, 10 months plus 2 months allotted for holidays and breaks. To award or remove points a human administered artificial intelligent system was created to watch, record and evaluate the couples in the public areas of the apartment. Bedrooms and bathrooms were exempt from the method used to observe.It has been thirty years since the implementation of the Student Cohabitation Initiative was completely assimilated into the education system. Society views it as a normal part of life now, seeing the parents of the students were once in the Initiative themselves.
The students would become more than friends but far from a couple.

• Character Ages 17 to 18
• Set in a Fictional Japan that’s sexual progressive

“A sustainable population at all costs.” Was the statement purposed before the Japan’s parliamentary legislation, a statement that would go down in history as a turning point for all Japanese citizens and our the Nation was viewed by the Foreign governments. Japan stood at the metaphorically crossroads of fate; leaving many in the dark and fearful about the uncertain future of their venerated country. There was a devastating national crisis that was, nothing a shadow of a doubt, going to have serious consequences for generations to come. It was going to affect all aspects of Japanese society, their cultural, their economic standing as a powerhouse in Asia, trade, their presence on the international stage and the defence of the country. There was a growing concern about the descending divergence of the population and what that’ll do in the future. To be more exact, the concerns was the vastly aging population, normalization of single life and the ever decreasing birth rates. Due to public outcry, and an abundance of research papers, a governmental administration was found to combat the trend is an effective and attentive way. The Student Sexual Education and Civil Propagation Bill was finalized within six years of its first ever legislative draft. To the general public the Bill was simply known as the Lineage Bill. It has been 85 years since the adoptive of the Lineage Bill, becoming a foundational building block of society and a common feature in day to day life, and there has been evident, positive effects. Needless to say there were also adverse consequences on the National’s sexual conservatism and education.
It was those students in the senior year of High-school that were affected the most by the Lineage Bill for that was that grade who were picked to be the subject of the Bill. It would be up to them and their appointed partners to see that fulfill their obligation to themselves, their family and their country. A sustainable population at all costs. That is their burden to hold on their shoulder. A world of sexual liberation at the cost of romance and of intimacy. At the price of something the world held so sacred and thus Japan became a nation without love, just duty.
Much like the years before, the partners were randomly assigned to one another based off of an in-depth mathematical algorithm designed by the governmental administration overseeing the, now titled, Lineage and Relationship Program. The outcome was a result of the student’s marks, physical features and genetics, hobbies, physical preferences of the partner, and a considerable amount of other fields of interest. To promote interrelationships between the two picked partners, the student are allotted an apartment where they’ll be spend their final school year in. Naturally the apartments have all the amenities needed for the most comfortable time as a year is a long time to be restricted. This is however half of their duties, as the second half is their schooling and keeping approved grades.

Both share the same Faceclaims.

Kure Hitomi Faceclaims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Boyfriend x Girlfriend
Husband x Wife
Fiance x Fiancee
Bestfriend x Bestfriend's Little Sister
Bestfriend x Bestfriend's Older Sister
Bestfriend x Bestfriend's Twin Sister
Roommate x Roommate
Classmate x Classmate
Popular Girl x Nerdy Guy
Popular Guy x Nerdy Girl
Delinquent Girl x Normal Guy
Camgirl x Roomate
Camgirl x Neighbor
Next Door Neighbors

Prince x Princess
Mage x Warrior
Cleric x Knight
Princess x Knight
Angel x Demon
Orc x Elf
Human x Elf
Dark Elf x Elf
Human x Monster Girl


Perversions and Avoidances

I have some kinks that I find truly fun so I'll be looking for them but that aren't mandatory.
I find age gaps, a differences in height between the characters and interracial relationships are three things I find very fun. I tend to like to play younger character compared to the age of my partner's character. This is the same for height as I like to play shorter characters. Interracial and homo-racial relationship are both wonderful. The use of different condoms, birth control, pulling out as well as unprotected sex. Risk of pregnancy, false alarms, actual pregnancy. An abundance of physical interaction such as kissing, cuddling, groping, fondling, above and below clothes touching. Use of erogenous zones and orgasms caused interacting with them. Masturbation such as mutual masturbation, catching or getting caught masturbating, and the use of sex toys. Intercourse such as anal sex, oral sex and vaginal sex. Intercrural sex like boobjobs, handjobs, thighjobs, hotdogging. Feet play such as foot care and feet jobs. Clothed or nude sex. Fun with sexy clothing, lingerie, cosplay and towels.

Preference for partner's characters (not mandatory): Same age or older. Same height or taller. Physical fit.... doesn't have to be Herculean, beards, glasses are a huge turn on for me. Someone who's dominant or protection towards my character but not obsessively so, and someone that let's her take the reigns every now and again. *cough* Average to Large size phalluses *cough*

Anything with Scat, Blood and Vomit.
Watersports is conditional
Anything with death, gore and Wounds.
Non - Con is conditional
Under 15 years of age characters.

I have more Faceclaims, Perversions and Plots to add in the coming days.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this request of mine.
I hope you have a wonderful time!
Bye Bye for now.

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