Fx Female Lilith's Lady Liaisons

Sep 3, 2020
(Okay, so I was going for an alliterative title. I should have held out for a GOOD alliterative title.)

Thanks for taking a look at my thread! Having discovered that we can have two, and since my other thread is aimed at the men-folk, I decided to crate a dedicated post for the plot ideas I'm specifically wanting a f/f setup for. But first, a collection of random but possibly useful facts:
  • My plot ideas lean into darkness, dominance and submission. While I (rarely) switch, I'm primarily submissive; as of this writing (I'll update this if/when it changes), all of my open plots are seeking dominant partners.
  • I prefer to roleplay via private messages, and I write in the third person. My posts tend to be two to three paragraphs in length, and I respond at least once a day (more if time and work permits, much more if we really get rolling.) I'm happy to play multiple characters if a plot calls for it.
  • Real life always comes first. If you need to take a break from our RP, I'll totally understand, just please give me a heads-up so I know you didn't get hit by a car or something. Likewise, if I need to be offline for more than a day I'll let you know, though really... waves hands helplessly in the general direction of "outside" ...where am I going to go right now?
  • Kinks? Sure, I have some. Oooh, you want specifics. Okay, this is far from an exhaustive list, but here are some of my favorites in no particular order: public humiliation, degradation, gangbangs and bukkake, cum-drinking, slutty/embarrassing outfits/uniforms/lingerie, forced body modifcations, watersports, forced lesbianism, monsters/beasts/inhuman partners, and blackmail.
  • Hard limits? Gore, snuff, diapers and vore. Not a huge fan of pregnancy in RPs; I'm open to the idea as long as it's not the center of the story.
I tried to keep that quick and relatively painless. And now, the plots! If you see something you like, drop me a PM and we'll talk (and hopefully play!)

My character rules her realm with an iron fist in a velvet glove -- or maybe just an iron fist, to match her steely will. (I know iron and steel aren't the same thing. Help me out here.) Of course, rulers need servants, and her last personal maid came down with a case of Got Knocked Up By the Stableboy. The doctors all agree that it will take her nine months to recover.

A peasant-girl is quickly found and hired for the task. It isn't long before the truth is discovered: the girl is...wicked, if not outright evil. She's a sexual sadist who thrives on domination and fear. Worse yet, she's a very good judge of character, and quickly susses out what no one else knows -- that the queen has a submissive streak. The maid has had to settle for scared peasants to play with; now she has a new toy, and this one is going to give her everything she's ever wanted.

I'm seeing this as a concealed-affair sort of plot, the queen and maid maintaining their social status in public while things are very different at night, behind closed doors. With the queen desperately trying to keep it all a secret, and the maid toying with the idea of exposing her...or just agreeing to keep her secret, so long as she's obedient. We can make this plot-heavy, with other characters and affairs of state, or just focus on the two of them; fantasy/magic elements are also an option. I could easily see this becoming a very dark and twisted romance, with the queen falling for her cruel companion and the maid, despite herself, having some feelings in return.

(Nothing has to actually happen in detention, I was just doing alliteration again. I should stop.)

Ah, high school, the home of raging hormones and self-discovery. My character is largely discovering two things: that girls give her funny feelings that boys don't, and that her secret tastes in reading erotica run toward stories where unfortunate girls are punished and disciplined by their merciless mistresses. She's even been writing a string of Warcraft fan-fics, where a poorly veiled version of her is enslaved by a whip-wielding succubus, who is also a poorly veiled version of the girl she happens to be crushing on at the moment. When the object of her desires finds out, and actually has similar thoughts in mind...well, Events Ensue.

There's a ton of options for your character here. They could be anything from a classic rich "mean girl" type, to a normally quiet and geeky bookworm who turns out to have some very, very dark interests. We can go purely with smut, or definitely take this along the dark-romance route. (Also, additional option: my character could be a teacher, instead of a fellow student. Making the situation far more dangerous for her, and giving her young owner-to-be some powerful leverage over her.)
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horiatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent thread bumps.
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