Fx Any Bad End Hotel (System Optional, from light to extreme)


The Book of Love
May 16, 2017
Note: I will be posting this in every applicable space. Please be sure to note which thread you're coming from when you PM me! Just makes things a little easier.


I've had this idea get stuck in my head recently, so I wanted to take a stab at putting something together. Since this will be a relatively more in-depth type of roleplay, I'll only be taking one or two people for this, so apologies if I end up having to turn you down! But first...

The Usual Preamble

- Experienced roleplayer: I've been at this for a good solid 14 years, from message boards to chat rooms to novella-style on Google Docs.
- Flexible beyond belief. I play all skin tones, all races, all genders, sexes, and orientations.
- Related, in the eternal d/s dynamic, I am switch as all heck.
- Preferred format: Discord -> PMs -> Threads.
- I don't have any requirements when it comes to post length or content. I tend to match -- I'm here for good, passionate writing. I've had perfectly detailed and exhaustive prose that leaves me cold and slightly typoed and grammatically-iffy roleplays that leave me hot and bothered. I just want some good, clean smut. Just be reasonably literate and put in some passion, you know?
- In line with my flexibility, I don't care who you are out behind the keyboard.

- Obligatory F-List

With all of that out of the way...

Welcome to the Hotel

The idea is fairly simple! The Bad End Hotel is a conceptual place more than a real one -- your character, or a small cast of same, arrives one day at the hotel. Perhaps receiving a letter from a thought-dead loved one, or perhaps their team's van has broken down in the middle of their cross-country mystery-solving roadtrip, or they just wake up there one day! The why doesn't matter, really, but the characters soon thereafter realize that there is something...

... odd about this place.

There are distant creaks in the floorboards. Doors slam shut at the auspice of an un-felt wind. A snippet of a wet, slapping noise filters through the ventilation system, and Jesus Christ, where did Daphne go?

The Bad End Hotel is a place of debauchery, full of monsters and terrors too many to name, and too bizarre to describe. Once you've entered, it's really just a matter of time before something slithers its way around you and spirits you off into one of the hotel's many rooms, to be despoiled at length and often... aggressively. Perhaps there is a way to escape, or to see daylight eventually peek over the far horizon. Maybe it's too late once you've checked in and signed the guestbook at the Bad End Hotel.

The Actual Roleplay

The roleplay can be done with or without a system I have designed for the concept. If you would like to integrate the use of dice and statistics, know that it is intentionally designed for simplicity and a CYOA-style, focused around a d12 and small modifiers, not too dissimilar to the bound accuracy and associated DCs from D&D 5e. I will not post the full ruleset here, but instead reserve it for anyone who would like to pursue this avenue with me.

The roleplay can be done in one of two flavors -- let's call them Scooby Doo and Scooby Don't. The former is generally much lighter in tone -- in a system sense, there could be fewer chances of permanent loss and generally softer bad end scenes, things like a young man getting his cock milked forevermore by a succubus, or a girl trapped in a tangle of tentacles to be fucked senseless.

For the latter, well...

Anything from breeding slavery all the way up to outright, but not gratuitous, snuff is entirely on the table. Seriously, let's talk -- I'm happy to add in some bizarre stuff, with my only major limits being the following:

  1. No sexual gore -- plenty of set dressing gore, but nothing mid-sex.
  2. No shit. Pissing is fine -- especially pissing oneself in fear -- but no consumption of body waste one way or another.
  3. No feet. I just don't find them appealing. Just... sort of gross. Plsno.
Whether it is systems-based or not, the manager of the RP will describe the insides of the Hotel and incidental NPCs as our heroes/heroines/etc. try to make their way through the Hotel. There may be a way out, depending on the RP, and it is up to the master of the game to decide just how many layers of hell the characters have to go through before they get there. This setting is massively broad for a reason, so let's go ahead and make something fun together!

Application Form
Completely optional, but feel free to just paste this in to save time if you'd like!

Request Thread: Male, female, or NB.
Desired Role: Guest or Hotel Manager
Tone: Scooby Doo, Scooby Don't
System: Y/N?
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