Fx Any Scarlet's Cravings


Apr 6, 2019
I will keep this short and sweet, like my favorite cup of tea.:coffee:

My name is Scarletsye, but you can call me Scar or Scarlet for short though I suppose thats a common name. I've been writing for a few good years now (several breaks in between though). Here is my F-List and if there is something in the maybe or not on the list usually I am open to talking about them before doing anything, I simply ask that you respect my favs and nonfavs. As your average human being I do have adulting duties which take a good chunk of my time, but often good about getting back to you or at the very least letting you know if I am delayed. If I'm unable to respond - you'll be the first to know. I understand that there is life outside of here and things happen, all I ask is give me a heads up! I'm looking for both long and short term partners. Communication: PM & Discord only

Rules I guess?
I think it goes without saying that don't be mean or nasty or just downright a terrible person to me and we should be fine.

I write matching my partners length but do have my limits when it comes to grammar and post lengths. If you post one liners all the time I may not be for you and if you post essay long posts without proper reason I tend to get lost. I don't need a book or thesis and I don't need someone writing with one hand. Most of the time I will do up to 3 to 4 paragraphs as long as my partner gives me enough to work with and push forward. On the note of grammar or even spelling I am not a big stinker about it because I tend to misspell at times when I use my phone or am in a rush and don't proof read. However, please try your best to not break immersion is all I ask.

Plot Ideas
I usually follow other peoples plots and idea's if there is one you wish to do don't hesitate to tell me about it I personally love playing out other peoples fantasies and worlds. That aside I have been craving a few idea and stories which I will list below. I tend to always play Feminine like characters, mostly female but I could be persuaded to something more in the middle of the spectrum, I am also always sub, I can dom to save my life so don't ask. Side note that I have lists of characters I do and have no trouble playing multiple characters in a setting, even going so far as multiple stories happening at the same time. That being said here are a few idea's I would like to play out, be warned this list can and will be updated as time goes on:

Hell is like a Place on Earth.
This idea is about Earth being a place where the soles of the damned are people who have sinned in their lives. Many demon or powerful souls fight for dominance through many parts of its ever expanding city like design. Not as cruel as religion preached about but still not a place you wish to be in. MC is a girl who famous for her many application-al use of her body, or in layman's terms a porn actress. She strips and dances at a club her demonic pimp owns and is bound to him because of her sin. YC is who ever the hell you want them to be, literally. I don't put much constraints on other people for this so you can be the ruler of hell, just don't over do it, or some simple soul trapped as well. How the story plays out is up to us to discuss later in private and play out past that.
World Of Darkness
This story is based of the tabletop World of Darkness game friends ran awhile ago that never really went anywhere but the setting and theme of it all still itches at me till this day, also is the inspiration to a lot of my own writing. World of magic, vampires, werewolves, and everything mystical is hidden in the world of today. Only about 1% of the world is either mystical or knows of it to the point that urban legends seem to be where it all stops. Even so, it does exist and MC ends up finding out about by accident. She is a typical girl who attends college most of the time. However, she as born with a forgotten genetic ability that proves to be valuable to the mystical world. Whom ever is to claim her in some manner of speaking gets whatever their heart desires, but it isn't that easy. YC is again whom ever you wish to be, a vampire lord with his own covenant, a werewolf pack leader, a scientific made homunculus, or even a simple human who stumbles upon the mess itself. More over we can add to this in private and I don't like hindering your creative outlet.

Demon x Angel
Vampire x Victim
Hunter x Animal Girl
Beastmen x Huntress/Victim
Parent x Daughter
Sibling x Sister
Kidnapper x Hostage
A few to add later as I discover more.

Fantasy is the Biggest
Modern Slice of Life
More when I discover.

Currently I am craving a lot due to little to no partners at the moment. However, my biggest craving is something that will last for longer than a few scenes and more towards story telling that will lead into a steamy love scene of some kind, maybe with a few kinks. Otherwise if there is something you yourself is craving and think my kink list and interestes are up your alley don't be afraid to let me know. Until then, enjoy~ :coffee:

(May edit this later to update or fix spelling mistakes.)
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