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Fork in the road [Reaver & Blue]

Jan 9, 2009
Things were looking bad for the humans with the way this war was turning out. Every day, more and more troops would be sent out into the battlefield and less would return come nightfall. Morale was at an all-time low and Nathaniel Storm was having more trouble than usual keeping his troopâ??s heads in the right mindset.

â??Hurry up, ladies, I havenâ??t got all day,â? he barked, causing the men in the makeshift outpost to pick up the pace. With all the men coming and going so frequently, it was hard to keep their base in as good condition as Nate had hoped- after all, with all the men they were losing, assigned jobs wouldnâ??t last very longâ?¦ which left Nathan to do most of the odd jobs like patching up holes in their cement forts or digging trenches when he wasnâ??t keeping the men in line.

Gray-blue eyes watched intently as the other men at the base hurried to fortify walls, gather weapons, and prepare for an oncoming attack. The latest intel warned of another oncoming attack and Nathan didnâ??t want to be anything but completely prepared.

Being just shy of twenty years old, it seemed to be a great feat for someone so young to be in command over so many. However, at this point, it seems like the higher-ups would take just about anyone. Nathan was thirteen when he was first recruited to join this damn war for independence. He had matured since then. At first, he was just another one of those scrawny kids the others expected to die within the first year- just pawns to slow the enemy down. His eyes were bright and his hair a fair blonde back thenâ?¦ now, he had grown to be slightly under six feet tall, his hair darkened to a near-brown dirty blonde and his eyes hardened like any other soldierâ??s.

Suddenly, a gunshot was fired from a distance away, their warning sign for an approaching enemy. Instantly, a sort of chaos erupted from the base as the men scattered to grab their weapons, ammo, and whatever else they needed to ready themselves for battle. Nathan swore beneath his breath, wishing that the troops hadnâ??t come so soon- he wanted to be more prepared. He snatched his rifle and scope, darting and leaping into the trench. He set up the prop for the rifle, looking through the scope, ready to fire at any enemy that came into view.
In the distance a swarm of Naga came over the horizon, a relatively small group considering the mere size of the full army of snake-like beings. They started to fire off cover shots of grenades and automatic rifles. This was a decoy charge, but it couldn't be known just by watching them.

Another group of Naga came from around the base, flanking them from all sides. The initial small group that was the decoy was still a bit of a distance away when this flank attack came in. Shots fired directly at key soldiers, knocking out some of the best troops in the base first, saving the commanders and some other strong humans. Then automatic fire started to mow down the weaker men and women. Grenades came flying in to wipe out the larger groups in the base.

A matter of minutes and the base was crawling with Naga. For every one human there was a good four or five Naga, with more coming in by the seconds that passed. Minutes later, humans were being mushed along in chains into cells, including the commanding officer. Soon a high ranking Naga slithered up to the cell with the C.O. in it, his hands behind his torso.

"So, you are Nathaniel Storm. I heard much about you. I would have imagined this invasion of your base be much longer than it was. So disappointing, Storm." He said, his pronunciation of human words much better than any other Naga who had spoken them. "What do you have to say for your self, human?" He questioned with an evil Naga smirk.

"We already conquered much of what your kind call Europe and Russia." He informed, some of the most strategic generals being in both countries, but the best of them were in North America, where the Naga were making their next major attacks. "We are almost done in the Americas now as well. This war is such a futile attempt to stop the inevitable. It will soon be over, considering many of your Human generals are either killed or P.O.W.s." The Naga stated with his smirk ever so much wider now.​
Within moments, the sounds of gunfire and shouts thundered in the air as the battle begun. Nathaniel was quick to work, sniping off half a dozen of the Naga within the first minute. Things seemed to be under control until there was an attack from the rear- and to make things worse, they were being flanked on both sides.

The men began to scatter a bit, each turning their own way to ward off the snake-like beasts that were firing from all angles. "Stay together!" Nathan snarled, eyes narrowed at their terrible predicament. It would be a miracle if they were able to keep hold of their fort- but in their panic, the men divided into their own, chaotic groups and tried to fend off the oncoming enemies... which only made it easier for them to be captured or killed.

It didn't take long for the Naga to get to Nathan after that- he was one of the last to be captured and he struggled when he was put into his chains and cell. He was a prideful creature. Even in defeat, he would refuse to recognize any sort of shortcomings on his behalf. So needless to say, he carried himself as if he had won the battle when he saw what seemed to be the head of the Naga's platoon that had attacked him. Nate stood up tall, head lifted slightly as stormy eyes glared directly into the other's.

"I don't recognize you," he replied, voice surprisingly even but stern, "You must not be that important." The man's features were impassive. Unmoving. He ignored the jabs the other took at him and his race. This one seemed to be like a cocky, little bastard. He thought the war was already fought and won in his favor.

"Pride cometh before the fall," Nathan quoted, stoic as ever. "A beast that crawls on its belly is a harder target than a man who stands tall."
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