darker urges and instincts welcome [M/F, M/M]


Jun 3, 2020
Quick Intro
My name's Senna and I ended up disappearing for a bit after first registering but I've finally gotten back around to this lmao. I'm usually all for getting deep into building up an RP and the characters but at the moment, I'm looking for a bit less of a commitment to ease my way back into writing; if we vibe well together, then I'm all for working out a long-term RP, an extension to a current shorter RP, or having multiple! I also very much enjoy OOC chatter on Discord, so feel free to ask to add me!

General RP Info
  • I like to think myself as a semi-lit roleplayer. I am very good at avoiding grammer/spelling errors but I'm human as well and can make mistakes too. I tend to write a lot, especially if what I’ve received leaves me inspired and excited, but I’ll try to keep it relevant and succinct. Please give me a heads up if you feel like I’m not giving you enough to work with!
  • My life can get rather hectic at times and I understand that you do have a life as well so I'm pretty lax with postings. All I ask is that you do the same for me, as you might get a reply in a day or a week or two. In recompense, I really enjoy keeping up OOC chatter and throwing plot ideas and head canons back and forth. It shows that yes, I’m still interested in these characters, I just genuinely don’t have the time or inspiration to sit down and bang out a reply; it's quality over quantity for me, and I'd love to find a partner that's patient with me. If you have more stringent preferences however, I’m probably not a good fit for you.
  • Though I generally roleplay through the forum, I’d prefer sticking to threads for the RP itself. That being said, I’m all for PMs and Discord to talk and plot!
  • Pairings: I'll do most anything and everything. High on my list is anything particularly taboo, like incest or age differences. Characters being on different sides of life or a conflict are also fun. I really should try to come up with a list of my favorites, but chances are I’ll enjoy it. However, I'm only accustomed to writing for one main character; I'll share the onus of moving around NPCs/secondary characters to help keep an optimal pacing of the story, but more than one lead gets too messy when I'm writing.
  • Kinks: Will be listed below.
  • Plots: Specific plots are welcomed with open arms. Darker themed plots call to me, but I can appreciate a fluffy, vanilla roleplay as well. Truly, my cravings run the gamut so just hit me up and we’ll see what we can get up to! I currently don't have any pre-made ones ready on my end, but if you have something you think I'd like, feel free to suggest it and I'll see if I'll be able to do it justice! I reserve the right to politely say no thank you, so please don't push me on it; truly, it's nothing personal.
  • Fandoms: I'm not usually one to write canon characters, but I can play against them or just go with OCs in the canon universe/borrowing canon themes and systems. Currently on a kick for The Old Guard (2020 Netflix film)!
  • All characters involved will be 18+, and ages bumped up appropriately if canonically younger. This is non-negotiable for me and please respect that.

  • I'd prefer to be the bottom/sub in the roleplay. Whether I play as a female or male against a male character, my characters tend to be submissive bottoms in the sense that they have or discover that they have a deep seated desire to please their partners, maybe after a deep internal struggle. This doesn’t mean they’ll be delicate little flowers for your character to walk all over or place on a pedestal and never touch. Independent and successful people can be submissive too, it all depends on who can bring that side out of them. Pleasure them, hurt them, in the ways that they need and they’ll be as responsive as you’d like.
  • I have a huge weakness for men in suits. Businessmen, mafiosi, any proper gentleman on the surface at least in a suit will do! Doesn’t even have to be limited to humans; handsome vampire or demon in a suit? Great!
  • I also really love sadists. Make my characters squirm, let them explore their own masochistic streaks, desires they suppressed or haven’t had awakened yet. I guarantee you, they love it when it hurts. Admitting to it, however, is an entirely different story.
  • Kinks:
    • Yes: Pretty much anything. Incest, corruption, BDSM, supernatural creatures/monsters, huge cocks, spanking, dirty talking, non-con and/or dub-con, possessiveness, serial killers, etc. This can and most likely will be talked about and decided upon when the time comes, so don't hesitate to put something on the table. The worst I can do is gently say that I’m not comfortable with it and suggest something else as replacement.
    • Hard No: Anthros/furries, excess gore, vore, toilet play, main character death. Basically anything permanent.

Current Cravings
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