Fx Male Lilith's Dungeon

Sep 3, 2020
Thanks for dropping in! I mean, it's a trap door over an oubliette, there's really no other way to get down here... This thread is for my little collection of plot ideas. But first, a collection of random but possibly useful facts:
  • My plot ideas lean into darkness, dominance and submission. If you want light, funny slice-of-life roleplays, I won't be a great partner for you. While I sometimes switch, I'm primarily submissive; as of this writing (I'll update this if/when it changes), all of my open plots are seeking dominant partners.
  • I prefer to roleplay via private messages, and I write in the third person. My posts tend to be two to three paragraphs in length, and I respond at least once a day (more if time and work permits, much more if we really get rolling.) I'm happy to play multiple characters if a plot calls for it.
  • Real life always comes first. If you need to take a break from our RP, I'll totally understand, just please give me a heads-up so I know you didn't get hit by a car or something. Likewise, if I need to be offline for more than a day I'll let you know, though really... waves hands helplessly in the general direction of "outside" ...where am I going to go right now?
  • Kinks? Sure, I have some. Oooh, you want specifics. Okay, this is far from an exhaustive list, but here are some of my favorites in no particular order: public humiliation, degradation, gangbangs and bukkake, cum-drinking, slutty/embarrassing outfits/uniforms/lingerie, forced body modifcations (anything from piercings and tattoos to breast implants), watersports, misogyny, forced lesbianism, monsters/beasts/inhuman partners, and blackmail.
  • Hard limits? Gore, snuff, diapers and vore. Not a huge fan of pregnancy in RPs; I'm open to the idea as long as it's not the center of the story. Genuine (sweet, wholesome) romance is generally off the table, though I'm more than open to my characters developing an unhealthy quasi-romantic attachment to their tormentors. Just no happily-ever-afters.
I tried to keep that quick and relatively painless. And now, the plots! If you see something you like, drop me a PM and we'll talk (and hopefully play!) Plots updated and new ones added as of 9-22.

She's a rich bitch, and she knows it. Nineteen years spent in the lap of luxury, all the best things, and now she's away from home at university, living it up on daddy's dime. Everything is perfect. Well, almost. Her campus is in the middle of a sketchy part of town; she never feels unsafe, really, but there are the homeless men who congregate under an overpass and never fail to catcall her when she passes by. What they want her to do, what they want to do to her. How they want to treat her like the trash she is.

The worst part is...the feelings it stirs in her, down in the pit of her stomach. Like maybe she wants them to.

Buried desires tend to come out sooner or later, uncontrollable. Like when she's coming home from a Halloween party, dressed up in a sexy costume and more than half-drunk, when they taunt her from across the street. Maybe she'll go over there and give them a piece of her mind, she thinks. Which...is not what happens.

The worst part is, when she wakes the next morning with sore body and a head full of regrets...she wants to go back. And they have a bitch-collar and a chain leash waiting for her. Soon her grades are failing, her life is falling apart, and she's giving every penny she can beg from her parents to her new masters, while she learns to scrounge for meals in garbage cans, or just beg on the street. Spending her weekends on a filthy mattress, in a shack littered with rotting trash and sticky porno magazines. They don't want to just use a rich girl for sex; they want to humiliate her, crush her pride, and destroy her spirit.

She wants it, too.

Arrogant, haughty, cruel and cold, my character is the worst kind of boss to work for. Unfortunately, she owns the company, and there's no court of higher appeals. She spends her days playing tyrant over her small office, terrorizing the staff and making their lives miserable. That is, until one fortunate and bold employee gets lucky; he finds evidence, going through the books, that she's been embezzling cash. Sure, it's her company, but she has outside investors. And if they found out, she'd be looking at a scandal at best, jail time at worst.

Exposing her would just get the place shut down and everyone would be out of a job. He has a much better idea. Blackmail.

The terms are simple. She will accept an immediate demotion to office secretary, appointing a board of men to run operations in her place. She will receive a salary cut to minimum wage, and the rest of her exorbitant wages will be divided between all the employees as an ongoing "bonus." She will issue a formal apology for her behavior. Oh, and behind closed doors, her title isn't "secretary." It's "slave." She's office property, and after all the humiliation and pain she inflicted on her employees, it's time for payback.

He's a nightmare. The absolute terror of the entire school. He does what he wants, takes what he wants, and his family's money makes sure that he never faces a single consequence for it. The other boys want to suck up to him, to curry his favor, or live in fear of him. The girls either know to stay clear, they're helplessly attracted to him, or both.

My character falls into the latter category. The only problem is, she's not a classmate. She's a teacher. And she's seen the evidence of what he's done, bullying being the smallest part of it. Forcing other students to write his essays and do his homework, selling drugs, intimidating his "girlfriends" into letting him whore them out or do amateur porn...he's dangerous. And she wants a taste of that danger.

She's done a good job of hiding it, but he's like a shark: he can smell blood in the water, and he can smell weakness. He's never broken a teacher before; she might be a fun conquest. And the easiest A he's ever earned. Not to mention the money he can make from pimping her ass out; unlike his other girls, he knows she won't dare report him or cry for help. She has way too much to lose.

Poking around in strange black-magic grimoires may not seem like a smart idea, but when you're a bored goth teenager adjusting to a new house and a new school, it's a thing to do on a quiet Friday night. My character didn't expect anything would actually come of it, just some spooky thrills. Too bad something did. She got the attention of a demon -- and not just any demon. A demon of misogyny, male domination, and enslavement; a demon whose calling is to find suitable women to break, tame, train, and sell on Hell's auction-block. Normally he has to wait until his victims are damned, to take them and crush their spirits under his heel. This is a different, and far more entertaining challenge.

This prompt is a bit vague, given there are a number of directions to take it in. He could drag her down to hell in her dreams, affect her in her waking life, be blatant and bold or subtle about it; it all depends on the kind of story we want to tell and how extreme we want to make it.
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Abraham: Do you bump your post at us, ma'am?

Lilith [aside to Gregory]: Is the law of our side, if I say 'ay'?

Gregory: No.

Lilith: No, sir, I do not bump my post at you, sir, but I do bump my post, sir.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl in possession of a request thread, must be in want of a bump.
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