- Joined
- Dec 27, 2019
Welcome to the thread. I am Matt5, gamemaster, roleplayer, and occasional author.
When you imagine being mind controled you probably imagine feeling the loss of control, loss of identity, or aspects of your personhood being torn away and replaced with someone elses desires. The ideas in this thread will usually feature these themes.
I don't ghost; if I'm leaving I'll let you know, though before that I will probably talk to you about what isn't working and why.
I don't have any particular point of view preferences and I'm looking for a female player willing to play roles that are at least usually submissive and who's willing to invest in her character. I could say more about what I want from an RP, but "show, don't tell" remains the best advice, so I will let the ideas and writing samples below speak for me.
If you liked the themes I describe but none of these ideas speaks to you, drop me a message; I have far more ideas than I could possibly fit in the thread and maybe we'll come to an agreement.
f-list (under construction)
Lara Croft: Cursed
(Other action heroines may be substituted for Lara Croft using a similar premise)
The last temple you raided has cursed you to become something that, when stripped of its flowery mystical descriptions, boils down to "horny bimbo sex slave," and now it's a race against time to find a cure while the curse manipulates your mind, body, and events around you. The twist is that you will not be told directly how the curse is affecting you, you will have to deduce its effects and which thoughts are yours and which are the curse based on your in-game experience and any hints you uncover in your quest for a cure.
Can you break the curse and protect your reputation? Can you salvage your mind as well as your self respect?
All while the curse tries to stop you by getting you figuratively, and literally, fucked over, and it grows stronger by the day...
Reap What You Sow
Your character would be a female executive or possibly middle manager in a large corporation that has developed brainwashing technology. You gain the ability to use the brainwashing techniques by getting a special implant, which also makes you resistant to others using it. A quirk of this technology is that it only works on women and that it can only be used by women. So, any woman that wants to retain a position of relevance or authority and avoid being brainwashed herself basically has to be one of the implant users and go around brainwashing other women for the company.
The implant also prevents you from orgasming while greatly enhancing libido and sexual sensitivity. However, the head scientist of the project can work out a way to temporarily suppress that and let you cum, but only if you keep him entertained. Aside from sex, he may make humiliating demands like telling YC to call all men sir, or that she has to answer to any nickname anyone gives her as if it were a compliment, whether it's "cunt", "sweet ass", "tits-for-brains" or what. Additionally, after every orgasm your character is extremely susceptible to suggestion and anything said to her immediately afterwards will be embraced deeply, whether it is a command, an implication of or an offhand remark.
Unbeknownst to you, the technology also features some backlash, so when you brainwash other women into having particular traits, a lesser version of the same traits starts to appear in you. Go around doing a lot of commissions to turn women into plastic beach bimbos, and you start looking at plastic surgery yourself. Turn enough lesbians into cock-worshiping, self-hating misogynists and you start believing in the patriarchy.
Targets would include lower ranked women in the corporation to make them more entertaining/productive for the company and executives, free range women from outside and commissioned pieces from powerful customers.
The way you use the technology is by concentrating extremely hard on the feeling you want to impart into the target and then it becomes permanently embedded in their brain.
As the women with the brainwashing implants go around brainwashing other women(and themselves) into submissive bimbos, women will be gradually purged from the upper ranks of the company, fewer and fewer positions available and the brainwashing women will have gone from a powerful elite to competing against each other for diminishing slots and scrambling for the approval of their male managers.
Women that do get demoted also get some additional commands (bimbofication) implanted for "security", so there's a lot of fighting to avoid that, but there are a lot of ranks to fall down the ladder, so avoiding at least a few of these is almost impossible, since women are being deliberately squeezed down the pyramid.
Shorter Ideas
Bimbo Lecture
It starts with a feminist giving a lecture (or anything else where a woman will be doing a lot of talking). After each post, I would give you a rule that would limit her dialogue from then on. For example, I could give you the rule "no words more than three syllables" or " must use 'like' or 'um' at least every other sentence."
Depending on how things go there could be more abstract rules as well, like " never directly contradict men, anytime she would she just giggles instead," or "no using two words in a row that start with the same letter."
With each change, her appearance and the topic of her lecture would change, as judged by you, to represent her degree of bimbofication. Since you're the one writing her you would have the best idea of just how difficult it is for her to communicate.
So at the start she would be going "Down with the patriarchy!", then "Brains are for boys, girls are (sex) toys," (which is at least still social commentary) on down to "sucky-sucky cock."
Likewise, her appearance would start as normal, then she would develop increasingly slutty clothes and silicone tits, on down to mounds three times the size of her head.
(These specifics are just for example rather than required checkpoints for the story.)
It ends when you decide that she has become totally incapable of communicating verbally and is thus a total bimbo who can only fuck.
These restrictions only apply to her dialogue, not your descriptions of her actions, unless you want to roleplay as a bimbo under the effects of the restrictions.
Living the (Wet) Dream
Imagine what your character feels as a mind controler slowly strips her agency from her. As she betrays her most cherished principles, as her identity, her personhood, is gradually stripped away and rewritten to make her better serve his lust. Eventually there is no part of her body whose shape was not chosen for his satisfaction, no thought in her mind that he did not put there. In the end, as she obeys his thoughts even before he speaks, is there even a person there or is it just her controler and his three-dimensional wet dream? Will she realize what is happening? Will she hate it or will she come to (be made to) embrace her degradation into a prop for his fantasies?
This idea does not require a particular setting or character and the body modification may be any degree of realism from simple plastic surgery up to "it's just part of the mind control powers, don't think about it too much". This idea could also be done longer and slower.
When you imagine being mind controled you probably imagine feeling the loss of control, loss of identity, or aspects of your personhood being torn away and replaced with someone elses desires. The ideas in this thread will usually feature these themes.
I don't ghost; if I'm leaving I'll let you know, though before that I will probably talk to you about what isn't working and why.
I don't have any particular point of view preferences and I'm looking for a female player willing to play roles that are at least usually submissive and who's willing to invest in her character. I could say more about what I want from an RP, but "show, don't tell" remains the best advice, so I will let the ideas and writing samples below speak for me.
If you liked the themes I describe but none of these ideas speaks to you, drop me a message; I have far more ideas than I could possibly fit in the thread and maybe we'll come to an agreement.
f-list (under construction)

Lara Croft: Cursed
(Other action heroines may be substituted for Lara Croft using a similar premise)
The last temple you raided has cursed you to become something that, when stripped of its flowery mystical descriptions, boils down to "horny bimbo sex slave," and now it's a race against time to find a cure while the curse manipulates your mind, body, and events around you. The twist is that you will not be told directly how the curse is affecting you, you will have to deduce its effects and which thoughts are yours and which are the curse based on your in-game experience and any hints you uncover in your quest for a cure.
Can you break the curse and protect your reputation? Can you salvage your mind as well as your self respect?
All while the curse tries to stop you by getting you figuratively, and literally, fucked over, and it grows stronger by the day...
You are Lara Croft and you're freezing your tits off. It's bad enough being stuck in a podunk airport at the ass-end of civilization, but to make matters worse half the place is shut down because of construction. Your flight has been delayed again and again and again, and one wall of the terminal is missing, covered by construction plastic and tape that is wholly inadequate for keeping out the frigid night air. From where you stand in the boarding line you can't tell if people are packed together for warmth or if it's just that half the embarkation lounge has been torn up.
And to top it all off you're stuck wearing your tropical clothes, the blue top with shorts selected for comfort in the sweltering jungle heat, because the rest of your luggage has been destroyed. You grumble but you don't consider leaving for a moment; the curse grows stronger by the day and there isn't another flight in your direction for two days. You need to get back to the museum as soon as possible so you can began researching a cure for this curse. This "Curse of Destiny" used an awful lot of fancy, archaic language but it still boils down to "become a horny bimbo sex slave" and there's no way you can allow that to happen.
You imagine your cursed fate again and again, your thoughts circling around it like a ship caught in a whirlpool, so you're grateful for the sudden feeling of a hand on your ass to distract you from your fears of your bimbo future, but gratitude is immediately replaced by anger.
As tightly packed as the line is, it might pass for an accident, but the way it slides down your ass, thrusts fingers between your legs and squeezes certainly can't.
You are a world class adventuress, so subduing this creep is a matter of mere moments and you quickly have the man, who sports dirty blond hair and a rumpled sport coat, in an arm lock. It takes only a little longer than that to summon a pack of five of the airport's security guards.
The chief guard, or least the one with the most stripes on his uniform, is a barrel chested man with a short beard and the name "Deng" on the chest of his tan uniform. He has one of his guards take custody of your attacker, and listens while you complete your explanation of what happened. Two of the guards, a fat one and a short one, are eyeing you up as you speak and when their eyes simultaneously latch onto your chest you are suddenly aware of how hard your nipples are, and that because of how thin your shirt is everyone else is aware too. You flush, even though it's just because of the cold.
"That's bullshit," your attacker bursts out after you finish. "She was rubbing up against me like I was a stripper pole! This is a setup!"
You scoff, and it looks like the security guards don't believe him either. He must realize this too, because after he looks around for a moment he changes tack.
"Anyway, that's not why I grabbed her. I saw her hide something in her shorts. It looked like a packet of cocaine, I was just trying to get it so I could turn her in!" He seems to have given up on defending himself and now he's just trying to harass you for petty vengeance. Joy.
Chief Deng turns to you. "This is a very serious charge ma'am. Regardless of the source, we're going to have to search you. You are entitled to be searched by a female guard but there are none on duty at the moment. We'll call one in but you're going to be cooling your heels for a few hours."
"We are now ready to begin boarding, please watch your step," announces the intercom.
The thought of missing your flights chills you even more than the wind. You absolutely cannot afford to stay here while the curse grows stronger. A premonition steals over you; is this the curse in action, is it trying to prevent you from learning how to break it? If you had simply done nothing when you were groped you would be boarding the plane right now. Was this arranged by the curse?
You turn to Chief Deng . "This is absurd, I refuse to wait. If I miss my flight because you respect the word of a sexual predator more than the 11th countess of Abbingdon you will hear from an army of lawyers."
Deng gives you a pinched look and grunts. "Fine, something can be arranged now." He nods to one of the guards. "Take the accused and lock him in the detention room. The rest of you and Miss Croft follow me."
He takes off and the three other guards deferentially wait for you to follow, before trailing after you. He leads you down an empty hall where the walls are stripped bare and then down a dogleg to a small room that you realize, to your shock, is a men's bathroom. A row of sinks and a wall length mirror are on the left and on your right are urinals, followed by four stalls.
Deng grins at you. "Due to the construction, most of the offices are unavailable and since the accused is locked in the detention room we can't use that either. Don't worry one of my men will stand guard to make sure we're not disturbed."
He steps to the side and one of the men shoves you, hard, sending you stumbling deeper into the room.
"Let the record show," says Deng, his voice echoing off the tile walls, "that the suspect, Miss Croft, has waived her right to be searched by a female."
Deng is now standing directly between you and the door, flanked by the fat guard and the short guard, who are leering. The fourth one is indeed guarding the door, though likely not out of any concern for your modesty.
"Time for your strip search, Miss Croft," Chief Deng sneers, eyes locked on your tits.
What do you do?
And to top it all off you're stuck wearing your tropical clothes, the blue top with shorts selected for comfort in the sweltering jungle heat, because the rest of your luggage has been destroyed. You grumble but you don't consider leaving for a moment; the curse grows stronger by the day and there isn't another flight in your direction for two days. You need to get back to the museum as soon as possible so you can began researching a cure for this curse. This "Curse of Destiny" used an awful lot of fancy, archaic language but it still boils down to "become a horny bimbo sex slave" and there's no way you can allow that to happen.
You imagine your cursed fate again and again, your thoughts circling around it like a ship caught in a whirlpool, so you're grateful for the sudden feeling of a hand on your ass to distract you from your fears of your bimbo future, but gratitude is immediately replaced by anger.
As tightly packed as the line is, it might pass for an accident, but the way it slides down your ass, thrusts fingers between your legs and squeezes certainly can't.
You are a world class adventuress, so subduing this creep is a matter of mere moments and you quickly have the man, who sports dirty blond hair and a rumpled sport coat, in an arm lock. It takes only a little longer than that to summon a pack of five of the airport's security guards.
The chief guard, or least the one with the most stripes on his uniform, is a barrel chested man with a short beard and the name "Deng" on the chest of his tan uniform. He has one of his guards take custody of your attacker, and listens while you complete your explanation of what happened. Two of the guards, a fat one and a short one, are eyeing you up as you speak and when their eyes simultaneously latch onto your chest you are suddenly aware of how hard your nipples are, and that because of how thin your shirt is everyone else is aware too. You flush, even though it's just because of the cold.
"That's bullshit," your attacker bursts out after you finish. "She was rubbing up against me like I was a stripper pole! This is a setup!"
You scoff, and it looks like the security guards don't believe him either. He must realize this too, because after he looks around for a moment he changes tack.
"Anyway, that's not why I grabbed her. I saw her hide something in her shorts. It looked like a packet of cocaine, I was just trying to get it so I could turn her in!" He seems to have given up on defending himself and now he's just trying to harass you for petty vengeance. Joy.
Chief Deng turns to you. "This is a very serious charge ma'am. Regardless of the source, we're going to have to search you. You are entitled to be searched by a female guard but there are none on duty at the moment. We'll call one in but you're going to be cooling your heels for a few hours."
"We are now ready to begin boarding, please watch your step," announces the intercom.
The thought of missing your flights chills you even more than the wind. You absolutely cannot afford to stay here while the curse grows stronger. A premonition steals over you; is this the curse in action, is it trying to prevent you from learning how to break it? If you had simply done nothing when you were groped you would be boarding the plane right now. Was this arranged by the curse?
You turn to Chief Deng . "This is absurd, I refuse to wait. If I miss my flight because you respect the word of a sexual predator more than the 11th countess of Abbingdon you will hear from an army of lawyers."
Deng gives you a pinched look and grunts. "Fine, something can be arranged now." He nods to one of the guards. "Take the accused and lock him in the detention room. The rest of you and Miss Croft follow me."
He takes off and the three other guards deferentially wait for you to follow, before trailing after you. He leads you down an empty hall where the walls are stripped bare and then down a dogleg to a small room that you realize, to your shock, is a men's bathroom. A row of sinks and a wall length mirror are on the left and on your right are urinals, followed by four stalls.
Deng grins at you. "Due to the construction, most of the offices are unavailable and since the accused is locked in the detention room we can't use that either. Don't worry one of my men will stand guard to make sure we're not disturbed."
He steps to the side and one of the men shoves you, hard, sending you stumbling deeper into the room.
"Let the record show," says Deng, his voice echoing off the tile walls, "that the suspect, Miss Croft, has waived her right to be searched by a female."
Deng is now standing directly between you and the door, flanked by the fat guard and the short guard, who are leering. The fourth one is indeed guarding the door, though likely not out of any concern for your modesty.
"Time for your strip search, Miss Croft," Chief Deng sneers, eyes locked on your tits.
What do you do?

Reap What You Sow
Your character would be a female executive or possibly middle manager in a large corporation that has developed brainwashing technology. You gain the ability to use the brainwashing techniques by getting a special implant, which also makes you resistant to others using it. A quirk of this technology is that it only works on women and that it can only be used by women. So, any woman that wants to retain a position of relevance or authority and avoid being brainwashed herself basically has to be one of the implant users and go around brainwashing other women for the company.
The implant also prevents you from orgasming while greatly enhancing libido and sexual sensitivity. However, the head scientist of the project can work out a way to temporarily suppress that and let you cum, but only if you keep him entertained. Aside from sex, he may make humiliating demands like telling YC to call all men sir, or that she has to answer to any nickname anyone gives her as if it were a compliment, whether it's "cunt", "sweet ass", "tits-for-brains" or what. Additionally, after every orgasm your character is extremely susceptible to suggestion and anything said to her immediately afterwards will be embraced deeply, whether it is a command, an implication of or an offhand remark.
Unbeknownst to you, the technology also features some backlash, so when you brainwash other women into having particular traits, a lesser version of the same traits starts to appear in you. Go around doing a lot of commissions to turn women into plastic beach bimbos, and you start looking at plastic surgery yourself. Turn enough lesbians into cock-worshiping, self-hating misogynists and you start believing in the patriarchy.
Targets would include lower ranked women in the corporation to make them more entertaining/productive for the company and executives, free range women from outside and commissioned pieces from powerful customers.
The way you use the technology is by concentrating extremely hard on the feeling you want to impart into the target and then it becomes permanently embedded in their brain.
As the women with the brainwashing implants go around brainwashing other women(and themselves) into submissive bimbos, women will be gradually purged from the upper ranks of the company, fewer and fewer positions available and the brainwashing women will have gone from a powerful elite to competing against each other for diminishing slots and scrambling for the approval of their male managers.
Women that do get demoted also get some additional commands (bimbofication) implanted for "security", so there's a lot of fighting to avoid that, but there are a lot of ranks to fall down the ladder, so avoiding at least a few of these is almost impossible, since women are being deliberately squeezed down the pyramid.
Shorter Ideas
Bimbo Lecture
It starts with a feminist giving a lecture (or anything else where a woman will be doing a lot of talking). After each post, I would give you a rule that would limit her dialogue from then on. For example, I could give you the rule "no words more than three syllables" or " must use 'like' or 'um' at least every other sentence."
Depending on how things go there could be more abstract rules as well, like " never directly contradict men, anytime she would she just giggles instead," or "no using two words in a row that start with the same letter."
With each change, her appearance and the topic of her lecture would change, as judged by you, to represent her degree of bimbofication. Since you're the one writing her you would have the best idea of just how difficult it is for her to communicate.
So at the start she would be going "Down with the patriarchy!", then "Brains are for boys, girls are (sex) toys," (which is at least still social commentary) on down to "sucky-sucky cock."
Likewise, her appearance would start as normal, then she would develop increasingly slutty clothes and silicone tits, on down to mounds three times the size of her head.
(These specifics are just for example rather than required checkpoints for the story.)
It ends when you decide that she has become totally incapable of communicating verbally and is thus a total bimbo who can only fuck.
These restrictions only apply to her dialogue, not your descriptions of her actions, unless you want to roleplay as a bimbo under the effects of the restrictions.
Living the (Wet) Dream
Imagine what your character feels as a mind controler slowly strips her agency from her. As she betrays her most cherished principles, as her identity, her personhood, is gradually stripped away and rewritten to make her better serve his lust. Eventually there is no part of her body whose shape was not chosen for his satisfaction, no thought in her mind that he did not put there. In the end, as she obeys his thoughts even before he speaks, is there even a person there or is it just her controler and his three-dimensional wet dream? Will she realize what is happening? Will she hate it or will she come to (be made to) embrace her degradation into a prop for his fantasies?
This idea does not require a particular setting or character and the body modification may be any degree of realism from simple plastic surgery up to "it's just part of the mind control powers, don't think about it too much". This idea could also be done longer and slower.
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