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[NSFW] Island Time (NudieUnicorn x Fandomizer)


Aug 25, 2020
Island Time


08:31 - 2 October, 1938
Somewhere in the South Pacific

space It was never a good idea to fly a plane drunk in a storm. But for when she had to, at least Stella now knew she could.
space Before opening her eyes, Stella pieced together the subtle clues to deduce that, among other things, she was, in fact, not dead. There was also the fact that, when she slept aboard her sea-plane, the Luckie Duckie, she slept in a hammock in the back of the cabin -- the gentle swaying of the water complimenting the gentle swaying of the hammock -- and she felt no swaying right now. This told her two things: firstly, the plane was on solid ground; secondly, she was actually not in her hammock, but was lying on the floor. Further, she could hear the waves, quite loudly, but felt no swaying… was she even on her sea-plane? Maybe she was in a bungalow on the beach? If so, whose?
She stretched out a stiff leg and kicked a bottle with her tingling big toe. The bottle went rolling across the floor, which sounded like the uncarpeted deck of her plane. The bottle sounded like an empty wine or rum bottle, which further reinforced the idea that it was her plane. The bottle of Demerara…?
space Another empty bottle was sitting under her left arm on the floor – she remembered the excellent bottle of rum she had opened to console herself about the delay in departure because of the storm. She had wandered out to the dock to watch the storm rolling in... and... She pushed herself up, eyes open, gasping. She remembered.

space Skipping, leaping, prancing across the top of the waves, the ethereal blue ghost of a deer seemed to call to her from the surf. Standing on the edge of the docks, looking out at the churning black sky and roiling black sea, occasionally lit by stabs of blinding light, Stella could only look on in wonder. Was this real? Was she asleep? What was in this rum? The ghost deer dashed toward the storm. In a moment of pure impulse she bolted down the jetty to her plane and threaded herself through the hatch and the partition into the cockpit. She didn't even remember closing the door. She had spilled rum on herself - fortunately she wasn't wearing any clothes to stain.
space Bottle in one hand, she started the plane, remembered she had to release the rope, got out of the plane, released the moorings, got back into the plane (she remembered closing the door this time because that stupid rug from Singapore was in the way and she threw it overboard) and followed the receding figure of the magic deer out to sea. It wasn't the
most reckless thing she had ever done while drunk...

space Head pounding, skull grinding against her spine, temples throbbing and her brain and stomach threatening to swap places, she caught herself against the bulkhead and vomited.
space After a few minutes she crawled to the cockpit and found a canteen. Hydrated, she stepped out into the warming tropical air. The sand, in the shadow of her plane, was cool beneath her feet, between between her toes, wet and clay-like. She stepped out into the brilliant tropical sun, the light bathing her nude, aching body. A breeze caught at her short, dark hair and tickled the sides of her torso, her hips, her thighs... The soothing tonic of sunlight was a balm to the abused swirling pit of nausea that was her stomach. Her breast smarted from the first kiss of the sun. Her eyes drank in light in excess, giving her blurred after-images in the blue white expanse of sky. Her legs struggled to navigate her body down to the surf.
space The sea was cold, frigid even, but it washed the drying bile off her leg and sent blessed relief through her as she fell to her knees in the lapping push and pull of the water. She was on a sandbar, one of the dozens of tiny atolls that peppered Oceania which disappeared entirely at high tide. Still, though, she vomited again in the water, lurching forward and just barely being able to hold her head out of the waves with her arms at full extension.
space When she was done, she spit the foul taste of sick out of her mouth and cursed in three languages. Then she tried to look on the bright side. "There you go," she rasped. "You stupid fishies. You're welcome." She coughed and gargled sea water after a moment when she was sure Mother Ocean had cleared away her detritus. "Ugh… that was probably a bad idea…" She crab-walked on her hands and feet, face turned skyward, up the sandbar until she was mostly out of the water, and collapsed, lying on her back, looking at the sky.
space There were no birds, no insects, only water lapping at the sand and rocks; air blowing past her ears. The waves caressed her feet and calves… she turned her head to the side, away from her plane…
space She blinked.
space Stella sat up on her elbow, brushed her wet hair out of her face and rubbed her sore eyes. She blinked again. There was a body lying a few yards away on the sand.
space She stood up and walked toward it. A splayed, female form, skin pale, wearing a torn slip drenched to transparency. The figure's head was a mess of light brown hair, with a bit of kelp and other flotsam mixed in it. She couldn't see any facial features beneath the tangled mane, and hastened to look for them, having seen what the sea did to corpses. She took another step toward the body and knelt beside it. With one hand she moved the heavy, wet hair aside and startled! The mouth was moving, muscles working the jaw and a soft, pitiful groaning emitting from the lips. She felt the neck as she had intended to (sort of superfluous now that there were signs of life, but she did it anyway – yep, there was a pulse).
She struggled to roll the body over, not realizing her knee was pinning part of the slip to the ground, and she tore the already tattered garment. Oh well. She planted one foot in the wet sand and slid her arms under the woman's body, and, with her weight pressing on her anchored foot and a hearty grunt, scooped the woman up in her arms. She nearly fell straight over again but – already being deeply uncomfortable from her hangover, was wall willing to bear the added strain, which made little difference on balance – held herself upright.
space Stella staggered toward the plane, whose hatch was still open, and laid the woman at the threshold. Gripping the top of the hatch, Stella stepped over the prone woman and into the plane. Hands under the woman's shoulders, she pulled her guest into the interior and sat her upright against the couch at the port side of the cabin.
space "Oh shit…" she remarked to herself. Hadn't someone once told her not to move the body of an injured person? Why was that again? "Oh well…" she muttered. It was too late now.
space Doubling down on her decision, she laid out a warm, dry blanket on the couch, pulled the rest of the soggy scraps of the slip off the woman and muscled her onto the blanket on the couch. From there, she towelled her off as best she could (and herself as well), and wrapped the stranger in the blanket.
space "Okay…" she spread her hands apart in thought… now what?
space In answer to her own question, "now what" entailed fishing out a hip-flask from a drawer by the couch for some hair-of-the-dog; a candy bar from the cockpit for breakfast; working on cleaning up the vomit at the back of the cabin and throwing the subsequent dirty rags out the hatch onto the sandbar. She then focused on drying her hair with another towel and pacing the cabin, trying to think of what to do next…
space Where had she last put her toothbrush…?
space "H-hey..." came a voice.
space Stella stopped pacing.
space "No Pain...? Am I dead? Is everyone naked in heaven?"
space Stella looked to the woman on the couch. She drew breath to correct the woman's assumption that she was dead, but then grinned, kneeling beside the couch.
space "Yes, why would there be clothing in heaven, girl? Clothes are the worst!" She sat cross-legged beside the couch and held out her hip flask, unscrewed the top. "Little nip?" She shook the metal flask with little sloshing sounds.
space The woman was fair skinned, with a mess of long straw coloured hair and green eyes. Her brow and the back of her neck were sun-baked and sun-kissed, suggesting... Australia? Maybe America? Farther afield? How long was she in the water? How long was she at sea? Her lips were parched and cracked.
space "Actually, hold that thought..." She stood up, capping the hip flask, and disappeared behind the partition to the cockpit. She reemerged a moment later unscrewing the metal cap of her canteen. "Here, get some fresh water in you, I'm sure you've had enough of the salty stuff to last a lifetime, yeah?" She pulled the blanket away to free the woman's arms and pressed the canteen toward her. The woman was lean, thin of frame but athletic. She couldn't be more than twenty? Twenty one? What was a young lady doing on a nothing atoll in the middle of the ocean? A ship wreck? An accident? A runaway? A gunfight that had a chase by rowboat perpetrated by dire rivals? A drunken revelry that sent her careening off a cliff and into the sea during her rival's wedding? Stella realized she needed to stop reading gothic romance novels and more mysteries, as it was starting to skew her deductive processes.
space "Come on, get some water in you, girl. You must have been in the water for hours."
space The woman on the couch gulped down the water eagerly. Stella felt compelled to pat her on the back and rub her shoulder. "There you go... drink up."
space She gasped when she had finished the canteen. "Holy shit... Nathan... Mr. Jefferson... I... I was dying... but, this drink... it's actually real... this is fucked... "
space "There there, now. No one's gonna hurt you here..."
space "D-did you see my phone around? N-nevermind... here it is..." The woman was clearly crazy, or traumatized, because she was moving her hands as if she was manipulating a folded... puzzle box? An imaginary puzzle box? Holding her fingers as if she was holding a narrow object... and... caressing it with her thumbs? Stella brushed the woman's hair out of her eyes to look at her forehead, checking for head injuries.
space "Wait... what? 1938? No, I'm on drugs still, I have to be..."
space "Oh, girl, you have amnesia... you must have gotten one nasty shock, what was the last year you remember it being? You're American? Who's president last time you saw a newspaper?" Stella pulled the blankets up over the woman's naked body. "You need to keep warm, you're in shock on something. Where's the last place you remember being?" She stood up and looking for the latest newspaper. What the hell was the date? The last one she remembered was... some time in September...? Not finding a newspaper, she grabbed an extra pillow from her hammock (which was draped over a crate of Exide car batteries - weird). She put the pillow behind the woman's head. "Lay back, stop playing with your hands there, relax...! You're gonna be okay, deary, don't worry about... uh, Norton. He's far away, we're on an atoll in the middle of the ocean, no one for hundreds of miles, shh-shh-shh.."
space "Shh-shh-shh, calm down, girl. Don't worry about all... uh... all that." She put a hand around the woman's shoulder without thinking and hugged her. "It sounds like you've been in a bad way. Ain't nothing gonna hurt you out here but sharks, and even they're lazy as hell and growl in French out here."
space She checked the woman's forehead again. "There's a mark here, but it looks... I mean... it looks pretty healed up? I guess?"
space "And, I been out of the world a spell down here, but, from what I heard on the radio the other day, Herr Hitler signed a peace treaty with France and England. There's not gonna be another big war, just the..." she laughed, a sad, bitter laugh, more deeply sad and more harshly bitter than she would have liked. "Just that stupid war in Spain that will never end. That's all."
space "What's your name? Sorry, I'm Stella. Stella Bowyer, out of Fort-de-France, but I'm from N'awlins originally." As is the way with accents, she slipped into her mother's pronunciation of New Orleans whenever she mentioned the city of her birth. "So you don't have to worry, I'm American like you. Heh, never met anyone from Oregon. But, from what it sounds like, you've been all over too. But, like I said, the French keep their territory right clean, no vagrant boomers to harass you down here."
space The poor unfortunate thought it was April - she was missing five months of her memory.
space Stella put one hand on either of Rachel's shoulder and looked her square in the eye, as friendly a face as she could muster. "Well nice to meet you Rachel. And yeah, the one part of that I believe is that the world heading to hell in a handbasket. But don't worry, we are literally on the other side of the world from Europe, we're in the middle of the South Pacific. Hitler and Franco and Mussolini and all those other fascist bastards are far, far away..."
space Stella smiled. "Wow, it is nice to meet another American who actually takes the fascist threat seriously. Only people I seem to meet these days are America First assholes on holiday..." she sighed and craned her neck to look at the chronometer in the cockpit. "Well, we're about an hour away from Mitimotu if I can skid us off this sandbar and into the lagoon... too late for breakfast but how about lunch, yeah? I'll buy and we can work out the details after that."
space From what she could see she had managed to park the plane on the narrowest part of the sandbar, facing inward toward the lagoon of the atoll. If she really revved the engines she could probably pull them out into the water... though she'd have to check if the pontoons were gonna dig into the sand or not...
space "Hey, how about a walk to clear your head for a little bit, yeah? This island's gonna be above the water for a few hours year, might be your last chance to ever see it - not often someone gets to see this place... I think this is called Aitua? I get all these little spits of land confused." She got up and walked toward the door of the plane...
space Stella stopped and smirked over her shoulder, she put a hand on her bare hip, cocked her butt to the side and said: "Girl, I've seen you in your altogether, you look and feel like a real person to me!" She winked and continued out of the plane. She hopped back down into the sand, stepped out of the planes shadow and into the sun. She stretched and spread her arms, sun-worshiping. She took a few steps down the beach spun around back toward the plane. The sea and sky are the best cure for what ails you, even too much sea and sky like you've had to deal with."
space She turned back toward the beach. "Mmmm... feel that sun, that salt air... almost makes you forget your hangover... almost," she laughed.
space She turned her back on the ocean and looked out to the lagoon. It looked deep enough, and the pontoons were up over the highest part of the sand. She should be able to just scoot the plane into the lagoon and up. And, if she was where she thought she was, be back home for lunch in 50 minutes tops. She pressed her toes into the wet sand... it was mushy...
space "I'm afraid this beach isn't really good for sunbathing, sands really wet here. This whole island is nothing but a few rocks and sandbars that disappear at high tide. It's pretty, though."
space The lagoon was like a plate of glass, so crystal clear was the water, and the dusky blue sand beneath held an explosion of colourful coral and flitting fish, plane for all to see. The ocean not ten feet from the lagoon, was darker blue, opaque and foamy, a stark contrast to the clear mirror finish of the inside of the atoll. "Feel free to stretch, walk around, maybe go for a swim in the lagoon if you've not had enough of saltwater for one lifetime, I'm gonna check the outside of the Duckie for damage and make sure we're still sea and skyworthy." She did a few stretches herself, pretending that she wasn't still nauseous and hung out to dry from her bender last night. She moved to walk around her plane, arms crossed, trying to look like she was considering something, in reality, unless there was something seriously wrong, she probably wouldn't see it unless it was too late... but for some reason she felt the need to instill a sense of confidence in this confused young woman. And so she put a hand on her chin as she walked around the plane, occasionally tapping the fuselage and going "hm"...
space "So, Stella, I have to ask for reals...why are we both naked?" Rachel asked.
space "Well, you're naked because your clothes were ruined by the ocean - you were just wearing a slip when I found you, and it was soaked and torn up." Stella did not mention the fact that the fatal tear in the garment was her own mistake, which she made rolling the girl over. "Looked to me like you were going to bed when you fell overboard? Probably lost your slippers or shoes in the water. And me..." Stella shrugged. "Personally I hate clothes and never wear them unless I absolutely have to. What's the point? I live in a tropical paradise." She looked over at Rachel, standing naked on the wet sand, hair a mess but looking not at all like someone just fished out of the Pacific.
space Stella cocked a grin. "Sorry if naked isn't something you'd prefer to be, but just know, I don't mind. And if you want, I can lend you a sarong when we get back to town, maybe a we can scrounge you up some other kind of clothes if you want?"
space They did a complete circuit of the plane. Then stood to regard the engine for a moment.
space Stella was about to say something else, but Rachel was playing with her imaginary object again, and rattling off "future" events.
space "Okay... that's... interesting. So Hitler is being Hitler and the Cubs win the big baseball match 10-3. How about this: they might be talking about that baseball thingy over Maritime Radio, we could check when we get back to town. And, if you like, I need to do a delivery run to Tahiti, they have a newspaper office we could check that other stuff at. But uh..." Stella regarded Rachel and gave her what she hoped was a conspiratorial smile. "How about we keep this time travel thing between you and me, let's be honest, it sounds kinda crazy, but if it's real, we could really make some money off of predicting sporting events, yeah?" Stella hoped she was doing the right thing by humoring Rachel's fantasy. But, why not. It seemed harmless.
space Rachel nodded at the offer of clothes. "In public I'd prefer to be clothed, or guys are gonna harass me even more than usual." she laughed. "I mean there's no way to completely keep them away..."
space "Yeah, and boy oh boy, there are some sailors around a here. You just stick close to me, girl, I'll keep you safe."
space Rachel was going on about a future war in Europe. "... But please understand, a lot of people our age will die if we don't help them. Do you have any brothers?"
space "No, I don't have any brothers, and girl, please. Stop it. Even if you're not from the future, I one-hundred-percent believe the European powers are going to slaughter themselves back to the dark ages. Until last year I was fighting against the Fascists in Spain with my pal Andre. I lost a lot of good friends already, and I have seen what modern planes can do to a city. Why do you think I'm living in one of the most isolated places on Earth? Either way, don't worry about it, okay? Let's focus on lunch first, alright? I need something to settle my stomach," she groaned. "This hangover is killin' me," she rubbed the back of her neck.
space A thought occurred to Stella. "You ever been up in a plane before?" She started back toward the hatch to the sea-plane. She patted the fuselodge beside the hatch. "This here is Luckie Duckie. Duckie, meet Rachel."
space "That's the spirit. If you like gambling, there's a back room at the Lotus - that's the Lotus Hotel where I live - where the owner runs a few tables on the sly, you know? Well, I say sly, the chief of police gambles there just about every night. Sort of a sham secret, you know?" As she spoke, she had climbed aboard the Duckie and was prepping the cockpit. "Close the hatch, if you please?"
space Stella worked the huge lever in the ceiling of the cockpit to prime the engines before contact, flipped some switches in by the pilot's consoles, then some on the co-pilot's consoles, fully aware that, standing as she was, between the pilot and co-pilot's seat, and leaning over at the waist to reach the consoles, she was flashing her fanny to her new passenger. "Best you come up here and sit in the copilot's seat." Stella sat in the pilot's seat on the left and continued her checks.
space "There's this little cafe right across the street from the docks that is just tops! Amazing coffee! And this bread they make with coconut milk, it's amazing. By the way, best strap in, this is gonna be a little bumpy..." As she said this, she fished her white, visored hat out from the left side of the pilot's seat and affixed it to her head to keep the sun out of her eyes while she flew.
space She started the plane, engines roaring to life and skidded the beast into the water of the lagoon. "Here we go..." she accelerated down the length of the lagoon for take off...
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space "Can I borrow some money to get my sports bets rolling? Otherwise I'll never get off the ground..." she said, using a plane reference.
space "Sorry, girl, I believe in 'Neither a lender nor borrower be'," she briefly thought about quoting Shakespeare to a purported actress. "But I'm sure I can get you a job waiting tables at the hotel if you like. And you can stay in my room at the Hotel, or, if you like, I have a hammock back there," she threw a thumb over her shoulder to indicate the back of the plane. "Somewhere. There's this little cafe right across the street from the docks that is just tops! Amazing coffee! And this bread they make with coconut milk, it's amazing. By the way, best strap in, this is gonna be a little bumpy..." As she said this, she fished her white, visored hat out from the left side of the pilot's seat and affixed it to her head to keep the sun out of her eyes while she flew.
space "I will take your word for it..." Rachel said, as she did up her straps.
She started the plane, engines roaring to life and skidded the beast into the water of the lagoon. "Here we go..." she accelerated down the length of the lagoon for take off into the clear South Pacific sky.
space She saw, out of the corner of her eye, Rachel sizing up her body. She turned to look at the slender woman in her copilot's seat, saw her gripping her bare, alluring thighs. Was she sweating already? The interior of the plane was cool. She looked at her instruments again... then back at the sky... then back at Rachel.
space "What a time to be alive, am I right?" Rachel said.
space "Absolutely! And what a place, yeah? Think about it, world is basically half this ocean, the Pacific, and it's filled with islands. Some big, some small, if you don't like one island, you can hop on a plane like this and jump to another one. Thousands of islands, each one like it's own little world, it's own foibles. Places to... explore. Really find yourself." She openly swept her eyes up and down Rachel's naked body, as Rachel had ogled her a moment earlier, then met her eyes and gave her an appreciative eyebrow wave before a playful wink. "But honestly," she turned her eyes back to her instruments. "I think my island of Mitimotu is just about the best place in the Pacific."
space "I'm not surprised. It's a volcanic island half way between the Cooks and Tahiti with nothing really interesting about it. It's sort of a backwater of the French Territory down here..."
space She checked over her instruments for a moment, and was glad her complexion was dark enough and sun-baked enough to hide her blushing. "You think I'm pretty? Well... I think you're lovely yourself..." she cleared her throat. "So, doubling back... yes, that does sound like a hard choice," she teased sarcastically. "Hm, a very tough decision. And, since you're having a hard time deciding, how about I just simplify things and say: 'since you have nowhere to go, why don't we share my bed back at the Hotel Lotus?'" Stella gave Rachel what she hoped was a seductive smile, though, she had to admit, snapping her eyes back and forth between Rachel and the instrument panel sort of killed the effect she was going for.
space "And, to be clear - I saw you giving me the look-see there, and I absolutely don't mind. I like being appreciated. I hope you don't mind my admiring your lovely naked body as well? I know some people would consider that rude, but I don't."
space "Oh my...!"
space Rachel planted a tender kiss on Stella's thigh, and Stella's control of the plane faltered a moment, causing a shudder to tremble through not only Stella's leg but the plane itself.
space "Oh my oh my..." Stella made a show of fanning herself with one hand. "My but you are open!" she laughed "Oooh, if I weren't flying this plane right now I would take you up on all of that, girl... but uh... Mmm..." Unconsciously she rubbed a hand over her tummy and torso under her breasts.
space She squirmed in her leather seat a bit uncomfortably. Then she sat up and craned her neck to look back past the partition. "Well, um, as the first command from your Queen, then, I'll ask you to please grab me that towel on the sideboard back there... the thought of you, ahem, kneeling and kissing me places... has, uh, made that place a bit uncomfortably... moist?" she laughed and put a hand over her mouth as she said that last word. "And I think I need something to sit on if this conversation is going to go on much longer."
space "Mmmm... yeah, it's probably not a good idea to tease the pilot," she sighed "Mmmm," she moaned, frustrated. "Though it is a tempting offer."
space One hand on the side of the chair, one hand on the wheel, she lifted her butt off the seat...
space "However, before you drop that towel... do you think you could... mop me a little... uh, with that towel, down there... the idea... Uh, of your suggestions has really gotten me going down there." She spread her legs to expose her protruding labia, moisture gleaming between her folds with excitement...
space "Ugh... girl, you're doing a good job patting me dry but your words are just gonna make me a mess of me down there again," she laughed and sat back down on the towel. "Mmm... that thing you're doing with my scalp feels good. Almost makes me forget this headache. Thank you, Rachel, I'm glad I met you... Now stop trying to make us crash!" she laughed and leaned her head back against the headrest.



space The island of Mitimotu was a middling sized island for the area, volcanic though seemingly semi dormant. No European had seen it erupt in recorded history, though the natives claimed it did in fact erupt from time to time every few centuries. The amateur geologists that occasionally came by from London or Paris confirmed this assertion with their observations of the jungle and the volcanic peak itself. Though no one on the island gave this much mind. Hawaii had eruptions seemingly every time anyone could locate a newspaper to check, and the people who lived on those islands seemed to be doing fine, aside from the overreaching attentions of the United States.
space As the Luckie Duckie approached Mitimotu, the island reared up over the horizon, a giant triangular point arching into the skies with lush green vegetation covering every part of it, all the way down to the water. The settlement of Mitimotu, called the Village by the locals who spoke English, was a main street along the cove beach, with a line of palm trees and a fine and well maintained stone boardwalk and retaining wall on the beach side of the street, and a long row of shops and grand colonial style buildings along the other side of the street, seeming for all the world to be a street out of Paris for all its charms.


space Stella came down low over the cove and touched down gracefully into the water, the pontoons cutting into the tide. From there, Stella used the engines to taxi them toward the jetty that was her usual and, there on the docks.
space "Here we are," Stella said. "Home sweet home."
space Stella squeezed Rachel's hand and smiled. "Well, it sort of depends on your definition of 'naked', because, according to the Europeans, the local women who wear only a sarong from the waist down are, technically naked, but if you want naked to mean 'completely without clothing', then really its just me... but..." she gave Rachel's hand a little squeeze again. "It would really mean a lot to me if you would stay naked too...? Then we could be naked together...?" She gave a wink. "Maybe consider it a command from your queen?"
space With her other hand, she caressed the far side of Rachel's torso, so that her arm was gently rubbing against Rachel's tummy. She leaned in slowly and spoke in low tones, eyes smiling and locked on Rachel's. "You look so beautiful naked, it would make me so happy if you would be like this all the time...? Like me...?"
space When Rachel got out of her seat and knelt behind the copilot's seat, Stella swung her legs into the narrow isles between the seats, so she could face Rachel.
space "Yes Mistress, I will join you in the nude for as long as you want," Rachel said.
space Rachel was nuzzling Stella's palms and Stella blushed and tried her best to caress the other woman's face... Then she pressed her face into Stella's thighs and Stella let out a ragged breath...
space "Anything to make you happy." Rachel told her cutely. "In public though, I'm gonna keep being assertive to other people. I can't let them push me around."
space "Of course!" she pressed her hand into Rachel's blond hair. "That's absolutely right... But right now, I need to give you another order, please come back to the couch with me..."
space Stella stood up, spending a moment to pet the adorable kneeling woman on the head before padding to the couch in the back cabin, sitting on it with knees spread wide apart. "Come here, my beautiful naked subject... I'm really looking forward to that tongue cleaning you promised me..."
space Suddenly, as Rachel stood up and there was jewelry on Rachel, clothes and shoes on the floor, and a device in Rachel's hand.
space "Oh... okay..." Stellas eyes were wide, confused. "Okay, future girl. Magic future stuff. Sure..." Stella closed her legs and leaned back, face full of uncertainty, she folded her hands on her knees. "Okay. Sure, that works too. Um, actually..." She stood up and moved toward the hatch of the plane. "Actually, hold that thought, I need to tie off the plane, I'll be right back."
space Stella left the plane. Outside, on the dock, she took a deep breath. So... the woman she rescued from the sea was from the future? Or had weird powers and thought she was from the future? She saw those things just appear in front of her. Though, last night she was seeing magical ethereal deer, so... Shaking her head, she decided to just tie off the plane with the mooring rope and go back inside...
space "Right," she said going back inside. She looked over Rachel... she was still beautiful... somehow more-so with her bracelet and blue feather earring... "I love that earring on you," she managed, and went to sit back down on the sofa. She took another deep breath. "Okay, sorry, panicked there for a minute, what, um, what was it you wanted to show me?"
space "Okay, that's.... different. I like the guitar playing in that. Um... can you promise me something? Don't show this to anyone else, I'm worried they'll panic and get scared and... I don't know, attack you or something. I've seen crowds in a panic before, they are capable of terrible things." She put her hand on the side of Rachel's face. "I don't want bad things to happen to you, okay?"
space "Now, I hate to say it, but, uh, I think my neathers need some time before moisten up again, that was sort of a big shock. How about we get some breakfast - I still owe you that, I said it was my treat." She hugged Rachel, rubbing her hand against her bare back - she moved her hand up to the back of Rachel's neck, where she saw the back of the necklace was, and felt nothing but skin. She nodded to herself - okay, she thought. So that's how that works. She stood up, and lead her out of the plane to the dock. Across the street from the docks, there was a cafe with outdoor seating.
space "Food sounds wonderful, and I'll tame down the worship while we're in public too, even though you totally deserve to be worshiped in public." Rachel teased.
space "Oh, well, as far as worship goes, we can certainly do a private worship session down the street at the hotel after food. Come on," she stood up and took Rachel by the hand, leading her out of the plane. The sun-bleached salt-stained wooden boards of the dock were hot and smooth under Stella's bare feet and she guided her new charge down the jetty, and across the stone boardwalk and paved street to the cafe. All along the other side of the street, there were fully clothed Europeans in suits and dresses, and a few local Polynesians in sarongs - Stella and Rachel alone with stark naked amongst the French Colonial architecture and charming tropical scenery.
space Stella laughed when Rachel asked about the coffee. "Yes, we have coffee - I'm pretty sure coffee was discovered by ancient Arabs. And we've been growing it in the Caribbean for something like two hundred years now. And, if you've never had French cafe coffee, I think you are in for a treat."
space Stella clung tightly to Rachel's hand, and led her to the cafe with it's wrought iron tables and chairs and Reynaud the cafe's host, was smiling at Stella, and giving her guest a quizzical eyebrow... He was used to seeing Stella naked, as well as the topless local women, but not a fully nude white woman. This was something new.
space "Bonjour, Raynaud!" Stella greeted the host.
space "Bonjour, Mademoiselle Bowyer! Et qui est votre... ehhh... charmant compagnon? Et pourquoi est-elle nue?"
space Stella laughed and squeezed Rachel's hand. "Raynaud! Est-ce si difficile de croire que j'ai trouvé un esprit similaire?"
space At this friendly tone and glimmer of playfulness in Stella's eye made Raynaud smile and nod. "Bien sûr, mademoiselle Bowyer, je suis heureux pour vous!"
space Suddenly, Rachel, her fists long since balled and tensed, jumped up on a table and started shouting at the crowd.
space "You know what? Fuck all of you!!!" Rachel growled, as she climbed on top of the table. She gave everyone the finger. "I'm pasty, and I'm naked!! Deal with it, brochachos!"
space When the naked young woman jumped up on the table, there were gasps and shouts, but, after a moment, the patrons, most of them, began clapping.
space "Uh, Rachel, please get down from there, only about three people here actually speak English and..." a thought occurred to her. "Actually, better idea, Rachel, stay up there and shout this, 'Je suis fier de ma corps nu. Vive les arts!'" Stella said this slowly but loudly, and when she said this, the French men and women cheered. Stella said it again for Rachel to copy: "Je suis fier de ma corps nu. Vive les arts!"
space The flip really got the group clapping, even the Polynesian group of ladies who had mostly frowning at the whole affair as they had their wine and cheese were clapping now. And Raynaud pulling out the chairs of the table Rachel had just vacated.
space Stella put an arm around Rachel's shoulder in sort of a half hug, half conspiratorial huddle. "You certainly know how to make a first impression - just know, you can get away with a lot with the French by being an artist." Stella pressed the side of her face against Rachel's and let out a small laugh. "Also, congratulations, you're now a performance artist as far as these people are concerned."
space Raynaud cleared his throat, and Stella turned to see the host making a show of brushing off one of the chairs with his handkerchief and proffering one of the two chairs he had just pulled out, head lowered in an obsequious gesture. "Mesdemoiselles?"
space "Merci, Raynaud." Stella sat down, and gestured for Rachel to do likewise.
space "Hm, alright. Deux cafés et firi-firis pour commencer. Ensuite... je pense, euh... poisson cru." A second thought: "Eh, pour deux."
space "Très bonne idée," Raynaud snapped his fingers at a server.
space Sitting across from Rachel, and resting her chin on her steepled fingers, she leaned in. "Incidentally," she said in a hushed, breathy tone. "As much as I adore your current ensemble..." to emphasize that she meant Rachel's nudity by this, she reached out a foot and caressed Rachel's elegant pale leg under the table. "I'd very much like to 'dress' you further, with some local accessories or jewelry, to celebrate the occasion, maybe sarong or two for when we want to go hit the town in Tahiti..." she leaned farther over the table and hoped her face was looking seductive and not ominous. "What I'm trying to say is... after we eat... we should absolutely go shopping, eh? Again, my treat."
space At about that moment, a waiter - a Mitimotan man (big and strapping with square shoulders and chin), wearing a red sarong down to his shins and a white suit jacked and tie - arrived with the two coffees and two little plates, each with two firi-firi. A firi-firi was a specialty of the islands, a long strip of dough, dusted with powdered sugar, something like a doughnut but softer and made with coconut milk.
space "Sugar bomb?" Stella querried as she bit into the firi-firi. She added just one teaspoon of sugar to her coffee and stirred it in. "Oooh, coffee, yes. Bon oui..." she sighed as she continued to caress Rachel's leg under the table with her foot.
space "So... I ordered us some raw tuna and citrus for the main course, I know it sounds weird, but you can actually each really fresh tuna raw. It's marinated in coconut milk and citrus and it's really quite good." Stella took another bite of her first firi-firi. "So... tell me about your life in the future, what did you do for work?"
space Stella laughed. "So they still have rich people in America 75 years from now?" Stella sighed and sipped her coffee for a long moment. "So I guess the Revolution hasn't caught on in America yet?"
space She finished her firi-firi in two bites and washed it down with some more coffee, contemplative. "I mean, 'volunteer work' sounds like a communist concept, non-exploitative labour and all that. But... hm. I started working at 12, mostly helping my mother do laundry, clean rooms and mop up at the dockside inns and boarding houses. Dressed as a man and did a little longshore work when I was strong enough. Got involved with revolutionary types and went over to Spain in '36..." she shrugged. "Then they forced women out of the front line in '37, you know how it is... or do you?" she laughed again. "Well, long story short, got the hell out of Spain when there didn't seem to be any point to us being there, that's me, my friends Andre, Fillip, Mari and Antonia, we all pooled our resources and fenced... frankly, an embarrassing amount of stolen weapons and supplies in Monaco, won the Luckie Duckie in a card game and here I am. Down here in paradise far away from the madness going on in Europe and America right now."
space She lifted a foot to caress Rachel on her upper inner thigh. "I try to live life for the fun of it these days, when I can. Down here life is slow and relaxed, and... pleasurable..." she pressed against Rachel's sensitive areas...
space "Wait, you won the plane in a game of cards? That's pretty badass. I guess you really do like gambling. And your life has been a lot more adventurous than mine but I'm gonna change that and do everything with you now. Like I said, you'll have to exile me from your royal court if you want rid of me!~"
space "I mean, yes, technically I won the plane, but I was, truth be told, cheating with the help of my friends pretty heavily." She laughed at the memory. "Ehhh... not my proudest moment, but, you know, we were high on life, being alive, after all the fighting. We made some bad choices... I'm sure, it sounds adventurous when you just distill it down after the fact, but really it was a bunch of stupid choices compounded one upon another - and," she shrugged. "Eventually it just gets to be like... your trying to fix one disaster after another with even more bad decisions. Part of me is sorry I can't show you Monaco, but, I'd honestly fear for my life going anywhere near France or Italy at this point, because of the people we angered alone, not just the fact that Europe is infested with Fascists right now." She sighed...
space She lifted a foot to caress Rachel on her upper inner thigh. "I try to live life for the fun of it these days, when I can. Down here life is slow and relaxed, and... pleasurable..." she pressed against Rachel's sensitive areas...
space "Are you ticklish?" Rachel giggled. "Hehe, I wouldn't do that to you, unless you wanted me too... But... your aim is a little off..." Rachel said, as she moved Stella's foot to where it really wanted to go, and opened her legs to accommodate it.
space "Ticklish? No. Why?" she smiled and leaned forward, massaging Rachel firmly with strong, slow motions. "Are you...?"
space The server chose that moment to bring over the two plates of poisson cru. "Oh, I think you'll like this."
space When the server walked away again, Stella whispered. "Are you interested in trying to tickle me? Because, I absolutely would not mind you trying to find if I had a tickle spot... but... I feel like there are other things that tickle my fancy that you could help me with... are you at all interested in spanking at all? It's a... I guess sensation I got somewhat fond of in Europe that I haven't experienced in a while... I mean, if you're interested..." She bit her lip and swirled her coffee with both hands.
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