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Fx Male Goldie's Medieval Desires


Aug 29, 2020
Hi! I'm Goldie and this is my brand new request thread. In real life, I'm a working mother, so I hope you understand that my time can he a little limited somehow. I however hope to make up for the quantity with a high quality. And, hopefully, plot and smut elements you enjoy!

In general, I'll be able to write one to three paragraphs a couple of times per week, although schedules of course always vary. I tend to prefer shorter posts and hopefully being able to move faster than full book chapters, of only because I'll really struggle to find that much writing time. I like there to be a guiding plot and a fair amount of smut. I mean, I really like writing and reading smut, but I like to have some setup and story outside that. And fair warning here, English is not my native language so please forgive any mistakes.

For my stories, I have a strong preference for historical settings, and medieval settings in particular. Of course, I don't know how deep your knowledge goes and you don't know mine, so I also prefer to place it all in a more made-up setting to give a little more freedom to explore what we want without getting bogged down in the details. So, in a way, it becomes fantasy. However, that fantasy is more the realistic kind of Game of Thrones' early seasons than full high fantasy with wizards and daemons everywhere.

I strictly play M*F stories, where I'll be playing the female character. I can play a variety of character types, although I do have a preference for women who can be a little shy around a man they have strong feelings for. As for their appearance, I do prefer them to be a fair bit shorter than their partner and so they will be five feet tall or so, maybe a little taller. I also like them to be relatively thin to further accentuate the difference in size. Aside from that, I don't have strong preferences and am more than a little open to suggestions when it comes to her curves and hair and the like. As long as it feels realistic. As far as age is concerned, I can play between 15 and 30, depending on the story.

So, what do I enjoy? In many cases, I'll be adding a little bit to explain what in particular I like, if only so we have more of a basis for communication.
- Creativity! If there's anything you would enjoy or be interested in that isn't mentioned here, please, just talk to me about it. I'm always eager to explore new things and discussion can lead to something truly beautiful.
- Anal: I do enjoy it, but some sort of lube (they used to use oil) is an absolute must. I also really enjoy it when that's what they do to have sex while not wanting to risk my character getting pregnant. Anal also is something I prefer to be more gentle.
- Avoiding Pregnancy: in many stories, this could fit for a variety of reasons. And there are some methods, pulling out in time, anal, oral, and other ones!
- Blowjobs: I like giving them so they're a definite yes. However, they are one of the things where I like to be more on control to really spoil a man. So no hard thrusting from him. I also don't like it too deep, not to the extent it triggers the gag reflex.
- Boobjobs: here, either partner can be the more active one. It's a great part of foreplay and could even be the focus of a scene.
- Breastplay: attention there is always amazing so please fondle and kiss them!
- Compliments: this probably sounds silly, but I love it when my character is complimented, with words or with actions. It really helps with making her feel loved.
- Cuddling: who doesn't love it? Especially with a big strong man.
- Cum: it might be weird, but I like it. It feels great to feel and see the evidence of a man being so turned on that her comes. That also is why I really enjoy him coming outside of my character, in her face, over her belly, or just letting some leak out of her pussy.
- Cunnilingus: I love it and I'd love it if your character would do that for mine. Another thing is that he'll almost always be the first to do that for her, even if she's sexually experienced. It wasn't really common knowledge at the time.
- Fisting: as something gentle, this can be absolutely amazing.
- Groping: it's so sexy to have my character touched and grabbed all over in the throes of passion.
- Handjobs/Fingering: so nice as foreplay, but can also easily be more.
- Love: to me, it's important that the characters are in love with each other, even if they aren't fully capable of expressing it.
- Nails: it's completely optional of course, but I do like the idea of my character digging in her nails to pull him closer as they make love.
- Pregnancy: yes, it's weird coming from someone who a few lines earlier mentioned avoiding it. But bear with me. I love pregnancy and during my own, I felt amazing and sexy. It can also be a beautiful element to add into a story, but in some cases, it might also not be what characters wanted. So yes, it can certainly be unwanted in a world without options to deal with that.
- Roughness: roughness is amazing and, at least to me, it fits with a man fully overcome with passion.
- Size Differences: there just is something about being a lot shorter than a man, and thinner too, obviously. It feels so much more intense.
- Vaginal sex: the main act and my very favourite way of having sex. There just is so much there that I can't put it all onto words. This also is where I like things to get rougher.

And what I try to avoid, also with little explanations where I think it might be helpful:
- Bathroom Play: sorry, just no from me
- Gore: at least, sexually. We'll be playing in settings where such things happen, but that's different.
- Rape: I do prefer it of my character wants it. In some situations, it might not have been said, but that's something different.
- Incest: an absolute hard no.
- Cheating: totally hypocritical of course, but I don't like it when my character cheats on her husband. Your character cheating on his wife however is fine. Perhaps it's because of my own marriage?
- Bestiality: No. Just no.
- Feeders: Also not my cup of tea.
- Choking: I know that some people find it intimate and trusting, but I'm not one of them.
- Public sex: an absolute no for me. I couldn't ever imagine doing something like that.

And now for what I like in men:
- Broadness: I like my men tall and broad, to have them really feel significantly larger than my character. On one hand, it gives a sense of danger. But on the other, there also is the feeling of true protection. In terms of height, I would prefer him to be at least six feet tall.
- Cocks: come on, they are nice! Anyways, I strongly prefer them uncut. Length isn't that important to me, as long as it's not excessive either way, so I'd say between four and ten inches. Oh, and a little thing, some curvature to it is appreciated.
- Baldness: yes. I said it. I like bald men. There just is something about kissing them and having your hands sliding over the bare scalp while his beard tickles you. And besides, it's so masculine.
- Beards: I love them. From a short one to a big full beard, it's just gorgeous!
- Body Hair: everything being silky smooth is for us girls. It just doesn't fit a masculine man. And, of course, hair on his sack goes without saying.
- Dark Hair: oh yes!
- Hands: what can I say? I have a massive weak spot for big strong hands.
- Scars: just a few are enough to prove that he's a true badass.
- Older men: I like men to at least be forty but preferably a little older. And in all cases older than my character. I don't have a max but prefer them in good shape though!
- Strength: something I adore in men. I love strong men. But when it comes to build, I'm not the biggest fan of the bodybuilder type. I prefer the muscles to be a little more covered.
- Tenderness: it might seem like I prefer brutish men, which physically, might be the case. But I love it when they have a heart of gold. At least, for my character.

And now, the most important part: pairings and plot ideas. Here, I'm really open to lots of things, so if you have any suggestions, please, feel free to bring them up!
- Warlord/bride: this is a relatively simple idea where your character is a renowned warlord and mine is his new young bride. Here, my character would be a bit on the younger side and fairly innocent and probably terrified of being made to marry this foreign warrior for nothing but politics.
- Noble/peasant girl: here, my character, a pretty young woman, catches your character's eye. He's a powerful nobleman and now wants to make her his mistress.
- Mercenary/Widow: my character is a noble's widow and her young son's guardian. She holds his lands for him, but finds herself at war for which she engages the services of a renowned mercenary. There however are special sparks between them...
- Noble/Queen: the queen has inherited the throne as the only child her father sired. She however has to balance several important noble families and if she is to marry anyone, all the others will be upset, in all likelihood leading to a bloody civil war. And so, she remains alone. Unfortunately, she meets your character and the two fall in love. Here, avoiding pregnancy will be a big thing obviously, so I hope that's something you would enjoy.

And then, there are some general things that might be fun to include, even if they don't fall under plot or kinks really. One thing is that I love romantic environments like caves, ruins, forest streams, and the like. So ot would be great if such things could be included at some point. A second thing is that I just love romantic language and flowery words coming from a man. So if your character could do that, it would be amazing.

Another little thing is that I've noticed that there is quite some variety in the taste for women men have, so, I made a little cheat sheet for my character's appearance and I would be delighted if you told me yours! Of course, no preference also is a preference!
Hair Color: Anything sensible really.
Hair Style: It can vary quite a bit based on the role
Eye Color: For some, it's important which is why it's here
Breasts: Large, small, average, so many options
Ass: The same, really
And, of course, any other details you'd like to see in her! Just tell me what you like:
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