Fx Any Sensuous Adventures Abound! (NSFW)


Aug 25, 2020
Hi hi! So, I'm a weridie nudie thingie and I'm looking for fun people for collaborative, erotic, sensual role-play. This is my lower energy, less frantic post that, hopefully, will be easier to understand and less frenetic. XD

Anatomy of an RP:
space I am looking for interesting people to RP with in the forums. I'm only looking to play by post and I'm interested in long-form collaborative story telling. Like, an average post will be a few paragraphs of text, with quick back and forths maybe being that or a little less, but no one liners. I write with indented, single spaced paragraphs, not block paragraphs. So, to review:
  • Indented Paragraphs (on my side, at least, you can post with whatever format you like)
  • Play by Forum Posts
  • 3rd Person Narration (1st person if you MUST, but I find it harder to 'get into' with shifting 1st person perspectives)
  • Past Tense
  • Multi-Paragraph Posts (more is more!)
The Basics:
space I'm looking for strange stories. Magical realism is fine, but I tend to veer away from outright magical systems, except for D&D type worlds, they are the exception. I love me some Faerun! I'm a nudist and so are my characters. XD It's stress relief for me to escape into story worlds where I can be naked whenever I want. My big fetish is for tall stronk ladies who can pick me up. Height differences of at least 1 foot make me splooshie. (Sidenote, this might imply age-play to some, but I'm not into that – crazy, I know). Also, I like BDSM, but it's not a must.

Sensuality > Plot > Smut:
space I am very verbose in my writing style, and I go on long tangents where I'm focusing on how the dusty, dry, scratchy, warm cement feels against my bare feet, or how the wind feels tickling that one spot at the small of my back, how it's playing with and tugging at my hair, how it's sending shivers up my legs to the base of my spine as it nips at the backs of my knees and causes my gait to bend and flex as I hop-skip, leap, step, bound across the parking lot to my car. I will dive deeply into the cool, iridescent waters of tangents within tangents about the tug on my skin as water droplets evaporate in the hot Caribbean sun, leaving a dusting of salt at the base of the tiny hairs on my arms, and how they fall in flaking motes in the dappled sunlight onto my bare tummy as I eat a sandwich on the beach after a swim… And things like that. I like to focus on the pleasures of mundane things, I guess?
space I also get caught up in world-building rabbit-holes and story crafting. And, though I like to fill stories with sexy energy and sexuality, and foreplay and the sensuality of exploring each other's bodies, actual sex is the least interesting to me.
space That said, I can be very flexible with others' fetishes, so please ask me! And I can be very subbie at times, but please keep in mind I can be kind of a brat as well. XD

Consent Is Sexy:
space I'm only interested in consensual activities. No non-con. I'm the sort who is constantly giggling in the dungeon play party, killing the mood for Domly Dommes and Domly Doms who want everything to be dark and serious and super duper heavy metal! I'm silly and playful and BDSM tends to be a light-hearted romp for me, with brutal spankings being the reward it is rather than a pretend punishment (ps: I love role playing public spanking/caning/flogging scenes where I'm the bound recipient, sobbing and laughing in broken gasps – they make me go sploosh!)

My Fetishes:
  • Tall Stronk Ladies: Pretty self explanatory (this is a YC thing, I'm gonna be a shortie-short person)
  • Clothes: This is a confusilating one. So, I'm a nudist, nudity isn't my fetish, it's my desired state of being. So nudity is not really a turn-on for me, but wearing revealing clothing is? It's strange. I know. But being totally nude = normal, wearing skimpy or revealing clothing = a transition from to sexy time? I hope I'm explaining this right. I also have a huge fetish for being "dressed" but a Domme, like having a collar and leather cuffs put on my wrists and ankles and having it called "my outfit" for the day… and then led on a leash as we go to the club together… mmmf! Or having a short skirt put on me by a caring Domme, and brush my hair and give me a kiss on the nose and a pat on the head for being a good girl. Oh my goodness, and if She then calls me Her "little one" I'm going to be breathing so hard I might need to sit down on the floor and hug Her knees until the room stops spinning (again, though, I'm not into age-play or animal-play, just sweet F/f thingies) Um, where was I? Oh yeah! So, being clothed in public in sexy clothes, or like, incomplete outfits? That's a turn-on for some reason. The only thing I never want to have one of my characters wear are shoes or underwear, because they are gross!
  • BDSM Exhibitionism: Wearing collars and leashes in public, being spanked/caned/flogged in public, public masturbation, public sex toys, etc.
  • Gender Fuckery: This is a sort of dirty little secret of mine, but I love gender fuckery: males with female genitals, females with male genitals. It just does something for me in my weirdie li'l brain. I likes it.
  • Sex Exhibitionism: So, having consensual sex in certain situations does it for me, so long as it is casual, consensual, low pressure, and there is food afterwards. Like, I like the idea of a sexual performance that is catered. I don't know - I like food porn (not food play, but awesome pictures of food, this isn't a fetish, but I like it for stories. This shouldn't go here but I'm putting it here anyway. Food porn is a pun, tee-hee, I like puns! And long parentheticals. This is a loooooooooooooooooong parenthetical)
  • Wearable Sex Toys: Butt plugs, vibrating clamps, insertable jewelry, wearable insertable vibrators (ex: 1, 2) either hidden under clothing in public or worn openly while naked in public.
  • Prudish Disapproval: So, this is also gonna sound odd after saying nudity isn't my fetish, and, in truth, this is more of a fun thing for me than a fetish, but I love it so much it might as well be – Anyway, I love having normie textile squares disapproving that MC is naked where I shouldn't be. And then blowing them off and ignoring their disapproval for whatever reason. It gives me a happy. Because fuck those people, amiright?
Story Prompts:
space The following are just ideas, and serve as an example of my writing...? I guess? I always feel like intros inherently suck, but there it is. But then, me saying that is just sort of lowering expectations so I'm less hurt if it turns out what I've written is crap...? I don't know. Decide for yourself, I'm an unreliable narrator when addressing myself. Some of these are fully fleshed out ideas, others are just images that spark ideas in me, others vague concepts I like. Please feel free to message me, I'd love to bounce ideas back and forth with you.

space At any rate, this section is currently⚠UNDER CONSTRUCTION, will be adding more story prompts as they come...

(⚠IMPORTANT!!!⚠)👉Also, I only play by forum posts, but we can DM about setup, world building, OOC and random things like that.👈(⚠IMPORTANT!!!⚠)


F-List Thingie

Futarbucks Coffee & Semen Shop
spaceTLDR; YC, a futa barista (who creates semen beverages), falls for one of her "seed feeder" elven customers, MC.
spaceOn Earth-354, there are three sexes: gestaters, inseminators and catalyzers. Catalyzers are female bodied with penises and testicles who catalyze the ovum with her semen before the inseminator fertilizes it with his sperm. One dimension over on Earth-355, once overrun by orcs, the elves had once been conquered and reduced to sex slaves of their Green-skinned overlords. Now free, the orcs overthrown, a minority of elves, called "Affected", were the last to be liberated and the greatest altered. Originally only able to eat orc semen and incapable of wearing clothes, now the Affected mostly are indistinguishable from other elves, except they require medication and can only eat a specially prepared synthetic slurry and actual semen. These Elves and Affected of Earth-355 made their way to Earth-354 a century ago and adapted to the local customs and culture of Earth-354. Notably, catalyzer semen is a deeply pleasurable stimulant and extremely nutritious to the Affected Elves, and, recently, catalyzer women have started selling it at specialty coffee shops.
spaceThe orcs, who had evacuated from Earth-354 to Earth-842, has recently (28 years ago) been conquered by the Elves and their slaves liberated. Now, a first generation of liberated Affected have arrived on Earth-354 and are only just learning English, do not wear clothes and are trying to find their own way in the multiverse.
spaceYC is a human woman (pictured above) working at a coffee shop, and MC (pictured below) is an Affected woman from Earth-355, who's mother was liberated from Earth-842, who is going to college on Earth-354, and asks out YC after becoming a regular customer for YC's delicious semen.


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