Mx Female Dom Male for LT Stories

Oct 15, 2018

Just a guy here looking for a few long term roleplays. I enjoy fantasy to modern settings with action, adventure and GoT style plotting.

I have Been writing off and on for close to a decade now. Started roleplaying in mmo's, and still do today, but also do forum or PM style as well. I'm EST in the US.

Note: This thread will slowly be built upon, so expect things to change with time!

Here's some quick information:
  • RP Ratio: Negotiable but typically I look for 60% plot / 30% smut
  • Desired RP Method: Discord or private forum. Will do public forum for group rp.
  • Desired Post Length: I enjoy a strong 2-4 paragraphs but, depending on the rp, I can adjust to mirror. Not interested in single line replies though.
  • Post Perspective: 3rd Person
  • Desired Post Frequency: Ideal would be at least 1 post a day. A delay of 3 or more days though, I'll probably lose interest or think you're just not that interested. Of course I get it that life can be busy but as long as there is good OOC communication and consistency, I'll be happy.
  • Preference for face claims: I'm good with photo or fan art, but no anime please.
  • Settings: Fantasy, Medieval, Modern Day, Zombie Apocalypse, Warcraft Universe
  • Kinks: F-List

(A character's entrance after being announced to the King)

General Vesci. Oh, how those words never rang so sweet to a man's ear as it did his. Long had the road been to get to where he was today. Asher combed back thick dark hair from his eyes and smiled. Before he entered the hall, he straightened unseen wrinkles from his black military styled jacket, trimmed with gold and red threading. No heavy plate armor today. Today, he was seeing a King.

Commoners were not supposed to be invited and announced into the King's hall like a visiting prince. Yet, Asher was no longer just a commoner now, was he? No, he was more than that. A skilled warrior who banded together the greatest mercenary army the world has not seen for a thousand years! No one called him a peasant now.

How much further could he push it? With each passing day, his confidence grew to believe his story was just starting.

Kings and kingdoms flooded him with offers to fill his pockets with gold, lands and titles for his aid. How could they not? The world was in such a mess. Wars broke out as quickly as the pox, leaving monarchies in desperation for men like him. Men who had an army like his.

The Red Bastards.

His knee high leather boots clacked against the titled floor as he walked down the long hall towards the end where the King sat. Asher wasn't the tallest of men, but still over the standard six feet most had. With his slim waist, broad shoulders, and stark blue eyes, he knew he made an impression to any who looked upon him for the first time.

The Red Bastards was one of the most elite mercenary companies in the world. Few others came close to their skill and… brutality. Their reputation helped end wars quickly. But now, here he was, back in his home lands, summoned by the king. Was he still considered his king? No, Asher was beyond boarders now. He was subject to no king or power, unless, of course, if the price was right.

Asher smiled to King Henry and gave a small bow. "My condolences for the loss of your bother, King Henry." It was hard not to smile at that, anyone with any amount of political savvy would suspect what had happened to the previous king. It was too convenient, was it not?

The General looked back up to the king after his bow. "You requested my presence, so here I am." Finally, that smile broke through to show on his handsome face.

I'll add to this list with time but also know that my interest isn't limited to what you see here. I love to plot and create new ideas with a partner.

1) Survival Island
Plane crashed at sea and your character has been washed ashore. The only other survivor is a man that your character knows little to nothing about. The two must find a way to not only survive on this island, but thrive as there seems to be no rescue in sight. However, the two slowly begin to suspect that they may not be the only ones on the island…​

2) Rogue thief steals your panties!
This can be modern to fantasy setting. Your character noticed some of her jewelry is missing but thinks she must have misplaced it at first. But then she wakes the next day to realize the panties she was wearing to bed is now missing.​
3) High School Troubles
New school, new friends to make, new troubles to find... or trouble finds you instead. Pretty flexible theme here that could branch out and down several paths. Could be light mood such as the kid who works his father's landscaping or pool cleaning business that's hired to work your character's yard/pool. Or could go darker with some natural disaster hitting the school.​
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