Fx M or F [war-themed] Eliza Gerring, war department.


Oct 1, 2018
I have an interesting idea, just sort of a specific pairing I now have a sudden urge to run.

I want to play a smooth-talking, well-mannered, pistol-in-her-pocket femme fatale, sent to coordinate with your character (male or female, don't much care) in a WWII setting (anachronistic, sometime after the historical taking of Normandy but prior to operation market garden). My character will have been sent to yours to give you new orders, directly from Washington, but there's a twist, along with my instructions to deliver you new orders, I've also been instructed to... encourage your cooperation.

My character will be quite standard to the times for an employed woman of high-power: long, neat blond hair; a grey pencil skirt and matching grey blazer with black hose which runs down to a pair of well-polished black shoes; and a silver-chain necklace with a green stone that matches her eyes. Standing at only 5'7" and weighing under 140 lbs, she's not physically prominent, but she more than makes up for it given her role as a commissioned officer, who threatened the US president into giving her the role... or at least that's what the boys on base say.

Our characters meet in the bar of an old hotel, currently the headquarters for the allied retaking of France, while you're here against your better judgement, having been ordered to pull back from the front and get some R&R.

Bonus points if anyone guesses what game I blatantly stole all but my character's name from.

With that said, let's move on to the technical details.

I'm a reasonably-detailed RPer who doesn't believe in standardization; I won't give you a specific post length requirement or output because sometimes I write several paragraphs, pumping out words like a politician who just said something racist by accident (albeit, much more articulately). I can, however, approximate a minimum of half a paragraph every post, and a maximum of 2 paragraphs when not detailing large expositionary whatnot.

I'm decently laid-back, able to crack a few jokes and discuss the particulars of Roman pre-imperialism, while still pumping out messages that seem to be spoken straight from my character's lips.

I look forward to hearing from anyone interested, cheers!
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