Fx Any Open the Grimoire~ (Curves On Offer, NSFW Images)


The Book of Love
May 16, 2017
Alright, So!

Welcome to my little thread. I'm Grimoire! Looking for some specific stuff today! But first...

The Usual Preamble

About Me
- Experienced roleplayer: I've been at this for a good solid 14 years, from message boards to chat rooms to novella-style on Google Docs.
- Flexible beyond belief. I play all skin tones, all races, all genders, sexes, and orientations. Seriously, I'm attracted to Basically All.
- Related, in the eternal d/s dynamic, I am switch as all heck.
- Preferred format: Discord -> PMs -> Threads.
- I don't have any requirements when it comes to post length or content. I tend to match -- I'm here for good, passionate writing. I've had perfectly detailed and exhaustive prose that leaves me cold and slightly typoed and grammatically-iffy roleplays that leave me hot and bothered. I just want some good, clean smut. Just be reasonably literate and put in some passion, you know?
- In line with my flexibility, I don't care who you are out behind the keyboard.
- I do all sorts of plot/smut ratios. I like to at least have some context, so I can pretty much go 70/30 in either direction.

- Obligatory F-List

Rules (Such as they Are)
- Please let me know if something is amiss with me or my writing. I've had partners just... never respond after my first post, or questions about if there was anything I could do to make it better. I'm a damn good writer, but even I have my off days. I'll redo 2 pages of text if I made some crucial error, no biggie here. Just please lemme know!
- Real life happens. I've disappeared on my share of partners (primarily for mental health reasons). It's never intentional, and I generally assume the best of my partners as well. Just lemme know if something comes up.
- Please don't approach me for completely unrelated ideas! I love y'all, but I promise you that I've probably already seen your RT if it interested me. I don't put out my own RTs all that often, and would like to stay on-topic. If you have ideas that could be tweaked to incorporate my kinks, then I would be absolutely down to hear them.
- Respect my boundaries and be cool. <3

With all of that out of the way...

Grim's Current Craving(s)

So, I have a few things I'm currently after. Every craving is going to generally be tied into my very tip top number one right now, as well as a very general one.

- Curvy Women: I've had the greatest hankering for soft girls recently -- and I mean actually soft. I want hips, I want breasts, and I want soft tummies. A lot of times, I offer a variety of slender, traditionally beautiful cuties... as well as a couple of curvier girls. People turn down the curves, but no more!

Right Here is a sampling of girls I am more than happy to play. Three RL, three drawn, three anthros.

- Contrast: I love contrast in RP. Dark on light, fur on skin, tall and short, and ever more! I love the contrast of two different people coming together to make something beautiful.

The rest of these are certainly favorites, but none of them are absolutely necessary. Pick and choose!

- Interracial: I love playing girls of all colors as well as against men, women, and the technicolor rainbow in-between of all colors. Give me your Asian dudes, your black femboys, and your Hispanic women. I'm here for it.
- Romance: Who doesn't love a well-written romance?
- Non-Con: Or the opposite!
- Impregnation: Another big kink of mine, and wonderful for all sorts of different plots. <3
- Monsters: Another excellent addition. I have curvy monster women and anthros alike, and love to play with them as well.

Some Plot Ideas

Gonna keep this fairly basic for now, as this is a WIP. Each will be spoilered and given a couple of descriptive tags to give you an idea of what I'm looking for I'm incredibly flexible and would love to

A favorite little plot idea of mine, and one I have so far not been able to do! The core of this idea is thus: be they superheroes, clerics, paladins, casters of some variety, or futuristic mech pilots, there are a number of female combatants out there that are causing some serious trouble for their enemies.

An excellent way of getting them out of the way would be to defeat them in battle -- or manage to bring them down through underhanded means -- and knock them up with child. They're Good Girls, so an abortion is absolutely out of the question. They'll have to sit out for months and months, if not forever, giving those who did the deed -- or paid some unscrupulous sorts to do so -- free reign!

A very simple romantic plot. A girl who thinks herself far too plain is made to feel that she is anything but when she is introduced to someone who is able to see her for who she is. This would place emphasis on the differences inherent between the characters, whatever those may end up being, and I'm even fine with going the other way. A super-confident and busty girl realizing that the shy, nerdy and effeminate guy is really a giant sweetheart? Super down for that.

Gonna toss this in here. Generally, I prefer to play canons when I do fandoms, but I would be happy to play an OC incorporating my kinks into various fandoms. Here is a short list of things I'm down for, but trust me... I have a hell of a lot more. <3 Note, I am also willing to play canons... but I'm going to make them a lot curvier to reflect my current craving.

Final Fantasy (All)
Tales Series (All)
Basically all Nintendo
Basically all Capcom
Marvel Cinematic Universe & Marvel Comics
Persona (3,4,5)
My Hero Academia

Writing Sample

The magistrate's men had not been kind to Acacia Rosewood.

They had stormed into her room at the inn -- knocked the innkeeper, David, to the ground when he had tried to demand they show some respect to his establishment. She had been dragged from her room with her paraphernalia scattered to the dirt. Glass vials and books, satchets of herbs, and even her traveling cloak had all been broken or gathered as "evidence of her foul and evil deeds". She had been strung with rope and pulled into the iron-banded wagon, taken to the local jail for the purposes of interrogation.

Their questions had been vile and mean, their substance of little consequence. Ravings, really -- accusations of trying to turn the people of the village, Greenbell, against the magistrate, in the name of... the Woodswoman? Questions about plans for the nobility. Demands of penitence before the Lord of Light, that her demonic ways be forgiven before divinity, if not before the laws of their land. There had been... indignity -- the back of a hand to smartmouthed remarks, the back of the other for silence before their questions.

The worst part was the fear.

The genuine fear that was in their eyes, that shook in their voice as they made their demands. She was not, for a time, Acacia the herbalist. The hedge-witch. She was the face of their fear, a stand-in for sin. She was chained in iron to a cold stone wall, kept there in gruel and in the same clothes for two days, before the guard captain ascertained that there would be no further use for talking to her. She would need to be brought to the noble's residence, a manor set up against the high falls, to be questioned further.

They had sneeringly said that no witches had ever returned from such a fate. They would go out with the sunrise -- a fate too soon, as the sun set outside the iron bars of the Greenbell jail.


There was irony in the Witching Hour.

The darkest hour of the night, when the veil between the real and the surreal was said to be whisper-thin, was a fairly poor time to do... "witchy" things. It was entirely too dark out to nip off to fetch any last-minute ingredients for the brew, and one could hardly follow a recipe by mere candlelight or the dark of a moonless night. It was a better time for other, more secular things -- it was the time of men in deep hoods with long knives. For hidden politics, smoky rooms. For rescues.

... and well.

Perhaps a little witchery.

Outside the iron bars came a glimmer of light -- odd, for a moonless day like this. Streams of silver like light suspended in motes of dust, falling to catch Acacia across her eyes for but a moment. A whispered voice, something gentle like a summer breeze. Certainly female and breathily ethereal, a far cry from the deep-set grunts of the iron men who had been set to guard her outside her cell until the moment she'd be carted off to... a worse place.

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