Fx M or F My plots. Writers welcome!


Feb 24, 2017
Travel frequently between India and Canada

I am Rekha Iyer and I enjoy writing and role playing or rather writing stories and building worlds. And sex is simply something insignificant that sometimes happens in those worlds between two characters. I have been role playing for over five years now and have developed a filter that has left me with very specific likes and dislikes.

If we get right down to it, I am a writer before all else. When writing sexual content, I enjoy writing as a submissive woman who prefers the predator/prey dynamic in erotica. I enjoy partnering with dominant male characters when writing a story with a few elements that usually does not interest most people. Usually, I prefer stories that involve normal yet flawed men who enjoy corrupting my character's beliefs and values while using emotional manipulation rather than force outright, though it works as a surprise to switch things up. The previous sentence is no longer true and I have found that it is much more exciting to not limit myself to a certain type of personality when writing against characters who might have brilliant ideas that'd surprise me in pleasant ways.

Before anyone mistakes this for race play, I would like to say that it is not about that, well, not just that. It is also about the psychology that builds up to the climax and everything in the path that leads up to it.

Also, a quick note. I am in a frame of mind as a writer who craves stories rather than smut. So if you wish to write smut, please don't begin writing with me because the odds are, you will be disappointed.

Rough draft of scene ideas:

Though the themes mentioned below are of a sexual nature, I don't want to write sex scenes. I'd rather spend a minuscule amount of time on sex while I write about the characters and their thoughts as they try to navigate the world that we create.

Fertility - F x M x F - taken - The Desires of Jack O'Hara. [MsBloom x rekhaiyer]

About a woman in a foreign land going to college and the culture shock that comes with it. Of course, only made worse by a childless professor in his 60s who identifies her submissiveness and thinks such a young, fertile woman would be his best bet at giving him children.

Forbidden Lust - F x M - looking

Probably the one I want to try the most. It involves a woman from a higher caste getting into a relationship with an older man from a lower caste. For those not familiar with caste, imagine a princess and a stable boy. This requires a lot of contextual knowledge about Indian culture and is best suited for Indian writers who enjoy the dark and taboo.

Veterans Affairs - F x M - looking

An old soldier in his sixties returns home from war in the middle east after losing his leg. However, when he accompanies his granddaughter to school, he meets a Indian woman in her twenties who is his granddaughter's history teacher at school. However, what no one knows is that he has been assigned to light surveillance duty at the school by his old friends who offered him a job at a private security firm. The sapiosexual woman who is not attracted to him (yet) catches her eye and the story moves forward from there.

The Witch - F x Any - looking

A young army medic who is a fugitive from the law finds shelter in the snowy woods of the north, in an abandoned cabin. However, she starts helping people who get injured with her skills, thereby saving lives of the people living in a village with barely a hundred people close by. She doesn't look like a local, hell she doesn't even look like she's from the country. And yet, she helps people, which only seems to make the villagers suspicious of her motives, while the drug lords in the area grow annoyed with her good deeds, saving people who were supposed to remain silent forever. Will she live out the rest of her life in the woods? Will law enforcement catch up to her? Or will the village or a villager end up protecting her?

The Huntress - F x F - looking

A hunter, who has been mute from birth roams the frozen wastes looking for food. Sometimes, when she comes across settlements troubled by monsters, she hunts them too. But not for any reward, which is prohibited by the tribe that she was exiled from a few months ago. The only way that she can return, and take her place as the rightful heir is if she fills her right arm from wrist to shoulder in self inflicted marks, not in tattoos but with scars. Scars given to her in hunts when she pursues great beasts or the ones that she's allowed to give herself with her special knife after a beast has been vanquished. She enjoys the company of female companions as she travels.

(I'd like to focus on my character tracking, hunting and slaying beasts mainly in this plot.)

Also, if any of my readers have ideas different from what is mentioned above that is about an older male and a younger woman, please feel free to contact me. But, please don't if it is just about writing sex scenes. Thank you all for reading.

Also, if any of my readers have ideas different from what is mentioned above that is about an older male and a younger woman, please feel free to contact me. But, please don't if it is just about writing sex scenes. Thank you all for reading.
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