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Fx Any Original RP Ideas (Domme, sub or switch welcome~)

Aug 17, 2020
These are left vague so that anyone who’s interested could get into either role, plots aren’t set in place. I wouldn’t mind playing either role in these scenarios.

F-list: F-list - Warning

I’m fine with playing a dominant character, though I heavily prefer playing submissive characters! I play non-binary/futa characters as well as female!

Character A is a circus performer and Character B is a runaway who gets swept into working for the owners in order to get money for food. Character B sees everyone around them as temporary, so doesn’t bother with socializing, while Character A is willing and able to talk to anyone, but is desperate to find someone who actually cares.
Character B just wants a new life but Character A is trapped working for the circus. Character B realizes this after a point and becomes too determined to set Character A free, using whatever means possible.

Character A is a programmer. Character B is an AI designed by Character A as a class project. After the project is over, Character A keeps working on the program. Eventually Character A begins to realize that the AI, Character B, seems to have some sort of personality. Upon further investigation, Character A discovers that the AI has become advanced enough to gather data on its own, which greatly exceeds all expectations. Due to the nature of Character A’s studies, they’ve always been lonely, so they begin to jokingly interact with the AI they’ve created.
Over time, Character A becomes extremely attached to Character B, who, for all intents and purposes, feels more like a long-distance friend than a program.
Character A then realizes with some amount of horror that they’re beginning to develop feelings for Character B.

Character A’s lover, Character B, died one year ago, however their relationship never waned as immediately after Character B came back to haunt Character A. Now they live a happy life together, however it can be difficult explaining to other people the circumstances of their relationship…

Optional: Character C is firmly against Character B’s haunting and thinks both individuals need to move on. Attempts at exorcism ensue.

Optional: Character B’s ghost is a figment of Character A’s imagination, the grief from their lover’s death driving them over the edge. Eventually, Character A has to come to terms with that fact in light of evidence that this is what is really going on.

Soulmate AU wherein humans are divinely assigned soul mates via small cards, much like how a teacher might assign partners for a school project. However the cupids that slip the humans their cards sometimes have a nasty sense of humor. And, no, you’re not allowed to trade.

In werewolf society packs dominate the land from right beneath the noses of humans, fighting over and guarding territorial lines. Character A and Character B are wolves from enemy packs and are told they need to become mates in order to settle a dispute.

Despite how their families are appeased by this arrangement, Character A and Character B continue their rivalry, treating each other as enemies all the way to the bedroom.

Character A and Character B have been online friends for years, however they’ve always been separated by distance. Character A suddenly tells Character B that they’re going to be going to be coming to their town on a trip and they want to meet up.

Character B panics because they’ve been keeping a big secret from Character A all these years. Can they hide it? Will their friendship survive the reveal?
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