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Fx Male One stop candy shop. Or, Balmung wants to write some lascivious ladies.


King of bones with a coral crown
Apr 5, 2013
Bonjour, people of BMR! In short I’m looking to broaden my writing horizons and that always means taking up something I don’t do often. I do write lady characters in RP’s, but not very often. To that end I am looking to write female characters a bit more, to this end I am extending a small offering of myself, writing out a hopefully enjoyable RP For both you and I! It also doesn’t help that I have an abundance of free time right now.

‘So Balmung,’ you start to ask. ‘What sort of gals do you enjoy playing?’ Well, that’s a good question. I enjoy all types. From mirthful maids, to sultry sorceresses, to diabolical devil girls or mischievous monster girls. In fact if you want me to write a monster girl ala the MGE, that’s definitely up my alley. I do fantasy, I do sci fi, I do supernatural/urban fantasy, and I don’t usually gun for regular modern day scenes but if the idea is convincing enough, I’ll do it too!

‘Well that all sounds well and good Mr. Admin, but what are the plots you want to do?’ That’s another good question, I am glad you are asking the tough ones! Well, truth is, I don’t really have any current plots set in stone. So I’d like to discuss that with partners. Now I will say I enjoy romantic stories with adventure and drama and all that razzmatazz. I’m not one for super hard /outright noncon, but I can do dubcon and the fantasy of noncon well enough, I like to think. If you want an adventure story in a fantasy setting, I’m your huckleberry. If you just want a quick roll in the hey with a lovely lady, that’s just fine too. Long term and short term are both welcome! So yeah, I’d like to think I’m a writer of many talents in this manner. Hit me up with a story hook, and we can hammer something out.

‘That’s pretty cool Saber. So what are your kinks?’ Hoo boy, we’re gonna end this on a tough note aren’t we? Well, truth is my kinks are malleable. I’m not huge on ageplay so I’d prefer my characters to be 17 at the minimum, I prefer/like drawn/anime image references if we use images for characters (And I will mention I have a particular fondness for buxom girls.), and after that… Iunno, it depends I guess. The only outright ‘nos’ which even then aren’t a complete one are toilet play, heavy violence/gore/guro, and uh, probably some other kinks. I’m not going to kinkshame but if you know a kink is extreme or not for everyone, just ask first, we can cover most things. Things I am a fan of are rough, passionate sex, sexy/enticing outfits on ladies, semi public/risky sex, risk of pregnancy, romance, light bondage, spanking, titfucking, and hand holding. That should give a good snapshot of what I enjoy and what to expect!

OK, I don’t really have any other major pressing issues to have someone ask me over. But if you want bonus points/my attention, please put down the name of your favorite demon design from Shin Megami Tensei into your initial PM. If you don’t really know what SMT is, just google it and look up something that catches your eye, it at least shows me you’ve read this far! Even then it’s not necessary, it just helps out with ensuring we’re on the level, yeah?

Alright! Supplies are limited, call the toll free number (Read: Start a PM) now!
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OK! Looking for one, maybe two more people to impress me and to work something out together.
Again, looking for one, possibly two partners, I need something new to inspire me.
Reckless? Yes, desiring one or two RP's where I play a lady? Also yes.
OK, I have some free time and the holidays are just about over - things have been too busy for me lately to focus on writing but I think I can take on a partner or two now.
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