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It's more than just a game [Reality x Gaming Idea]


Leader of the Cardboard Cult
Jan 20, 2019
Texas CST
Be you, a normal person with normal wants and needs, in a subnormal boring life. Maybe college is getting dull, maybe your cheap end job is getting irritating, maybe your day-to-day life is just gratting at your nerves. You wake up one day to find that... life itself has been gamified, but only for you. This starts out as a simple 'figure out what's going on' scenario, but can quickly escelate to something crazy and fun.

YC would be of your own design, but the following characteristics would be helpful. Nerdy/gamer: You know what's going on and the potential effects things like this could have. This isn't a Jock-meets-Star Wars situation, you're fairly knowledgeable.

This could take place in any setting that is modern, college, office work, home life, ect. We can hammer out those details for what would have to most potential for your character.

Modern Setting, nothing super high tech (although I'm open to semi-futuristic)

This story is mostly about character development and what they can get in to with their powers. Do they want to seduce the guy/girl they have been wanting? Is there someone who has been a bully they want to get even with? Do they use their powers to become a Hero/villain?

I mostly do RP through PM or Discord, please lemme know if you are interested.
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