Mx Female Ghes' Role Play Requests

Ghes Dimir

Aug 10, 2020
Hey, Blue Moon folks. I figured it was time for me to make one of these. I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I've been role playing for about fifteen years now, erping for about ten. I'm mostly into Sci-Fi and Fantasy, but I can do modern as well. I'm mostly for 50/50 plot/smut, sometimes even 70/30. But at the same time, I just want to have fun. I try to do my best and match my partner, most of the time, I will make two or three paragraphs for a post. I'll try and make a post at least once a day. If we role play on Discord, I'll be more active because I have that on my phone. I'll edit this and post more of my requests here as they come.

Some of the fandoms I like are (in no particular order):

Warhammer 40,000
Star Wars
The Witcher
Assassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Dungeons and Dragons
Magic the Gathering
Ace Combat
The Expanse
Fallout, specifically New Vegas
The Division

I also have an interest in fictional history, so we could work something out with that in mind as well.

Anyways, I'll post plots and pairing here eventually. Until then, thanks for taking a look at this. I hope to hear from you.
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A plot ideas:

Ace Combat (Strangereal): Takes place after the events of Ace Combat Zero The Belken War

Many of the mercenary pilots of Ustio are still retained to allow to train pilots from Ustio, acting as an opposing force in training exercises. The main mercenary is Galm 1, the legendary Demon of the Round Table. However, only the best train with him. Others get lesser known pilots, specialists in certain areas. Steven "Chaos" Richardson is once such pilot. Specializing in air to ground in fighter-bombers, he flies a F-15E. A decent ace at 7 air to air kills but did much better in the role his aircraft was designed for, racking up several tank, bunkers and headquarters, he made a name for himself during the Belken War. After the war, Ustio offered all the mercenary pilots jobs as instructors. Steven would become one of those. Now Captain Steven Richardson works with the new generation of pilots.

This idea has a few different roles we can do. It could be MC/a female pilot (whether she's training or a fellow instructor is up to you) or MC/civilian that he met off base and he plays the hotshot pilot/war veteran. This one would probably more story driven. Probably closer to 80/20 if not more.
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Plot bump:

Mass Effect: Takes place during Mass Effect 3

Refugees from planets attacked by the Reapers flood space ports, looking for ways off planet and to get to the Citadel. Albert Jensen, former smuggler turned lifeboat captain, now makes dangerous trips back and forth from the Citadel to planets currently under attack, taking men and supplies from the Citadel to said planets and civilians on return trips. Occasionally, that means getting his hands dirty. That's what happened last mission, and now he's out of a co-pilot. He's back on the Citadel, arm in a sling, looking for a new co-pilot.

With this one, I would prefer a female Turian or Quarian, but a human or an Asari would work too.
Plot added:

The Division

Standard Division storyline, doesn't necessarily have to happen in New York City or DC. One idea involves two agents working together, whether they started out that way or not. They could have met during the first wave activations of the Division agents, deciding that having someone watch their back was the best way to survive the outbreak and the chaos that followed. Or they could meet up several weeks after their activation, each of them thinking they were the last agent in the city we decide to use as a background. They would be complete opposites, one preferring long rifles and suppressors, the other machine guns and shotguns. How ever we play it, they make a good team and enjoy each other's company. Even if their banter can get out of hand.

The second idea is one of an agent/civilian. I could honestly play either role. Perhaps the agent gets wounded and is taken into the home of the civilian, or there is a particularly bad storm (depending on where we have the setting) and seeks shelter in an abandon mall. Coming across the civilians, the agent lends a hand, helping them solidify a safe zone. The civilian the agent gets paired with is capable and they began to have a relationship.
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