Fx Any The Forest (warning: non-con ahead!)


Aug 12, 2020
Hi! My name is Ivy and I have a very specific rp craving rn, so I guess I'll go ahead and dedicate a whole thread to it. Might edit it to be more general once I have my fill, idk.

Anyway, here's a little bit about me: I consider myself an intermediate roleplayer (2 years of experience) and usually try to send at least two three-line paragraphs in my posts. I can do more, but that's the bare minimum I usually try to do. I prefer to rp over PMs and don't really have a preference for spelling or grammar. I'm pretty good at deciphering grammar mistakes, so it's all good! I also like an 80/20 or 60/40 story/smut ratio. Of course, when story and smut go together, that line can blur.

Ok, so here's the rp I had in mind: I'm walking through a very dark, very old forest at night. Sometimes the leaves rustle and branches creak without wind. I trip over roots that I didn't see until it was too late, and I can't shake the feeling that something is watching me.

In case it's not clear, the trees/forest itself are sentient and probably not the kind of company you'd want to keep. They're fully prepared to trap this human girl who's wandering through their forest and turn her into a plaything. Weird and dark, I know.

Obviously, build up is key here. I don't want to just get raped by a tree and then be done with it. The moments of intensity building up into it are sooo important to me. I want to see something moving out of the corner of my eye. I want branches to catch on my clothes seemingly by random chance. It's all about these little coincidental nudges from the trees building up into the horrifying realization that I'm not the only sentient being in the forest.

Anyway, that's my major craving atm. I might make another more general request thread in the future. Sorry if this one's too bizarre/creepy.
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