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Silver Tongued Mistress
Aug 11, 2020
Behind The Lies
Heyo, my name is Kitty feel free to call me as such. I have been roleplaying for about 14 years and I am a very descriptive role player. I enjoy writing all I need to so show what my character is thinking, feeling, and doing so you should have more than enough fodder for a reply. I am a busy mother of two so I may not be able to respond constantly but I will definitely try to post at least once a day. I love fantasy, romance, and darker themed roleplays. I also like doing modern style slice of life roleplays, and roleplays that include violence and death. I love having oddball characters to play against my own, so bring them all.

Feel free to PM me about any interests you see here, or if you want to run one of your own plots by me that would be fine too. I also have discord if you would rather talk OoC there.
1. I only play female characters
2. I only do FxM pairings
3. I tend to write a lot, so if you don’t like reading then I am probably not the right partner for you.
4. I ask that you please give me some posts with plenty of substance for me to respond with.
5. Do NOT control my characters.
6. I do not do anything that has to do with bathroom stuff.

Yes Please
Dominance - I enjoy being paired with truly dominant characters. Most of my females are very dynamic and you could say that a few of them might need a firm hand.
Possessive/Controlling - want to keep my character all to yourself by any means? Be my guest. Making the tension/dynamic more intense between the two is a welcomed addition.
Humiliation - do this to try and keep my character in her place? Yes please. Just be ready to face consequences.
Romance - always, always. Sex is all good and fun, but I will die and go to heaven for some awesome romance.

The supernatural have surpassed and grown above humanity. Here the humans were forced into servitude by the supernatural beings that ruled over them. Most humans are bought and used as housekeepers, maids, butlers, gardeners, and other service trades. The Rose Garden is a beautiful tea house that is nestled in the heart of downtown Camophile, one of the largest cities. Aside from the owner, the staff of the establishment is predominantly human. As customers come in to be served tea and small pastries, they are able to peruse the staff of humans whom are also up for sale. Serena McFay has lived at the Rose Garden all of her life. She was born into this life and has known nothing else. She had grown to love her fellow employees and has even faced heartbreak when some of them have been bought. Serena has never been bought in all her years at the Rose Garden, nor has she even been considered. You see she has one major flaw and that would be that she is extremely clumsy. The simplest of tasks is hard for her to perform without having some kind of casualty. This year she has finally been promoted to tea server after working hard. Though her prospects for being bought look slim, seeing as how she is now a young adult, she still holds out hope that someone buys her. That day comes sooner than she thinks as she is bought by a very rich and powerful man on the first day that she starts serving tea.
In the world we know today, the supernatural do not exist. Or do they? Having been hidden amongst us for all of this time they live in secret though they aren’t completely invisible. Some are politicians, night club owners, businessmen, stock holders. Others are just your everyday minimum wage workers, trying to make it in this bleak world just like the rest of us. There is a practice amount the supernatural, some of the powerful few are able to get a glimpse into the future and see their Chosen One, their Electus, the soul mate that they are fated to be with. In all of history those who have been blessed to see and find their Electus had always been another supernatural, but what if it wasn’t. What if their Electus happened to be a mortal, the ultimate taboo. Enter Clarissa Nightengale, your average twenty-seven year old florist who works at a small shop. She’s as human as they come and just like everyone else she is completely oblivious to the supernatural world around her. Even to the fact that her best friend is a werewolf. Since the age of fourteen she always seemed to have the same dream. A shadowed figure of a man standing beneath the most beautiful willow tree. She would try to get close to him but alas was never able to see his face. Every night it was the same dream and every morning she would wake with a desperate feeling of longing. This summer she and her family take a little trip to the countryside. It’s where her grandmother lived and she hadn’t seen her since she was, well fourteen. After catching up with her grandmother, Clarissa decides to go on a hike through the woods that surround her grandmothers property. After walking for a long while she realizes that she is lost. Taking stock of her surroundings she realizes that this place feels very familiar and as she turns around she sees the tree. It is the same tree from her dreams and as her breath catches in her throat she sees the figure of a man standing beneath it. This man had seen his Electus and once a year he visits the tree, hoping to find her. When they do manage to meet he knows she is the one and will do anything in his power to keep her.
She was always a power hungry woman, having the need for power and anything else she could get her hands on since she was a young girl. When she becomes unexpectedly pregnant, she gets an idea. She summons a demon and sells him her unborn child in exchange for immortality. Just before the baby is born she sells her unborn child to an unsuspecting witch for an insurmountable amount of riches. Once the baby is born, the woman disappears, leaving the witch with the new baby. As the witch is just settling in with her new ward, the demon appears and demands his payment. After some arguing the two of them band together to raise the child in a very unorthodox sort of way. The child will grow to know both magic, and Hell.
In the kingdom of Blanovia the princess is the jewel of her fathers eye. When she is kidnapped by a band of barbarians, he goes beside himself with worry. He sends his most trusted and skilled knight to find her and bring her back home. The knight travels across all of the land to search for her. When he finds her, he is completely surprised. She couldn’t be further from the damsel in distress he thought he was coming to save. Instead, he finds her swinging from the trees, wielding a large battle axe, and downing ale with the rest of the barbarians. She no longer wants to be saved and has been accepted into the barbarians as one of their own. Now he has to try and re-kidnap her in order to bring her home back to her family who is worried sick.
Cearrah Everstone is the most beautiful woman in town. Not only is she the most beautiful, but she is also extremely wealthy since the death of her father who left her his estate. Many men have tried to into her favor with no avail, that is when she devised the game. She announced that any man who could get the key that was hanging around her precious black cat’s neck and open her front door would be the one that she would marry. Many men have come since then, trying to chase and capture the cat. Many of the men have ended up injured from the kitty’s claws, but all have failed. Finally a man appears who seems to know the secret. Do not chase the cat, befriend the cat. Eventually the cat would allow him to get close enough and if it trusted him it would allow him to take the key off from it’s neck. All is not as it seems though as the cat and the woman are one in the same.
In the days of kingdoms and dragons it wasn’t uncommon for dragons to spirit away virgin princess to keep for themselves. Some ate them, some kept them as pets, who knew what the dragons did with them? In the kingdom of Someilain, princess Odette was about to take part in an arranged marriage with a beast of a man that she could not stand. She had no right to object and she was sure that she was doomed. That is until she learned of a dragon that lived not too far from the kingdom. No one had ever seen the dragon before so no one believed it actually existed. She didn’t care, she saw her way out. Sneaking out at night she made her way to the dragons cave. Her plan was simple. She would throw herself at the dragon, offering herself to him as an offering from the kingdom. Anything as long as she didn’t have to marry that man.
The crime level in the city had gotten out of control. Though there was more than one gang, only one large gang was ranked number one. It consisted of a very wealthy family and the close friends that they employed underneath them. Vivian is a strong, independent woman that refuses to be pushed around by the low life criminals that are constantly roaming the streets. On her way to work she witnesses a man pull a knife and try to use a young boy as leverage during a confrontation between two gangs. Angered beyond all belief that they would use children, Vivian risks her life to run full force and plow into the guy, causing him to let go of the boy and ultimately dying from gun fire. Vivian continues to go about her day, happy that the young boy was safe. Unknown to her she had just saved the crime lord’s son and she was about to be offered an invitation into his life that she can’t find it within herself to decline.
In the year 2045 the black market slave trade has come a long way from when you had to capture the slaves yourself. No, instead, if you had enough money you could pit in a request with the local “pet lab” to have the perfect creature created - though the pet lab does not make any guarantees, especially since the creatures they are working with are so volatile to begin with. A certain wealthy man requested a set of pets that were to be created from precious gems and combined with the DNA of great dragons. Though he put in the request for 5 created, he only came to pick up one and the pet lab is not about to loose a profit. Therefore, the other 4 were auctioned off to the highest bidders, which as you would have it were really wealthy people. The last to go was an emerald dragon named Jaze, infused with a jealous, rambunctious, rebellious and stubborn nature. She was sold to an extremely wealthy man. The only problem? Trying to train Jaze to accept his collar.
They were in love and everyone knew that they were going to get married. The only thing holding them back was her mother. He came from a middle class family of blue-collars. She came from a middle class family, but her mother always felt she needed better, so in order to keep them apart, her mother uprooted her in her senior year of high school and moved her across the state. They lost touch. The girl went on to college and in her first year she met a very rich and influential man. She fell in love with him, as much as anyone can, and they got married and had 3 beautiful children. Now the woman is in her 30s and her husband has turned into a man of nightmares. He is cruel, mean, ill-tempered, and very controlling, but she just takes it and hopes for the best. Their large house needs to be renovated and the husband hires a company that he trusts. When the contractor arrives, his wife answers the door only to find the man from her blissful high school years looking back at her. That’s when the problems start.
That day changed her life forever. Her parents had always fought for as long as she could remember. They were always yelling at each other over everything they could find. The trash wasn’t taken out. Her dad never helped clean the house. Her mom didn’t discipline the children well enough. Little things would set them off and the yelling would start. She would take her two younger siblings into her room and they would snuggle under the covers of her bed making up stories to pass the time and block out the noise. This was normal, except for the one day it wasn’t. That day, everything changed.
Her parents were fighting just like they always did, swearing they were going to divorce each other. Since she was up in her room, she couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but she knew when it had changed. There was a loud crash that shook the whole house, trembling it to its core. The sound startled her and she ran downstairs to see her mother trying to use a broken shard of glass to slice away at her arm. She was yelling about how she couldn’t do it anymore, she was miserable. Tears were running down her face, her eyes were wide and wild. Her father was stopping her, yelling at her for being crazy and how could she do that to the kids. That was when they stopped because they saw her there. If two people who were in love could do this, she never ever wanted to be that way. From that day forward, she made a vow.
I will never fall in love.
She declared this with such fire and heat that Aphrodite herself heard it and she took that as a challenge. Fast forward ten years and now she is a young adult living on her own. Aphrodite has given it all that she has got and she is quite exhausted. Over the last 4 years she has thrown 12 men at this woman hoping they were the right match and just when it looked like she was starting to fall for them, they would totally ghost her, seeming completely uninterested. Someone was putting a wrench in her plan because once she had influenced a mortal, they could not disobey her. She wanted to know who was messing with her. She asks her brother Ares to help her, knowing that if anyone could bring an end to the meddling, it would be the God of War.
Ares agrees and goes down curious as to what all the fuss is about over a mortal woman anyway. For a while he watches her from afar and discovers that she is nothing but ordinary. One day they manage to run into each other and meet face to face. Though he is disgusting himself as a normal mortal, he is the one that she winds up falling for.
It’s been a while since we have sent this up to the top, so let’s do that again.
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