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Ursa and Aquarius (DigitalSiren x Vawnie Bear)


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Staff member
Jan 8, 2020
"Get up" The hard words were growled out from above, Seine slowly picked herself up from the pale cream and coral colored tiles, tasking blood in her mouth. She knew better than to dare to bleed on the floor, Augustus, had not been kind after the first beating when blood had pooled on the floor from her broken nose. Seine had been purchased just the month before being bought by the tall and rather ugly man, Augustus Flavius; her purpose to be a sex slave for the aging man and had been sold to him with the promise of being a nubile virgin and under no certain terms, had her previous master indicated that she would be a willing bed slave. Seine had proven she wasn't up to the task and it didn't seem to matter how Augustus beat her. On her knees, Seine felt a meaty hand fist into her hair, a cry of sharp pain leaving her throat as she was yanked to her feat by the long leash of raven hair, so dark it was almost blue. "Can't even suck a cock right" He threw her to the floor again in disgust, a sandal covered foot catching her in the stomach, precious air leaving her lungs in a wheezy woosh from the impact.

It wouldn't be her last beating, Seine knew this; with little desire to touch the man before her or be touched by him, she'd managed to avoid having him inside her anywhere but her mouth. Her small form curled on itself as pain rippled through her. "A good waste of denarii" The sound of Augustus plopping down into a plush chair was heard dimly, the wood groaning beneath his bulk in protest. While he sat there, pondering what do with her, Seine began to slowly heal herself, the cracked ribs fusing together painfully. "Bah!" Rising once more Augustus stalked out and even she knew where he headed. The games. Barbaric and as horrible as they were gruesome from what little she had seen of them. Rising slowly to her feet, Seine gave a small whimper. She could only heal so much without a proper water source and her body ached from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes.


Carefully Seine poured wine into a goblet, careful to not spill it as she arranged fruit and cheeses on the ostentatious golden platter. Augustus would be home soon and hungry... If he was in a good mood, he might try again to teach her the fine art of having his cock shoved into her mouth, if he was in a foul mood he might just beat her. She'd had the joy of both experiences in her short time as his slave. The door slammed open and she prayed softly to any god that would listen. If he plans to beat me again, let it be enough for me to die. Just because she could heal herself, didn't mean she wanted to be beaten daily and one day raped; as to why he hadn't raped her yet, she didn't know, but she counted it as a blessing... one she knew wouldn't last. "Seine!" His voice bellowed and she rushed towards the sound, stumbling along the glazed tiles in her hurry.

"Go to the gladiator pit and find Winter. Last check she was bleeding on the sands, but damned if she didn't put on a show! Unlike someone" His eyes flickered to her, the look on his face far from kind "You will be her plaything for now, heal her, run errands for her."

Bobbing her head, Seine left, quickly. She had heard the name Winter before now, naturally, as she was Augustus' prized possession. It only spoke to how Augustus must have been as a child with his toys, if he'd leave his current favorite toy bleeding on the hot sands. Grabbing bandages and a shallow bowl, Seine slipped out of the cool shade of the house into the blazing sun. It would take her no more than fifteen minutes to find herself within the Colosseum. Finding the sands quite empty she was forced to stop a burly man that dwarfed her small frame. Siene asked him where Winter was. The mountain of a man jerked his thumb towards the living quarters. Living quarters was a generous word to be sure as she passed by cages and cages of men. It was rumored though, those like Winter had actual rooms, a reward, much like she was to be, for fighting well.

Five minutes later she was just outside the heavy wooden door, studded with heavy iron nails and pockmarks, the bowl now filled with cool water. Knocking she waited, when no answer came Seine pushed her way in, clearing her throat. "Hello?" Her voice was soft and husky to the ear, her eyes as clear and bright as the sea around Greece, a brilliant cyan. Siene's diminutive frame lingered in the door way unsure. "I.. I am a healer" The door swung closed behind her and she jumped slightly, her eyes wide.
Winter was a large woman shaped by her life in the pits. Her body sturdy, her frame strong. She was not always this way, but years of fighting and training had left her an imposing form for a female. She could stand equal to most average men, and actually had a more imposing form than the soft ones of the rich... She didnt answer the door because she had no interest in the next piece of meat her depraved owner sent her way. She was tired . . . she wanted rest not sex... peace & and solitude as she healed from the terrible pain that wracked her body.

She growled like a wounded animal when they came in unbidden. A low noise that spilled from parted lips. She was on the only piece of furniture in the "room" a cage with a door. Her bed was raised off the floor, and it was against the far wall facing it. She was half dressed still, finding it currently too painful to remove the remnants of the devastated worthless armor.

The fight had been near impossible, if she didnt have the ability to heal faster than a human she was sure this would have been the fight that killed her. Her growl stopped short as the pain that rippled through her chest caused her to fall silent. The blade that had cut through her flesh had ran bumping over her ribs, cutting deep, and deep breaths pulled the flayed edges apart. She panted watching the woman with those winter green eyes. "Go away..." She commanded not needing healing beyond her own abilities, and not wanting to entertain the woman that invaded her space.

She didn't trust any one that belonged to her twisted owner. Not his workers, not his healers, not his sex toys... her last gift had been a eunic that smelled like him... a weak cowed man who wanted to bed her just as much as she had wanted to bed him. His stink rose off this womans skin now. A disgusting sweaty indulgent smell that sickened her. She would rather the scent of shit to that in her nose.

She grunted as a ripple of pain laced through her, healing had never felt good... and the hungrier she was, the harder she found it to be. After the fight she had today Winter had expected food as a reward... of course her Master would think first of flesh. Her eyes moved over the woman with a renewed interest. Was she small enough to actually consume? She growled again the idea making her stomach churn. She wasn't into eating innocents and could barely bring herself to eat some one who assaulted her.

As the door shifted closed the path of the air slipped past her unexpected guest bringing her scent to the injured woman, her head tipping to the side. This woman smelled different... She scented the air and then huffed as the pain in her back pulsed from the deeper breath she took without thinking. "What do you want..." She asked suspiciously.
Agustus Flavius - Master of the House & Ludius
Archous - oldest of the fighters
Hell - Weapons master
Master Denning - freeman fighter - disgusted that Winter is the champion. Envious of her position.
Seine - Winters healer - water nymph
Tess - Kitchen Maid
Varren - sassy, playful fighter
Winter - champion of Flavius Ludius
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The growl had earned Winter a soft sound, a gasp of fear perhaps? She would have happily left the woman alone but two things kept her from fleeing. Winter was injured she could see it clearly and she couldn't leave her like that, it went against everything Seine believed in. The other reason was far less selfless, if she failed to do her role even here, who knew what Augustus might do to her? Seine had about as much love for him as she had desired to have his prick inside her, but he was cruel man and she had no doubt her punishment would be worse than a singular growling female.

She shook her head, her dark hair swaying about her small body in an almost fluid like manner. "I can't.. I am sorry" Seine didn't come into the room further, not wishing to anger her further. A frown pulled at her lips, making the pretty cupid's bow mouth bend downwards with concern as she grunted. The look in Winter's eyes had Seine's face becoming paler, a quite nifty trick as her pale skin was the color of the cool marble statues that lined the Colosseum. "Our master sent me to you... He bid me to help heal you." For a moment anger flashed within her eyes, the cyan color darkening for a brief second before fading. "I am your pet" That soft smokey voice tried for and failed to hold an even tone, little sparks of anger leaking through.

A soft sigh left her and she shifted, the bowl of water heavy in her arms. "I know you likely don't want me here any more than I really want to be here." Her voice was soft and she paused. "But I can tell you're in pain and I really can help you, if you allow me to" There was something else in her voice now, her words held truth. Seine knew for a fact she could mend everything that was hurting Winter... it might drain her, but she'd be healed and ready to go into her next fight without a handicap. It wasn't much, but her heart ached at the woman being killed for sport. She'd worked, fought, bled and likely killed for a man who honestly wouldn't care overly if she dropped dead from the wound she suffered. Oh, he'd be mad. Mad he lost his favorite toy, mad that Seine had failed him once more and that he'd need a new champion.

She took a small step into the room. "Please, Winter?" Seine knew if she did allow her to help, she'd need to be careful. She had a secret that no one could know... She'd have to be clever to keep it and cleverer still to pull it off without anyone suspecting. The idea already forming in her mind, she could perhaps enchant the water into the bandages and have it release in small bursts? She'd never done anything quite like that and even with the slow of the healing made, Winter, if she allowed Seine to heal her, would heal faster than she should no matter what.
She grunted and shifted as the woman apologized, still standing there near the door. It was hard for Winter... all she wanted was to be left alone, to let heavy eyes roll closed and oblivion take her as her body tried to recuperate from the damage it had sustained. It left her scowling darkly at the petite woman like she would soon meet her worst fate by the gladiators hands.

"I'm your pet."

She was informed. Her face screwing tighter as she snorted and instantly regretted it. "Of what use do i have for a pet?" She asked drawing a hand to rub over her face, trying to push the growing darkness away. She tilt her head at the angered expression, feeling both sympathy and amusement. Well did she understand that sentiment, as she found herself really in the same place as the would be healer.

"As I said, I don't need help." Her words shallow, clipped, hard so that she didnt jostle the knitting wound any more than was needed. If the woman saw her body pulling itself back together her torture would be infinitely worse... she did not wish to be flayed alive, or burned to death as something unholy... no matter how right they might be. "Just.." She shifted suddenly coming to the end of her bed furthest away from the woman, her face showing extreme distrust and anger. "STOP!" She commanded when the woman stepped forward without permission. A slew of guttural sounds leaving her throat at the sudden movement including foul curses and the name of her patron Goddess. "Stop..." She pant. "Please... I, I dont want to hurt you." She said, but the darkness was creeping up, her vision lessening, endurance fading. She growled and shook her head summoning more of her beast, trying to push the oblivion away.

It flashed in her eyes, changing the color to something more yellow than green, and deepened her voice. If one could still long enough they would hear the hair raising sound of her expedited healing. "You... you can stay... o-over there." She pointed to the corner nearest the healer whos name she didnt remember. Her growl was pained, her face pulled taut with it, her body rigid... but she remained steadfast in her desire to be left alone.
"I didn't ask" Was the short reply, when Winter questioned what use she had for a pet. "I am sure it's more a punishment for me and half thought out reward for you" Opening up a tiny bit to Winter, trying to help understand why, indeed, had a gladiator been given a pet. Had Winter been a male, Seine might have understood the reward better. If her Master had yet to rape her, a male gladiator might not have such qualms. Though, in truth what did she know? Perhaps they were more like the woman before her.

She'd taken a step further in only to freeze. Water sloshed over the rim of the bowl and landed on the floor with a wet plop, staining the ground a deeper shade. Seine frowned, watching Winter with calm eyes. She could see and see the changes; like a flower slowly blossoming before her eyes, a blink and a new petal had unfurled. However, the changes Winter displayed were not so delicate. Stepping back, Seine watched Winter with curiosity, head tipping to one side. Winter was not human. She didn't know this, but she felt it in the marrow of her bones. At least, no more human than she was.

Seine was unsure how to help someone who so desperately wished for nothing less. Her outraged and anger making more sense, as was her desire to not have Seine closer to her. Whatever Winter was, she understood the desire no one else know of the secret she hid. Biting her lower lip Seine sighed. "Winter?" her voice was soft. "Have you ever heard the tale of Naiads?" Her voice was gentle, soft. "They are maidens of water, lusted over by the gods, so they say" Her smile was soft, she had never known one of her kind to have known a god, let alone entangle themselves with one. "Any body of water, is said there is a gaggle of Naiads that call it home, lakes, rivers and seas." Shifting the weight of the bowl in her arms she smiled softly. "They are said to aid in healing and in prophecy as well."

If Winter looked towards her, she might see little bubbles of water lifting up from the bowl floating for a moment before slipping back into it's cooled surface. The fact that the water was still cool was the work of Seine as well, in the sweltering heat, she knew the coolness would feel refreshing. "They had many names, based on what sort of body of water they came from. Potameides as an example, are the Naiads of rivers and streams.."
Punishment for her? Sometimes she really didn't understand people. If that were so though, she was feeling just a little less hostile towards the woman. The stupidity of their owner not withstanding, she didn't smell like a lie... actually Winter was not sure what she smelled like. Of course there were things she knew, but human was not what this small lady was.

While she knew this, it was something else to be shown it... the water raising from the bowl, the small display drawing her color changed eyes. A breath rattled out of her and skipped back in, the bear inside her was afraid... she didn't trust things she didn't know. But the woman that was Winter, she knew what the display meant. A peace offering from someone different like her, part of her wanted to cry as the story of the women of water was given her. To be allowed such a gift... the promise of help was overwhelming to her. The urge to breakdown terrible. A hand came to her mouth, pressing against trembling lips as Winter feared what would come out.

Taking a shuddering breath through her nose she stilled the urge to babble incoherently and nodded to the Naiad. Since her childhood she had not had someone to trust... someone she felt safe enough to let her guard down. Part of her wondered if their master knew of what this woman was and was going to use her against her... but it didnt feel like that, and she never mistrusted her own instincts.
Seine had hoped sharing her own secret, not knowing what Winter's was might help the woman, a terrible risk, to be true; she however couldn't bear to see the woman in pain. When the nod was given, Seine slowly stepped from the corner, bowl in her hands. She moved slowly, carefully as if she was dealing with a wild animal. She'd heard the growl and while she would welcome death over being beaten and raped, she had no real wish to die for trying to help her.

Setting the bowl on the floor, Seine looked to it, coaxing a ball of water from the basin of the bowl. The sphere was far from solid, the surface of it rippling, little droplets drifting out from the orb and then back in. "They are mostly know, however for their healing abilities. There is a story of a pond in which immortality can be found, but many think it's not immortality, but the healers that reside within it's waters." As she spoke, a bubble of water separated and moved towards the wound, her own hands were moving to her armor. "May I remove the armor?" She smiled softly. "I really do only wish to help"

If not allowed, the water would move between the plate of metal and if allowed, with great care she would help remove it. Either way the water would feel cool, and almost instantly the pain would soften, throb and then vanish under the pleasant chill. That little ball of water would rush to fill where the injuries were, seen and unseen within her body. Like her own healing, it wasn't perfectly painless, there was only so much the Nymph could block her from feeling. As she helped her own body mend there would be pain and she would wince with each sound of it, and whisper "Sorry"

The process was not quick, by any means; however compared to the healing of a human, the magical healing was over in a flash, even if it took close to half an hour. Slowly stepping away she left the bowl of water near Winter. "The water is cool, if you'd like a drink" Once more she was in her corner, and out of the space of her new mistress.
Biting her lip she nodded, the armor coming off would be better. It was digging in uncomfortable places, just as worthless as it had started out to be. With Seine's help they were able to remove it, a sigh coming to her and then a soft moan as her body was blessed by the cool water, and the woman who wielded it. As it began to work on her, filling in her body's own healing abilities a large portion of the pain dissipated. The relief palpable as Winter sagged a little heavier on her small pallet. Silver eyes watching the woman who was not human as she stood so near, ministering to the injured gladiator who was just as inhumane as her companion.

As her flesh knit back together she would grunt when a stab of pain reminded her it was still work, and she was still injured. But it was nothing like before, the relief that Seine's healing brought sung to her, whispered she would be okay. Perhaps it was going to b e a hard lesson learned, or perhaps she really had been given a boon albeit it not to their masters knowing, but the process was too much for her to fight, and she too weak to keep up the battle. Before the process was done Winter succombed. Her eyes rolled shut as the pain was washed under the magical healing, somewhere between the spikes... Winter passed out. A sign of trust for her new healer... she did not hear the offer of cool water, lost was she to the healing sleep she so desperately needed.

Winter... was extraordinary, of singular drive... she had not become at all what he had hoped she would. But she was a damn goldmine in and of herself. He dreamed of her, her grotesque body shaped like a mans; hard and lean... she was fury incarnate. He longed to stick his sword in her until she bowed to his will... but he knew without a doubt if he tried she would kill him. Saw it in her bewitching eyes every time they were face to face. That restlessness that filled her in his presence... wondering if today would be the day she ended his life because he was too foolish to see his own demise in her eyes. No... that restlessness would have to be enough. She knew him the master, and she the slave. She did not become the breeding filly he hoped she would be, but by the Gods she was an exceptional killer.

His own men were never put in death matches, theirs were shows. Games to let them strut and prance and show them selves off... getting them ready for the rut. Many a rich wife did he fill their bellies with, and his pockets with coin. He brooded over the two women in his life that belonged to him... and denied him what was rightfully his. The killer and her healer... He snorted and scoffed. He hoped Winters brutality won this day, he hoped she raped the bitch. The thought of it made him grow stiff with desire. Perhaps he would go down to the stable and see what his hellion had done to the little bitch. He groaned and reached for his member stroking it while casting his eye to the servant who stood at his ready. "You..." Whomever they were... man or woman mattered not. Nor did their name... only their bodies.
The armor was removed and laid to the side and the healing was still going on long after Winter had passed out. For some time, Seine watched her sleep, a curious gaze on her form. It was odd no doubt that their master had two creatures within his meaty grasp. It was clear that like herself, Winter's talents, whatever they may be were not known. Seine knew very few things about Winter now, but she felt closer to her than she had to anyone in a long time. That bond they shared was unique. They were different. Winter seemed to heal faster than a human, Seine had felt that as she had aided the woman. There was also the animalistic sounds that had rumbled form her throat and the shift in her eyes. She wouldn't push Winter to know her secret, Seine had after all only shared her own to help her.

While she mused and Winter slept, Seine would have been happy to not have been in the villa as their master took one of the servants. She knew that most if not all of the servants be they bed slaves or not have found themselves under the man. Most didn't resist like she had; knowing that this was their lot in life and accepting it. Seine could still remember her river, where she and her sisters played. She had once been wild and playful, and while that still ran in her veins, it was slowly fading.

Rising slowly Seine took the armor, careful to not wake Winter and left to see about getting the rather flimsy sheet of metal repaired. Once she'd spoken with the man in charge of the armor and after some arguing, she had the man finally agree to stop by later to speak to Winter about the piece and how they could either fix it or forge a new one. Seine had refused to back down, the small female a force to contend with when she had something she desired, it was easy to get her way once she threw about their master's name and how unhappy he'd be if they denied her. Much like how she was able to prow beat the cooks into giving her a large platter of food. It had various meats, fish, chicken and beef piled to one side. Beside that a pile of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Lastly a small mound of different cheeses. A large cup of mead was added and she carefully carried it back to Winter's room.

She wasn't a good bed slave, and she didn't delight in being slave to anyone, or pet for that matter; Seine however, seemed to be doing her best to help care for Winter. Perhaps she was lonely, or she felt a sort of kinship with someone else as different as she. Or, she just wished to help her regain her strength. She was opening the door with the food balanced in one hand the cup in the other, the aroma's tickling her nose.
The men who were kept separate from their masters champion sometimes ventured to the door, called upon by the man who owned them for what ever whims of the women ... or men who requested them. One of them a tall man with broad shoulders, and a little gray in his hair sat by the gate talking to the guard who had come to fetch one of them. They traded a wine flask through the heavy iron bars, their actions pausing as the pretty woman appeared from the beasts room. The guard shifted to the main gate that barred them from the rest of the house. He unlocked it and opened the bars for Seine. He didn't speak to her, and did little more then acknowledge her with his eyes before he locked the gate behind her once more. Then moved to lock the mad woman's cage now that she was alone. He knew that Winter preferred it that way. She finding some form of peace when the heavy lock was in place.

When she returned the process was repeated, the guard acknowledging her with a nod and unlocked first the main gate. When she was through one gate he locked it, then moved to unlock Winter's reinforced door, actually pulling this one open for the new servant, her load looking heavy. He saw something he had never seen before when he held the door. On her palate Winter still slept. Her body curled up on the small raised bedding. She was bloody and pale and by some grace of the elder gods... still asleep. Ever had she greeted him with those silver green eyes when he opened the door. Part of him wondered if she ever really slept. Though he knew of course she must. "Be careful. Fighters can be caught off guard if you startle them awake." He said by way of warning to the woman he did not yet know.

Winter slept deeply, it was probably the best sleep she had, had since they separated her from her mother as a youth. Her dreams forgotten, her body at peace. She might very well have slept the rest of the day had it not been for the very strong smell of food drawing her from sleep. She awoke when the guard closed the door behind the smaller woman. Silver green eyes scanning the room, landing on her healer and the platter she carried. While she took in the woman she was taking mental stock of her own body. Tightening muscles in her back and shoulders where the worst of the damages had been done. She felt stiff, and a bit sore but nothing like she had earlier that day.
Nodding to the man, in thanks both times coming and going, she said a soft thank you to him as the door slid closed behind her. "I didn't know if you'd be hungry.. or what you liked" She moved a step towards the small table within the room, her movements slow. If Winter asked her to stop she would, if not the platter was soon laid down on the wooden surface along with the cup of mead. She nodded to the water near the bed. "If you don't like mead, the water is still cold" She moved back into her corner and laced her fingers before her, not knowing what else to do. She'd healed her and fetched the food and arranged to have the blacksmith come by, all in the desire to help Winter.

"Oh, I took your armor to be repaired, but the smithy seemed to think it wasn't salvageable? I got him to agree to come see you tomorrow morning." Seine offered a small smile, and nodded to the food. "If you'd like to eat in peace I can leave" Though.. she didn't know where she was meant to go. She was Winter's property, which meant her pallet in the main house was likely no longer hers. Seine wondered if she'd be able to convince the guards to spare a blanket or a chair. Wouldn't be the most comfortable, but she'd make it work, she didn't have much of a choice either way.

The shocking blue green of Seine's eyes traveled along Winter, but the look was far from sexual; she was checking her for injuries or pain as she moved. She could offer a massage, to work out the kinks in her body, it would help with the rapid healing. Biting her lower lip she debated before huffing out a small sigh. "I know, sometimes after healing quickly, the body feels stiff... I could help, with a massage if you like. Or I could see about a hot bath instead?" Both would do the trick, and the latter might make Winder feel better, with Seine not touching her. She could understand the aversion to touch, after all their Master being who he was. A small part of her wondered if the man was ever stupid enough to try. Something told her that sadly, he was not, for had he, he'd likely be dead.
"My armor..." She snorted and shifted on the pallet watching her healer with keen interest as the smell of so much food washed over her. Her mouth watered as it was placed on the rikity stand they called a table. She sat up and scoot to the edge of the pallet looking at the feast that had been brought; fighting the urge to fall upon it like a beast. Over the last few years she had trained hard, and had little time to show the niceties to others that her mother had instilled within her. Compassion and kindness were not in large quantities in the life of a champion gladiator... and as a woman she had to be wary that her kindnesses were not misconstrued by her male counterparts. "Thank you." She said. "For all you have done." Her eyes taking in the healer and the way she approached slowly, and then stepped back giving Winter room.

Fresh of her feet, the first thing she did was stretch. The pull was tight and as her healer said, stiff. But it wasn't overly so. Working her shoulders and arms she twisted and stretched, forcing her starved body to wait. Reminding the bear within that she was the master... she was the one who controlled them both. . . Moving to the bowl that was set aside she looked to her new companion and forced her mind to remember her name. When it came to mind she asked. "Seine, may I use the bowl to wash?" Because she was unsure if the bowl had any significance to the water woman. If it were something precious Winter would rather not irritate a woman who could probably drown her on dry land.
She offered a small smile, the edges of her lips curling up. "I was being generous, true. It didn't look good for much..." She lifted her hands in a small shrug. She couldn't explain why their master didn't seem to value his property more, even she had heard about Winter, and knew the sort of money she brought in. Seine thought it would make more sense to protect her, but then again she was a slave, not a mistress. Nodding, a timid smile was offered to Winter. "I am just glad I could help." Her hands laced behind her back, unsure what else to do. She tried to not stare at Winter, but it was sort of hard; it was more than she was the only one in the room and moving, Winter was lovely, even now.

She looked up as she heard her name, having found a spot on the wall near the floor to focus on. "Please, it is just water." She smiled at Winter and tilted her head to one side "I could also get a tub brought in if you'd prefer?" She didn't know how she'd convince them to bring in a tub, but she was pretty sure she could convince the guards. Being nice and offering to get them mead and ale would go a long way. "I am sure you don't really want to have pet, slave whichever you prefer... I know I'd prefer to not be either myself... But while I am here, we can at least try for friends?" Such an offer to their master never would have been accepted. Winter knew what it was like to be owned, more so she knew what it meant to be owned by their pig of a master.

Like the water, she offered the first olive branch. "Or at least cordial." She smiled softly, unsure if the offer would seem too odd, but she didn't have many friends; in fact she had none. None of the other servants wanted to befriend her, when their master took out his anger one her.. No doubt they didn't want to grieve her death when she eventually was beaten to death. She didn't blame them, it made sense. Why risk any part of yourself, heart or mind on someone with a death wish?
Picking up the bowl she set it on the side of her pallet. The bowl of water a luxury to her that was momentarily forgotten as Seine said something about bringing a tub. A tub was something only rich people were heard of having, or using. They as fighters often were lucky for a bucket amongst the lot of them. Steam baths, and scrapers their usual fare for personal hygiene. The idea of having an entire tub to herself... she could not bring herself to climb into so much water and sully it all at once. She smiled to the healer and shook her head. Too what would such a luxury cost Seine? Humility cost her nothing

Winter dropped her eyes to the small offering of the bowl and began to pour a little into her hands cupping it before setting the bowl down once more. Rubbing her hands together she scrubbed at the dried blood on her hands and arms, picking at the grime under her nails, and the superficial scratches that left behind a scab beneath now healed skin. Her stomach growled loudly as the gladiator forced her body to obey her, its protest loud enough a human could have heard it. Still she worked on the grime on her person rather than give in to those growing needs.

Without her armor, Winter was naked from the hips up, her torso was strong, skin a soft warm color, though not the dark bronze of someone whos natural skin wasnt pale. Her form was considered unnaturally powerful for a woman, the lines of her body "hard". Her breasts were small, the strength in her back and shoulders creating an even more exaggerated taper between the barrel of her chest and the flare of her hips. Her dark brown skirt made of the same thick material the male gladiators wore over their loins. There was some light scarring on her body, from this life of violence, but nothing compared to the male counterparts who could not heal the way she could.
There was no shyness in Winter about her physical form. It did not register to her that she should have covered her nudity. So long had she been a show piece for the fantasies of others the very idea did not even come to mind.

When she was done scrubbing she used a little bit of water to rinse the grime away. Rubbing her face, and neck with the last of the clean water. Her back was still bloody but it was also stiff and sore... she would give it more time before worrying about the worst of it. For now she felt at the very least; presentable.

Now, as clean as she could be there and then she turned her attention to the food that Winter had brought. "Have you eaten?" She asked.
Seine would have gotten her a tub, had she wanted it. It might have taken a lot to obtain it, cajoling and low key browbeating people into providing the luxury, but she would have done it. Instead she nodded once and turned slightly averting her eyes. Seine was not bothered by Winter’s nudity, however, she didn’t wish to make the woman, perhaps a new friend, uncomfortable. Eyes averted, and lashes lowered she listened to the water slush about and the low growl of her stomach. A smile flitted to her lips, happy she’d foreseen the hunger Winter would have. It didn’t take much to assume so, Winter was a gladiator, she put a lot of demands on her body with physical activity and the abuse she healed, by whatever magic allowed her to do so.

Turning as she was questioned about food, she gave a small shake of her head. A smile crept to her lips. β€œDo you need a shirt, I could fetch one” her eyes lowered. Winter might have been used to being gawked at, but Seine wasn’t about to objectify her. Winter was a lovely woman and Seine had been aware well before she’d been naked from the waist up and covered in the grime of the arena. Blushing softly she bit her lower lip. β€œSorry… I know what it’s like to be looked at without permission.” She looked up, though her eyes were fixed steadily on her face. β€œBeautiful as you are, you have a right to be looked upon as much as any roman lady and to choose who looks” A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. β€œAt least, by me. I can’t control the Master or others” Her words were clumsy, she knew that… But she wasn’t like the others who assumed to look, touch or take without care.

β€œAnd no, I haven’t eaten.” Seine’s smile spread, a hand moving to her long, dark hair brushing a stray lock from her face. Their master thought serving Winter would be a punishment for her, though why, she didn't know. β€œWinter?” Tilting her head to one side, she was careful to not let her eyes wander. β€œDo you know why I was sent here? I know it’s meant to be a punishment…” Her hand toyed with a lock of hair, absently. What would their master have expected? For her to piss off the growling amazon beauty? Seine was many things, though she didn't think herself stupid.
The gladiator noticed the way the little woman averted her eyes, a curious action, given that Winter was accustomed to holding peoples attention. She may have wondered about it but not for long as Seine let her know the reason of this ducked gaze. It brought a surprised look to the tired fighters face, the very idea that someone would give her such a respect was almost inconceivable. Her whole life since she had been old enough to be raped had been nothing but battle of one sort or another. Her constant training and fighting a protection to the unwanted advances of others... her brutality a careful facade that kept the wicked at bay. In that way her master seemed to have some sense at least. She didn't want to kill a man that didn't need killing, and he feared her.

It was a rare feeling that Winter had as Seine complimented her. Again aside from being considered a beautiful animal, she had never simply been "beautiful" now in this womans presence her stomach felt warm, and the heat spread outwards from her core. When she spoke it was a gravely low reply, thick with the feelings that curled within her. "Thank you." Shaking her head though she forced the feelings away, not wanting to dwell on the unknown. There was sustenance here before her, a veritable feast. She motioned to it. "Eat." Having proven to herself she was not the animal that whispered to her, she was eager to take strength from the food that her healer had brought. Picking a piece of grilled fish over the heavier red meats she broke a piece off and some of the grilled vegetables to go with it.

As she ate small calculated bites she watched her new companion, tasting the air between the guise of bites, as she drew in a deep breath, drawing the healers scent in over her tongue once more. She tasted wild, and magical... and in the happy center of her brain, pleasant. Something Winter neither recognized nor thought about as she ate. Her quiet musings were however redirected by the woman's question. Why was she sent here?

Winter had nearly gut the poor man they had last thrown in with her. Thinking about it she remembered the feel of the soft butter of his stomach... the hot desire to have him spill into her hand had been so overwhelming she had almost given in. Almost allowed the beast to take over and feed on his still screaming body. Winter looked away her appetite momentarily forgotten as the beast roused from its slumber, beckoned by the promise of blood. Her nose quivered and she swallowed convulsively, her eyes averted. "I..." She swallowed again and told the bear to go back to the darkness of her being, to rest... she was tired, so tired... The She bear rubbed against her skin covering her arms and back in goosebumps that actually brought with it some pain. The bear didn't want sleep, it wanted food, and attention... and to explore this new creature that smelled good... Winter breathed deep, she couldn't help but agree that Seine smelled good... even under the scent of their master which was through the day less and less.

The gladiator looked up at the little healer who was so different than anyone else they had ever met. Some one who was interesting and brave... fearless in her own right. Winter watched her through the eyes of her bear, golden and strange. She watched her with curiosity, trying to puzzle her out.
Sitting on one of the two small stools, Seine inclined her head slightly. There had been no need to thank her, but it was still sweet of her. For all of her magic and even knowing Winter was different, she never once felt in danger; not even when she’d growled at her. Taking bites of food, Seine took notes of what Winter ate, tucking the info away for another time. Nor, was she aware that she was being scented. Had she, she might have asked what Winter smelled.

Her hand reached out as he opened her mouth, swallowed, and averted her eyes. β€œIt’s okay, I just was curious.” Biting her lower lip, she took in the golden eyes that had been an altogether different shade but a few moments ago. Still, fear didn’t touch her and she smiled shyly. β€œI can’t help but be curious.” She nudged the plate of food towards her with another soft smile. β€œEat, if you can.” A thought occurring to Seine, her hand brushed along Winter’s. β€œThough, slowly, if you’re not used to so much food at once” She was unsure how Winter was treated normally. The last thing she needed was to be sick on top of the other injuries they had healed.

β€œBut, anyway, I am curious. It’s a bad habit normally.” She took another bite of food and blushed softly. β€œIt did lead once when I was much smaller to me trying to learn to fly. I had been watching the baby birds learn, you see… and I was positive that if I tried hard enough, I too would be able to take to the skies.” Chuckling she shook her head, the richness of her hair swaying, catching the light. β€œYou can imagine how well that went.” Looking up at Winter she smiled and stretched her leg out, lifting the white of her toga, exposing her lower leg. There upon her snow-white skin was a thin, pinkish scar. β€œBroke it when I landed after my third or fourth attempt. My mother was furious”

Seine wondered if she could tell Winter about her eyes, not so much that they’d changed, but that amber shade was quite striking. Blushing she looked down at her plate. No, perhaps one compliment was enough for the day. β€œDo.. Do you do anything in your off time?” Seine, was also a bit of a chatterbox when she felt comfortable, Winter was bound to notice.
She dropped her eyes and looked at the platter of food when bidden to eat while she could. Winter picked up more of the fish and picked the bones out of the meat, a rare smile touching her lips at the story of Seine's flying lessons. She wondered at this woman's ability to make her feel comfortable, to offer of herself something that let her feel as if it was okay to share some of herself. Picking up more of the vegetables and a piece of fruit she took a seat on the side of her sleeping palate. "I train." She said. The obvious answer. Her life was always busy. When she wasn't healing she was training, when those things were not happening she was healing and recuperating. Today she thought perhaps she would just recuperate some of her energy after the intense healing.

Outside of their room a cheer went up, and salacious cat calls and shrill whistles. As the day ran long it seemed their Master thought everyone deserved a bit of fun...Her eyes shifted to Seine again as the clang of the inner gate to the men's ward was opened, and the women's voices as they greeted the men. "You asked why me..." She said as their revelry began in earnest. "If it was for punishment, he hoped I would hurt you."

Though time had passed now her shebear remained near the surface, peering out at the healer with the same intense interest. Drinking in her scent, and the taste of her over Winter's tongue as she ate. When her hand touched hers, the hair on her arms raised again, and the bear within her leaned in against her wanting contact. It was a new experience for the gladiator. Without thinking she caught Seine's hand, her thumb caressing over the healers smaller knuckles. It was all a fast occurrence, one that she released nearly as quick. Pulling her hand back she looked at the palm as if she didn't understand it. Her thumb caressing fingers that had moments ago held her healers hand. It wasn't a sexual desire... at least she wasn't sure that's what it was, but a hunger for touch that she didn't fear, and didn't fear her.
"My apologies." She said. "I um... I have no excuses..." After how nice Seine had been to her, she didn't want to frighten her or instill a dread over her proximity.

Outside the relvery continued, the sounds of their party breaking into something more carnal as they partook of cheap wine and cheap women.
She couldn’t help but smile some. I train. Winter didn’t offer much, but Seine found it cute, truth be told and she understood. Her eyes drifted away from Winter for a moment towards the door, the sounds unmistakable. Seine didn’t care much for the company of men and by the grace of the gods had never been touched… Perhaps the right man, but not their master. β€œHmm?” Her eyes came back to rest on Winter and her mouth opened some into a little o of understanding. β€œI see…” She couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up. β€œHe hurt me Winter, but I guess you mean something a bit more?” There was no judgment in her eyes and she smiled at her, warmly. β€œHonestly, it seems like I would have had to provoke you into hurting me. If anyone else had been sent to you and hurt, they were likely too foolish to listen to your warnings.” Seine’s shoulders rose and fell in a small shrug as she easily reasoned away any harm Winter had done in the past and honestly? She didn’t blame her.

When Winter captured her hand in hers, the soft little touch made her eyes fall to where their hands joined. Looking up to her, she shook her head and smiled softly. β€œIt’s okay” She winked at Winter, teasing her to help the woman relax. β€œI can think of worse invasions to my personal space and far less welcome ones” A sweet laugh in her tone, her hand rested on Winter’s for just a second. β€œIt really was okay.” The sweetness of human contact was not something unknown to her, at least nonsexually. Just being held was a sweet experience, one Seine adored.

Her head turned and she smiled at the door and the merriment just beyond. β€œWhile I might not be up for joining them alone, we can if you want?” Her face turned back to Winter and she smiled β€œIf nothing else, we can watch them make fools of themselves? And we can leave before the mass orgy begins” If it hasn’t already… Music could be heard and she shook her head, dancing might have been fun too, but she was wary of the men, their Master having soured the sex for her a bit. β€œOr, if you had something else in mind?” Seine tilted her head, a rush of darkness falling to one side as her hair swung along her back.
She continued her meal, polishing off the fish, and picking at a few pieces of the fattier meats, but mostly she ate the vegetables around the plate. Sipping at the mead but not drinking it all so that Seine had some to drink as well. The sounds of revelry outside didn't interest her. "I think I will rest." She said after some time. She really didn't like to mingle with them, they weren't a bad lot for the most part, though some she questioned, but she preferred to keep separate from the men. None of them got any ideas about their relationship that way. She didn't harm them, and they didn't forget she could do that...

Of course there was sword practice and exercise, but she didnt spend her off time with them. They liked to test their mettle against her, and often had power plays hoping to strong arm her into submission in one way or the other. Winter had no desire to further their games when all she wanted was rest, and solace.

Finishing her meal she sat for a time on the corner of her pallet contemplating what their new arrangements were going to be. At this time they only had the one sleeping place, Winter was not against curling up with Seine for the night, but she wanted to be sure that her healer wouldn't mind. While contemplating this she wondered about the strangeness of their circumstances, and what it meant for their future. When their master calmed down, and realized that Winter was not going to brutalize Seine, would he take her away again? Was she to become a piece of his manipulation? Or a pawn to play between them? The bear in her head said she was over thinking it... and she longed to feel flesh against her own again.

"When we sleep..." She paused for a long time, her eyes laying on her single pallet. "... did you want to share...." She stopped again because suddenly the idea of sharing her bed probably sounded like a sexual request... "did you want to sleep beside me?" She asked finishing a different way.
Honestly she couldn't blame the answer as Winter polished off the last bits of her meal. Seine took notice that she left her plenty; Winter's generosity was sweet and did not go unnoticed. Nodding, she offered a smile. "Of course" There was no judgement in her words, she was happy with whatever Winter decided. Seine began to pick the platter up, opening the door with care. As it slid inwards, the revelry outside no longer muffled and poured into the room; sounds of men and women laughing, drinking, flirting. The noise was boisterous and Seine was quick to pass off the platter of food, though she saved the mead for Winter. She could get them more food in the morning.

The door slid closed and once again the din of sound was muffled. Seine found she preferred the sound levels on this side of the door. She would have gone out there had Winter wanted to, but she wasn't comfortable around that many men. Turning back to Winter she found her sitting on her pallet. Seine was not counting on sharing the pallet, thinking Winter would prefer to not have such contact with her. She didn't blame her, from the little she had gathered from the woman herself and her earlier greeting. Seine didn't mind, she could find a comfortable spot on the floor and curl up. Would she have preferred a pallet as well? Of course, but Seine wasn't normally one to complain. She looked up as Winter spoke.

Her eyes showed her surprise, but Winter was looking at the pallet and missed the momentary shock. She hadn't taken the invitation untoward and she couldn't help but smile softly as Winter corrected it. "If you don't mind, I am sure it would be far more comfortable than the floor" She took a step towards her, her hand finding her shoulder. Even sitting Winter was nearly as tall as Seine was standing; a slip of a nymph. "But only if you're sure. I can sleep on the floor if you're not" Her hand slipped from her shoulder, the touch fleeting.

Seine's smile was gentle and she tucked a length of dark hair behind her ear. Like before, her eyes didn't stray from Winter's face, trying her best to keep the woman comfortable. She had seen the amusement that had been on her face briefly, but even still, she held by what she had said. Winter didn't deserve to be stared at like the lionesses in their cages. She might have not been human and she was a slave as much as Seine was... But that meant little... She had rights, at least as far as Seine was concerned.
She thought back to the man who had been sent to be punished before her, they had curled together as well... after he figured out she wasnt going to gut him... admittedly she had tried, but that was different. He had been thrown in at her and it had frightened her. With a long sigh she nodded and looked up from the pallet. "I don't mind." The bear inside of her felt interested in this new arrangement, wanting to feel warmth from another, to press herself against her. It would be bliss...

Winter swallowed as her pulse rose some, her bear within causing reactions of her body. It would be nice... she thought to herself, and gave a brief smile as the slight woman came forward. Even if it only lasted a little while, she could find comfort in her presence. "I don't believe sleeping on the floor is good for anyone." She answered and adjusted herself on the pallet so that there was room for the slight woman.

"Can I... hold you?" Winter asked, almost afraid to touch the smaller woman. It would make sleeping together easier, as there would be space in the curl of Winters strong arms, rather than trying to figure out where to keep her limbs all night. She hoped she didnt wake up stiff and sore... though part of her was afraid she would.
A sweet smile curled along Seine's lips and she blushed as Winter made room for her. "Likely not, but it beats standing" her voice was playful as she teased Winter. Seine crossed the room in a few steps and curled onto the pallet with her. There was warmth there, in the space where Winter had just been and Seine found it soothing. The question Winter asked gave her pause and she nodded. "I'd like that" Her voice was soft, there was desire there, but it wasn't sexual. The idea of being held while she slept seemed comforting. Knowing in the middle of the night that she was unlikely to try and feel her up; Seine wouldn't have minded though, she found Winter attractive. She still doubted that would be the case.

She relaxed along the bed and allowed Winter to cradle her in her arms as she desired. A happy little sigh left her as she was cuddled closer. One small hand rose to rest on the arm that encircled her, the motion natural. Closing her eyes, Seine noticed the differences in their bodies. Where she was softer, and Winter was harder, their size... But it was clear the person holding her was feminine. She'd never had a doubt as to such, but she'd wondered upon seeing the gladiator the differences in their bodies.

Seine was envious of her height and the definition. It was silly to think to be sure, but she couldn't help but wonder about how all that strength made Winter feel. Powerful? It was a feeling Seine had never experienced and had longed for. It just wasn't who she was, but it was common to wish to have something outside of your grasp and to know it could never be yours. She'd never be as tall, nor as strong, but she accepted that. "I haven't been held like this in a long time... It's nice"
Winter smiled, pleased with the outcome of her question. The shebear inside of her shifted, hungry to feel Seine's flesh, she rubbed herself against the gladiator, causing bumps to rise along her flesh. Parting her lips she drew the woman's scent in over her tongue, and rubbed it against the roof of her mouth, and swallowed it down as she nestled in against her back. The heat her body put off was high, a normal human might have been considered to have a fever but for Winter it was her normal. She spooned the smaller woman slipping her arm under the healers head offering a pillow and wrapping an arm over the dip of her waist.

For a moment her larger hand splayed over the healers abdomen, its heat felt through the thin shift she wore as Winter settled in behind her. She sighed, matching Seine's own, audible expression of appreciation. This felt good... dipping her nose she tucked it into the healers hair and breathed in her warm scent, and the air that clung tightly to her person. It smelled good despite the scent of her hard work she had done today. A smile touched the womans lips as she allowed her eyes to roll closed.

If this was punishment for either of them... let hell come. She thought...

"Is this okay?" Winter asked when she was nestled against her back. Her thighs slipped against the back of the healers legs. She was as close as anybody could be without entwining limbs. Her breath softly pulsing against the womans hair.

If it was she was settled for sleep... and she would sleep the whole night through.
Winter took care even as she curled in behind Seine. It was sweet, that gentleness as she shifted her head onto her arm, giving her a pillow of sorts. The arm around her slender waist, even the hand on the flat plane of her stomach. Winter was warm, in a most delightful way. Nights could and likely would get cold, with winter a few months away; Winter's warmth would make such almost pleasant.

There was more than the warmth, the way Winter curled around her made her feel safe. She was much smaller than Winter, her larger from seeming protective almost. Seine knew that might not be the truth, but it made her feel that way nonetheless. Closing her eyes Seine smiled softly as she felt Winter inhale her scent. Her scent, beneath the hard day's work was bright, fresh and slightly sweet. If Winter tried, she might smell mint and lemon. There might also be peony and pink pepper. Though the scents closer to her skin were notes of brown sugar and cedar. Somehow, the entire combination together gave her the faint scent of sun warmed winter waters.

She nodded some, when questioned. "It is" Her eyes still closed, Seine let sleep claim her.

In Winter's arms her dreams were pleasant if not fleeting, like a stone skipped across the surface of a cool, deep lake. The sun vanished and was rising again before she stirred. Eyes flickering behind her lids, she made a soft sound as she came to. Slowly her lashes lifted and she took in the early morning twilight of the room. Closing her eyes again, she smiled. It was the first time she'd slept so soundly since coming here.

If Winter allowed, Seine would slip from her grasp with the intent of getting her breakfast. Perhaps she could even convince Winter to visit the springs with her for a bath. If not, she would lay with Winter till she woke.
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