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My Addiction (1x1 w/PoisonousIvee)


Nov 28, 2017
Maretta hummed to herself as she checked around her mixtures, beakers bubbling and churning with nearly fluorescent liquids. She moved about the small back room, making sure everything was stable before she moved to the doorway and peaked out. "Love, has anyone come around?" She asked to the large reptile outside the door. Life wasn't easy for an alchemist who dabbled in some.. less than legal mixes. However, the front end of the shop was a legitimate pharmacy, so it was easier to hide.
"Legally, yes. Illegally, no." He answered, keeping his station at the counter. Iszro was a large male lizardfolk, with ruby red scales and decorative stripe markings all over his body; an old tradition his family kept even after they moved to the city what felt like ages ago. He manned the front end when she was busy, helping customers with legitimate orders for her mixes and remedies. Illegitimate, well, he was a doorman. He had a good judge of character, and any who came by looking to abuse never left with even a sample.
She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, love.. I'll only be a few minutes, I promise." She said. She was smaller, by a good bit. She was a Geitlan, and currently, her small size worked well as she was able to move freely around the small room. The mixes she sold were usually just cheaper alternatives to more expensive prescriptions, and just some experimental potions that she wasn't able to sell, being so close to the local college.
"Take your time, it's rather slow today." He said, his long thick tail lazily laying along the floor.
She made a noise and worked on more mixtures, and eventually she began shutting it down.
When she came out, she saw Iszro was having a loud discussion with a Tiefling.
"I told you, you aren't getting anything. Get out before I throw you out. And trust me, I'm legally obligated to do so."
"I was told this was the best place in the whole city, you can't hold out on me!"
"Try me. Last warning."
"Oh, finally. Tell this beast that I have been told by esteemed sources that you're the place to go to for...recreational goods." The Tiefling said. Iszro snorted, nostrils flaring.
"He reeks of rusty needles and poor decisions." He told her.
"Sir, this is a pharmacy, we sell no illicit substances here.." she said. "Please, I am asking you to leave."
"I want to buy whatever it is you have in that back room and I want it right now!" The Tiefling yelled. Iszro slammed his hand down on the counter and leaned forward toward the Tiefling.
"Listen, friend. My good temperament is easily disturbed. And I am not as charming when I'm upset. My employer here is also easily upset, and I do not like to see her good nature besmirched in such a way. Now, if you don't want me to grab you by those sad excuses you call horns and hurl you out my glass door, I suggest you leave quickly and quietly." He snarled. The Tiefling swallowed hard and turned to leave as fast as he could.
She heard his tail thump gently against the floor, "Go home, have some food, try another one of those potions you made for the bedroom."
She couldn't hide her small tail that was wiggling like mad. "Oh! Well that sounds like a plan~" she said.
He chuckled and moved to lock up all the drugs in their special magical cages, "Double check your back room is locked." He instructed.
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