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Fx Male Dame Corbeau's Wares and Potions

Dame Corbeau

Jul 31, 2020
Bonjour and welcome in to my humble shop! I can only assume that you have stumbled in the search for a potential candidate with whom to spin many a yarn and craft wonderful plots. Well, ma chérie, look not further!

First, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Corbaeu or, if you feel that is too much of a mouthful, you may call me Corbie. I have been spinning yarns for well over a decade now and have now turned my attention on Blue Moon! It should be noted that while I have other means to roleplay on, I prefer to roleplay in PM’s as opposed to threads on here, though I can be persuaded into roleplaying in threads. Second, I am afraid that we must get some boring parts of the way before we get to the reason for your visit. I know, I know, mon petit, you are impatient. Truly my heart goes out to you, but good things come to those who wait, oui?

*There is no good place for me to say this, but even though I am a female that plays female characters I do not care if you are a female who enjoys playing male characters or not. Who you are on the other side of the screen matters little to me, ma colombe.

The ideal partner
  • Literacy: For me this is a big one and can easily make or break my interests. Now, this does not mean that I expect you to write me a novel with your every response, nor am I asking you to be a master at grammar or spelling because I am neither of those things. However, I ask that you give me at least two paragraphs per reply, though I understand that shorter responses happen.​
  • Communication: Perhaps, even more important than literacy, communication with my partners is extremely important to me because I desire to create long term stories. Whether it is something as simple as informing me that you will be unable to respond for 'x' amount of time or plotting out our story, I enjoy being on the same page with my partner. If an issue arises let us discuss it together as opposed to ghosting as that does little beyond creating sour moods.​
  • Flexibility: I desire for anyone that writes with me to understand that I will not always be able to be online and sometimes I might not be able to get a response to them everyday, just as I understand that about them. There are times where I might be able to respond everyday, but a lot of the time it takes me several days to reply. I need any potential partner to understand that, just as I will do with them.​

  • Rape/Non-Con: Now, I should note that these can be worked into the story, but it should not be the primary focus of the plot. If either is a primary focus for you, then I suggest you look for another partner.
  • Vore
  • Water sports/Anything revolving toilet play
  • Gore: Solely in a sexual sense here, I do not mind things like brutal deaths
  • Exaggerated extremities: Like breasts the size of a watermelon? That is all well and fine, but I can not say it is my cup of tea, mon chéri.
  • Slice of life: You will see things that might fall into this category as themes I like, but I like to cross blend those into preferred themes. Ex: An Arranged marriage between two opposing lycan clans.
  • Femslash
  • There may be more, but these are the ones that come to mind.

*In no particular or order
  • Lycan x Lycan/Vampire/Really any supernatural being​
  • Lycan x Human​
  • Hunter x Any other wordly beast
  • Arranged Marriage- As stated in my limits I am mainly interested in blending this idea with something like two lycans from opposing clans in order to bring peace
  • Angel x Demon- I have gotten many interests in this theme in the past, so please be advised that should you present this to me I will be extremely picky
  • Mage x Demon- See above note
  • Mage x Anything - I like mages and witches, so I am open to any plot with a magic user always.
  • Goddess x God- Pantheon doesn't matter. Greek to Egyptian,all are welcome.
  • Any suggestions you would like to present.

*she is a very petit list and note that these are only set in the world and I will not play any fandom characters
  • Harry Potter- Really I just really like the world of HP and love to explore it beyond the walls of Hogwarts
  • Star Wars- Same deal as HP. I love the lore and the universe, but I do not wish to play characters that are not my own creation.
  • Dragon Age
  • Various Video Games - I could offer up a huge list, but we would be here all day and this thread would never be posted.

  • Any suggestions you may have

Final notes
We have reached the end, mon chéri, and if you have made it through all of this then consider me glad! I confess that I did get lazy when getting to themes/plots I enjoy, but I just wanted to get this out for you. I hope to hear from you soon.
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