Dark and hidden needs

Crystal rose

Jul 30, 2020
( I need a few good rpers to help me make this storyline great. I need people to post as feds,I need a true Dom to make this mistrusting sub to submit. I also need someone to play her crazy ass serial killer mom Bella anyone else that has an idea please talk to me about it I am always open to great ideas. Crystal is a top fashion model whom the FBI is trying to get to turn over evidence of her parents nafarious syndicate. Below I will be posting my intro please read if you are interested in playing with me. Added caveat I am looking for a true Dom understanding of how to relate to a submissive that has trust issues think of the books by Cherise Sinclair the shadowlands those kind of Masters. )
Sitting on the porch she looked out over the new landscape as the sun disappeared behind the far off mountains. A bottle of Heineken dangling between her middle and index finger, lifting it every now and then to take a sip of the golden liquid. She was not what one would call very sociable. She mostly stayed to herself drinking while trying to keep all her balls in the air. She had done that since she was 3 years old and it never seemed to get much easier along the way. The only time she socialized was when she needed a good hard lay and even that was an iffy thing on the whole. Right now all she felt was coldly alone and without a friend in the world, but then come to think of it she didn’t have any of them either. Having friends implied that she trusted and she didn’t trust anyone for any reason, say for her two little sisters, but to her the trust was what they gave to her, because she had raised them since birth. She had been the one at six to beg the neighbor for instructions on how to care for Daisy and then Masey a year later. All in all she had had a shitty life thus far, but she allowed no one close enough to know that.

She played the blonde beauty card more times than not. It usually got people off her back or out of her hair. As for intimacy she didn’t believe in it in any way shape or form. Screw’em then get them the hell out of her bed as soon as possible. If they didn’t go she would. She never slept with anyone she bumped nasty with or allowed anyone to kiss her on the lips. That rule hadn’t changed ever and it never would. A model and a whore what a fantasy what a wet dream she was Lifting the bottle she finished it off then slipped it into its empty slot before snagging another popping it open. Putting her feet on the rail she pushed the chair back against the wall stretching her long sensual body out. She wore a pair of skintight jeans and a white camel hair sweater that hugged the curves of her upper body.
The chilled air washed over her face as the cold pale moon rose higher in the sky. It seemed to fill it with its cold impassioned eye. How many times had she stared up at the same moon with her heart or body or both, shattered into a million pieces, Inwardly baying for relief or release from her haunting life.

Being raised by two serial killers had not been a walk in the fucking park and now that shit was back to farther mess up her life. Several months ago they had found Bella and Frank’s killing ground and like they had promised there was evidence of her compliance. She had been twelve at the time, and had been given a choice to help them kill the man or watch them hurt Daisy and Masey. The choice had been clear to her twelve year old mind. Her sisters were all the love she had ever known, but eleven years later she was still haunted by having to kill the man.

The sound of rustling leaves drew her attention from the moon. Her mind screamed at the darkness gathering around her, like the creeping shadows of the quickly dying trees that shed their leaves for their long winters sleep, but she wasn’t sleeping. She was living a real live nightmare and she was facing it with her eyes wide open. Unfortunately she had been doing it since she was two, but the nightmare was changing growing deadlier and drawling her closer and closer to her own death, by oh so many fucking people she couldn’t even name them all if she tried, but top on that list was Bella.

Lifting the bottle of Heineken in front of her eyes, she looked through it up at the moon, twisting and distorting its face as well as her own. Crystal knew that she could have to name them all an entire town. A shudder ran through her at the thought of all the twisted details of her life.” Fuck” she hisses tilting her head back she brought the bottle down closing light sky blues eyes as she gulped down the golden icy cold brew. Pulling it from her lips with a loud pop she swung her arm down slipping it into its slot before fingering another out and opening it. A few more dozen of these and she would most definitely be ready for her one hour a night, disturbed sleep. Oh goody, goody gumdrops. When she tilted the rim of the bottle against her lips she noticed they were quivering and that warm tears brushed passed the side of her hand. She brushed the tear away, before placing the bottle to her lips and drinking deeply.

Her eyes popped open when she heard footsteps. The Febs were doing another sweep making sure she hadn’t taken off or been killed. They didn’t want her dead at least not yet. She was the only one that knew where all the bodies were buried literally as well as all the evidence Bella couldn’t get to. Crystal’s eyes slanted back at the man as she polished off the third beer. “You should try and get some sleep.” He advised “It’s gonna be a long day.” She shrugged, dropping the empty in before fingering her forth.
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