Fx Any Love in the DPRK (Romance, potentially Dark)


The Book of Love
May 16, 2017
Hi there! This one will be a little bit odd, but just bear with me! First off, I'm going to get a lot of the basic stuff out of the way.

- I'm extremely literate and experienced, with a preference towards matching my partner in terms of post quantity. I've been at this for over a decade, but I'm chill.
- I'm a switch -- recently I've been dabbling in more sub roles, but dom is something I am very comfortable with.
- By nature, I love to please my partner. Let me know what you want or need from me as we roleplay, and I tend to be very happy to provide.
- Looking to do this over PMs, Discord, or threads (in order of preference).
- RL gender does not matter to me.

With that out of the way!

I ended up stumbling across a request thread that had a very appealing idea, but whose author unfortunately kind of disappeared right after that. Still very interested in giving it a shot, so I'm shamelessly going to post it here. The idea is: The situation both in America and abroad had deteriorated and due to COVID-19 one Kim Jong-un had passed away. The next in line ended up being his sister, Kim Yo-jong, who has had to take a strong stance to keep her place within the North Korean hierarchy. This is no easy task as she has to keep the Kim family going and protect the borders of North Korea against an increasingly tenuous world situation.

As she has taken on further diplomatic responsibilities, she is seeking to make North Korea a part of the global conversation -- bringing in ambassadors and diplomats to carve a way forward...

Some Questions You Might Have:

Is this in bad taste? Yeah, probably. But I was very enticed by the idea nonetheless, and what is this site for if not for entertaining fantasies?

How dark is this going to be?: As dark as we want it to. The DPRK is one of the worst regimes in history -- we can look at that or we can brush it under the rug and just keep to what's going on in the Kim compound.

Now, where does this get smutty?

I had a few ideas.

Idea 1: "You're Mine, Now <3"
Themes: Psychological, blackmail
- An ambassador from the United States (or a European power) has arrived in North Korea. Handsome, unassuming perhaps, but clever and urbane in his own way. The dictatrix gains something of an obsession with this man -- after all, North Korea's borders are its own, and anyone would want to avoid the wrath of a new and unknown totalitarian. She is able to keep him from leaving the country, going down a road of blackmail, obsession and potentially even worse, trapping the man in a gilded cage...

Idea 2: "Smile, Miss Kim"
Themes: Blackmail, dub-con
- Much the same as before, but the ambassador sees a new path forward for dealing with the rogue, tyrannical state. Worming his way into the dictator's boudoir, he manages to sleep with her... only to have arrayed quite a considerable amount of blackmail material in the process. This would be an unimaginable embarrassment if it ever got out. He leverages this new position to enjoy the delights that the upper crust of the people's republic are afforded, as the world's most powerful sex slave has to decide if she is going to fight through this, or relent in submission.

Idea 3: "Throne of Ashes"
Themes: Psychological, corruption
- This time, it was no true ambassador. No diplomat. A spy cloaked in bureaucracy, someone who might even have been sent to North Korea to finally end the threat of the country once and for all, destabilizing its top brass so that the rest of the world can move in. And yet... and yet, there is something that draws the spy and Yo-jong together. A mutual hardness, a pragmatism and a taste for the dark. They came to tangle with one another, a pile of tangled limbs and sheets high in Pyongyang. He is being pressed to end the threat as the world shifts around them, but they have become more to one another -- the queen's consort, consigliere, conspirator.

I think I'll end there for now! (Okay, maybe a touch more (NSFW)) A brief primer on some favorite kinks for these ideas!

- Breath control
- Clothed sex
- Public play
- Blackmail
- Stockings, sexy clothing
- Minor raceplay
- Pregnancy (as either a kink or as a major plot point)
- Cuckolding (she's technically married)
- Submission, restraints
- Sex toys (a vibrator while giving an impassioned speech? Mmm.)

Blood as sexual element (fine as a scene element, not during sexytimes)
Unrealistic proportions
Scat, vomit, etc.

Anyway, I hope that I'll hear from some of you soon! Please come at me with your own takes and your own kinks if there are any that appeal to you. <3

P.S. Please let me know if this is in response to the male or female post, as I'm putting it in both places!
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