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(MxM, MxF) Original, Hypnosis, AlphaxOmega and Fandom (Prefer sub)


Nov 12, 2017

I've been rping for 15+ years and enjoy all kind of different ideas for the rp. Of course we don't have the do the ones below if you have another idea. I'm open! Just pm me and let me know what you think :)

I prefer to play the female in the MxF.
The MxM I prefer the submissive man/uke. (I don't mind switching off when we both play men)

I don't have many kinks I won't do so please just ask.

Pee holding
Sex in places other than a bed
Toys in public
Forced Orgasms
Mind control
Mind Break
Living Suits

Under aged


Human x Human
Monsters x Human
Tenatacles x Female
Alien x Female
Face huggers/bugs x female
Hypnotist x Female
Student x Teacher
Boss x Secretary
Living Suit x Human
Sexy Apocalypse x Human

Hypnosis stories can be anything from watch and finger snaps, to drugs and mists. Causing by plants or creature to slowly break their mind. I like the idea of going to someone to help but they implant more and more things into your mind. I also like captured and slowly broken down.

Aliens either abducing or becoming part of their clothing. Even lodged inside their body having fun with them whenever they want.

Living Suits is fun when it's a being that can talk to them. Really mess with their heads. This is something they can't escape to be constantly used.

Infected Creatures/Humans who were once human can only fuck and corrupt more. Some turn into mindless fuck machines and others retain their mind only to be broken down into corrupted fun humans for other creatures to use.


Different Classes

Superior Alpha's -
are a higher breed, stronger, higher level of testosterone, more fertile and are usually of noble descent. They can challenge regular Alpha's to anything they desire. They're allowed the top jobs through any school.

Alpha's - are strong and powerful, leading their households. Alpha's are allowed exceptional jobs and great choices in schools.

Highbred Omega - with their elite intelligence, grace, beauty and fertility they're highly sought after and go through training for their alpha mates. Highbred's are rare and make for outstanding mates for their Alpha's.

Omega - can be bred and maintain the households for their Alpha's. All Omega's are kept in chastity belts and kept either with their family or at training facilities. They're usually sold off to the highest bidder.

Beta - are the regulars of their world. Scents and claimings don't affect them. They live ordinary lives from poor to comfy. They can end up with Alpha's but it's not as common.


My omega has been trained for a long time to be a skilled assassin. However his heat suddenly comes on at the worst moment leaving him vulnerable. The alpha he was sent to kill in the moment has no idea who he is he just enjoys the heat with an omega he finds. Afterwards the omega injures him but can't bring himself to kill him and flees. A couple years pass and the alpha comes across the omega again but doesn't realize it's him and what this? A cute little child that looks just like him. The omega is in trouble so the alpha offers to help and the omega gives him the only thing he can in return. Himself.

-Superior Alpha x Highbred Omega: Essentially bought with gifts from a family. Clan is feuding with another powerful clan. Went to get an omega to strengthen their clan. Omega is strong willed and has a fire of a temper.

-Superior Alpha x Highbred Omega Take Two: I play a Highbred omega going through the training and trails to then be courted by an alpha. Omega's wear special collars and chastity belts when in public to help protect their innocents since it gives a high price and also more desirable by alpha's. The collar is large to cover their claim bite spot and the chastity belt is made of metal and thick leather to protect them from being taken. On their last year of schooling an alpha is allowed to meet the omega and bid for which one they wish to take home. During the last year of schooling the Alpha picks their last classes, whether it's cooking, music, or any tier of their choice. Some alpha's are nice enough to allow their omega's into mechanics or something bigger but it doesn't happen often since omegas are usually kept home. During that last year they're allowed to stay with the alpha but until the claiming ceremony/payment the belts and collar are not removed. Once the ceremony is complete the omega usually never see their family again. My omega is not a typical one. More snarky and sassy. He doesn't like being an omega but understands where he sits in society. Not that he likes it. Instinct is a hard thing to fight as it is.

-Pack Inc: A man is turned into a werewolf and learns of a company that helps new were's learn about their new life. The learders group has an unmarked omega with them that they quickly realizes is this mans fated pair. The omega is hesitant since most alpha were's just want to use him but soon they realize they have a lot more in common than they realize.


Markiplier x Jacksepticeye


Doctor Who

Idea 1: Davros is done, Donna is home, Rose is with the hand, Jack is back in Torchwood... Wilf... back home. What's left for the Doctor? Half regenerated and unsure of where to do he fights with the regeneration sickness, not knowing it's so much worse than that. The Tardis finds a way to contact Sarah Jane and Luke to help get her back to Earth. Running inside the Tardis they find a horror of a broken Doctor quickly dying and after some trial and error Luke discovers how to fix a timelord. Bonding to one of them. The logical choice becomes Jack because he can die and break the bond afterwards, but is that what they really want? Also the fun note on how to actually fix him and give him more energy? Sex :)

Idea 2: Stuck on the Valiant for that year... that horrible year the Master enjoys destroying and toying with the Doctor, mentally, physically.... telepathically. The Doctor fights and waits but... what if the Master won?

Aziraphale and Crowley
Cheers... to the world.

I have a few different story ideas and of course welcome others.

Idea 1: Pretend to be husbands. Aziraphale tells a group of "friends" that he is married to stop the advances of another man. Crowley comes in to help and well they discover there is another demon that's friends with the Angel... then the man who made advances happens to be an Angel in disguise and seeing the two of them behaving like husbands. How will they escape this one?

Idea 2: Standing on the side of the road Crowley wishes Aziraphale goodnight. One thing he doesn't notice is his powers are weakening since the demon wards around the city are breaking down his barriers just to be close to Aziraphale. It's so bad he never sees the car coming. Thrown from his body on Earth it clings to life as his spirit form follows after them trying to contact Aziraphale. In order to get Crowley back his Angel has to enter hell and figure out how to rescue him. After finding an old book of Crowley's he realizes there are rules to returning a demon to his post.

Idea 3: Either one of them falls or the other rises. Crowley puts things in place to help protect his Angel just in case he falls. He strikes deals with other demons in fear that maybe he'll accidentally drag Aziraphale down. Then all of a sudden he realizes he's doing more helping than mischief. God appears before them, talking through a bubbling tea pot, and explains that he's forgiven and Crowley is restored. (or vice versa)

Idea 4: Heaven and Hell have caught on and are now stalking them to figure out the best way to take them down. Sending demons and Angel's in to cause trouble and fear in them. The easiest way they realize is to capture Crowley seeing as Aziraphale possesses the flaming sword and the last they knew he figured out how to breathe hellfire. Stepping in as all literal hell is breaking loose, God gives Aziraphale a promotion making him a new age sort of Angel that's a protector of Earth for the people. He's given the power to take their powers away or give them to demon and angel alike. He's proven himself to be the Angel she was looking for to take over the Earth in a way she hadn't.

Idea 5: Takes place after the two of them are free. After the book/tv show. How the two of them confide in each other into their future together.


Dragon Age
Mass Effect

Inuyasha x Kagome (or the male version of Kagome) (mxf or mxm)
This can take place either during the series or after when they get together. They try to hide it but mating and bonding to his mate is something Inuyasha has wanted to do with Kagome for a long time. She gives in to his hanyo desires and cannot hide it from his powerful nose

Sessumaru x Inuyasha (mxm)

Naraku is able to mess with the Inu Taisha's and causes Sessu to seek a mate rather violently. In order to stop him Inuyasha is informed of his brothers crazed alpha state. Being an alpha himself he refuses to allow his brother to beat him or do anything else to him for that matter! His companions misunderstanding the situation all pitch together and tell him he needs to help his brother. Outnumbered in his mix-matched pack, Inuyasha agrees and submits. It's the worst thing he'd ever faced and after he heals he realizes a tiny growing problem in his stomach. Without being bonded to Sessu he faces a challenge to be able to have their babies alone, but he refuses to talk to Sessu even as more problems arise!


The story I've really wanted to play out for this is.... It's mating season and Sessy still hasn't chosen a mate. He prefers to travel and maintain his territory. Although now the council is really pushing for it so he's having to make a choice, but then his choice is made for him...

Inuyasha comes into his first heat. He doesn't understand what's going on even as Myoga tries to explain it. Breaking away from the group he tries to figure out how to fight this crazy heat. Myoga told him not to go alone and don't expose your neck to a wandering demon otherwise they would mark you and that would be it for him. Although there is a heavy familiar scent that stops him in his tracks.
Maiden Rose
Several Yaoi mangas

Any of these can be modified and of course we can talk about them :)

Thanks! <3
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