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Fx M or F Fun and games.


Mar 13, 2020
So I have few plots in mind that I'd like to try out. Let me know if anyone of them interests you. I'd be more than happy to discuss them further with you.

  • Our couple has been together for quite some time and the sex is getting a little too predictable, so your characters determine to spice things up by getting ideas from erotic movies, visiting a sex store, roleplaying, etc.
  • YC is teaching a cooking class, and MC stays late to help you use up the leftover whipped cream.
  • Your characters have just moved in to their first place together and they’re eager to christen every room of the house.
  • Person A wants to impress Person B by baking them their favorite dessert before B arrives home from work. B surprises A by coming home early and dessert ends up a little messier than planned.
  • YC is an artist and he wants to sketch MC's naked body.

All of these are open to discussion. I'd be happy to hear if you want to pitch in any ideas.
PS: I'm open to both m/f and f/f pairings.
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