A few of my Characters


Feb 23, 2015
Just need a space to place some of my profiles so I don't lose them

Name: Jasnah Kholin
Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: Grey Jedi/Dark Jedi
Affiliation: Herself
Skills: Force Sensitivity, Her own form of Lightsaber fighting, force lightning, force pushe/pull/lift/jump/choke, other powers
Weapons: Dual Blade Orange Lightsaber, Vibro Blade, Blaster Pistol
Bio: When she was younger she was taken by the Jedi to be trained at the temple. However, along the way her ship was attacked and she was tossed into an escape pod with her caretaker. When they landed her caretaker ended up dying from a wound she had suffered during the attack. She managed to survive the crash and the months/years after that taking care of herself. Eventually, she was found by a wandering seperatist group who aimed to take her to their leaders but she managed to escape. Since then she has roamed the galaxy running from both sides just trying to live how she wanted while also learning more wherever she could.

Name: Shallan Dava
Age: 22
Race: Torguta
Class: Separatist, Not part of the droid army simply wanting to get out from under Republic control
Affiliation: Separatists/Herself
Skills: Hand to Hand combat, Blaster Usage, Espionage, Piloting
Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Rifle, Thermal Grenades, Twin Vibro Daggers,
Bio: Shallan had grown up seeing the injustices done in her home, she lived on a planet not part of the inner core so the Republic didn't really care. Instead, they put people in charge who didn't care about them and only wanted money and power. But when anyone tried to stand up the Republic would send in their dogs and take them down. Thus they were forced to take the pain of these leaders for years never able to change a thing. Finally, she decided enough was enough and left her home to fight for those ideals she wanted and the freedom she wished to see for her friends and family.
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